2.2. Configuration

The configuration for EspressChart is already set and EspressChart be run without changing the configuration. However, if you want to:

You will need to modify the configuration settings. These settings are stored in a text file called config.txt. It is in the following location: <EspressChartInstallDir>/userdb/config.txt. A sample configuration file is shown below:


Name1 Password1
Name2 Password2

Under the [port] section you can set the port number for EspressManager to use. This number is set to 22071 by default. You can also give an explicit IP address here for EspressManager to use instead of making it query the machine for the IP address. An explicit IP address can be given by adding the address after the port number. For example, changing




will result in EspressManager always using that IP address when it starts. You can specify multiple domains for EspressManager to use to establish a connection in the [port] section of the config.txt file. Domains are added after the IP address in the [port] section.

port number, ip address, domain1, domain2, ..., domain_n

The search sequence is the IP address, then domain_n through domain1.

The [webroot] section contains the path to the webroot of the Web server. EspressManager uses this when a chart is exported from Chart Viewer (for printing using Ctrl+J or Ctrl+P). This option is explained in more detail in Chapter 9 - Chart Viewer

Under the [user] section, each line consists of a user name and password. A user name of guest with no password is set up by default. You can remove this line, and add as many additional users as you would like. Each user name and password are separated by one or more spaces (so user names and passwords cannot contain spaces). Also, user names and passwords are case sensitive.

2.2.1. Increasing maximum memory heap size for applets

All applets have a maximum memory heap size of 16 megs by default. In Windows this can be increased by going to Control Panel and selecting Java (or Java Plugin). Click on the Java tab and then View under Java Applet Runtime Settings. Enter -Xmx128M (without the double quotes) under Java Runtime Parameters and click OK.