10.2. Specifying alerts

Alerts are specified in a displayable object, namely, map, chart and report.

10.2.1. Google Maps

For Google Maps, currently there is no feature that can support alerts. So alerts are not supported in Google Maps in this version.

10.2.2. SVG Maps

For SVG Maps, alerts can be specified on all thresholds in the map. You can select ranges that are critical for you. If any of the areas on the map would be in that range, alert will trigger.

If the map doesn't have any thresholds, alerts will not be available for the map.


Click to view larger image

SVG map with thresholds

You can for example say that ranges <= $90000 and $90000 - $330000 are critical and you will get alert if there are any yellow or light green areas in the map.

10.2.3. Charts

For Charts, you can specify alerts on control areas. Similarly to SVG maps, you can choose the ranges that are critical for you. If there are no control ranges, alerts will not be available for the chart.


Click to view larger image

Chart with control areas

You can say that the Reject control area is critical and you will get alert whenever there is at least one data point in this (blue) control area.

Control area ranges are evaluated as left-closed, right-open intervals [start, end). In other words, the alert will trigger if the following condition is true: start <= ActualValue < end.

10.2.4. Reports

To insert alerts into reports, use this icon For reports, you can specify alerts in Quick Designer. Just use this icon from Quick Designer main toolbar. To learn more about adding alerts into reports, visit Section - Alerts for Report Elements.