4.A. List of SVG Map Images

The following SVG map images are distributed with ERES. They are prepared to be used for creating SVG Maps. They all have uniform look - the land is gray and borders and oceans are white. You can change the colors in any SVG editor (e.g. Inkscape) or you can edit them directly in the SVG files (this requires at least basic knowledge of the SVG format).

The maps are split in two directories according to the Area IDs naming convention. The maps in the <ERES_Installation_directory>/MapFiles/SVG/English directory uses English country (continent) names, while the maps in the <ERES_Installation_directory>/MapFiles/SVG/ISO directory uses ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code. All the Area IDs in these maps are in UPPER CASE. The English names are exactly the names from this table. Only the spaces are replaced with underscores (_), because spaces are not supported in the SVG objects IDs. However, the underscores are automatically converted to spaces before comparing them to the data source columns, so you should still use spaces in your data source.

These SVG map images are already inserted in the Organizer in the SVGMap project. Please note that this project is hidden in the Menu Page, but it can still be displayed and modified in Organizer and the files from this project can be used for creating maps.

This is list of all the SVG map images distributed with ERES with short description. The <NAMING> placeholder can be one of English or ISO, depending on the naming convention used.

Africa-<NAMING>.svgMap of all the countries in Africa
Americas-<NAMING>.svgMap of all the countries in North and South America
Asia-<NAMING>.svgMap of all the countries in Asia
Australia-<NAMING>.svgMap of all the countries in Australia and Oceania
Continents-English.svgMap of whole the world divided by the continents. The Area IDs are English names of the continents. This map is not available with the ISO naming convention because there is no codes for the continents.
Eurasia-<NAMING>.svgMap of all the countries in Europe and Asia
NorthAmerica-<NAMING>.svgMap of all the countries in North America
SouthAmerica-<NAMING>.svgMap of all the countries in South America
WorldCompact-<NAMING>.svgMap of all the countries in the world except Antarctica.
WorldCompact-SmallCountries-<NAMING>.svgSame as WorldCompact-<NAMING>.svg, but too small countries are represented by circles, so they are more visible.
World-<NAMING>.svgMap of all the countries in the world including Antarctica.
World-SmallCountries-<NAMING>.svgSame as World-<NAMING>.svg, but too small countries are represented by circles, so they are more visible.