Class and Description |
quadbase.ChartAPI.PickObj |
quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.PickObj |
Field and Description |
not used.
Method and Description |
Please use the getMetaData method to obtain this information
Please use the getMetaData method to obtain this information
Please use the getMetaData method to obtain this information
Please use the getMetaData method to obtain this information
Please use getTickerStep(int colIndex) The step size of ticker should equal step
size of grid, except after label filtering for date-time chart
This method is deprecated and should use getNeedleCount instead
This method is deprecated and should use getNeedleLength instead
use QbChart.getParameterPage(String, int, String) instead For parameterized
chart, generate the html page for user to enter the parameters
use QbChart.getParameterPage(String, int, String) instead For parameterized
chart, generate the html page for user to enter the paramters
quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart.getHTMLParamPage(String, int, String)
use QbChart.getParameterPage(String, int, String) instead For parameterized
chart, generate the html page for user to enter the parameters
quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart.getHTMLParamPage(String, int, String)
use QbChart.getParameterPage(String, int, String) instead For parameterized
chart, generate the html page for user to enter the paramters
use QbChart.getParameterPage(String, int, String) instead For parameterized
chart, generate the html page body for user to enter the parameters
use QbChart.getParameterPage(String, int, String) instead For parameterized
chart, generate the html page body for user to enter the paramters
use QbChart.getParameterPage(String, int, String) instead For parameterized
chart, generate the html page for user to enter the parameters
use QbChart.getParameterPage(String, int, String) instead For parameterized
chart, generate the html page for user to enter the paramters
quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart.getHTMLParamPageBody(String, int, String)
use QbChart.getParameterPage(String, int, String) instead For parameterized
chart, generate the html page for user to enter the parameters
quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart.getHTMLParamPageBody(String, int, String)
use QbChart.getParameterPage(String, int, String) instead For parameterized
chart, generate the html page for user to enter the paramters
Please use gethDataLines instead
Please use gethDataLines instead
Please use getDataLineThickness() and use @link
ISecondaryChart#getDataLineThickness for secondary chart
quadbase.ChartAPI.TextString.getText() |
quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.TextString.getText() |
quadbase.ChartAPI.TextString.getxratio() |
quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.TextString.getxratio() |
quadbase.ChartAPI.TextString.getyratio() |
quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.TextString.getyratio() |
Please use @link IDataPointSet#isTranslucent()
The table is always drawn when it is set to visible.
The table is refreshed when the chart is refreshed. Programmers should not call
this method.
quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart.setGIFEnable(String, String)
this method has no effect - GIF export is always enabled
quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart.setGIFEnable(String, String)
this method has no effect - GIF export is always enabled
quadbase.util.IDataPointSet.setGridStep(int, int)
Please use getTickerStep(int colIndex, int size) The step size of ticker should
equal step size of grid, except after label filtering for date-time chart
quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet.setHandLength(int, double)
This method is deprecated and should use setNeedleLength instead
Please use setDataLineThickness(int[] thickness) use @link
ISecondaryChart#setDataLineThickness for secondary chart
Please use @link IDataPointSet#setTranslucent(boolean b)
This method is no longer existed. Please see quadbase.util.ICanvas.setScrollBarOption
This method is no longer existed. Please see quadbase.util.ICanvas.setScrollBarOption
The table is always drawn when it is set to visible
quadbase.ChartAPI.TextString.setText(String) |
quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.TextString.setText(String) |
quadbase.ChartAPI.TextString.setxratio(float) |
quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.TextString.setxratio(float) |
quadbase.ChartAPI.TextString.setyratio(float) |
quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.TextString.setyratio(float) |
The table is updated after each method call. Programmers should not call this
Constructor and Description |
quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo(Connection, String, Applet) |
quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo(Connection, String, Applet) |
quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo(String, String, String, String, String, Applet) |
quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo(String, String, String, String, String, Applet) |
quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart(Applet, int, int, IResultSet, IColumnMap)
Please use the constructor having a template as its last argument. Then use null
as the last argument.
quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart(Applet, int, int, IResultSet, IColumnMap)
Please use the constructor having a template as its last argument. Then use null
as the last argument.
quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart(Applet, int, int, String, boolean, IColumnMap, String)
Please use the constructor having a file type argument before dataFile argument.
Use either QbChart.DATAFILE or QbChart.QUERYFILE as the file type.
quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart(Applet, int, int, String, boolean, IColumnMap, String)
Please use the constructor having a file type argument before dataFile argument.
Use either QbChart.DATAFILE or QbChart.QUERYFILE as the file type.
quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart(Applet, int, int, String, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String)
Please use the constructor having a file type argument before dataFile argument.
Use either QbChart.DATAFILE or QbChart.QUERYFILE as the file type.
quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart(Applet, int, int, String, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String)
Please use the constructor having a file type argument before dataFile argument.
Use either QbChart.DATAFILE or QbChart.QUERYFILE as the file type.
quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart(Applet, int, int, String, IColumnMap)
Please use the constructor having a template as its last argument. Then use null
as the last argument.
quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart(Applet, int, int, String, IColumnMap)
Please use the constructor having a template as its last argument. Then use null
as the last argument.
quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart(Applet, int, int, String, IColumnMap, String)
Please use the constructor having a file type argument before dataFile argument.
Use either QbChart.DATAFILE or QbChart.QUERYFILE as the file type.
quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart(Applet, int, int, String, IColumnMap, String)
Please use the constructor having a file type argument before dataFile argument.
Use either QbChart.DATAFILE or QbChart.QUERYFILE as the file type.
quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart(Frame, int, int, IDatabaseInfo, IColumnMap)
Please use the constructor having the applet parameter. Use "(Applet) null" as
the first argument
quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart(Frame, int, int, IDatabaseInfo, IColumnMap)
Please use the constructor having the applet parameter. Use "(Applet) null" as
the first argument
quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart(Frame, int, int, IDatabaseInfo, IColumnMap, String)
Please use the constructor having the applet parameter. Use "(Applet) null" as
the first argument.
quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart(Frame, int, int, IDatabaseInfo, IColumnMap, String)
Please use the constructor having the applet parameter. Use "(Applet) null" as
the first argument.
quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart(Frame, int, int, IResultSet, IColumnMap)
Please use the constructor having the applet parameter. Use "(Applet) null" as
the first argument.
quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart(Frame, int, int, IResultSet, IColumnMap)
Please use the constructor having the applet parameter. Use "(Applet) null" as
the first argument.
quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart(Frame, int, int, IResultSet, IColumnMap, String)
Please use the constructor having the applet parameter. Use "(Applet) null" as
the first argument.
quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart(Frame, int, int, IResultSet, IColumnMap, String)
Please use the constructor having the applet parameter. Use "(Applet) null" as
the first argument.
quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart(Frame, int, int, String, IColumnMap)
Please use the constructor having a template as its last argument. Then use null
as the last argument.
quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart(Frame, int, int, String, IColumnMap)
Please use the constructor having a template as its last argument. Then use null
as the last argument.
quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart(Frame, int, int, String, IColumnMap, String)
Please use the constructor having the applet parameter. Use "(Applet) null" as
the first argument.
quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart(Frame, int, int, String, IColumnMap, String)
Please use the constructor having the applet parameter. Use "(Applet) null" as
the first argument.
quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart(Frame, String)
Please use the constructor having the applet parameter. Use "(Applet) null" as
the first argument.
quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart(Frame, String)
Please use the constructor having the applet parameter. Use "(Applet) null" as
the first argument.