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Class ControlRange

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
      ControlRange(ControlRange cr) 
      ControlRange(double startScale, double endScale, java.awt.Color color, java.lang.String title, boolean showInLegend)
      Creates a new control range area.
      ControlRange(double startScale, double endScale, java.awt.Color color, java.lang.String title, int appear, int depth, boolean showInLegend)
      Creates a new control range area.
      ControlRange(double startScale, double endScale, java.awt.Color color, java.lang.String title, int thickness, int offset, java.awt.Point center, boolean drawBorder, boolean showInLegend)
      Creates a new control range area for dial chart.
      ControlRange(double startScale, double endScale, java.awt.Color color, java.lang.String title, int thickness, int offset, java.awt.Point center, boolean drawBorder, boolean showInLegend, boolean showAxis)
      Creates a new control range area for dial chart.
      ControlRange(double startScale, double endScale, java.lang.String title, boolean legend)
      Creates a new control range area.
      ControlRange(double startScale, double endScale, java.lang.String title, int appear, int depth, boolean showInLegend)
      Creates a new control range area.
      ControlRange(double startScale, double endScale, java.lang.String title, int thickness, int offset, java.awt.Point center, boolean drawBorder, boolean showInLegend)
      Creates a new control range area.
      ControlRange(double startScale, double endScale, java.lang.String title, int thickness, int offset, java.awt.Point center, boolean drawBorder, boolean showInLegend, boolean showAxis)
      Creates a new control range area.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void copy(ControlRange cr) 
      static java.util.Vector copy(java.util.Vector crl) 
      int getAppearance()
      Returns the background appearance for the control ranges.
      java.awt.Point getCenter()
      Returns center of the control range (for dial chart only) The percentage of the radius from 0 to 100 and dial center is (0, 0)
      java.awt.Color getColor()
      Returns color of the control range
      int getDepth()
      Returns the control range area depth.
      int getDirection()
      Returns the direction of the control range (Dial chart does not support this feature) Only coordinates system charts support this feature
      java.awt.Dimension getEndLabelOffset()
      Returns end label offset of the control range
      double getEndScale()
      Returns end scale of the control range for column/bar type: scale of value axis
      double getEndScale(quadbase.chart.Chart chart) 
      double getEndScale2()
      Returns end scale 2 of the control range for column/bar type: scale of category axis not used for dial chart
      double getEndScale2(quadbase.chart.Chart chart) 
      java.awt.Color getGradientDesColor() 
      double getGradientEndX() 
      double getGradientEndY() 
      int getGradientShade() 
      double getGradientStartX() 
      double getGradientStartY() 
      java.awt.Color getLabelColor()
      Returns color of the control range
      java.awt.Font getLabelFont()
      Returns label font of the control range
      static double getMaxScaleOnAxis(quadbase.chart.Chart chart) 
      static double getMaxValueOnCategoryAxis(quadbase.chart.Chart chart) 
      static double getMaxValueOnValueAxis(quadbase.chart.Chart chart) 
      int getOffset()
      Returns offset of the control range (for dial chart only) The percentage of the radius from 0 to 100
      java.awt.Dimension getStartLabelOffset()
      Returns start label offset of the control range
      double getStartScale()
      Returns start scale of the control range for column/bar type: scale of value axis
      double getStartScale(quadbase.chart.Chart chart) 
      double getStartScale2()
      Returns start scale 2 of the control range
      double getStartScale2(quadbase.chart.Chart chart) 
      int getThickness()
      Returns thickness of the control range (for dial chart only) The percentage of the radius from 0 to 100
      java.lang.String getTitle()
      Returns title of the control range
      int getX1(quadbase.chart.Chart chart)
      For internal use only
      int getX2(quadbase.chart.Chart chart)
      For internal use only
      int getY1(quadbase.chart.Chart chart)
      For internal use only
      int getY2(quadbase.chart.Chart chart)
      For internal use only
      boolean is3DShadingEnabled() 
      boolean isDrawBorder()
      Returns whether border is drawn (for dial chart only)
      boolean isDrawFullBorder()
      Returns whether full border is drawn (for dial chart only)
      boolean isGradientCyclic() 
      boolean isGradientEnabled() 
      boolean isHorizontalRange(quadbase.chart.Chart chart)
      For internal use only
      boolean isOverlapAreaHighlighted()
      Returns whether overlap area is highlighted
      boolean isPercentage() 
      boolean isScale1Enabled()
      Returns whether scale 1 is enabled for column/bar type: scale 1 is category axis
      boolean isScale2Enabled()
      Returns whether scale 2 is enabled for column/bar type: scale 2 is value axis not used for dial chart
      boolean isShowAxis() 
      boolean isShowInLegend()
      Returns whether title of the control range is displayed in the legend
      boolean isShowLabel()
      Returns whether label of the control range is displayed
      static ControlRange read( din, int version)
      For internal use only
      void set3DShadingEnabled(boolean b) 
      void setAppearance(int appear)
      Sets the background appearance for the control range.
      void setCenter(java.awt.Point center)
      Sets center of the control range (for dial chart only) The percentage of the radius from 0 to 100 and dial center is (0, 0)
      void setColor(java.awt.Color color)
      Sets color of the control range
      void setDepth(int depth)
      Sets the control range area depth.
      void setDirection(int direction)
      Sets the direction of the control range (Dial chart does not support this feature) Only coordinates system charts support this feature
      void setDrawBorder(boolean state)
      Sets whether border is drawn (for dial chart only)
      void setDrawFullBorder(boolean state)
      Sets whether full border is drawn (for dial chart only)
      void setEndLabelOffset(java.awt.Dimension d)
      Sets end label offset of the control range
      void setEndScale(double scale)
      Sets end scale of the control range for column/bar type: scale of value axis
      void setEndScale2(double scale)
      Sets end scale 2 of the control range for column/bar type: scale of category axis not used for dial chart
      void setGradientCyclic(boolean c) 
      void setGradientDesColor(java.awt.Color c) 
      void setGradientEnabled(boolean b) 
      void setGradientEndX(double x) 
      void setGradientEndY(double y) 
      void setGradientShade(int s) 
      void setGradientStartX(double x) 
      void setGradientStartY(double y) 
      void setLabelColor(java.awt.Color c)
      Sets label color of the control range
      void setLabelFont(java.awt.Font f)
      Sets label font of the control range
      void setOffset(int offset)
      Sets offset of the control range (for dial chart only) The percentage of the radius from 0 to 100
      void setOverlapAreaHighlighted(boolean b)
      Highlights overlap area
      void setPercentage(boolean percentage) 
      void setScale1Enabled(boolean b)
      Sets scale 1 enabled for column/bar type: scale 1 is category axis
      void setScale2Enabled(boolean b)
      Sets scale 2 enabled for column/bar type: scale 2 is category axis not used for dial chart
      void setShowAxis(boolean b) 
      void setShowInLegend(boolean showInLegend)
      Sets whether title of the control range is displayed in the legend
      void setShowLabel(boolean b)
      Sets whether label of the control range is displayed.
      void setStartLabelOffset(java.awt.Dimension d)
      Sets start label offset of the control range
      void setStartScale(double scale)
      Sets start scale of the control range for column/bar type: scale of value axis
      void setStartScale2(double scale)
      Sets start scale 2 of the control range
      void setThickness(int t)
      Sets thickness of the control range (for dial chart only) The percentage of the radius from 0 to 100
      void setTitle(java.lang.String title)
      Sets title of the control range
      java.lang.String toString() 
      void write( dout)
      For internal use only
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • ControlRange

        public ControlRange(double startScale,
                            double endScale,
                            java.lang.String title,
                            boolean legend)
        Creates a new control range area.
        startScale - lower scale of the control range
        endScale - upper scale of the control range
        title - title of the control range
        legend - show title in legend
      • ControlRange

        public ControlRange(double startScale,
                            double endScale,
                            java.lang.String title,
                            int thickness,
                            int offset,
                            java.awt.Point center,
                            boolean drawBorder,
                            boolean showInLegend)
        Creates a new control range area.
        startScale - lower scale of the control range
        endScale - upper scale of the control range
        title - title of the control range
        thickness - thickness of the control range
        offset - offset of the control range
        center - center of control range
        drawBorder - draw line border
        showInLegend - show title in legend
      • ControlRange

        public ControlRange(double startScale,
                            double endScale,
                            java.lang.String title,
                            int thickness,
                            int offset,
                            java.awt.Point center,
                            boolean drawBorder,
                            boolean showInLegend,
                            boolean showAxis)
        Creates a new control range area.
        startScale - lower scale of the control range
        endScale - upper scale of the control range
        title - title of the control range
        thickness - thickness of the control range
        offset - offset of the control range
        center - center of control range
        drawBorder - draw line border
        showInLegend - show title in legend
      • ControlRange

        public ControlRange(double startScale,
                            double endScale,
                            java.awt.Color color,
                            java.lang.String title,
                            boolean showInLegend)
        Creates a new control range area.
        startScale - lower scale of the control range
        endScale - upper scale of the control range
        color - control range color
        title - title of the control range
        showInLegend - show title in legend
      • ControlRange

        public ControlRange(double startScale,
                            double endScale,
                            java.awt.Color color,
                            java.lang.String title,
                            int thickness,
                            int offset,
                            java.awt.Point center,
                            boolean drawBorder,
                            boolean showInLegend)
        Creates a new control range area for dial chart.
        startScale - lower scale of the control range
        endScale - upper scale of the control range
        color - control range color
        title - title of the control range
        thickness - thickness of the control range
        offset - offset of the control range
        center - center of control range
        drawBorder - draw line border
        showInLegend - show title in legend
      • ControlRange

        public ControlRange(double startScale,
                            double endScale,
                            java.awt.Color color,
                            java.lang.String title,
                            int thickness,
                            int offset,
                            java.awt.Point center,
                            boolean drawBorder,
                            boolean showInLegend,
                            boolean showAxis)
        Creates a new control range area for dial chart.
        startScale - lower scale of the control range
        endScale - upper scale of the control range
        color - control range color
        title - title of the control range
        thickness - thickness of the control range
        offset - offset of the control range
        center - center of control range
        drawBorder - draw line border
        showInLegend - show title in legend
      • ControlRange

        public ControlRange(double startScale,
                            double endScale,
                            java.lang.String title,
                            int appear,
                            int depth,
                            boolean showInLegend)
        Creates a new control range area.
        startScale - lower scale of the control range
        endScale - upper scale of the control range
        title - title of the control range
        appear - appearance of the control range. Valid values are QbChart.PLAIN, QbChart.LOWER, QbChart.RAISE, QbChart.SHADOW and QbChart.NONE
        depth - depth of the control range
        showInLegend - show title in legend
      • ControlRange

        public ControlRange(double startScale,
                            double endScale,
                            java.awt.Color color,
                            java.lang.String title,
                            int appear,
                            int depth,
                            boolean showInLegend)
        Creates a new control range area.
        startScale - lower scale of the control range
        endScale - upper scale of the control range
        color - control range color
        title - title of the control range
        appear - appearance of the control range. Valid values are QbChart.PLAIN, QbChart.LOWER, QbChart.RAISE, QbChart.SHADOW and QbChart.NONE
        depth - depth of the control range
        showInLegend - show title in legend
    • Method Detail

      • copy

        public static java.util.Vector copy(java.util.Vector crl)
      • getStartScale

        public double getStartScale()
        Returns start scale of the control range for column/bar type: scale of value axis
        lower scale of the control range
      • getStartScale

        public double getStartScale(quadbase.chart.Chart chart)
      • setStartScale

        public void setStartScale(double scale)
        Sets start scale of the control range for column/bar type: scale of value axis
        scale - lower scale of the control range
      • getEndScale

        public double getEndScale()
        Returns end scale of the control range for column/bar type: scale of value axis
        upper scale of the control range
      • getEndScale

        public double getEndScale(quadbase.chart.Chart chart)
      • setEndScale

        public void setEndScale(double scale)
        Sets end scale of the control range for column/bar type: scale of value axis
        scale - upper scale of the control range
      • getStartScale2

        public double getStartScale2()
        Returns start scale 2 of the control range

        for column/bar type: scale of category axis

        not used for dial chart

        lower scale 2 of the control range
      • getStartScale2

        public double getStartScale2(quadbase.chart.Chart chart)
      • setStartScale2

        public void setStartScale2(double scale)
        Sets start scale 2 of the control range

        for column/bar type: scale of category axis

        not used for dial chart

        scale - lower scale of the control range
      • getEndScale2

        public double getEndScale2()
        Returns end scale 2 of the control range for column/bar type: scale of category axis not used for dial chart
        upper scale 2 of the control range
      • getEndScale2

        public double getEndScale2(quadbase.chart.Chart chart)
      • setEndScale2

        public void setEndScale2(double scale)
        Sets end scale 2 of the control range for column/bar type: scale of category axis not used for dial chart
        scale - upper scale of the control range
      • isScale1Enabled

        public boolean isScale1Enabled()
        Returns whether scale 1 is enabled for column/bar type: scale 1 is category axis
        the state of scale 1
      • setScale1Enabled

        public void setScale1Enabled(boolean b)
        Sets scale 1 enabled for column/bar type: scale 1 is category axis
        b - the state of scale 1
      • isScale2Enabled

        public boolean isScale2Enabled()
        Returns whether scale 2 is enabled for column/bar type: scale 2 is value axis not used for dial chart
        the state of scale 2
      • setScale2Enabled

        public void setScale2Enabled(boolean b)
        Sets scale 2 enabled for column/bar type: scale 2 is category axis not used for dial chart
        b - the state of scale 2
      • isOverlapAreaHighlighted

        public boolean isOverlapAreaHighlighted()
        Returns whether overlap area is highlighted

        not used for dial chart

      • setOverlapAreaHighlighted

        public void setOverlapAreaHighlighted(boolean b)
        Highlights overlap area

        not used for dial chart

      • getColor

        public java.awt.Color getColor()
        Returns color of the control range
        color of the control range
      • setColor

        public void setColor(java.awt.Color color)
        Sets color of the control range
        color - color of the control range
      • getTitle

        public java.lang.String getTitle()
        Returns title of the control range
        title of the control range
      • setTitle

        public void setTitle(java.lang.String title)
        Sets title of the control range
        title - control range title
      • getThickness

        public int getThickness()
        Returns thickness of the control range (for dial chart only) The percentage of the radius from 0 to 100
        thickness of the control range
      • setThickness

        public void setThickness(int t)
        Sets thickness of the control range (for dial chart only) The percentage of the radius from 0 to 100
        t - - thickness of the control range
      • getOffset

        public int getOffset()
        Returns offset of the control range (for dial chart only) The percentage of the radius from 0 to 100
        offset of the control range
      • setOffset

        public void setOffset(int offset)
        Sets offset of the control range (for dial chart only) The percentage of the radius from 0 to 100
        offset - offset of the control range
      • getCenter

        public java.awt.Point getCenter()
        Returns center of the control range (for dial chart only) The percentage of the radius from 0 to 100 and dial center is (0, 0)
        center of the control range
      • setCenter

        public void setCenter(java.awt.Point center)
        Sets center of the control range (for dial chart only) The percentage of the radius from 0 to 100 and dial center is (0, 0)
        center - center of the control range
      • isDrawBorder

        public boolean isDrawBorder()
        Returns whether border is drawn (for dial chart only)
        the state
      • setDrawBorder

        public void setDrawBorder(boolean state)
        Sets whether border is drawn (for dial chart only)
        state - the new state of drawing border
      • isDrawFullBorder

        public boolean isDrawFullBorder()
        Returns whether full border is drawn (for dial chart only)
        the state
      • setDrawFullBorder

        public void setDrawFullBorder(boolean state)
        Sets whether full border is drawn (for dial chart only)
        state - the new state of drawing full border
      • isShowInLegend

        public boolean isShowInLegend()
        Returns whether title of the control range is displayed in the legend
        the state
      • setShowInLegend

        public void setShowInLegend(boolean showInLegend)
        Sets whether title of the control range is displayed in the legend
        showInLegend - the new state of show title in legend
      • getAppearance

        public int getAppearance()
        Returns the background appearance for the control ranges. (Dial chart does not support this feature)
        the background appearance. Valid values are:
      • setAppearance

        public void setAppearance(int appear)
        Sets the background appearance for the control range. (Dial chart does not support this feature)
        appear - The background appearance. Valid values are:
        See Also:
      • getDepth

        public int getDepth()
        Returns the control range area depth. (Dial chart does not support this feature)
        The control range area depth
      • setDepth

        public void setDepth(int depth)
        Sets the control range area depth. (Dial chart does not support this feature)
        depth - The control range area depth value.
        See Also:
      • getDirection

        public int getDirection()
        Returns the direction of the control range (Dial chart does not support this feature) Only coordinates system charts support this feature
        The direction as: QbChart.HORIZONTAL or QbChart.VERTICAL
      • setDirection

        public void setDirection(int direction)
        Sets the direction of the control range (Dial chart does not support this feature) Only coordinates system charts support this feature
        direction - QbChart.VERTICAL or QbChart.HORIZONTAL
      • write

        public void write( dout)
        For internal use only
      • read

        public static ControlRange read( din,
                                        int version)
        For internal use only
      • isHorizontalRange

        public boolean isHorizontalRange(quadbase.chart.Chart chart)
        For internal use only
      • getX1

        public int getX1(quadbase.chart.Chart chart)
        For internal use only
      • getX2

        public int getX2(quadbase.chart.Chart chart)
        For internal use only
      • getY1

        public int getY1(quadbase.chart.Chart chart)
        For internal use only
      • getY2

        public int getY2(quadbase.chart.Chart chart)
        For internal use only
      • getMaxValueOnValueAxis

        public static double getMaxValueOnValueAxis(quadbase.chart.Chart chart)
      • getMaxValueOnCategoryAxis

        public static double getMaxValueOnCategoryAxis(quadbase.chart.Chart chart)
      • getMaxScaleOnAxis

        public static double getMaxScaleOnAxis(quadbase.chart.Chart chart)
      • setShowLabel

        public void setShowLabel(boolean b)
        Sets whether label of the control range is displayed. This is for Dial Charts only.
        b - the new state of label
      • isShowLabel

        public boolean isShowLabel()
        Returns whether label of the control range is displayed
        the state of show label
      • getStartLabelOffset

        public java.awt.Dimension getStartLabelOffset()
        Returns start label offset of the control range
        start label offset of the control range
      • setStartLabelOffset

        public void setStartLabelOffset(java.awt.Dimension d)
        Sets start label offset of the control range
      • getEndLabelOffset

        public java.awt.Dimension getEndLabelOffset()
        Returns end label offset of the control range
        end label offset of the control range
      • setEndLabelOffset

        public void setEndLabelOffset(java.awt.Dimension d)
        Sets end label offset of the control range
      • getLabelColor

        public java.awt.Color getLabelColor()
        Returns color of the control range
        label color of the control range
      • setLabelColor

        public void setLabelColor(java.awt.Color c)
        Sets label color of the control range
        c - label color of the control range
      • getLabelFont

        public java.awt.Font getLabelFont()
        Returns label font of the control range
        label font of the control range
      • setLabelFont

        public void setLabelFont(java.awt.Font f)
        Sets label font of the control range
        f - font of the control range
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • setShowAxis

        public void setShowAxis(boolean b)
      • isShowAxis

        public boolean isShowAxis()
      • isPercentage

        public boolean isPercentage()
      • setPercentage

        public void setPercentage(boolean percentage)
EspressReport 7.0