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EspressReport 7.0
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abs(NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Absolute of the NumericObject
ABS - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
ABS - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
acos(NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Arc cosine of specified NumericObject
ACOS - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
ACOS - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChartCustomizer
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChartCustomizer
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportToolBar
action listener
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportToolBar
action listener
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportToolBar
action listener
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportToolBar
action listener
add(DateTimeObject, short, NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Add amt to Calendar Field part of the Date
add(NumericObject, NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Add the two NumericObjects
add(NumericObject[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Add every element of the NumericObject array
ADD - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
add(IDataLine) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLineSet
Adds a new data line to the chart.
add(PolyLine) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFloatingLineSet
This function adds a new poly-line to the chart.
add(ITextString) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFloatingTextSet
This function is used to add a text string to the chart.
ADD - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
add(HyperLink) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHyperLinkSet
Adds a new HyperLink into the chart.
add(ITrendLine) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLineSet
Adds a new trend line to the chart.
addActualData(Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
addAggrValue(String, Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
addAnnotation(IAnnotation) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAnnotationSet
Adds an annotation to the chart.
addAnnotation(IAnnotation) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IReferenceObj
This function adds an annotation object
addArraySet(ArraySet) - Method in class
addColumn(ReportColumn) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
addColumn(int, ReportColumn) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
addData(Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
addData(ReportCell) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Adds an object--text, formula, chart, or static image--to this ReportSection.
addDataSourceManagerListener(DataSourceManagerListener) - Method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
addDataSourceManagerListener(DataSourceManagerListener) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Adding the DataSourceManagerListener to manipulate the data source tree in the Data Source Manager.
addDrillDown(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDrillDown
Adds a new drill-down definition to the end of the drill down list.
addElement(ControlRange) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IControlRangeSet
Adds a new ControlRange into the chart.
addFormat(String, IFormat, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
Add a format to the available list of formats that can be used by formulas.
addFormattedCell(FormattedCell) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
addFormattedCell(int, Vector<Integer>, FormattedCell) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
addFormattedCell(int, int[], FormattedCell) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
addFormattedCell(FormattedRowKey, FormattedCell) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
addFormattedCell(ReportCell, ReportCell, Vector<Integer>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
addFormattedRow(int, FormattedRow) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only Allow to add new FormattedRow object to formattedRows hashtable Columnar Report only
addFormattedRow(int, Vector<Integer>, FormattedRow) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only Allow to add new FormattedRow object to formattedRows hashtable Columnar Report only
addFormattedRow(FormattedRowKey, FormattedRow) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only Allow to add new FormattedRow object to formattedRows hashtable
addFormula(String) - Method in class
internal use only
addFormula(Formula) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Add a formula object to this QbReport object's formula list, to be used in ReportTable, footers, and/or headers.
addImage(ReportImage) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Adds a ReportImage into this ReportTable.
addImage(int, ReportImage) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Adds a ReportImage into this ReportTable, at the specified index.
addParameterPromptOrder(IQueryInParam, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryFileInfo
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChartCustomizer
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChartCustomizer
addReportCellToRow(int, ReportCell) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
addReportCellToRow(int, Vector<Integer>, ReportCell) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only Adds a ReportCell into this FormattedRow with specified key index For All type of reports.
addReportCellToRow(int, int[], ReportCell) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only Adds a ReportCell into this FormattedRow with specified key index For All type of reports.
addRow(Object[]) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DataSheet
add a new row data
addRow(Object[]) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DataSheet
Adds a new row data object
addRow(Object[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
add a new row data
addRow(IRow) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Adds a new row to the report input data.
addRow(IRow) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Adds a new row to the chart input data.
addRTFObject(ReportRTFObject) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Adds an RTF object to this ReportTable
addScheduleTask(ScheduleObject) - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleModifier
Adds Schedule Task into Scheduler
addScript(Script) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Add a script object to this report scripts list, to be used in ReportTable, footers, and/or headers.
addScriptedData(Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
addSection() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Add a new section in the beginning of the section list.
addSectionCell(ReportCell, int[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
adds a cell to a specific section or sub section
addSectionCell(ReportCell, Vector<Integer>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
addSecurityLevel(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Create a new security level for this element.
addSpreadSheetModelListener(ISpreadSheetModelListener) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ISpreadSheetModel
Add a data update listener
addSpreadSheetModelListener(ISpreadSheetModelListener) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Adds the given listener to the listener list
addSpreadSheetModelListener(ISpreadSheetModelListener) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISpreadSheetModel
Add a data update listener
addSpreadSheetModelListener(ISpreadSheetModelListener) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Adds the given listener to the listener list
addStatement(ERStatement) - Method in class
addSubReport(SubReportObject) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Adds a sub-report into this ReportTable.
ADDTIME - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
ADDTIME - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
addToHeightTable(double, Vector<Integer>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
addVariable(Variable) - Method in class
adjustColumnIndex(int, int, Vector, ReportCell[], int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
For internal use only.
adjustColumnXPos(ReportTable, int, Report) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
After apply global format, the cells' width may change, adjust cells' x position according to the width.
adjustFooterFormulas(int, Vector, Report, ReportCell[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
adjustHeaderFormulas(int, Vector, Report, ReportCell, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
For internal use only.
AGGR - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IAggregateConstants
For internal use only
aggrResult - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
ALIGN_CENTER - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IAlignConstants
Center-align the content in the report cell
ALIGN_LEFT - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IAlignConstants
Left-align the content in the report cell
ALIGN_RIGHT - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IAlignConstants
Right-align the content in the report cell
alignment - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
Alignment (LEFT | CENTER | RIGHT)
ALIGNMENT_CENTER - Static variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
ALIGNMENT_LEFT - Static variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
ALIGNMENT_RIGHT - Static variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
ALL_COLUMNS - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SpreadSheetModelEvent
This denotes all columns in the spreadsheet (except the row label column).
ALL_COLUMNS - Static variable in class quadbase.util.SpreadSheetModelEvent
This denotes all columns in the spreadsheet (except the row label column).
ALL_ROWS - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SpreadSheetModelEvent
This denotes all rows in the spreadsheet (except the column label row).
ALL_ROWS - Static variable in class quadbase.util.SpreadSheetModelEvent
This denotes all rows in the spreadsheet (except the column label row).
ALLBURSTING - Static variable in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
AllowAll - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
Turn on all the permissions when the document is opened with the user password
AllowAssembly - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
The operation permitted when the document is opened with the user password
AllowCopy - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
The operation permitted when the document is opened with the user password
AllowDegradedPrinting - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
The operation permitted when the document is opened with the user password
AllowFillIn - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
The operation permitted when the document is opened with the user password
AllowModifyAnnotations - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
The operation permitted when the document is opened with the user password
AllowModifyContents - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
The operation permitted when the document is opened with the user password
AllowPrinting - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
The operation permitted when the document is opened with the user password
AllowScreenReaders - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
The operation permitted when the document is opened with the user password
AM_PM - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating whether the HOUR is before or after noon.
AM_PM - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating whether the HOUR is before or after noon.
and(BooleanObject, BooleanObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Does object a AND object b
and(BooleanObject[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Does an AND operation on all the elements of the BooleanObject array.
AND - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
AND - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
angle - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Angle for Polar
applyAntiAliasToChartAreaOnly(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
apply anti-alias to chart plot area only.
applyAntiAliasToChartAreaOnly(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
apply anti-alias to chart plot area only.
applyChartPathToAllCharts(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
apply chart path to all chart objects default: it only applies to those which are using report data
applyGlobalFormatToColumns(ReportColumn[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
applyImageTemplate(ReportElement) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only
applyImageTemplateExceptBound(ReportElement) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only
applyScript(ReportTable, int, int, int, int, int, Report, ReportCell, Object, IFormat) - Method in class
applyScript(ReportTable, int, int, int, int, Report, ReportTableElement) - Method in class
applySecurity(ReportElement) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
applySecurity(ReportTable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
applyStyle(ColumnHeader) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnHeader
applyStyle(ReportCell) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
Applies the style information (font, font color, underline, horizontal and vertical alignment, wrap, border) from another cell.
applyStyle(ReportColumn) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Applies the style information (font, font color, underline, horizontal and vertical alignment, wrap, border) from another cell.
applyStyle(ReportElement) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Applies the style properties from ReportElement _elt onto this ReportElement
applyStyle(Vector, ReportSection) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
applyStyle(ReportSection) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
applyStyle(ReportTable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
applyStyle(Vector, ReportTable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
applyStyleButNotWH(ReportCell) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
Applies the style information (font, font color, underline, horizontal and vertical alignment, wrap, border) from another cell, but width and height options are ignored.
applyStyleButNotWH(ReportElement) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
applyStyleButNotWHCopyScripts(ReportCell, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
applyStyleForDHTMLViewer(ReportSection) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
applyStyleForFixedFieldTable(ReportTable, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
applyTemplate(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Apply the specified template file
applyTemplate(String, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Apply the specified template file
applyTemplate(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Apply the specified template file
applyTemplate(byte[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Apply the specified template byte array object.
applyTemplate(ColumnHeader) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnHeader
applyTemplate(ColumnHeader, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnHeader
applyTemplate(ColumnWrap) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnWrap
for internal use only
applyTemplate(ReportCell) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
Specifies the look and feel to be the same as another ReportCell object.
applyTemplate(ReportCell, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
Specifies the look and feel to be the same as another ReportCell object.
applyTemplate(ReportChartObject) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
For internal use only
applyTemplate(ReportColumn) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
applyTemplate(ReportColumn, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
applyTemplate(ReportColumn, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Specifies the look and feel to be the same as another ReportCell object.
applyTemplate(ReportElement) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only

Specifies the look and feel of the ReportElement.

applyTemplate(ReportElement, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
applyTemplate(ReportElement, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only
applyTemplate(ReportGrid) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
applyTemplate(ReportGrid, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
applyTemplate(ReportImage) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
Specifies the look & feel to be the same as another ReportImage object.
applyTemplate(ReportImage, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
Specifies the look & feel to be the same as another ReportImage object.
applyTemplate(ReportLine) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
applyTemplate(ReportLine, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
applyTemplate(ReportRTFObject) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
Does nothing
applyTemplate(ReportSection) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
This method is not used. Use copyTemplate instead for applying another section.
applyTemplate(ReportTable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
applyTemplateFile(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Applies the given template to the current chart.
applyTemplateFile(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Applies the given template to the current chart.
AREA - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
Area chart
areConnectLinesVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns whether or not the chart currently displays connecting lines for the data points.
areConnectLinesVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Returns the display status of connect lines for the secondary axis.
areHidden(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This function is used to get the hidden status of column values in the legend.
areItemsHidden(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILegend
Returns the boolean state of the items in the legend.
areLabelsReversed() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILegend
Returns whether or not the labels in the legend are displayed in reverse order.
arePointsUniformForLine() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This method returns whether the points are drawn uniformly.
arePointsVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns the display status of the data points.
arePointsVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Gets the display status of the data points for the secondary axis.
areSymbolsDrawn() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILegend
Returns whether or not data point symbols are drawn in the legend.
areTickersInward() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to check if the tickers are drawn inward for the given axis.
areTickersVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to check if the tickers are drawn for the given axis.
areZoomEventsEnabled() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Returns the enable/disable status of mouse events for date/time based zooming operations.
arrayExists(String) - Method in class
ASATTACHMENT - Static variable in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
One of the constants returned by the method getEmailType() that specifies an email type.
ASC - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
ASCENDING - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Ascending order for the sorting of chart data
ASCENDING - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Ascending order for the sorting of chart data
ASHTML - Static variable in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
One of the constants returned by the method getEmailType() that specifies an email type.
asin(NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Arc sine of specified NumericObject
ASIN - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
ASIN - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
ASLINK - Static variable in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
One of the constants returned by the method getEmailType() that specifies an email type.
atan(NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Arc tan of specified NumericObject
ATAN - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
ATAN - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
atan2(NumericObject, NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Arc tan of specified NumericObjects.
ATAN2 - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
ATAN2 - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
ATTRTYPE - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.dtd.elements.DTDDataType
autoFitColumns() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
resize & fit all columns so they would fit onto one page in the width orientation.
average(NumericObject[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Average of the elements of the NumericObject array
AVERAGE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
AVERAGE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
AVG - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IAggregateConstants
Get the average of the data
AVG - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IAggregationInfo
AVG - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDrillDown
AVG - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo


b - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChartCustomizer
b - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChartCustomizer
B_COL - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
B_COL - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
back() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.internal.IInterchange
User can implement this method to define the action when back button is clicked
BACK_LINE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Add a back line behind the symbol
BACK_LINE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Add a back line behind the symbol
backgroundColor - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
background color in hex
backgroundImage - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
background image
backMenuItemVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
backMenuItemVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
backMenuItemVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
backMenuItemVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
BAR - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
Bar chart
BARCODE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
for barcode to exporting to GIF format
BARCODE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat
data format type is Barcode
BARCODE_NAME - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
BarcodeFormat - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
BarcodeFormat(int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
Create a BarcodeFormat instance
bgColor - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
BMP - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IExportConstants
OS/2 or Windows bitmap format (file extension .bmp)
BMP - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IExportConstants
OS/2 or Windows bitmap format (file extension .bmp)
BOLD - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
BOLDITALIC - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
BOOKLAND - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
BOOL - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
BOOL - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
BOOL_FUNC - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
BOOL_FUNC - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
BOOL_NAME - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
BOOL_NAME - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.dtd.elements.DTDDataType
BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ICustomDefinedFunctions
the BOOLEAN data type
BooleanObject - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.lang
This class is used to implement formulas for columns containing boolean data
BooleanObject(boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Creates a new BooleanObject with specified state
BooleanObject(String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Creates a new BooleanObject with specified formula
borderColor - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
BOTTOM_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
BOTTOM_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
BOTTOM_ALIGNMENT_INSIDE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
BOTTOM_ALIGNMENT_INSIDE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
BOX - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
2D Box chart
BrowseDirectories - Interface in quadbase.common.util
This class can be used to configure the default browse directories for different dialogs within either the ReportDesigner or the ChartDesigner.
BSPLINE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
BUBBLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
2D Bubble chart
buildIndexArrayFromIndexTree(IndexNode) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
buildIndexTree(int[], int, boolean[], Report, IndexNode) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
butler - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChartCustomizer
butler - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChartCustomizer
BYTE - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.dtd.elements.DTDDataType


calculated - Variable in class
CALENDAR_CONST - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
CALENDAR_CONST - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
cancel() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.internal.IInterchange
User can implement this method to define the action when cancel button is clicked
category - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.ColInfo
category - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.ColInfo
category - Variable in class quadbase.util.HyperLink
Name of the category, a blank name (not null) represent all category
CATEGORY - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IMapConstants
category - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
name of selected category data
categoryName - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Column name of Category
ceil(NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Ceiling of the NumericObject
CEIL - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
CEIL - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
CELLATTR - Static variable in class
cells - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
cellsNoGL() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
cellsNoGLWithSecuredMode() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
CENTER - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Center appearence of the background image
CENTER - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Center appearence of the background image
CENTER - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
This constant is only used for the background image.
CENTER - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
CENTER_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
CENTER_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
CENTERALIGNMENT - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
CENTERALIGNMENT - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
CHART - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
The element type CHART.
CHARTOBJ - Static variable in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
ChartObject - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI
A ChartObject is a chart that is wrapped by the class ReportChartObject for insertion into a report.
ChartObject(QbReport, int, int, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.ChartObject
Create an instance of ChartObject that can embedded in a ReportChartObject, which can be used to insert this chart into a report.
ChartObject(QbReport, int, int, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String, ReportTableElement) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.ChartObject
Creates an instance of ChartObject that can be embedded in a ReportChartObject, which can be used to insert this chart into a report.
ChartObject(QbReport, int, int, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String, ReportTableElement, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.ChartObject
Creates an instance of ChartObject that can be embedded in a ReportChartObject, which can be used to insert this chart into a report.
ChartObject(Object) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.ChartObject
Using chartInfo to create ChartObject.
ChartParameterPage - Class in quadbase.common.param
A page that user specifies parameters for a parameterized chart.
ChartParameterPage(IQueryInParam[], IQueryFileInfo, String, String[], String, int, boolean, int, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.param.ChartParameterPage
Allocates a new ParameterPage that represents a parameter page object.
CHARTTYPENAME - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
List of chart type names
CHT - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IExportConstants
A proprietary chart format.
CHT - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IExportConstants
A proprietary chart format.
CHT_DATA - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IExportConstants
CHT format with fix data (file extension .cht).
CHT_DATA - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IExportConstants
CHT format with fix data (file extension .cht)
CIRCLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Circle point shape
CIRCLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Circle point shape
CIRCULAR_STYLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IHorzVertLine
CLASSFILE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
load data from Java class file
CLASSFILE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
load data from Java class file
CLASSFILE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
CLASSFILESOURCE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
One of the constants returned by the method getDataSourceType() that specifies a type of data source.
cleanExportedFiles() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
internal use only.
cleanup() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
For internal use only
cleanup() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
cleanup() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
clear() - Method in class quadbase.util.PickData
Clear the data point
clearReportCache() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
For internal use only
clearReportCache(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
For internal use only
clearReportParameterValues() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
clearSubReportCache() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Manually clears the subreport cache.
clone(Parameter) - Static method in class
internal use only
clone(ReportCell) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
For internal use only
clone() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Returns a clone of this object.
close - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.ColInfo
close() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DbData
close - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.ColInfo
close() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DbData
close() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLQueryResultSet
For internal use
close() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DbData
For internal use only
close() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IResultSet
Closes the cursor
close() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.QueryResultSet
For internal use
close() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.StreamResultSet
For internal use
close() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.XMLQueryResultSet
For internal use
close() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.XMLResultSet
For internal use
CLOSE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
CLOSE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IMapConstants
close() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IResultSet
Closes the cursor
close() - Method in class quadbase.util.QueryResultSet
close() - Method in class quadbase.util.SalesForceResultSet
close() - Method in class quadbase.util.StreamResultSet
close() - Method in class quadbase.util.XMLQueryResultSet
For internal use
close() - Method in class quadbase.util.XMLResultSet
For internal use
close_name - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Close column name
closeConnection() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
This function closes the connection to the database.
closeConnection() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
This function closes the connection to the database
closeConnection() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
internal use only This function closes the connection to the database
CODABAR - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
CODE128 - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
CODE128A - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
CODE128B - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
CODE128C - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
CODE2OF7 - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
CODE39WITHCHECKSUM - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
CODE39WITHOUTCHECKSUM - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
CODE3OF9WITHCHECKSUM - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
CODE3OF9WITHOUTCHECKSUM - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
COL - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
col - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SpreadSheetModelEvent
column affected
COL - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
Column chart
COL - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
col - Variable in class quadbase.util.SpreadSheetModelEvent
column affected
ColInfo - Class in quadbase.ChartAPI
ColInfo() - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.ColInfo
Creates a new ColInfo object.
ColInfo(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.ColInfo
Creates a new ColInfo object for Bar, Column, Stack Bar, Stack Column, 100% Column, Line, Pie, Area, Stack Area
ColInfo(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.ColInfo
Creates a new ColInfo object for Bar, Column, Stack Bar, Stack Column, 100% Column, Line, Area, Stack Area
ColInfo(int, int[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.ColInfo
Creates a new ColInfo object for Scatter chart
ColInfo(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.ColInfo
Creates a new ColInfo object for High Low, HLCO, and GANTT charts
ColInfo(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.ColInfo
Creates a new ColInfo object for High Low, HLCO, and GANTT charts
ColInfo(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.ColInfo
Creates a new ColInfo object for secondary overlay chart
ColInfo - Class in quadbase.ChartAPI.swing
ColInfo() - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.ColInfo
Create new ColInfo object
ColInfo(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.ColInfo
Create new ColInfo object for Bar, Column, Stack Bar, Stack Column, 100% Column, Line, Pie, Area, Stack Area
ColInfo(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.ColInfo
Create new ColInfo object for Bar, Column, Stack Bar, Stack Column, 100% Column, Line, Area, Stack Area
ColInfo(int, int[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.ColInfo
Create new ColInfo object for Scatter chart
ColInfo(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.ColInfo
Create new ColInfo object for High Low, HLCO, and GANTT charts
ColInfo(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.ColInfo
Create new ColInfo object for High Low, HLCO, and GANTT charts
ColInfo(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.ColInfo
Create new ColInfo object for secondary overlay chart
ColInfo - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
When calling the QbReport Constructor with a ColInfo[] parameter, the data mapping from a data source to a report layout is set using this ColInfo class.
ColInfo(int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Creates a new report column using the specified column from the data source
ColInfo(IObject, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Creates a new report column using the specified formula and column name
ColInfo(IObject, String, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Create a new report column using the specified formula, column name and SQL type.
ColInfo(String, String, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Create a new report column using the specified formula, column name and SQL type.
ColInfo(Formula, String, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Create a new report column using the specified formula, column name and SQL type.
ColorSpectrum - Class in quadbase.util
This class is used for defining the color of data based on the vertical value.
ColorSpectrum(Color[], double[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.ColorSpectrum
Creates a color spectrum object.
COLUMN - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
The element type COLUMN.
COLUMN_LABEL_ROW - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SpreadSheetModelEvent
This denotes the row denoting the column labels.
COLUMN_LABEL_ROW - Static variable in class quadbase.util.SpreadSheetModelEvent
This denotes the row denoting the column labels.
COLUMNAR - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IReportTypeConstants
Simple Columnar
ColumnHeader - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements
This is a report column header object.
ColumnHeader() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnHeader
internal use only
COLUMNHEADER - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
ColumnWrap - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements
ColumnWrap(double) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnWrap
Rather than have the data take up only a portion of the page width, and extend over multiple pages in length, user can wrap the columns so that they will continue to the right of the original columns on the first page of the report
COMBO_COL - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
Combo column chart for HLCO and hi-low chart only
COMBO_LINE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
Combo line chart
COMBO_OVERLAY - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
Combo column chart for no-series chart only
COMBO_STACKAREA - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
Combo stack area chart, valid for 2D Stack column chart only
COMBOTYPENAME - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
List of combo type names
COMMA - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IExportConstants
TXT Data File Separator
COMMA - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IExportConstants
TXT Data File Separator
COMMA - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IDelimiterConstants
COMMANDOBJ - Static variable in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
One of the constants that specifies a type of schedule job
compare(ColInfo) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.ColInfo
compareTo(Formula) - Method in class
compareTo(Script) - Method in class
connectServer(Object) - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleModifier
Connects to server
contains(double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
contains(double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only

Check whether a coordinate point (cx,cy) is contained within this element.

contains(ReportElement, Vector<ReportElement>) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
contains(ReportElement) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
containsSection(ReportSection) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
whether this section contains the specified section.
containsSubReport(SubReportObject) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
containsX(double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
containsX(double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only

For Excel report: Export the Report line and Grid as Cell Border

containsY(double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
containsY(double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only

For Excel report: Export the Report line and Grid as Cell Border

containsZIndex() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
containsZIndex() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
CONTROL_AVERAGE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IControlLine
A line type constant
ControlRange - Class in quadbase.util
This class is used to draw control range area for charts.
ControlRange(double, double, String, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Creates a new control range area.
ControlRange(double, double, String, int, int, Point, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Creates a new control range area.
ControlRange(double, double, String, int, int, Point, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Creates a new control range area.
ControlRange(double, double, Color, String, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Creates a new control range area.
ControlRange(double, double, Color, String, int, int, Point, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Creates a new control range area for dial chart.
ControlRange(double, double, Color, String, int, int, Point, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Creates a new control range area for dial chart.
ControlRange(double, double, String, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Creates a new control range area.
ControlRange(double, double, Color, String, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Creates a new control range area.
ControlRange(ControlRange) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.ControlRange
copy() - Method in class
copy instance variables and references
copy(Parameter) - Method in class
internal use only
copy(ColumnHeader) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnHeader
internal use only
copy(ColumnWrap) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnWrap
for internal use only
copy(ReportCell) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
For internal use only
copy(ReportChartObject) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
internal use only
copy(ReportColumn) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
copy(ReportElement) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only

Specifies the properties of this ReportElement object to be the same as the properties of ReportElement object "_elt".

copy(ReportGrid) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
for internal use only
copy(ReportImage) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
Specifies this ReportImage to be the same as "_cell"
copy(ReportLine) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
for internal use only
copy(ReportRTFObject) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
copy(ReportSection) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only This method is only used by copyTemplate and in LoadReport when opening a report.
copy(ReportSection, int, int, Vector, ReportCell[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
copy(ReportSection, int, int, Vector, ReportCell[], boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
copy(ReportSection, int, int, Vector, ReportCell[], boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
copy(ReportSection, int, int, Vector, ReportCell[], boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
copy(ReportSection, int, int, Vector, ReportCell[], boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
copy(ReportSection, int, int, Vector, ReportCell[], boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, int[], ReportSection, Vector) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
copy(ReportTable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
copy(SubReportObject) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
internal use only Specifies this SubReportObject to be the same as "_cell"
copy(Vector) - Static method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
copy(ControlRange) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
copy(Vector) - Static method in class quadbase.util.HyperLink
copy(HyperLink) - Method in class quadbase.util.HyperLink
copyAllGuideLineElts(Report, Report, ReportSection) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
copyAllGuideLineElts(Report, Report, ReportTable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
copyGuideLineElts(Report) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
copyImage(ReportSection) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
for internal use only
copySortingInfo(ReportTable, int, boolean, Report) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
copyStyleWithScriptsButNotWH(ReportElement, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
copyTemplate(ColumnHeader) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnHeader
copyTemplate(ColumnWrap) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnWrap
for internal use only
copyTemplate(ReportCell) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
For internal use only.
copyTemplate(ReportChartObject) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
For internal use only
copyTemplate(ReportColumn) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only.
copyTemplate(ReportColumn, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
copyTemplate(ReportColumn, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
copyTemplate(ReportColumn, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only.
copyTemplate(ReportElement) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only.
copyTemplate(ReportGrid) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
copyTemplate(ReportImage) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
For internal use only.
copyTemplate(ReportLine) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
copyTemplate(ReportRTFObject) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
For internal use only.
copyTemplate(ReportSection) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
For internal use only.
copyTemplate(ReportSection, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
copyTemplate(ReportSection, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
copyTemplate(ReportSection, boolean, boolean, Vector, int[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
copyTemplate(ReportTable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
copyTemplate(ReportTable, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
copyTemplate(ReportTable, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
copyTemplate(ReportTable, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
copyTemplate(ReportTable, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
copyTemplateExceptOrigin(ReportColumn) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only.
copyTemplates(Vector<ReportCell>, Vector<ReportSection>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
cos(NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Cosine of specified NumericObject
COS - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
COS - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
count(NumericObject[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Number of elements in the NumericObject array
COUNT - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IAggregateConstants
Get the count of the data
COUNT - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
COUNT - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IAggregationInfo
COUNT - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDrillDown
COUNT - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
COUNT - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
COUNTDISTINCT - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IAggregateConstants
Get the distinct count of the data
COUNTDISTINCT - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IAggregationInfo
COUNTDISTINCT - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDrillDown
COUNTDISTINCT - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
countDrillDownLevel() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDrillDown
Counts number of drill down levels If non drill-down chart return -1
countLabelOffset() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method returns the number of label offset
countLabelOffset() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPolarPropertySet
This method returns number of label offset
countLabelOffset() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IRadarPropertySet
This method sets number of label offsets
countRowBreakFooter() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For Summary-Break, CrossTab & Master-Details Tables.
countRowBreakHeader() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For Summary-Break, CrossTab & Master-Details Tables.
createAttributeNameFromString(String) - Static method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
for internal use only
createAttributeNameFromString(String, String) - Static method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
for internal use only
createCell(Node, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
For internal use only
createCell(DataInput, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
For internal use only
createChartObject(QbReport, String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.ChartObject
Method to create a new ChartObject that does NOT using report section Aggregation data.
createChartObject(QbReport, String, ReportSection) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.ChartObject
Creates a ChartOject in a specific ReportSection.
createChartObject(DataInput, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
For internal use only
createChartObject(DataInput, int, boolean, FileInMemTable, String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
internal use only
createChartObject(Node, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
For internal use only
createColumn(Node, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only.
createColumn(DataInput, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only.
createColumnHeader(Node, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnHeader
internal use only
createColumnHeader(DataInput, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnHeader
internal use only
createColumnWrap(Node, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnWrap
For internal use only.
createColumnWrap(DataInput, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnWrap
For internal use only.
createCrossTabDrillDownReport(String, int, IDatabaseInfo, ColInfo[], String, int[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a cross-tab drill-down report that will be an immediate child of the calling report
createDocument(DataInput, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportDocument
internal use only
createDocument(Node, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportDocument
internal use only
createDrillDownChart(String, int, int, IDatabaseInfo, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String, int[]) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a drill-down chart that will be an immediate child of the calling chart
createDrillDownChart(String, int, int, IDatabaseInfo, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String, int[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
createDrillDownChart(String, int, int, IDatabaseInfo, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String, int[]) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Create a drill-down chart that will be an immediate child of the calling chart
createDrillDownChart(String, int, int, IDatabaseInfo, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String, int[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
createDrillDownReport(String, int, IDatabaseInfo, ColInfo[], String, int[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a drill-down report that will be an immediate child of the calling report
createDrillDownReport(String, int, IDatabaseInfo, ColInfo[], String, int[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a drill-down report that will be an immediate child of the calling report
createDrillDownReport(String, int, IDatabaseInfo, ColInfo[], String, int[], boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a drill-down report that will be an immediate child of the calling report
createDrillDownReport(String, int, IDatabaseInfo, ColInfo[], String, int[], boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a drill-down report that will be an immediate child of the calling report
createFormat(String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
For internal use only.
createFormat(String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleNumericFormat
For internal use only.
createFormat(String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LogicalFormat
For internal use only
createFormat(String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.NumericFormat
For internal use only
createFormat(String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.StringFormat
Create a StringFormat instance
createFormulaObject(Report) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
For internal use only
createFormulaObject(Report) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
createFormulaObject(Report) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
createFormulaObjectFromName(Report) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
For internal use only
createFormulaObjectFromName(Report) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
createFormulaObjectFromName(Report) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
createFormulaObjectFromText(Report) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
For internal use only
createGrid(Node, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
For internal use only.
createGrid(DataInput, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
For internal use only.
createHeaderAndFooter(DataInput, int, boolean, boolean, FileInMemTable, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
createHyperLinkForSurfaceChart(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class quadbase.util.HyperLink
create HyperLink for surface chart
createHyperLinkForSurfaceChart(String, String, String) - Static method in class quadbase.util.HyperLink
HyperLink constructor for surface chart using the default target window
createImage(Node, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
For internal use only.
createImage(DataInput, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
For internal use only.
createImage(DataInput, int, boolean, FileInMemTable) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
For internal use only.
createImagesPath(String[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.ImagesPath
createIndexArray(int, boolean, Report, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
createIndexArray(int[], int, boolean[], Report, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only multi column sorting int[] colIndex must be in the same order as colInfo
createLine(Node, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
For internal use only.
createLine(DataInput, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
For internal use only.
createObject(int, Object, StreamTokenizer) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.StreamResultSet
createObject(int, Object, StreamTokenizer) - Static method in class quadbase.util.StreamResultSet
createPathFromString(String) - Static method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
for internal use only
createPathFromString(String, String) - Static method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
for internal use only
createQbReport(Report) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
internal use only
createReport(int, ColData[], ColInfo[], String, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
internal use only
createReport(int, ColData[], ColInfo[], String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
internal use only
createReport(int, ColData[], ColInfo[], String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
internal use only
createReport(int, ColData[], ColInfo[], String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
internal use only
createReport(int, ColData[], ColInfo[], String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean[], boolean[], Properties) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
internal use only
createReport(String, String) - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
createReportImage(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
internal use only Constructs a ReportImage with the specified label
createReportRTFObject(Node, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
For internal use only.
createReportRTFObject(DataInput, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
For internal use only.
createReportTitle(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
createScriptObject(Vector<Script>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only *
createScriptObject(Vector<Script>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
createScriptObject(Vector<Script>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
createScriptObjectFromName(Vector<Script>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only *
createScriptObjectFromName(Vector<Script>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
For internal use only.
createScriptObjectFromName(Vector<Script>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
createSection(Node, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
For internal use only.
createSection(DataInput, int, boolean, boolean, FileInMemTable, String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
For internal use only.
createSubReport(QbReport, int, IDatabaseInfo, ColInfo[], String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.SubReport
Creates a SubReport object from specified database information.
createSubReport(QbReport, int, String, ColInfo[], String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.SubReport
Creates a SubReport object from specified datafile name.
createSubReport(QbReport, int, int, String, ColInfo[], String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.SubReport
Creates a SubReport object from specified datafile name.
createSubReport(QbReport, int, IResultSet, ColInfo[], String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.SubReport
Creates a SubReport object from specified IResultSet(DBData) object.
createSubReport(QbReport, int, ISpreadSheetModel, ColInfo[], String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.SubReport
Creates a SubReport object from specified ISpreadSheetModel(SimpleSpreadSheet) object.
createSubReport(QbReport, int, DataSheet[], ColInfo[], String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.SubReport
Creates a SubReport object from specified DataSheet object array
createSubReport(QbReport, byte[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.SubReport
Creates a SubReport object using a byte array.
createSubReport(QbReport, byte[], Properties) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.SubReport
Creates a SubReport object using a byte array.
createSubReportObject(Node, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
For internal use only.
createSubReportObject(DataInput, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
For internal use only.
createSubReportObject(DataInput, int, boolean, boolean, FileInMemTable) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
internal use only
createSubReportObject(DataInput, int, boolean, boolean, FileInMemTable, boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
internal use only
createSubReportObject(DataInput, int, boolean, boolean, FileInMemTable, boolean, String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
internal use only
createSubReportObject(DataInput, int, boolean, boolean, FileInMemTable, boolean, String, boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
createTable(Node, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
createTable(DataInput, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
createTable(DataInput, int, boolean, boolean, FileInMemTable, String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
createTopNReport(int, int, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a report consisted of data that make up the highest values in the specified column
createXMLFieldInfo(DataInput, int) - Static method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
for internal use only
createXMLFieldInfo(DataInput, int, boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
for internal use only
CROSS - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Cross point shape
CROSS - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Cross point shape
CROSSTAB - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IReportTypeConstants
Cross Tab
CssHtmlParameterPageWriter - Class in quadbase.common.param
Writer that writes ParameterPage in HTML format with Cascading Style Sheet Objects and Styles embedded.
CssHtmlParameterPageWriter(ParameterPage, Writer) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.param.CssHtmlParameterPageWriter
Allocates a CssHtmlParameterPageWriter
CssHtmlParameterPageWriter(ParameterPage, Writer, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.param.CssHtmlParameterPageWriter
CSV - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
Export the report in the CSV format
CURRDATE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
CURRDATE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
CURRDATETIME - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
CURRDATETIME - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
CURRENCY - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleNumericFormat
Currency format
CURRENCY - Static variable in class quadbase.util.LocaleNumericFormat
currencyPos - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.NumericFormat
currency position, 0 - before number (default), 1 - after negative sign, 2 - after number .
currencyPos - Variable in class quadbase.util.NumericFormat
currency position, 0 - before number (default), 1 - after negative sign, 2 - after number, 3 - after number and negative sign.
currencySymbol - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.NumericFormat
currencySymbol - Variable in class quadbase.util.NumericFormat
CURRTIME - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
CURRTIME - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
customIDExists(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
customIDExists(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
CUSTOMIZE_DATA_ORDER - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Using customize order of chart data
CUSTOMIZE_DATA_ORDER - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Using customize order of chart data
customizeHintBox(String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ICustomizeImageMapDataHintBox
return modified data hint box value
CUT_CORNER - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Data plotting area appearance CUT_CORNER
CUT_CORNER - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Data plotting area appearance CUT_CORNER


D_COL - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
D_COL - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
DASH - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Line point shape
DASH - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Line point shape
DASH - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
DASH - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
DASH_STYLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
DATABASESOURCE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
One of the constants returned by the method getDataSourceType() that specifies a type of data source.
DATAFILE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Data file in ASCII format
DATAFILE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Data file in ASCII format
DATAFILE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
DATAFILESOURCE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
One of the constants returned by the method getDataSourceType() that specifies a type of data source.
DataSheet - Class in quadbase.ChartAPI
This class provides a functionality to merge multiple data sources together.
DataSheet(Applet, IDatabaseInfo, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from a database
DataSheet(Applet, IDatabaseInfo, boolean, int[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from a database
DataSheet(Applet, String, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from a data file
DataSheet(Applet, String, boolean, int[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from a data file
DataSheet(Applet, String, boolean, int[], int) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from a data file
DataSheet(Applet, IResultSet, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from IResultset
DataSheet(Applet, IResultSet, boolean, int[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from IResultset
DataSheet(Applet, EJBInfo) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from EJBInfo
DataSheet(Applet, EJBInfo, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from EJBInfo
DataSheet(Applet, EJBInfo, boolean, int[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from EJBInfo
DataSheet(Applet, XMLFileQueryInfo, boolean, int[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from XML File
DataSheet(Applet, ISpreadSheetModel) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from spread sheet
DataSheet - Class in quadbase.ChartAPI.swing
This class provides a functionality to merge multiple data sources together.
DataSheet(Applet, IDatabaseInfo, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DataSheet
Creates a new dataSheet from a database
DataSheet(Applet, IDatabaseInfo, boolean, int[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DataSheet
Creates a new dataSheet from a database
DataSheet(Applet, String, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DataSheet
Creates a new dataSheet from a data file
DataSheet(Applet, String, boolean, int[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DataSheet
Creates a new dataSheet from a data file
DataSheet(Applet, String, boolean, int[], int) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DataSheet
Creates a new dataSheet from a data file
DataSheet(Applet, IResultSet, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DataSheet
Creates a new dataSheet from IResultset
DataSheet(Applet, IResultSet, boolean, int[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DataSheet
Creates a new dataSheet from IResultset
DataSheet(Applet, EJBInfo) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DataSheet
Creates a new dataSheet from EJBInfo
DataSheet(Applet, EJBInfo, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DataSheet
Creates a new dataSheet from EJBInfo
DataSheet(Applet, EJBInfo, boolean, int[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DataSheet
Creates a new dataSheet from EJBInfo
DataSheet(Applet, XMLFileQueryInfo, boolean, int[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DataSheet
Creates a new dataSheet from XML File
DataSheet(Applet, ISpreadSheetModel) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DataSheet
Creates a new dataSheet from spread sheet
DataSheet - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI
This class provides a functionality to merge multiple data sources together.
DataSheet(Applet, IDatabaseInfo) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from a database
DataSheet(Applet, IDatabaseInfo, boolean, int[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from a database
DataSheet(Applet, IDatabaseInfo, boolean, int[], int, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from a database
DataSheet(Applet, QueryClassFileInfo) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
DataSheet(Applet, QueryClassFileInfo, int, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
DataSheet(Applet, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from a data file
DataSheet(Applet, String, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from a data file
DataSheet(Applet, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from a data file
DataSheet(Applet, String, boolean, int[], int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from a data file
DataSheet(Applet, String, boolean, int[], int, int, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from a data file
DataSheet(Applet, IResultSet) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from IResultset
DataSheet(Applet, IResultSet, boolean, int[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from IResultset
DataSheet(Applet, EJBInfo) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from IResultset
DataSheet(Applet, EJBInfo, int, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from IResultset
DataSheet(Applet, SOAPQueryFileInfo) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from SOAP data source
DataSheet(Applet, SOAPQueryFileInfo, int, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from SOAP data source
DataSheet(Applet, SalesForceQueryFileInfo) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from SalesForce
DataSheet(Applet, SalesForceQueryFileInfo, int, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from SalesForce
DataSheet(Applet, ExcelFileInfo) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from Excel datasource
DataSheet(Applet, ExcelFileInfo, int, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from Excel datasource
DataSheet(Applet, IOLAPResultSet, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
DataSheet(Applet, XMLFileQueryInfo) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from IResultset
DataSheet(Applet, XMLFileQueryInfo, boolean, int[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from IResultset
DataSheet(Applet, XMLFileQueryInfo, boolean, int[], int, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from IResultset
DataSheet(Applet, ISpreadSheetModel) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from spread sheet
DataSheet(Applet, ColData[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
Create a new dataSheet from colData array
DataSourceManagerListener - Interface in quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager
This interface allows a developer to modify the datasource tree when the manager is initializing.
DATATYPE - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.dtd.elements.DTDDataType
DATE - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.dtd.elements.DTDDataType
DATE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ICustomDefinedFunctions
the DATE data type
DATE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
DATE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
DATE format
DATE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
DATE - Static variable in class quadbase.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
DATE_FUNC - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
DATE_FUNC - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
DATE_NAME - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
DATE_NAME - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
dateParameterCalendar - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
whether dates parameter have month/day/year calendar
dateParameterCalendarDatepicker - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
the path to the datepicker folder that contains the javascript and images
dateParameterSelection - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
whether dates parameter have month/day/year selection list
DATETIME - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.dtd.elements.DTDDataType
DATETIME - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat
data format type is DateTime
DATETIME - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
DATETIME - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
DATE and TIME format
DATETIME - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFormat
DATETIME - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
DATETIME - Static variable in class quadbase.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
DateTimeFormat - Class in quadbase.util
DateTimeFormat() - Constructor for class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
Creates a new DateTimeFormat with default value
DateTimeFormat(boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
DateTimeObject - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.lang
This class is used to implement formulas for columns contain data/time data
DateTimeObject(String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Creates a new DateTimeObject using specified String
DateTimeObject(StringObject) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Creates a new DateTimeObject using specified StringObject
DateTimeObject(Date) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Creates a new DateTimeObject using specified Date
DateTimeObject(String, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Creates a new DateTimeObject using specified formula and SQL type
DATETYPE - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLDataTypeUtil
dateVariable - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
whether dates parameter is specified with a date variable
dateVariableDatepicker - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
the path to the datepicker folder that contains the javascript and images
DAY - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
DAY - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
DAY_OF_MONTH - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating the day of the month.
DAY_OF_MONTH - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating the day of the month.
DAY_OF_WEEK - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating the day of the week.
DAY_OF_WEEK - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating the day of the week.
DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating the ordinal number of the day of the week within the current month.
DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating the ordinal number of the day of the week within the current month.
DAY_OF_YEAR - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating the day number within the current year.
DAY_OF_YEAR - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating the day number within the current year.
DAYDIFF - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
DAYDIFF - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
DAYOFWEEK - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
DAYOFWEEK - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
DAYS - Static variable in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
One of the constants returned by the method getIntervalType() that specifies export time interval.
DbData - Class in quadbase.ChartAPI
This class provides an implementation for the @link quadbase.util.IResultSet interface using an array of data.
DbData(String[], String[], String[][]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.DbData
Constructs a new DbData class
DbData(String[], Object[][]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.DbData
Constructs a new DbData class
DbData(ColData[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.DbData
Constructs DbData using instance of ColData.
DbData(String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.DbData
Constructs DbData by parsing the data value argument in HTML page.  The format for the String is the same as the data file format, except that each line is ended by a vertical bar "|".
DbData - Class in quadbase.ChartAPI.swing
This class provides an implementation for the quadbase.util.IResultSet interface using an array of data.
DbData(String[], String[], String[][]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DbData
Construct a new DbData class
DbData(String[], Object[][]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DbData
Construct a new DbData class
DbData(String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DbData
Construct DbData by parsing the data value argument in HTML page.  The format for the String is the same as the data file format, except that each line is ended by a vertical bar "|".
DbData - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI
This class provides an implementation for the quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IResultSet interface using an array of data.
DbData() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DbData
Allocates a new DbData Object
DbData(String[], String[], String[][]) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DbData
Construct a new DbData class
DbData(String[], Object[][]) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DbData
Construct a new DbData class
DbData(String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DbData
Construct DbData by parsing the data value argument in HTML page
DbDataCollection - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI
This class provides an implementation for the quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IResultSet interface using a collection of data.
DbDataCollection(Collection, Collection, Collection) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DbDataCollection
Construct a new DbDataCollection class
DBImageDir - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
DBInfo - Class in quadbase.ChartAPI
DBInfo(String, String, String, String, String, Applet) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
DBInfo(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
Creates a new instance of DbInfo.
DBInfo(String, String, String, String, String, Vector<String>) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
Creates a new instance of DbInfo.
DBInfo(String, String, Hashtable<String, String>) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
Creates a new instance of DBInfo.
DBInfo(IDatabaseInfo) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
Creates a new instance of DBInfo.
DBInfo(Connection, String, Applet) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
DBInfo(Connection, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
Creates a new instance of DBInfo using the given Connection object.
DBInfo - Class in quadbase.ChartAPI.swing
DBInfo(String, String, String, String, String, Applet) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
DBInfo(String, String, String, String, String, Vector<String>) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
Creates a new instance of DbInfo.
DBInfo(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
Create a new instance of DbInfo
DBInfo(String, String, Hashtable<String, String>) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
Create a new instance of DBInfo
DBInfo(IDatabaseInfo) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
Create a new instance of DBInfo
DBInfo(Connection, String, Applet) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
DBInfo(Connection, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
Create a new instance of DBInfo using the given Connection object
dbInfo - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
database connection information
DBInfo - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI
DBInfo(String, String, String, String, String, Applet) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
DBInfo(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Create a new instance of DbInfo
DBInfo(String, String, String, String, String, Vector<String>) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Create a new instance of DbInfo
DBInfo(String, String, Hashtable<String, String>) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Create a new instance of DBInfo
DBInfo(IDatabaseInfo) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Create a new instance of DBInfo
DBInfo(Connection, String, Applet) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
DBInfo(Connection, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Create a new instance of DBInfo using the given Connection object
DBInfo(Connection, String, QueryInParamSet) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Create a new instance of DBInfo using the given Connection object
DD_MM_YY - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLDataTypeUtil
Date format "DD-MM-YY"
DD_MM_YYYY - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLDataTypeUtil
Date format "DD-MM-YYYY"
DDMMYY - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLDataTypeUtil
Date format "DD/MM/YY"
DDMMYYYY - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLDataTypeUtil
Date format "DD/MM/YYYY"
decimal - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.NumericFormat
decimal point, range from 1 to 6, default 2
decimal - Variable in class quadbase.util.NumericFormat
decimal point, range from 1 to 6, default 2
decimalSep - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.NumericFormat
decimal point char, default '.'
decimalSep - Variable in class quadbase.util.NumericFormat
decimal point char, default '.'
DECL - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
DECL - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
decReferenceDegree() - Method in class
deepCopy(ColumnHeader) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnHeader
internal use only
deepCopy(ColumnWrap) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnWrap
for internal use only
deepCopy(ReportCell) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
For internal use only
deepCopy(ReportChartObject) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
For internal use only
deepCopy(ReportColumn) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only.
deepCopy(ReportElement) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only
deepCopy(ReportGrid) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
for internal use only
deepCopy(ReportImage) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
internal use only
deepCopy(ReportLine) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
deepCopy(ReportRTFObject) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
deepCopy(ReportSection) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only Create an exact duplicate of a section.
deepCopy(ReportTable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
deepCopy(SubReportObject) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
For internal use only
DEFAULT - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
DEFAULT - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IDelimiterConstants
DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
DEFAULT_TARGET - Static variable in class quadbase.util.HyperLink
Default target of the hyperlink, default is ""
DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT - Static variable in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
DefaultDataSourceNode - Class in quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager
All tree nodes used by the datasource manager should extend this class.
DefaultDataSourceNode() - Constructor for class quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager.DefaultDataSourceNode
For internal use only
DefaultDataSourceNode(Object) - Constructor for class quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager.DefaultDataSourceNode
For internal use only
DefaultListenerManager - Class in quadbase.ext
A convenient class that implements ListenerManager that does nothing.
DefaultListenerManager() - Constructor for class quadbase.ext.DefaultListenerManager
deleteChart(int, ReportElement) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
deleteJob() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
remove schedule job from the queue
deleteJobPermanently(long) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
deleteRow(int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DataSheet
delete a specified row
deleteRow(int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DataSheet
Deletes a specified row
deleteRow(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
delete a specified row
deleteRow(int) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Delete a record(row) from the report input data.
deleteRow(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Delete a record(row) from the chart input data.
deleteSectionCell(ReportCell, int[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
deletes a cell to a specific section or sub section
deleteSectionCell(ReportCell, Vector<Integer>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
deleteSubReportColData() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
deleteSubReportColData() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
deleteSubReportColDataFiles() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
deleteViewFile(String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
internal use only
DELIMLIST - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IDelimiterConstants
DESC - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
DESCENDING - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Descending order for the sorting of chart data
DESCENDING - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Descending order for the sorting of chart data
designer - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChartCustomizer
designer - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChartCustomizer
destroy() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
For internal use only
destroy() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
For internal use only
DHTML - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
Export the report in the dHTML format
DHTMLHEADER - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
internal use only DHTML HEADER
DIAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
2D Dial chart
DIAMOND - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Diamond point shape
disableChartDataSource() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Disables the Data Source used for the chart.
dispose() - Method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
dispose() - Method in class quadbase.querybuilder.designer.QbQueryBuilder
dispose() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Disposes the Window.
divide(NumericObject, NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Divide numerator by denominator
DIVIDE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
DIVIDE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
DMY - Static variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
date format dd/mm/yy
do_Reload() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
internal use only
do_Reload() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
internal use only
do_Reload() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
For Internal Use only
do_Reload() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
For Internal Use only
docTitle - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
Document title
doesElementSupportRoundCorners(ReportElement) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
doneReload() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
For Internal Use only
doneReload() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
For Internal Use only
DOTTED_STYLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
DOUBLE - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.dtd.elements.DTDDataType
DOUBLE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
DOUBLE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
DOUBLESPACE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IDelimiterConstants
DOUGHNUT - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
DOWN - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
direction constant for table
DOWN - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
direction constant for table
DOWN - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
draw(Graphics, Component, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
This method draws the chart given a Graphics object.
draw(Graphics, Component, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
This method draws the chart given a Graphics object.
draw(Graphics, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Draw the specified page and section with the specified Graphics
DRAW_FRAME - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IBubblePropertySet
A draw mode
drawChart(int, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
drawStandardDevLine(Color, double, String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
Draw lines at multiples of deviation value for a NORMAL curve only works for Histogram charts with setLinearScale & setRounded to true.
DrillDownChart - Class in quadbase.ChartAPI
This class extends QbChart.
DrillDownChart() - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.DrillDownChart
For internal use only.
DrillDownChart(Chart) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.DrillDownChart
For internal use only.
DrillDownChart - Class in quadbase.ChartAPI.swing
This class extends QbChart.
DrillDownChart() - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DrillDownChart
For internal use only.
DrillDownChart(Chart) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DrillDownChart
For internal use only.
DrillDownReport - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI
This class extends QbReport.
DrillDownReport() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DrillDownReport
For internal use only.
DrillDownReport(Report) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DrillDownReport
For internal use only.
DTDDataType - Class in quadbase.common.util.dtd.elements
Data Type By default it will be String
DTDDataType() - Constructor for class quadbase.common.util.dtd.elements.DTDDataType


e() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Base of natural log
E - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
E - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
EAN128 - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
EAN13 - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
EAN8 - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
EJBInfo - Class in quadbase.common.util.internal
The EJBInfo class provides information that is used to connect to an entity bean on a server.
EJBInfo(String, String, String, String, Object[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.util.internal.EJBInfo
Allocates an EJBInfo that contains information to connect to an entity bean on a server.
EJBInfo(String, String, String, String, Object[], Hashtable<String, String>) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.util.internal.EJBInfo
Allocates an EJBInfo that contains information to connect to an entity bean on a server.
EJBSOURCE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
One of the constants returned by the method getDataSourceType() that specifies a type of data source.
elementAt(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IControlRangeSet
get the specified control range from the chart.
elements() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLineSet
Returns the list of data lines defined in the chart.
elements() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFloatingLineSet
Returns the Enumeration of all the poly-lines defined in the chart.
elements() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFloatingTextSet
Returns the Enumeration of floating text strings added to the chart.
elements() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHyperLinkSet
Returns the list of all hyperlinks added to the chart.
elements() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLineSet
Returns the list of trend lines defined in the chart.
elements() - Method in class quadbase.util.PolyLine
Returns the list of all coordinates that define the poly-line.
encodeString(String) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IStringCustomizer
encodeString(String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IStringCustomizer
This method takes in a String in the original format(non-ASCII), and returns a String in the new format(ASCII).
END_DATE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IMapConstants
END_OF_DAY - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
endAction() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportThreadListener
If the export spawns any thread, this method is called when all its children threads finished.
enddateName - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
end-date column name for Gantt chart
equals(Object) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.TextString
equals(Object) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.TextString
equals(IObject, IObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Checks to see if object a is equal to object b
equals(Formula) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(ReportCell) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
For internal use only
equals(ReportElement) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Checks to see if the properties of this ReportElement object are the same as the properties of ReportElement object "_elt".
equals(ReportImage) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
internal use only Checks if this ReportImage object's properties are the same as "_cell"
equals(ReportTable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
equals(SubReportObject) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
Checks if this SubReportObject object's properties are the same as "_cell"
equals(ColInfo) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Returns true if and only if this ColInfo is identical to cInfo.
equals(ColInfo, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Internal Use only
EQUALS - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
equals(ScheduleObject) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
equals(Object) - Method in class quadbase.util.HyperLink
Check whether two hyperlink are equals, link field are igonred
EQUALS - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
equals(Object) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITextString
Returns true if the given object equals this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class quadbase.util.Point_2D
Checks if the two points are the same or not.
equals(Object) - Method in class quadbase.util.Point_3D
Checks if the two points are the same or not.
equals(Position) - Method in class quadbase.util.Position
Checks if the two points are the same or not.
equalsPath(XMLFieldInfo) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
for internal use only
ERA - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating the era, e.g., AD or BC in the Julian calendar.
ERA - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating the era, e.g., AD or BC in the Julian calendar.
establishConnection() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
This function establishes a connection to the database specified by the URL string.
establishConnection() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
This function establishes a connection to the database specified by the URL string
establishConnection() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
internal use only This function establishes a connection to the database specified by the url string
EXCEL - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IExportConstants
Excel format (file extension .xls)
EXCEL - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IExportConstants
Excel format (file extension .xls)
EXCEL - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
Exports the report in EXCEL format
EXCEL_OOXML - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
Exports the report in EXCEL OOXML format (XLSX)
EXCELSOURCE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
One of the constants returned by the method getDataSourceType() that specifies a type of data source.
executeQuery(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.IDBConnection
exit() - Method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
exit() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Attempt to exit the program.
exp(NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Exponential raised to the power of the NumericObject
EXP - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
EXP - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
EXPONENTIAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
EXPONENTIAL_AVERAGE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
export(int, String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DrillDownChart
export(int, String, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DrillDownChart
export(int, String, String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DrillDownChart
export(int, String, String, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DrillDownChart
export(int, String, String, int, int, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DrillDownChart
export(int, String, int, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DrillDownChart
export(int, String, String, int, int, boolean, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DrillDownChart
export(int, String, String, String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DrillDownChart
export(int, String, String, int, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DrillDownChart
export(int, String, String, int, int, String, String[]) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DrillDownChart
export(int, String, String, String, PickData[]) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DrillDownChart
export(int, String, String, int, int, String, PickData[]) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DrillDownChart
export(int, String, String, int, int, String, PickData[], String[]) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DrillDownChart
export(int, String, String, int, int, String, PickData[], String[], int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DrillDownChart
export(int, OutputStream, OutputStream, String, String, int, int, String, PickData[], String[], int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DrillDownChart
export() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports the chart to an image Object.
export(int, String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports the chart with dimensions equal to that of the current chart.
export(int, String, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports the chart
export(int, String, String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports the chart with dimensions equal to that of the current chart.
export(int, String, String, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports the chart
export(int, String, String, int, int, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports the chart
export(int, String, int, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports the chart
export(int, String, String, int, int, boolean, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports the chart
export(int, String, String, int, int, boolean, int, int, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports the chart
export(int, String, String, String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports the chart with drill down map (top level only)
export(int, String, String, int, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports the chart with drill down map (top level only)
export(int, String, String, int, int, String, String[]) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports the chart with drill down map (top level only)
export(int, String, String, String, PickData[]) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports the chart with drill down map
export(int, String, String, int, int, String, PickData[]) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports the chart with drill down map
export(int, String, String, int, int, String, PickData[], String[]) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports the chart with drill down map
export(int, String, String, int, int, String, PickData[], String[], int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports the chart
export(int, String, String, int, int, String, PickData[], String[], int, float, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports the chart
export(int, OutputStream, OutputStream, String, String, int, int, String, PickData[], String[], int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports the chart
export(int, OutputStream, OutputStream, String, String, int, int, String, PickData[], String[], int, float, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports the chart
export(int, OutputStream) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports the chart
export(int, OutputStream, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports the chart
export(int, OutputStream, int, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports the chart
export(int, OutputStream, OutputStream, String, int, int, boolean, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports the chart
export(int, OutputStream, OutputStream, String, int, int, boolean, int, int, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports the chart
export(int, String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DrillDownChart
export(int, String, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DrillDownChart
export(int, String, String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DrillDownChart
export(int, String, String, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DrillDownChart
export(int, String, String, int, int, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DrillDownChart
export(int, String, int, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DrillDownChart
export(int, String, String, int, int, boolean, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DrillDownChart
export(int, String, String, String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DrillDownChart
export(int, String, String, int, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DrillDownChart
export(int, String, String, int, int, String, String[]) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DrillDownChart
export(int, String, String, String, PickData[]) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DrillDownChart
export(int, String, String, int, int, String, PickData[]) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DrillDownChart
export(int, String, String, int, int, String, PickData[], String[]) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DrillDownChart
export(int, String, String, int, int, String, PickData[], String[], int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DrillDownChart
export(int, OutputStream, OutputStream, String, String, int, int, String, PickData[], String[], int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DrillDownChart
export() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Exports the chart to an image Object.
export(int, String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Export the chart with dimensions equal to that of the current chart.
export(int, String, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Export the chart
export(int, String, String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Export the chart with dimensions equal to that of the current chart.
export(int, String, String, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Export the chart
export(int, String, String, int, int, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Export the chart
export(int, String, int, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Export the chart
export(int, String, String, int, int, boolean, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Export the chart
export(int, String, String, String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Export the chart with drill down map (top level only)
export(int, String, String, int, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Export the chart with drill down map (top level only)
export(int, String, String, int, int, String, String[]) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Export the chart with drill down map (top level only)
export(int, String, String, String, PickData[]) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Export the chart with drill down map
export(int, String, String, int, int, String, PickData[]) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Export the chart with drill down map
export(int, String, String, int, int, String, PickData[], String[]) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Export the chart with drill down map
export(int, String, String, int, int, String, PickData[], String[], int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Export the chart with drill down map
export(int, String, String, int, int, String, PickData[], String[], int, float, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Exports the chart with drill down map
export(int, OutputStream, OutputStream, String, String, int, int, String, PickData[], String[], int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Export the chart with drill down map
export(int, OutputStream, OutputStream, String, String, int, int, String, PickData[], String[], int, float, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Exports the chart with drill down map
export(int, OutputStream) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Export the chart
export(int, OutputStream, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Export the chart
export(int, OutputStream, int, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Export the chart
export(int, OutputStream, OutputStream, String, int, int, boolean, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Export the chart
export(int, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DrillDownReport
Export is not supported for drill-down reports.
export(int, OutputStream) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DrillDownReport
export(int, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Exports the QbReport to a file name in the format specified.
export(int, String, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Exports the QbReport to a file name in the format specified.
export(int, String, String, String, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Exports the QbReport to a file with password protection.
export(int, String, String, String, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Exports the QbReport to a file with password protection.
export(int, String, String, String, int, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
use export(int format, String fileName, boolean saveAllData)
export(int, OutputStream) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Exports this QbReport object in the specified format into the specified output stream
export(int, OutputStream, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Exports this QbReport object in the specified format into the specified output stream
export(int, OutputStream, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Exports this QbReport object in the specified format into the specified output stream
export(int, OutputStream, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Exports this QbReport object in the specified format into the specified output stream
export(int, OutputStream, String, String, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Exports this QbReport Object as an OutputStream with password protection.
export(int, OutputStream, String, String, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Exports this QbReport Object as an OutputStream with password protection.
export(int, OutputStream, String, String, int, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
use export(int format, OutputStream out, boolean saveAllData)
export(int, OutputStream, String, String, int, boolean, String, String, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
export(int, OutputStream, String, String, int, boolean, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Exports this QbReport Object as an OutputStream with password protection.
export(int, OutputStream, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Exports the specified page of this QbReport object in the specified format into the specified output stream
export(int, OutputStream, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Exports the specified page of this QbReport object in the specified format into the specified output stream
export(int, OutputStream, int, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Exports the specified page of this QbReport object in the specified format into the specified output stream
export(int, OutputStream, int, String, String, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Exports the specified page of this QbReport object in the specified format into the specified output stream
export(int, OutputStream, int, String, String, int, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
use export(int format, OutputStream out, int exportPage, boolean saveAllData) instead
export(int, OutputStream, Properties, IExportThreadListener) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Exports this QbReport object in the specified format into the specified output stream
export(int, String, Properties, IExportThreadListener) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Exports this QbReport object in the specified format as a file (filename)
export(int, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.SubReport
Export is not supported for sub-reports.
export(int, OutputStream) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.SubReport
Export is not supported for sub-reports.
exportChartToByteArray() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports the chart to byte array.
exportChartToByteArray(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
exportChartToByteArray() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Exports the chart to byte array.
exportChartToByteArray(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
exportChartToString() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports the chart to String object which can use any chart viewer to re-open it again.
exportChartToString() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Exports the chart to String object which can use any chart viewer to re-open it again.
exportDataFile(String, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports Data File
exportDataFile(PrintStream, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Exports Data File
exportDataFile(String, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Export Data File
exportDataFile(PrintStream, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Exports Data File
exportFailed(ScheduleObject, String, Throwable) - Method in interface quadbase.scheduler.ICallBackScheduler
Invoked when a schedule task export failed.
exportNow(long) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
exportReportToByteArray() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DrillDownReport
Export is not supported for drill-down reports.
exportReportToByteArray() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns this QbReport object as a byte array, useful when streaming the object.
exportReportToByteArray() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.SubReport
Export is not supported for sub-reports.
exportReportToString() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DrillDownReport
Export is not supported for drill-down reports.
exportReportToString() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns this QbReport object as a String object which can be re-constructed by Report Viewer.
exportReportToString() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.SubReport
Export is not supported for sub-reports.
exportSucceeded(ScheduleObject, String) - Method in interface quadbase.scheduler.ICallBackScheduler
Invoked when a schedule task export succeeded.
EXPORTTYPE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
internal use only
extraFormContent - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
Extra form contents


faceData - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
FaceData for SurfaceChart
factorial(NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Factorial of the specified NumericObject
FACTORIAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
FACTORIAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
FailedScheduledJob - Class in quadbase.scheduler
Represents a schedule task that has failed.
FailedScheduledJob(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.scheduler.FailedScheduledJob
FALSE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
FALSE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
fetchData() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
Gets the data from database, return as instance of DbData.
fetchData() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
Get the data from database, return as instance of DbData ClassNotFoundException is thrown if JDBC driver not found.
fetchData() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Get the data from database, return as instance of DbData ClassNotFoundException is thrown if JDBC driver not found.
FILL_BUBBLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IBubblePropertySet
A draw mode
finalize() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
finalize() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
finalize() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
Remove all the mouseListener before exit
finalize() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Remove all the mouseListener before exit
finalize() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
For internal use only
finalize() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
finalize() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
finalize() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Remove all the mouseListener before exit
finalize() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Remove all the mouseListener before exit
finalizeGraphics(Graphics, int, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IChartGraphics
Adds or modifies graphics information after drawing the chart.
findElementsAbove(ReportElement, ReportElement[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only
findElementsAbove(ReportElement, ReportSection) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
findElementsAbove(ReportElement, ReportTable) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
findElementsBelow(ReportElement[], ReportElement[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only
findElementsToLeft(ReportElement, ReportElement[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only
findElementstoLeft(ReportElement, ReportSection) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
For internal use only.
findElementstoLeft(ReportElement, ReportTable) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
findElementsToRight(ReportElement, ReportElement[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only
findElementsToRight(ReportElement[], ReportElement[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only
findElementstoRight(ReportElement, ReportSection) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
for internal use
findElementstoRight(ReportElement, ReportTable) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
findElementType(ReportElement) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only.
findGroupElementType(ReportElement) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only.
findImageIndex(double, double, Vector) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
findImageIndex(double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only Returns the index of the specified ReportImage.
findMasterSection(double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
findMaxXr(ReportElement[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only
findMaxYd(ReportElement[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only
findMinX(ReportElement[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only
findMinY(ReportElement[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only
findNewLink(Vector) - Method in class quadbase.util.HyperLink
Search for a valid hyperlink define in the Vector of HyperLink using the category, series and sumBy of this object.
findNewLink(Vector, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.util.HyperLink
findReportCellIndex(double, double, Vector) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only Returns the index of the cell that contains the coordinate point (cx, cy).
findReportColumnIndex(double, double, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns the column index containing the coordinate point (cx, cy) along a given row.
findRowElementIndex(double, double, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only Returns the index of the specified FormattedRow with rowIndex.
findRowElementIndex(double, double, FormattedRowKey) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only Returns the index of the specified SubReportObject.
findRTFObjectIndex(double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns the index of the specified SubReportObject.
findSectionCellIndex(double, double, Vector<Integer>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
findSpecificElements(ReportElement[], String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only.
findSubReportIndex(double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns the index of the specified SubReportObject.
findTOC(double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
fireSpreadSheetChanged(SpreadSheetModelEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Notifies all listeners of the given event
fireSpreadSheetChanged(SpreadSheetModelEvent) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Notifies all listeners of the given event
FIRST - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IAggregateConstants
Get the first data
FIRST - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IAggregationInfo
FIRST - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDrillDown
FIRST - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
FIRST_OF_MONTH - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
FIRST_OF_QUARTER - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
FIRST_OF_WEEK - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
FIRST_OF_YEAR - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
firstPageFinishedAction() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportThreadListener
This method is called when using page viewer exports and when the first page file has been successfully saved/exported.
FIT - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Resize the background image to fit the panel
FIT - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Resize the background image to fit the panel
FIT - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
This constant is only used for the background image.
fixDigitLen - Variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
display fixed number of digits for month and day, e.g.
FIXED_COLUMN - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Legend fixed column layout
FIXED_COLUMN - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Legend fixed column layout
FIXED_DAYS - Static variable in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
One of the constants returned by the method getTaskOption() that specifies a type of task.
FixedFieldCrossTabReport - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI
FixedFieldCrossTabReport(Report) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.FixedFieldCrossTabReport
For internal use only
FLASH - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IExportConstants
FLASH format (file extension .swf)
FLASH - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IExportConstants
FLASH format (file extension .swf)
FLASH - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
the FLASH image constant
FLAT - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Flat shading mode for a 3D chart; used to display a solid chart
FLAT - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Flat shading mode for a 3D chart; used to display a solid chart
FLAT_BORDER - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Flat shading mode for a 3D chart with black line border around it
FLAT_BORDER - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Flat shading mode for a 3D chart with black line border around it
FLOAT - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.dtd.elements.DTDDataType
floor(NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Floor of the NumericObject
FLOOR - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
FLOOR - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
footer - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
the footer text
footer - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
forceApplyAntiAliasToHorizontalText(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
turn on anti-alias for horizontal text even anti-alias is not on for the chart
forceApplyAntiAliasToHorizontalText(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
turn on anti-alias for horizontal text even anti-alias is not on for the chart
format - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
the export format
format(Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
Define quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat
format(Object) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat
Convert the object to a string using the formatting rules encapsulated by the IFormat subclass
format(Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ImageURLFormat
format(Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Define quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat.
format(Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleNumericFormat
Define quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat.
format(Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LogicalFormat
Define quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat Format the object if it is an instance of Boolean, otherwise call the default toString() method
format(Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.NumericFormat
Define quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat Use the doubleValue() method in java.lang.Number to return a formatted string If the target object is not an instance of Number, use the default toString() method
format(Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.StringFormat
Define quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat Format the object if it is an instance of Boolean, otherwise call the default toString() method
format(Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.TextURLFormat
format(Object) - Method in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
Defines quadbase.util.IFormat Format the object if it is a instance of java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time or java.sql.Timestamp Otherwise, return its toString() value
format(Object) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFormat
Convert the object to a string using the formatting rules encapsulated by the IFormat subclass
format(Object) - Method in class quadbase.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Define quadbase.util.IFormat.
format(Object) - Method in class quadbase.util.LocaleNumericFormat
Define quadbase.util.IFormat.
format(Object) - Method in class quadbase.util.LogicalFormat
Define quadbase.util.IFormat.
format(Object) - Method in class quadbase.util.NumericFormat
Define quadbase.util.IFormat.
formatCell(ReportCell, Report) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
formatCell(ReportCell, Report, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
formatCell(ReportCell, int, int, int, int, Report) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
formatCell(ReportCell, int, int, int, int, Report, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
formatCell(ReportCell, int, int, int, int, int, Report, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
formatCell(ReportCell, int, int, int, int, int, Report, boolean, Vector, Vector) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
formatCell(ReportColumn, int, Report) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
formatCell(ReportColumn, int, Report, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
formatCell(ReportColumn, int, int, Report) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
formatCell(ReportColumn, int, int, Report, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
formatCell(ReportColumn, int, int, int, int, int, Report) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
formatCell(ReportColumn, int, int, int, int, int, Report, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
formatCell(ReportColumn, int, int, int, int, int, int, Report) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
formatCell(ReportColumn, int, int, int, int, int, int, Report, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
formatCell(int, ReportCell, Object, IFormat) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ICellScript
Format the cell according to the specified parameters
formatColumn() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
formatColumn(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
formatDefaultValue() - Method in class
internal use only
formatSection() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
For internal use only.
formatTable() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
formatValue() - Method in class
internal use only
Formula - Class in
Formula() - Constructor for class
Formula(String) - Constructor for class
Formula(String, String) - Constructor for class
FORMULA - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
The element type FORMULA.
formulaReferenced(Formula) - Method in class
formulaReferenced(Formula) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
For internal use only
formulaReferenced(Formula) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Whether the specified formula is referenced (used) in this section.
formulaReferenced(Formula) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
FRANCE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.StreamResultSet
FUNCTION_LINE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionLine


GANTT - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
2D Gantt chart
generateImageURL(byte[]) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IDynamicImageURLGenerator
Takes the bytes of an image and make it available at the returned URL string.
generateReportKey(byte[]) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IDynamicReportKeyGenerator
Takes the bytes of a report and make it available at the returned URL string.
get(int) - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Parameters
Gets a particular Param by index.
get(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Parameters
Gets a Param by its parent name and name.
get(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Parameters
Gets a set of parameters by its name.
get3DLightIntensity() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IBubblePropertySet
This method returns the intensity of the light used in the simulated 3D mode.
getActualColumnCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
For internal use only.
getActualData(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Returns the unformatted data used in this ReportColumn If a cell contains a formula or script, getActualData returns the calculated value instead of the the formula
getActualDataCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
getAggregateOperator() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAggregationInfo
Returns the primary aggregate operator used for drill-down.
getAggregateOperator() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDrillDown
Returns the primary aggregate operator used for drill-down.
getAggregateOperator() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
Get the aggregate operator used for aggregating points along the primary value axis.
getAggregation() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Returns the aggregation on the column.
getAggrValue(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
getAlias() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
Return the alias of this field If no alias defined, return the path string
getAlign() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Get the horizontal alignment of this element.
getAlign() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
getAlignment() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the horizontal alignment of the parameter page
getAllAlertIds() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
getAllAlertIds() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
getAllAvailPrinters() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Return all the available printers requires JDK 1.4 or above
getAllColors(Vector<Color>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
getAllColors(Vector<Color>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
for internal use only.
getAllColors(Vector<Color>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
getAllColors(Vector<Color>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
getAllFunctionNames() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ICustomDefinedFunctions
Returns the names of all functions.
getAllOptionLabel() - Method in class
getAllOptionLabel() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
getAllOptionLabel() - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
getAllParameters() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
This is the simpliest way to obtain all parameters that needs to be set for this QbReport.
getAllParameters(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
This is the simpliest way to obtain all parameters in prompt sequence that needs to be set for this QbReport.
getAllParameters() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.SubReport
Since calling getAllParameters on the main report gets all parameters (including sub report parameters), calling the sub report getAllParameters() is not supported and throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
getAllReportChartObjects() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns an array of all the ReportChartObject objects in this table For Internal Use Only
getAllReportImages() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns an array of all the ReportImage objects in this table For Internal Use Only
getAllSubReports() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns an array of all the SubReport objects in this table For Internal Use Only
getAllTableElements() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Gets all elements in the table, including charts and other non-report elements.
getAlternateRow() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Gets the number of rows within sections that would have the same color before alternating to a different color.
getAmbientLight() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This function returns the ambient color value used for shading.
getAmPm(DateTimeObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Returns AM or PM depending on the time of the DateTimeObject
GETAMPM - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
GETAMPM - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
getAngle() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.TextString
Get the text angle
getAngle() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.TextString
Get the text angle
getAngle() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IText
Returns the angle of the text string.
getAnimationSpeed() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This function returns the animation speed for the navigation panel.
getAnnotationList() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAnnotationSet
Returns a list of IAnnotation objects using the whole chart as the referenced object.
getAnnotations() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IReferenceObj
This function returns the annotation objects
getAppearance() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Returns the background appearance for the control ranges.
getAppearance() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Returns the background appearance for the chart/legend plot area.
getApplet() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns applet
getApplet() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Return applet
getApplet() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets the parent Applet object of this QbReport object
getApplyTemplateDir() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Gets the default (report only) Apply Template directory.
getApproximationThreshold() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This method returns the threshold value of 3D rendering approximation.
getArcLengthRatio() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDoughnutPropertySet
Gets the arc length ratio for doughnut slice (1-100%)
getAreaColorAbove() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILinePropertySet
Returns the color currently used for the areas above the horizontal line.
getAreaColorBelow() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILinePropertySet
Returns the color currently used for the areas below the horizontal line.
getAreaCutOffPoint() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IRadarPropertySet
This method returns the value of the cut-off point for radar area
getArgument() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Gets the argument of the event, PickData if data is selected or String which describes the object otherwise
getArgument() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Get the argument of the event, PickData if data is selected or String which describes the object otherwise
getArrays() - Method in class
getArraySet(String) - Method in class
getAttributeDataType() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
Returns the attribute data type
getAttributeName() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
Returns the attribute name
getAverage() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IControlLine
Get the average of the selected data set
getAxis(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IOverlayPropertySet
This method returns corresponding axis of the specific layer
getAxisGapOffset() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IOverlayPropertySet
This method returns the offset of axis gap
getAxisLabelFormat() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGanttPropertySet
Returns the IFormat object that is used for formatting the value axis labels.
getAxisPosition(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IOverlayPropertySet
This method returns corresponding axis of the specific layer
getAxisUnitToRadiusRatio() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IBubblePropertySet
This method returns the ratio of the unit length of x-axis (in pixel/unit) to bubble radius value.
getBackgroundColor() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the background color of the parameter page
getBackgroundColor() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets the background color of the report.
getBackgroundColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ICanvas
This function returns the color of the desktop background.
getBackgroundColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFlashHintBoxPropertySet
Returns the background color of the information box used to display hints for data points and hyperlinks.
getBackgroundColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHint
Returns the background color of the information box used to display hints for data points and hyperlinks.
getBackgroundColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Returns the color of the chart/legend plot area background.
getBackgroundColorHex() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the background color of the parameter page
getBackgroundImage() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the background image of the parameter page
getBackgroundImage() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets the background image of the report
getBackgroundImagesPath() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.ImagesPath
return path of background images directory
getBackgroundImageURL() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ICanvas
Returns the URL of the background image drawn on the canvas.
getBackLinkClickCount() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Returns the mouse click count for jumping back from a hyperlink to the previous chart.
getBackLinkModifier() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Sets the mouse modifier for jumping back from a hyperlink to the previous chart.
getBackwardLinkClickCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
gets how many times the user needs to trigger the backwardLinkModifier MouseEvent to go backward.
getBackwardLinkClickCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
gets how many times the user needs to trigger the backwardLinkModifier MouseEvent to go backward.
getBackwardLinkModifier() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
gets what java.awt.event.MouseEvent triggers the Canvas to go backward (if available: after a forward link was triggered and the user wants to go back to the previous page|link).
getBackwardLinkModifier() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
gets what java.awt.event.MouseEvent triggers the Canvas to go backward (if available: after a forward link was triggered and the user wants to go back to the previous page|link).
getBarGapToWidthRatio() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Gets the ratio of the bar width and the distance between bars.
getBarWidthToThicknessRatio() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This function returns the width to thickness ratio for a bar/line 3D chart.
getBaseForLog() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to return a base for logarithmic for that axis.
getBgColor() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Get the background color of this element.
getBgColor2() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Gets the background color of the alternating sections.
getBodyMinWidth() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Gets the minimum width of the table only, excluding header and footer
getBodyText() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For Email feature: Returns the body text of the email
getBookmark() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only

Gets the bookmark associated with this ReportElement.

getBooleanNULLDataValue() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns the default object used in place of null Boolean data objects
getBorder(BorderSide) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
getBorder(BorderSide) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
getBorder(BorderSide) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
getBorderColor() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Get the border color of this element
getBorderColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFlashHintBoxPropertySet
Returns the border color of the information box used to display hints for data points and hyperlinks.
getBorderColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHint
Returns the border color of the information box used to display hints for data points and hyperlinks.
getBorderColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Returns the color that is used for pie chart's outside & slice borders.
getBorderColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Returns the color of the chart/legend plot area border.
getBorderThickness() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
getBorderThickness() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
getBorderThickness() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Returns the border thickness for the chart plot area.
getBottomBorder() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
getBottomMargin() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns bottom margin, in inches.
getBottomNValue() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
returns number of Bottom N value in a chart This feature only works with chart with category only and ascending order has to be applied to the chart
getBrowseDirectories() - Method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
Gets a BrowseDirectories object that can be used to set the default browsing directories for different browse dialogs.
getBrowseDirectories() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Gets a BrowseDirectories object that can be used to set the default browsing directories for different browse dialogs.
getBufferedImageType() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns java.awt.image.BufferedImage image type
getBufferedImageType() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns java.awt.image.BufferedImage image type
getBuilder() - Method in class quadbase.querybuilder.designer.QbQueryBuilder
getBurstEmail() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
getBurstReport() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
returns what type of bursting has been applied (Burst All or Burst Group)
getByteArray() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
internal use only
getBytes() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
Get the this image's data in bytes.
getBytes() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
Returns the contained SubReport as a byte array
getCachedSubReport() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
internal use only
getCacheSize() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
return the number of SubReport that will be cached
getCalculatedValue() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IControlLine
Get the calculated value used for plotting the line
getCandleStickDownColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This method gets the downTick candlestick color.
getCandleStickUpColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This method gets the upTick candlestick color.
getCandleStickWidth() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This method gets the "wicker"--the hi & low extensions of candlesticks.
getCanvasArea() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ICanvas
Returns canvas area component
getCBAggrColFooterTemplate(int, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.FixedFieldCrossTabReport
Gets column-break aggregation column footer style.
getCBAggrColHeaderTemplate(ReportSection, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.FixedFieldCrossTabReport
Gets column-break aggregation column header style.
getCBAggrColumnTemplate(int, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.FixedFieldCrossTabReport
Gets column-break aggregation column style.
getCBColumnFooterTemplate(int, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.FixedFieldCrossTabReport
Gets column-break column footer.
getCBColumnHeaderTemplate(ReportSection, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.FixedFieldCrossTabReport
Gets column-break column header style.  The style is obtained from the first crosstab column header.
getCellBackgroundColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method returns the table cell background color
getCellCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Returns the number of cells within this Report Section.
getCellFont() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method returns table cell font
getCellForHTML() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
For internal use only.
getCells() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Gets all ReportCell objects contained in this ReportSection.
getCellScript() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Gets the ICellScript object used by this ReportColumn.
getCellTextColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method returns the table cell text color
getCenter() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Returns center of the control range (for dial chart only) The percentage of the radius from 0 to 100 and dial center is (0, 0)
getCenterPointColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method returns the color of the center point
getCenterPointRadius() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method returns the relative radius of the center point
getChart() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
Get the IChart object contained in this instance of ReportChartObject.
getChartGraphics() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns chart graphics object
getChartGraphics() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
return chart graphics object
getChartImagesPath() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.ImagesPath
return path of chart images directory
getChartLocation() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
Gets the path to the location of the chart.
getChartLocation() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
getChartMenuBar() - Method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
getChartModifier() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
Get the implemented IChartModifier class object that has been set into this instance of ReportChartObject.
getChartObject() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
Obtain an IChart object from this ReportChartObject.
getChartPath() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
getChartPath() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
call this method from the parent QbReport
getChartsNoGuideLine() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
getChartTemplatesDirectory() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Gets the default browse chart templates directory.
getChartToolBar() - Method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
getClassFile() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Gets the name of the input class file used to create the report.
getClassFile() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Gets the name of the input class file used to create the chart.
getCoeff() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
please see the derived classes for details
getCoeff() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
getColData() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DbData
This is for internal use only
getColData(IDatabaseInfo, boolean, boolean[]) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
getColData() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DbData
This is for internal use only
getColData(IDatabaseInfo, boolean, boolean[]) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
getColData() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
Return an array of
getColData() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DbData
For internal use only
getColData(IDatabaseInfo, boolean, boolean[], int, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Retrieves data in column form using the database information provided.
getColData(IDatabaseInfo, boolean, boolean[], int, int, boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Retrieves data in column form using the database information provided.
getColData() - Method in class quadbase.util.SalesForceResultSet
getColData(boolean, boolean[], PreprocInfo) - Method in class quadbase.util.SalesForceResultSet
getColDataMapping() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
For internal use only.
getColIndex(ReportTable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
For internal use only
getColor() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.TextString
Get the text color
getColor() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.TextString
Get the text color
getColor() - Method in class quadbase.util.ColorSpectrum
This function returns the color array
getColor(double) - Method in class quadbase.util.ColorSpectrum
This function returns the color corresponding to a target value
getColor() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Returns color of the control range
getColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DControlPanel
Returns the color of the navigation panel for 3D charts.
getColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
Retrieve the color used to draw the axis.
getColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
Get the color of the data line
getColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IText
Returns the color of the text string.
getColor() - Method in class quadbase.util.PolyLine
Returns the color of the poly-line.
getColorAboveLine() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHorzVertLine
Return the value of setColorAboveLine(Color).
getColorArrayForPieThreshold() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
getColorBelowLine() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHorzVertLine
Return the value of setColorBelowLine(Color).
getColors() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns the color scheme for the data points plotted in the chart.
getColors() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Returns the color scheme for the secondary axis data points plotted in the chart.
getColorSpectrum() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This function returns the color spectrum being used.
getColorThresholdForPie() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
getColumn(int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.ColInfo
getColumn(int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.ColInfo
getColumn() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
Gets the current column in crosstab reports
getColumn(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns the ReportColumn object at the specified index of this table.
getColumn() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns the ReportColumn array of this table.
getColumn() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SpreadSheetModelEvent
Returns the column index changed (beginning at 1).
getColumn(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IColumnMap
Get the column index for the given chart dimension(field).
getColumn() - Method in class quadbase.util.SpreadSheetModelEvent
Returns the column index changed (beginning at 1).
getColumnBreakColumnCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For CrossTab Tables only.
getColumnBreakColumnTemplate(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.FixedFieldCrossTabReport
Gets column-break column style.  The style is obtained from the first crosstab column.
getColumnBreakCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.FixedFieldCrossTabReport
Counts number of column-break columns.
getColumnByID(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
getColumnCount() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DataSheet
returns number of columns
getColumnCount() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DataSheet
Returns number of columns
getColumnCount() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLQueryResultSet
getColumnCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
returns number of columns
getColumnCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
getColumnCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Gets the number of columns in this table.
getColumnCount() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IRSMetaData
Gets the number of columns in the result set.
getColumnCount() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ISpreadSheetModel
Returns the number of columns (except the row labels)
getColumnCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.QueryResultSet
Get total number of columns
getColumnCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Get total number of cloumns
getColumnCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.StreamResultSet
Get total number of columns
getColumnCount() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IRSMetaData
Gets the number of columns in the result set.
getColumnCount() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISpreadSheetModel
Returns the number of columns (except the row labels)
getColumnCount() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method counts number of columns
getColumnCount() - Method in class quadbase.util.QueryResultSet
getColumnCount() - Method in class quadbase.util.SalesForceResultSet
getColumnCount() - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
getColumnCount() - Method in class quadbase.util.StreamResultSet
getColumnDisplaySize(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.QueryResultSet
getColumnDisplaySize(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.QueryResultSet
getColumnIndex(ReportElement) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Gets the column index of this element in the table
getColumnIndex(ReportColumn) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
getColumnLabel(int) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ISpreadSheetModel
Returns the value of the column label for a given row
getColumnLabel(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Get the label for the given column
getColumnLabel(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISpreadSheetModel
Returns the value of the column label for a given row
getColumnLabel(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Get the label for the given column
getColumnLabelType() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ISpreadSheetModel
Returns the data type of the column labels
getColumnLabelType() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Get the label type of the specified column
getColumnLabelType() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISpreadSheetModel
Returns the data type of the column labels
getColumnLabelType() - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
getColumnMap() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Returns the data column mapping information.
getColumnName() - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
If (isMapToColumn()) Returns the column name
getColumnName() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
getColumnName(int) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLQueryResultSet
getColumnName() - Method in class
getColumnName() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IQueryInParam
Returns the column name
getColumnName(int) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IRSMetaData
Gets the name of a column in the result set.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.QueryResultSet
Get name of specified column
getColumnName() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
getColumnName(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.StreamResultSet
Get name of specified column
getColumnName() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IQueryInParam
Returns the column name
getColumnName(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IRSMetaData
Gets the name of a column in the result set.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.QueryResultSet
getColumnName(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.SalesForceResultSet
getColumnName() - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
getColumnName(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.StreamResultSet
getColumns() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.FixedFieldCrossTabReport
Gets column data (ignore all the column-break columns and aggregation columns).
getColumns() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns a vector containing ReportColumn objects in this table.
getColumnsForHTML() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
getColumnsIgnoreRepeatColumn() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Looks through the columns of this table object and returns the number of columns in the table, ignoring column break and column break aggregation columns.
getColumnSpacing() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
getColumnType(int) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLQueryResultSet
getColumnType(int) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IRSMetaData
Gets the data type of a column in the result set.
getColumnType(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.QueryResultSet
Get type of specified column
getColumnType(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.StreamResultSet
Get type of specified column
getColumnType(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IRSMetaData
Gets the data type of a column in the result set.
getColumnType(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.QueryResultSet
getColumnType(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.SalesForceResultSet
getColumnType(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.StreamResultSet
getColumnValue(int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Returns the Column value at specified column
getColumnValue(NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Returns the Column value at specified column
getColumnValue(int, short) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Returns the Column value at specified column after doing the specified aggregation.
getColumnValue(NumericObject, short) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Returns the Column value at specified column after doing the specified aggregation.
getColumnValue(int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Gets the column value at specified column
getColumnValue(int, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Gets the column value at specified column
getColumnValue(NumericObject, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Gets the column value at specified column
getColumnValue(int, short) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Gets the column value at specified column after applying specified aggregation.
getColumnValue(int, short, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Gets the column value at specified column after applying specified aggregation.
getColumnValue(NumericObject, short, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Gets the column value at specified column after applying specified aggregation.
getColumnValue(int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Returns the column value of the specific column
getColumnValue(int, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Returns the column value of the specified column
getColumnValue(NumericObject, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Returns the column value of the specified column
getColumnValue(int, short) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Returns the Column value of specified column after doing the specified aggregation.
getColumnValue(int, short, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Returns the Column value of specified column after doing the specified aggregation.
getColumnValue(NumericObject, short, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Returns the Column value of specified column after doing the specified aggregation.
getColumnValue(int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Returns the Column value at specified column
getColumnValue(NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Returns the Column value at specified column
getColumnValue(int, short) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Returns the Column value at specified column after doing the specified aggregation.
getColumnValue(NumericObject, short) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Returns the Column value at specified column after doing the specified aggregation.
getColumnWidth() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
getColumnWidth(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method returns the width of the column
getColumnWidths() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
getCombinationType() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
This function returns the combination chart type.
getCommand() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
Returns schedule command
getComponent(Applet, String, long) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Get the Page Viewer as a java.awt.Component.
getComponent(Frame, String, long) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Get the Page Viewer as a java.awt.Component.
getComponent(Applet, String, long, String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Get the Page Viewer as a java.awt.Component.
getComponent(Frame, String, long, String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Get the Page Viewer as a java.awt.Component.
getComponent(Applet, QbReport, long, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ViewerAPI
Get the Page Viewer as a java.awt.Component.
getComponent(Frame, QbReport, long, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ViewerAPI
Get the Page Viewer as a java.awt.Component.
getComponent(Applet, String, long) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Get the Page Viewer as a java.awt.Component.
getComponent(Frame, String, long) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Get the Page Viewer as a java.awt.Component.
getComponent(Applet, String, long, String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Get the Page Viewer as a java.awt.Component.
getComponent(Frame, String, long, String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Get the Page Viewer as a java.awt.Component.
getComponent(Applet, QbReport, long, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ViewerAPI
Get the Page Viewer as a java.awt.Component.
getComponent(Frame, QbReport, long, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ViewerAPI
Get the Page Viewer as a java.awt.Component.
getComponent(IReport) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
Returns a Component that displays the report.
getComponent(IReport, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
Returns a Component that displays the report, with the specified scroll bar option
getComponent(IReport) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
Returns a Component that displays the report.
getComponent(IReport, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
Returns a Component that displays the report, with the specified scroll bar option
getCondition() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
Returns the condition query string
getConditionInfo() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
Returns an array of XMLFieldInfo objects that need for the condition
getConnection() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
Gets the connection object, if one exists.
getConnection() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
Gets the connection object, if one exists
getConnection() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Gets the connection object, if one exists
getConnection() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IDatabaseInfo
Gets the connection object, if one exists
getConnection() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDatabaseInfo
Gets the connection object, if one exists
getConnection() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IJNDIDatabaseInfo
Gets the connection object, if one exists
getContentTitleAlignment() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method gets content title alignment
getContentValueAlignment() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method gets content value alignment
getCSSDir() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Gets the default browse CSS direcotory.
getCssFile() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.CssHtmlParameterPageWriter
Gets the path to the css file in use.
getCurrencyInstance() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleNumericFormat
Create an instance of currency format for the default locale.
getCurrencyInstance(Locale) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleNumericFormat
Create an instance of currency format for the specified locale.
getCurrencyInstance() - Static method in class quadbase.util.LocaleNumericFormat
Create an instance of currency format for the default locale.
getCurrencyInstance(Locale) - Static method in class quadbase.util.LocaleNumericFormat
Create an instance of currency format for the specified locale.
getCurrentDate() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Returns the current date
getCurrentDateTime() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Returns the current date and time
getCurrentFileName(int, int, String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.HTMLBlock
Helper method for generating the current file name of a multi-page export
getCurrentTime() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Returns the current time
getCustomCurrency() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.NumericFormat
Get custom multi-character currency symbol Deprecates the old char type currency symbol variable "currencySymbol"
getCustomCurrency() - Method in class quadbase.util.NumericFormat
Get custom multi-character currency symbol Deprecates the old char type currency symbol variable "currencySymbol"
getCustomDefinedFunctions() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Gets the custom defined functions information.
getCustomDefinedFunctions() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Return custom defined functions
getCustomerQueryForLinkedSubReport() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
getCustomID() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Get the custom ID of this element
getCustomizeDataHintBoxHandle() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFlashHintBoxPropertySet
getCutCornerWidth() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Gets the cut corner width for the cut corner appearance (in pixel)
getData() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DbData
Gets the record data, field j of record i is stored in position [i][j] of the result as an Object of that type.
getData() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DbData
Get the record data, field j of record i is stored in position [i][j] of the result as an Object of that type.
getData() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
Returns the byte array contains the data
getData() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DbData
Get the record data, field j of record i is stored in position [i][j] of the result as an Object of that type.
getData(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Return the ReportElement object with the given id or customID
getData() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Gets the data object used by this ReportColumn.
getData(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Gets the data at the specified index.
getData() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
Get the content as a byte array.
getData() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Returns the cells within this Report Section.
getData(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
getData(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Returns the cell at the specified index of this Report Section.
getData(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Returns the cell with the given ID or customID of this Report Section.
getData(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Gets a specific ReportElement in this ReportTable
getData() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Returns the IResultSet object containing the input report data.
getData(String) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IReport
For internal use only
getData() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Returns the IResultSet object containing the input chart data.
getDatabaseConnection(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
This static function establishes a connection to the specified database and returns a connection object to it.
getDatabaseConnection(String, Hashtable<String, String>) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
This static function establishes a connection to the specified database and returns a connection object to it.
getDatabaseConnection(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
This static function establishes a connection to the specified database and returns a connection object to it.
getDatabaseConnection(String, Hashtable<String, String>) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
This static function establishes a connection to the specified database and returns a connection object to it.
getDatabaseConnection(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
This static function establishes a connection to the specified database and returns a connection object to it.
getDatabaseConnection(String, Hashtable<String, String>) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
This static function establishes a connection to the specified database and returns a connection object to it.
getDatabaseInfo() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Gets the database info used for plotting the report.
getDatabaseInfo() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Gets the database info used for plotting the chart.
getDatabaseProductName() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.IDBConnection
getDataBorderColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns border color of the data points for some chart types.
getDataBorderThickness() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns border thickness of the data points for some chart types.
getDataCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Gets the length of the data object used.
getDataFile() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Gets the name of the input data file used to create the report.
getDataFile() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Gets the name of the input data file used to create the chart.
getDataFormat() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
Gets the Data Format
getDataFormat() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Gets the data format of this ReportColumn.
getDataHintBgColor() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
gets the data hint background color
getDataHintBgColor() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
gets the data hint background color
getDataHintFont() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
gets the data hint font
getDataHintFont() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
gets the data hint font
getDataHintFontColor() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
gets the data hint font color
getDataHintFontColor() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
gets the data hint font color
getDataHintOffset() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
gets the offset of the data hint
getDataHintOffset() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
gets the offset of the data hint
getDataIgnoreRepeatCells() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
getDataIgnoreReportImages() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
getDataLabel(PickData, String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLabelInfo
The method returns a top label string
getDataLineThickness() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This function returns the line thickness for 2D charts
getDataLineThickness() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
This function returns the line thickness for 2D charts
getDataNoGuideLine() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
getDataRegistryDirectory() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Gets the default browse data registry directory for both report and chart
getDataSet() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
getDataSize() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Gets the length of the data object used.
getDataSourceID() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
getDataSourceTextDir() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Gets the default browse data source (text file) directory for both report and chart.
getDataSourceType() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns the type of the Data source
getDataSourceType() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
Get the dataSource Type of the Chart Object.
getDataSourceXMLDir() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Gets the default browse data source (xml file) directory for both report and chart.
getDataType() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
getDatatype(Report) - Method in class
getDatatype(Report) - Method in class
getDataType() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Returns the SQL type of the column
getDate(String, String, int) - Static method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLDataTypeUtil
A static method to return a data object
getDateFormat() - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
The custom date format.
getDateFormat() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
Returns the date format
getDateFormat() - Method in class
getDateFormat() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ICustomParameterDateFormat
getDateFormat() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
For internal use only
getDateFormat() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ICustomParameterDateFormat
getDateInstance() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Create an instance of date format for the default locale and style.
getDateInstance(int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Create an instance of date format for the default locale and the specified style.
getDateInstance(Locale) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Create an instance of date format for the specified locale.
getDateInstance(int, Locale) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Create an instance of date format for the specified locale and style.
getDateInstance() - Static method in class quadbase.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Create an instance of date format for the default locale and style.
getDateInstance(int) - Static method in class quadbase.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Create an instance of date format for the default locale and the specified style.
getDateInstance(Locale) - Static method in class quadbase.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Create an instance of date format for the specified locale.
getDateInstance(int, Locale) - Static method in class quadbase.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Create an instance of date format for the specified locale and style.
getDateParameterCalendar() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the state to use a pop-up calendar to choose a date for date parameters
getDateParameterCalendarDatepicker() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the path to the javascript and images of the pop-up calendar
getDateParameterSelection() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the state to use a select drop down list to choose a date for date parameters
getDateStyle() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Get the date style.
getDateStyle() - Method in class quadbase.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Get the date style.
getDateTime(DateTimeObject, short) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Gets the value of a specified field from the DateTimeObject
getDateTimeInstance() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Create an instance of timestamp format for the default locale and styles.
getDateTimeInstance(Locale) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Create an instance of timestamp format for the specified locale.
getDateTimeInstance(int, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Create an instance of timestamp format for the specified styles.
getDateTimeInstance(int, int, Locale) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Create an instance of timestamp format for the specified styles and locale.
getDateTimeInstance() - Static method in class quadbase.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Create an instance of timestamp format for the default locale and styles.
getDateTimeInstance(Locale) - Static method in class quadbase.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Create an instance of timestamp format for the specified locale.
getDateTimeInstance(int, int) - Static method in class quadbase.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Create an instance of timestamp format for the specified styles.
getDateTimeInstance(int, int, Locale) - Static method in class quadbase.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Create an instance of timestamp format for the specified styles and locale.
getDateTimeNULLDataValue() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns the default object used in place of null date-time data objects
getDateVariable() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the state to use a pop-up date calculater to choose a date for date parameters
getDateVariableDatepicker() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the path to the javascript and images of the pop-up date calculater
getDayDifference(DateTimeObject, DateTimeObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Returns the difference in number of days between the two DateTimeObjects
getDayInterval() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
If task option is TIME_INTERVAL: Returns day interval in days
getDayOfWeek(DateTimeObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Returns the day of the week
getDbInfo() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
internal use only.
getDBTableName() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
getDBTableName() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Gets the name of the Database table.
getDefaultParamNames() - Method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
getDefaultParamNames() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Gets a preset list of parameters to be used when defining parameters in a query.
getDefaultSql() - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
getDefaultSql() - Method in class
getDefaultSql() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
getDefaultSql() - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
getDefaultValue() - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
Returns the default value.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class
Gets the default value of the Parameter.
getDefaultValue() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IQueryInParam
Returns the default value
getDefaultValue() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
getDefaultValue() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IQueryInParam
Returns the default value
getDefaultValue() - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
getDefaultValueVariable() - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
Returns default value of a date parameter as a date expression (ex.
getDefaultValueVariable() - Method in class
getDefaultValueVariable() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
Returns default value of a date parameter as a date expression (ex.
getDefaultValueVariable() - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
Returns default value of a date parameter as a date expression (ex.
getDepth() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Returns the control range area depth.
getDepth() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Returns the data plotting area depth.
getDescription() - Method in class quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager.DefaultDataSourceNode
getDescription(ReportElement) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Return the description of this ReportElement
getDesigner() - Method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
getDesigner() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
It is recommended that the setVisible(true) method should be used instead of this method to launch the report designer.
getDesignerTabbedPane() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Gets the JTabbedPane that contains the 'Design', 'SubReport', and 'Preview' tabs.
getDesignerToolBar() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Returns the primary design tool bar
getDesignerToolBar2() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Returns the secondary design tool bar
getDHTMLHeader() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns the header text to be included in DHTML export
getDHTMLTopMargin() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns the offset at the top, which is used in DHTML export
getDialBGImageRelativeURL() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Gets the relative URL of the dial chart plot background image
getDialBGImageURL() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Gets the full URL of the dial chart plot background image
getDialBGRatio() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Gets the radius ratio of the dial chart plot background image to the plot area
getDialBGState() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Gets the state of dial chart plot background image
getDialFGImageRelativeURL() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Gets the relative URL of the dial chart plot foreground image
getDialFGImageURL() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Gets the full URL of the dial chart plot foreground image
getDialFGRatio() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Gets the radius ratio of the dial chart plot foreground image to the plot area
getDialFGState() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Gets the state of dial chart plot foreground image
getDimension() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns the dimension (2D or 3D) of the chart.
getDimension() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns the dimension (2D or 3D) of the chart.
getDirection() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Returns the direction of the control range (Dial chart does not support this feature) Only coordinates system charts support this feature
getDisplayName() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
for internal use only
getDisplayName(String[], String) - Static method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
for internal use only
getDisplayNameForOthers() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
get display name for "Others"
getDocumentTitle() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the title of the HTML document
getDomainPath() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
Gets the domain path for this object.
getDomainPath() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
getDownBarColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDropBarSet
This method returns the down bar color.
getDragClickCount() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Returns the mouse click count for dragging of chart, legend, etc.
getDragModifier() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Returns the mouse modifier for dragging of chart, legend, etc.
getDrawMode() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IBubblePropertySet
This method gets the draw mode of bubble chart.
getDrawX() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only
getDrawX(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only
getDrawY() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only
getDrawY(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only
getDrillDownChart(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns the drill-down chart with the matching name
getDrillDownChart(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Return the drill-down chart with the matching name
getDrillDownChartAt(int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns the drill-down chart at the specific index
getDrillDownChartAt(int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Return the drill-down chart at the specific index
getDrillDownChartCount() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
The number of drill-down charts immediately accessible
getDrillDownChartCount() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
The number of drill-down charts immediately accessible
getDrillDownData(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
getDrillDownName() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Get the web link of this element
getDrillDownName() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Gets the drill down report name from this column
getDrillDownPath() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
getDrillDownReport(String, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Return the drill-down report with the matching name
getDrillDownReport(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Return the drill-down report with the matching name.
getDrillDownReportAt(int, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Return the drill-down report at the specific index
getDrillDownReportAt(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Return the drill-down report at the specific index.
getDrillDownReportCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets the number of drill-down reports presently accessible
getDrillName() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDrillDown
Returns the base drill-name
getDriverName() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
Gets the JDBC driver name.
getDriverName() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
Gets the JDBC driver name
getDriverName() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Gets the JDBC driver name
getDriverName() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IDatabaseInfo
Gets the JDBC driver name
getDriverName() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDatabaseInfo
Gets the JDBC driver name
getDTD() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
for internal use only
getDTDFile() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Gets the name of the input dtd file used to create the report.
getDTDFile() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Gets the name of the input dtd file used to create the chart.
getDTDName() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
for internal use only
getDTDTreeFileName() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
Returns the xml file name
getDualColorColInfoCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Returns the number of members in the ReportColumn index int array used for setting different colors when the value in any of these columns changes.
getDualColorColInfoIndex() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Returns the ReportColumn index int array used for setting different colors when the value in any of these columns changes.
getDynamicImageURLGenerator() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets the Dynamic Image URL Generator
getDynamicReportKeyGenerator() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets the IDynamicReportKeyGenerator
getElementDataType() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
Returns the element data type
getElementType(ReportElement) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only
getElementTypeName(int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
getEmailColumnIndex() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
returns the column index whose data provides the email addresses to send the exported reports to
getEmailType() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For Email feature: Returns email type: ASATTACHMENT/ ASLINK/ ASHTML
getEndAngle() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method returns the ending angle of the chart (12pm position is 0 degree, clockwise)
getEndDate() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
If task option is TIME_INTERVAL / FIXEDDAYS: if endDate = -1, it runs indefinitely Returns end date for scheduled event
getEndLabelOffset() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Returns end label offset of the control range
getEndOfColumnBreakColumn() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For CrossTab Tables only.
getEndScale() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Returns end scale of the control range for column/bar type: scale of value axis
getEndScale(Chart) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
getEndScale2() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Returns end scale 2 of the control range for column/bar type: scale of category axis not used for dial chart
getEndScale2(Chart) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
getEndTime() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
If task option is FIXEDDAYS Returns end time (in minutes) for scheduled event.
getEntry() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
Gets the bookmark entry for this object
getEnvironment() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.EJBInfo
Returns the environment properties of the bean as a Hashtable.
getEnvProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
Gets environment properties for initial context.
getEnvProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
Gets environment properties for initial context
getEnvProperties() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Gets environment properties for initial context
getEnvProperties() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IJNDIDatabaseInfo
Gets environment properties of the initial context
getERA(DateTimeObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Returns the ERA of the DateTimeObject
GETERA - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
GETERA - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
getErrorMessage() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns error message from the constructor of QbChart
getErrorMessage() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Return error message from the constructor of QbChart
getErrorMessage() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns error message for errors during the creation of this QbReport object.
getExcelFileInfo() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Gets the Excel info used for the report.
getExcelFileInfo() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Gets the Excel info used for the chart.
getExpandToGroupSectionIndex() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns the group section index that the report default to show in Summary Break/ CrossTab Report with expand/ collapse on for DHTML output.
getExplodeRadialPos() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Returns the pie slice explode distance from the origin.
getExportedFiles() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
internal use only.
getExportLocation() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.FailedScheduledJob
returns export location
getExportLocation() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
Returns export file location
getExportServlet() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
getExportServlet() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
getExportTime() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.FailedScheduledJob
returns export time
getExportTime() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
getExportType() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
getExternalStyleSheetName() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For DHTML export: Returns the external style sheet file used for DHTML export.
getExtraFormContent() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
internal use only.
getFailBodyText() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For Fail Job Email feature: returns the body text of the email
getFailedScheduledJob() - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleLog
Returns all the failed scheduled job information include file name, job name, export time and stack trace this method would search for Schedule.log or ERESSchedule.log and find all the failed jobs.
getFailSubject() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For Fail Job Email feature: returns the subject of the email
getFailToAddress() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For Fail Job Email feature: returns recievers' email addresses
getFieldInfo() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
Returns the array of XMLFieldInfo object
getFieldInfo(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
getFieldName() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DbData
Please use the getMetaData method to obtain this information
getFieldName() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DbData
Please use the getMetaData method to obtain this information
getFieldName() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DbData
Please use the getMetaData method to obtain this information
getFieldNames() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
Return the field names in a string array of the datasheet.
getFieldType() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DbData
Please use the getMetaData method to obtain this information
getFieldType() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DbData
Please use the getMetaData method to obtain this information
getFieldType() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DbData
Please use the getMetaData method to obtain this information
getFile() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns the name of the (CHT or TPL) file from which the chart is loaded.
getFile() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns the name of the (CHT or TPL) file from which the chart is loaded.
getFileLocation() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.FailedScheduledJob
returns report file location
getFileLocation() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
Returns report file location
getFileName(String) - Method in interface quadbase.chart.designer.IByPassSaveAsForChart
return save as location
getFileName() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
Returns the xml file name
getFileName() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
getFileName() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
Return the file location of the sub-report RPT file
getFileName(FileInMemTable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
getFileRecordBufferSize() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Gets the number of record to store on disk at a time when using record file data to generate the report
getFileRecordBufferSize() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
get the number of record to store on disk at a time when using record file data to generate the report
getFileRecordBufferSize() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets the number of records to store on disk at a time when using record file data to generate the report.
getFirst2RowOfColumns(Vector<ReportElement>) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
getFirst2RowOfColumns(ReportElement[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
getFirstCBAggrColFooter(int, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
getFirstCBAggrColHeader(int, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
getFirstCBAggrColumn(int, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Looks through the columns of this table object and returns the first column break aggregation column.
getFirstCBColumnFooter(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
getFirstCBColumnHeader(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
getFirstColumnBreakColumn(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Looks through the columns of this table object and returns the index of the first column break column.
getFirstColumnScriptedValue(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns an object containing the first value in the specified column.
getFirstColumnValue(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns an object containing the first value in the specified column.
getFirstFileName(String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.HTMLBlock
Helper method for generating the first file name of a multi-page export
getFirstRBColumnHeader(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
getFirstRowOfColumns(Vector<ReportElement>) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
getFirstRowOfUnsortedColumns(Vector<ReportElement>) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
getFixedFieldColumnBreakColumnCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Looks through the columns of this table object and returns the number of column break columns in the table.
getFixedFieldCrossTabReport() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
getFlashFrameCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
getFlashFrameRate() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
getFont() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.TextString
Get the text font
getFont() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.TextString
Get the text font
getFont() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Get the font name of this element
getFont() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFlashHintBoxPropertySet
Returns the font of the information box used to display hints for data points and hyperlinks.
getFont() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IText
Returns the font of the text string.
getFont2() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Gets the font of the alternating sections.
getFontColor() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Get the Font color of this element.
getFontColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFlashHintBoxPropertySet
Returns the font color of the information box used to display hints for data points and hyperlinks.
getFontColor2() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Gets the font color of the alternating sections.
getFontMapping() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets the Font Mapping Table
getFontMappingFontsDir() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Gets the default browse Font Mapping directory.
getFontMappingXmlDir() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Gets the default browse Font Mapping import/export directory.
getFontResizeRatio() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ICanvas
Returns the ratio of font auto-resize to the chart canvas size change.
getFooter() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the text that appears at the end of the Parameter page
getFooter() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns the table footer.
getFooterData(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.FixedFieldCrossTabReport
Gets footer data (ignore all the column-break column's footers and aggregation column's footers).
getFormat() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the only exporting report or chart format
getformat() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
Get the current format
getformat() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LogicalFormat
Get the current format
getFormat() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILabel
This function returns a handle to an object of type IFormat.
getformat() - Method in class quadbase.util.LogicalFormat
Get current format.
getFormatCell(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
getFormatCell(int, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
getFormatCell(int, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
getFormatCell(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
getFormatColumnIndex(MultiDimData, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
getFormatData(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Gets the formatted data text at the specified index.
getFormatData(int, IFormat) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
used when a different format is desired.
getFormatHyperlinkDir() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Gets the default browse hyperlink directory for reports.
getFormatMap() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
getFormats() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
getFormattedCell(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
getFormattedCell(ReportCell, Vector<Integer>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
getFormattedCell(ReportCell, int[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Gets a formatted cell
getFormattedCellAtRow(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
getFormattedCells() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
getFormattedCells(Vector<Integer>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
getFormattedCells(int[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Gets a formatted cell
getFormattedCellsCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
getFormattedCellsCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
getFormattedCellsTable() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
getFormattedCellsTable() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Returns the preview editing table.
getFormattedCellsTableCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
getFormattedCellsTableSize() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
getFormattedData(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
getFormattedRow(int, Vector<Integer>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
getFormattedRow(FormattedRowKey) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only Give the rowIndex, get the formattedRow object with this specified FormattedRowKey For All report types
getFormattedRows() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only.
getFormattedRowsCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only Gets the length of the formattedRows hashtable object used.
getFormatType() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
Define quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat
getFormatType() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat
Returns the type of format
getFormatType() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ImageURLFormat
getFormatType() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Define quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat.
getFormatType() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleNumericFormat
Define quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat.
getFormatType() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LogicalFormat
Define quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat Return the type of quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat
getFormatType() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.NumericFormat
Define quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat Return the type of quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat
getFormatType() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.StringFormat
Define quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat Return the type of quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat
getFormatType() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.TextURLFormat
getFormatType() - Method in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
Defines quadbase.util.IFormat Return the type of quadbase.util.IFormat
getFormatType() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFormat
Returns the type of format
getFormatType() - Method in class quadbase.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Define quadbase.util.IFormat.
getFormatType() - Method in class quadbase.util.LocaleNumericFormat
Define quadbase.util.IFormat.
getFormatType() - Method in class quadbase.util.LogicalFormat
Define quadbase.util.IFormat.
getFormatType() - Method in class quadbase.util.NumericFormat
Define quadbase.util.IFormat.
getFormula() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Returns the formula
getFormula() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Returns the formula
getFormula() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.IObject
Returns the formula
getFormula() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Returns the formula
getFormula() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Returns the formula
getFormula() - Method in class
getFormula() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
returns the actual formula content
getFormula() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Returns the formula of the column
getFormulaName() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
returns the formula name
getFormulaName() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Gets the Formula name.
getFormulaNames() - Method in class
internal use only
getFormulaObj() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
returns the Formula object contained in this ReportCell
getFormulaObj() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Gets the Formula Object.
getFormulaParameters() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets a Vector containing Parameter objects if parameterized formula is used
getForwardLinkClickCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
gets how many times the user needs to trigger the forwardLinkModifier MouseEvent to go forward.
getForwardLinkClickCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
gets how many times the user needs to trigger the forwardLinkModifier MouseEvent to go forward.
getForwardLinkClickCount() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Returns the mouse click count for jumping to a hyperlink associated with a data point.
getForwardLinkModifier() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
gets what java.awt.event.MouseEvent triggers a link (drill down link, etc.) to go forward.
getForwardLinkModifier() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
gets what java.awt.event.MouseEvent triggers a link (drill down link, etc.) to go forward.
getForwardLinkModifier() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Returns the mouse modifier for jumping to a hyperlink associated with a data point.
getFrame() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets the parent frame object of this QbReport object
getFromAddress() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For Email feature: Returns sender email address
getFullID() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
getFullText(Report, ReportTable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
getFunction() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionLine
This method returns the definition of the funtion
getGapRatioBetweenPies() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Returns the gap ratio between pies Default is 0.5
getGlobalFormatDir() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Gets the default browse global format directory for reports
getGradientDesColor() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
getGradientDesColor() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
getGradientDesColor() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
getGradientDesColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGradientSupport
getGradientEndX() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
getGradientEndX() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
getGradientEndX() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
getGradientEndX() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGradientSupport
getGradientEndY() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
getGradientEndY() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
getGradientEndY() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
getGradientEndY() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGradientSupport
getGradientShade() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
getGradientShade() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
getGradientShade() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
getGradientShade() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGradientSupport
getGradientStartX() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
getGradientStartX() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
getGradientStartX() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
getGradientStartX() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGradientSupport
getGradientStartY() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
getGradientStartY() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
getGradientStartY() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
getGradientStartY() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGradientSupport
getGridColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to get the grid color of the axis(2D) or wall(3D).
getGridHeightRatio() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function returns grid height ratio for 2D chart.
getGridLineStyle() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function returns the line style value of the X/Y grid lines.
getGridStep(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Please use getTickerStep(int colIndex) The step size of ticker should equal step size of grid, except after label filtering for date-time chart
getGridStyle() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
getGridThickness() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function returns the thickness value of the X/Y grid lines.
geth3DControlPanel() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to properties of the 3D control panel.
geth3DControlPanel() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to properties of the 3D control panel.
geth3DProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to properties specific to a 3D chart.
geth3DProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to properties specific to a 3D chart.
gethAggregationInfo() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the aggregation property interface.
gethAggregationInfo() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the aggregation property interface.
getHandCount() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method is deprecated and should use getNeedleCount instead
getHandLength(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method is deprecated and should use getNeedleLength instead
gethAnnotations() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the set of annotations.
gethAnnotations() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the set of annotations.
gethAxis(int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the set of Axis properties for radar or overlay.
gethAxis(int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the set of Axis properties for radar or overlay.
gethAxis() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Returns a handle to the secondary axis properties.
gethAxisRuler() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Returns a handle to the axis ruler object for the secondary axis.
gethBoxProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the 2D box chart property interface.
gethBoxProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the 2D box chart property interface.
gethBubbleProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the bubble chart property interface.
gethBubbleProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the bubble chart property interface.
gethCanvas() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the chart canvas properties.
gethCanvas() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the chart canvas properties.
gethCategoryLabel(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Used to get a handle to ILabel, which is used to set properties associated with the category label for pie.
gethChartPlot() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the chart plot area.
gethChartPlot() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the chart plot area.
gethControlRanges() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the set of control ranges.
gethControlRanges() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the set of control ranges.
gethDataLines() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the set of data lines.
gethDataLines() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the set of data lines.
gethDataPoints() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the chart data point properties interface.
gethDataPoints() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the chart data point properties interface.
gethDialProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the 2D dial chart property interface.
gethDialProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the 2D dial chart property interface.
gethDoughnutProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the doughnut chart property interface.
gethDoughnutProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the doughnut chart property interface.
gethDrillDown() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the Drill-Down interface.
gethDrillDown() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the Drill-Down interface.
gethDropBars() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the set of drop bar.
gethDropBars() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the set of drop bar.
getHeader() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the text that appears at the beginning of the Parameter page
getHeader() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns the table header.
getHeaderBackgroundColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method returns the table header background color
getHeaderData() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.FixedFieldCrossTabReport
Gets header data (ignore all the column-break column's headers and aggregation column's headers).
getHeaderFont() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method returns the table header font
getHeaderTextColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method returns the table header text color
getHeaderTitleAlignment() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method gets header title alignment
getHeaderValueAlignment() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method gets header value alignment
getHeadNode() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
getHeadNode() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
getHeight() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
INCH Get the height of this element
getHeight(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Gets the height.
getHeight(Vector<Integer>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
getHeight() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Returns the height of this ReportSection.
getHeight() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.HTMLBlock
Get the height of this block.
getHeightOfElement() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Gets the height of this element in pixel *
getHeightOfElement(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For Internal use only.
getHeightOfSection(int[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Gets the height of the section specified by a tree.
getHeightTable() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
getHeightTableCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
getHeightToPoints() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
POINTS This is for export to PDF format 1 inch = 72 points
gethFlashHintBoxProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the flash hint box property interface.
gethFloatingLines() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the set of free floating line on the chart canvas.
gethFloatingLines() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the set of free floating line on the chart canvas.
gethFloatingText() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the set of free floating text on the chart canvas.
gethFloatingText() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the set of free floating text on the chart canvas.
gethGanttProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the 2D Gantt chart property interface.
gethGanttProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the 2D Gantt chart property interface.
gethHint() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Used to get a handle to the IHint interface.
gethHint() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHyperLinkSet
Gets a handle to an IHint object which can be used to modify the hint properties associated with hyperlinks.
gethHistogramInfo() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the histogram property interface.
gethHistogramInfo() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the histogram property interface.
gethHyperLinks() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the set of hyperlink properties.
gethHyperLinks() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the set of hyperlink properties.
getHiddenParameters() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Gets whether each parameter is a hidden parameter with value of the parameter's default value.
gethInputData() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the chart's input data properties, including file or database information, and accessing individual records.
gethInputData() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the chart's input data properties, including file or database information, and accessing individual records.
getHint() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Get the link hint of this element
getHint(PickData) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHintBoxInfo
The method returns the vector of String display in hint box
getHintStyle() - Method in class quadbase.util.HyperLink
getHintValue() - Method in class quadbase.util.HyperLink
Return the hint string associated with this hyperlink.
gethLabel() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to get a handle to ILabel, which is used to set properties associated with the labels for the axis.
gethLabel() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns a handle to the properties of the labels at the top of data points.
gethLabel(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Used to get a handle to ILabel, which is used to set properties associated with the label for a pie slice.
gethLabel(int, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Used to get a handle to ILabel, which is used to set properties associated with the label for a pie slice.
gethLegend() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the set of legend properties.
gethLegend() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the set of legend properties.
gethLegend() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
This function returns a handle to the legend properties for the secondary axis.
gethLegend2() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
gethLineProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the 2D line chart property interface.
gethLineProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the 2D line chart property interface.
gethMainTitle() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the chart's main title.
gethMainTitle() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the chart's main title.
gethMouseEvents() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the mouse event customization interface.
gethMouseEvents() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the mouse event customization interface.
gethNoDataToPlotMessage() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the no data to plot message property interface.
gethNoDataToPlotMessage() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the no data to plot message property interface.
getHomeName() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.EJBInfo
Returns the name of the class for the home interface (ex.
gethOverlayProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the 2D overlay chart property interface.
gethOverlayProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the 2D overlay chart property interface.
gethPercentLabel(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Used to get a handle to ILabel, which is used to set properties associated with the percent label for a pie slice.
gethPercentLabel(int, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Used to get a handle to ILabel, which is used to set properties associated with the percent label for a pie slice.
gethPieProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the pie chart property interface.
gethPieProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the pie chart property interface.
gethPolarProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the 2D polar chart property interface.
gethPolarProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the 2D polar chart property interface.
gethPopupMenu() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the popup menu property interface for chartviewer.
gethPopupMenu() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the popup menu property interface for chartviewer.
gethRadarProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the 2D radar chart property interface.
gethRadarProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the 2D radar chart property interface.
gethSecondaryChart() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the secondary chart property interface.
gethSecondaryChart() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the secondary chart property interface.
gethSecondaryLabel() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns a handle to the properties of the labels at the top of data points of secondary axis.
gethSurfaceProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the 3D surface chart property interface.
gethSurfaceProperties() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the 3D surface chart property interface.
gethTable() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the Table interface Table can be designed by calling methods on this interface
gethTable() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Return a handle to the Table interface Table can be designed by calling methods on this interface
gethText() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHint
Gets a handle to the IText object used to set font properties for the hint string.
gethText() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILegend
This function is used to get a handle to the IText object for modifying the font-related properties of the legend.
gethTitle() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to get a handle to ITextString, which is used to set properties associated with the title for the axis.
getHTMLParamPage(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
use QbChart.getParameterPage(String, int, String) instead For parameterized chart, generate the html page for user to enter the parameters
getHTMLParamPage(String, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
use QbChart.getParameterPage(String, int, String) instead For parameterized chart, generate the html page for user to enter the parameters
getHTMLParamPage(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
use QbChart.getParameterPage(String, int, String) instead For parameterized chart, generate the html page for user to enter the paramters
getHTMLParamPage(String, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
use QbChart.getParameterPage(String, int, String) instead For parameterized chart, generate the html page for user to enter the paramters
getHTMLParamPage(String, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
use QbReport.getParameterPage(String,int) instead For parameterized report, generate the html page for user to enter the parameters
getHTMLParamPage(String, String, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
use QbReport.getParameterPage(String,String,int,null) instead For parameterized report, generate the html page for user to enter the parameters
getHTMLParamPage(String, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
use QbReport.getParameterPage(String,null,int,String) instead For parameterized report, generate the html page for user to enter the parameters
getHTMLParamPage(String, String, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
use QbReport.getParameterPage(String,String,int,String) instead For parameterized report, generate the html page for user to enter the parameters
getHTMLParamPageBlock() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
use QbChart.getParameterPage(String, int, String) instead For parameterized chart, generate the html page body for user to enter the parameters
getHTMLParamPageBlock() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
use QbChart.getParameterPage(String, int, String) instead For parameterized chart, generate the html page body for user to enter the paramters
getHTMLParamPageBlock() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
use QbReport.getParameterPage(String,String,int,String) instead For parameterized report, generate the html page body for user to enter the parameters
getHTMLParamPageBody(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
use QbChart.getParameterPage(String, int, String) instead For parameterized chart, generate the html page for user to enter the parameters
getHTMLParamPageBody(String, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
use QbChart.getParameterPage(String, int, String) instead For parameterized chart, generate the html page for user to enter the parameters
getHTMLParamPageBody(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
use QbChart.getParameterPage(String, int, String) instead For parameterized chart, generate the html page for user to enter the paramters
getHTMLParamPageBody(String, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
use QbChart.getParameterPage(String, int, String) instead For parameterized chart, generate the html page for user to enter the paramters
getHTMLParamPageBody(String, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
use QbReport.getParameterPage(String,String,int,String) instead For parameterized report, generate the html page body for user to enter the parameters
getHTMLParamPageBody(String, String, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
use QbReport.getParameterPage(String,String,int,String) instead For parameterized report, generate the html page body for user to enter the parameters
getHTMLParamPageBody(String, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
use QbReport.getParameterPage(String,String,int,String) instead For parameterized report, generate the html page body for user to enter the parameters
getHTMLParamPageBody(String, String, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
use QbReport.getParameterPage(String,String,int,String) instead For parameterized report, generate the html page body for user to enter the parameters
getHTMLTarget() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
getHTMLTitle() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Return the title of the HTML/DHTML exporting
getHtmlWriter() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Gets the underlying HTML Writer.
gethTrendLines() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Please use gethDataLines instead
gethTrendLines() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Please use gethDataLines instead
gethValueLabel(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Used to get a handle to ILabel, which is used to set properties associated with the value labels for a pie slice.
gethValueLabel(int, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Used to get a handle to ILabel, which is used to set properties associated with the value labels for a pie slice.
gethXAxis() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the set of X Axis properties.
gethXAxis() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the set of X Axis properties.
gethXRuler() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the X axis ruler displayed on top of the chart canvas.
gethXRuler() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the X axis ruler displayed on top of the chart canvas.
gethYAxis() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the set of Y Axis properties.
gethYAxis() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the set of Y Axis properties.
gethYRuler() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the Y axis ruler displayed to the left of the chart canvas.
gethYRuler() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the Y axis ruler displayed to the left of the chart canvas.
gethZAxis() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the set of Z Axis properties.
gethZAxis() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the set of Z Axis properties.
gethZoomInfo() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns a handle to the zoom property interface.
gethZoomInfo() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns a handle to the zoom property interface.
getID() - Method in class quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager.DefaultDataSourceNode
For internal use only
getID() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Get the id of this element
getID() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
getImage(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns the ReportImage object at the specified index, within this ReportTable.
getImage() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns the ReportImage object array within this ReportTable.
getImageCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns the total number ReportImage objects present in this ReportTable.
getImageHeight() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
getImageMapDataHintBoxHandle() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
getImageMapDataHintBoxHandle() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
getImageMode() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ICanvas
Returns the mode of the background image.
getImageOption() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
This method is only used for the background image.
getImagePath() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
getImagePath() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
Gets the image PATH
getImagePath() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
call this method from the parent QbReport
getImagesDir() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Gets the default browse images/background images directory.
getImageType() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
Gets the image format of this image (GIF, PNG, JPEG, etc...) See IExportConstants for possible returned values.
getImageURL() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
Gets the URL associated with this image.
getImageWidth() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
getImportQRYFile() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Gets the imported Query File associated with this Report Designer.
getInParam() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
for internal use only
getInParam() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IQueryFileInfo
getInParam() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryFileInfo
getInParam() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IQbQueryFileInfo
Returns the input parameters
getInParam() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IQueryFileInfo
Returns the input parameters
getInParam() - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryFileInfo
getInputData() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns a handle to the report's input data properties, including file or database information, and accessing individual records.
getInputDataBlockSize() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets input data block size
getInsertCommandEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.QbScheduler
Returns whether Insert Command is enabled or not.
getInSet() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
for internal use only
getInSet() - Method in class quadbase.querybuilder.designer.QbQueryBuilder
getInSet() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Gets the query parameter set
getInstanceType() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Get the type of instance.
getInstanceType() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleNumericFormat
Get the type of the instance.
getInstanceType() - Method in class quadbase.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Get the type of instance.
getInstanceType() - Method in class quadbase.util.LocaleNumericFormat
Get the type of the instance.
getInterpolateCoeffs() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
The function returns the interpolated constant values for Polynomial, Exponential, Logarithmic, and Power.
getIntervalType() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
If task option is TIME_INTERVAL: Returns export time interval: TIME/ DAYS/ MONTHS
getInverseNorm(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
Get the INVERSE NORMAL value by specifying the probability of a NORMAL distribution curve.
getInvisibleColumnList() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns an array of ReportColumn Objects that are invisible in this table.
getInvisibleMenuItemList() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
gets a list of menu items in the right-click pop up menu that are invisible
getInvisibleMenuItemList() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
gets a list of menu items in the right-click pop up menu that are invisible
getIsBGColor2(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
getJNDIName() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
Gets the JNDI lookup name of the data base.
getJNDIName() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
Gets the JNDI lookup name of the data base
getJNDIName() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.EJBInfo
Returns the lookup name for the bean on the server.
getJNDIName() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Gets the JNDI lookup name of the data base
getJNDIName() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IJNDIDatabaseInfo
Gets the JNDI datasource lookup name
getJPEGQuality() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
Since JPEG uses compression, which decimates the quality of the image, this method gets the JPEG quality index, default is 99.
getJPEGQuality() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
getLabelColor() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Returns color of the control range
getLabelFont() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Returns label font of the control range
getLabelFormat() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to get the label format for the given axis.
getLabelFormat(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This function is used to get the label format for the given column index.
getLabelOffset(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method returns the offset for specific label
getLabelOffset(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPolarPropertySet
This method returns the offset for specific label
getLabelOffset(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IRadarPropertySet
This method returns the dimension of the label offset
getLabelRadialPos() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Returns the pie slice label's distance from the origin, in terms of the pie radius.
getLabelRowCount() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function returns the number of rows used to display the x labels.
getLabelStep() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function returns the step size for the label display.
getLabelStep(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This function returns the step size for the label display.
getLabelUnit() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to obtain the unit information of the label Label unit is associated with the individual column not the axis.
getLabelUnit(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This function is used to obtain the unit information of the label Label unit is associated with the individual column not the axis.
getLastFileName(String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.HTMLBlock
Helper method for generating the last file name of a multi-page export
getLastID() - Method in class quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager.DefaultDataSourceNode
For internal use only
getLayerCount() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IOverlayPropertySet
This method counts the number of layers.
getLayerType(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IOverlayPropertySet
This method returns the chart type of the specific layer
getLayout() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IBoxPropertySet
Returns the layout of the chart.
getLayout() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILegend
Returns the layout of the primary or secondary legend.
getLayout() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILinePropertySet
Returns the layout of the chart.
getLeftBorder() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
getLeftMargin() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns left margin, in inches.
getLight() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
Returns the intensity of the light source used for shading.
getLightPosition() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This function gets the light position for shading.
getLineFromValue() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHorzVertLine
Get the start point X/Y value used by horizontal/vertical line type
getLineStyle() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
getLineStyle() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
Valid for horizontal lines and vertical lines only Get the line style of this line Please see setLineStyles method in quadbase.util.IDataPointSet for the definition of line style
getLineStyle() - Method in class quadbase.util.PolyLine
Returns the line style of the poly-line.
getLineStyles() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns the line styles used to draw the different connect lines.
getLineStyles() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Returns the array of line styles used to draw the different connect lines along the secondary axis.
getLineThickness() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Please use getDataLineThickness() and use @link ISecondaryChart#getDataLineThickness for secondary chart
getLineToValue() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHorzVertLine
Get the start point X/Y value used by horizontal/vertical line type
getLineType() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IControlLine
Get the line type
getLineType() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
Get the line type
getLineType() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHorzVertLine
Get the line type
getLineType() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
Get the line type
getLineValue() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IControlLine
Get the value of the multiplier
getLineValue() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
please see the derived classes for details
getLineValue() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHorzVertLine
Get the line value used by horizontal/vertical line type
getLineValue() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
Get the line value used by horizontal/vertical line type
getLineXOffset() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Gets the X axis shift value in pixels.
getLink() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Get the web link of this element
getLinksForDHTML(int, int, String, boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IHTMLLinksProvider
This method is called during DHTML export and provides a way for a user to specify custom HTML code to display the navigation links.
getLinksForHTML(int, int, String, boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IHTMLLinksProvider
This method is called during HTML export and provides a way for a user to specify custom HTML code to display the navigation links.
getLocale() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Gets the locale of this component
getLocale() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Gets the locale of this component
getLocale() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets the locale of this QbReport object
getLocale() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
getLogoImagesDir() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Gets the default browse logo images files directory.
getLogSubTickersState() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to check if sub-tickers are drawn for that axis.
Log scale must be on and log base must be 10.
getLookAndFeel() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
getLowerBound() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHistogramInfo
Get the lower bound for the histogram.
getLowerBound() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
Returns the lower bound value (min value) plotted in the category axis.
getMapColIdx() - Method in class
internal use only
getMapping() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Get the mapping for the report
getMapping() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Returns the data column mapping information.
getMasterSection() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Gets the master section
getMax() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IControlLine
Get the maximum value of the selected data set
getMax() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
Get the maximum value for a NORMAL curve
getMaxBarWidthRatioToPlotArea() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Gets the ratio of the max bar width to the plot area.
getMaxCharacter() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.StringFormat
Return the maximum number of characters that can be displayed on the report cell (column)
getMaxCharForRecordFile() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Gets max number of character for record in column when using record file to generate the report
getMaxCharForRecordFile() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
get max number of character for record in column when using record file to generate the report
getMaxCharForRecordFile() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets the maximum number of characters for a record column when using record file to generate the report
getMaxCharForRecordFile() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Gets max number of character for record in column when using record file to generate the report
getMaxDisplayCharactersForText() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns the number of display characters for text.
getMaxFieldSize() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Gets max number of character for record in column when using paging feature to generate the report/ chart
getMaxFieldSize() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Gets max number of character for record in column when using paging feature to generate the report/ chart
getMaxFieldSize() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets max number of character for record in column when using paging feature to generate the report/ chart
getMaxLabelAndTickerCount() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function returns the max number of the label and ticker display.
getMaxLabelAndTickerCount(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This function returns the max number of the label and ticker display.
getMaxRecordInMemory() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Gets max number of record in memory when using record file to generate the report if value = -1, load everything in memory (default)
getMaxRecordInMemory() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
get max number of record in memory when using record file to generate the report if value = -1, load everything in memory (default)
getMaxRecordInMemory() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets the maximum number of records in memory when using record files to generate the report.
getMaxScale() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
Returns the maximum scale value that was defined for this axis.
getMaxScale() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGanttPropertySet
Returns the maximum scale milliseconds value that was defined for this axis.
getMaxScaleOnAxis(Chart) - Static method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
getMaxScaleUnit() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
Get the maximum allowable scale unit.
getMaxScaleValue() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
Get the maximum allowable scale value
getMaxValueOnCategoryAxis(Chart) - Static method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
getMaxValueOnValueAxis(Chart) - Static method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
getMaxXr(ReportElement[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only.
getMaxYCutOffPointForScatter() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This method return the value of the max Y cut-off point for scatter chart
getMean() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
Get the mean value for a NORMAL curve
getMessage() - Method in interface quadbase.util.INoDataToPlotMessage
Returns the text string.
getMetaData() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DbData
getMetaData() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DbData
getMetaData() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DbData
Get the original data
getMetaData() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IResultSet
Gets the meta data object
getMetaData() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.QueryResultSet
Get original data
getMetaData() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.StreamResultSet
Get original data
getMetaData() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.XMLQueryResultSet
Get original data
getMetaData() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.XMLResultSet
Get original data
getMetaData() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IResultSet
Gets the meta data object
getMetaData() - Method in class quadbase.util.QueryResultSet
getMetaData() - Method in class quadbase.util.SalesForceResultSet
getMetaData() - Method in class quadbase.util.StreamResultSet
getMetaData() - Method in class quadbase.util.XMLQueryResultSet
Get original data
getMetaData() - Method in class quadbase.util.XMLResultSet
Get original data
getMin() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IControlLine
Get the minimum value of the selected data set
getMin() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
Get the minimum value for a NORMAL curve
getMin_Height() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
getMin_Width() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
getMinHeight() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
getMinHeight() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Gets the minimum height that this table must span
getMinimumSize() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
Returns the minimum size
getMinimumSize() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Returns the minimum size
getMinimumSize() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Returns the minimum size
getMinimumSize() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Returns the minimum size
getMinPageHeight() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
method to get the minimum page height needed to export/draw a multiple page report

The minimum page height should be the maximum of the following: -- the page header height -- the page footer height -- the tallest element in the report -- the tallest element in the subreport

plus the top and bottom margin height

getMinScale() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
Returns the minimum scale value that was defined for this axis.
getMinScale() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGanttPropertySet
Returns the minimum scale milliseconds value that was defined for this axis.
getMinScaleUnit() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
Get the minimum allowable scale unit.
getMinScaleValue() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
Get the minimum allowable scale value.
getMinWidth() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
getMinWidth() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Gets the minimum width this table must span.
getMinX(ReportElement[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only.
getModifier() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns mouse modifier
getModifier() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Return mouse modifier
getMonth(DateTimeObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Returns the month
GETMONTH - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
GETMONTH - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
getMonthInterval() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
If task option is TIME_INTERVAL: Returns month interval in months
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
Gets the Name of the Parameter
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Returns the name of the column
getName() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
Returns schedule job name
getNeedleCount() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method counts number of needles
getNeedleLength(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method returns the relative length of the specific needle
getNeedleStyle() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method returns the needle style Needle style option: RECTANGULAR_POINTER - Rectangular pointer style POINTER - 3 segment Pointer style TRIANGULAR_POINTER - Triangule pointer style POINTED_BLADE - Pointed blade style ROUND_HEADED_BLADE - Round headed blade style
getNestedCBColumnHeaderTemplate(ReportSection, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.FixedFieldCrossTabReport
Gets nested column-break column header style.
getNewChartName(FileInMemTable, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
This function determines where a new chart may be saved, given a filename.
getNewLineDelimiter() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For TXT export: Returns the newline delimiter: IDelimiterConstants.WINDOWS_NEWLINE, IDelimiterConstants.MAC_NEWLINE, IDelimiterConstants.OTHERS_NEWLINE...
getNext() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
getNextExportDay(int, int[]) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
getNextExportTime() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
Returns next export time in milliseconds
getNextFileName(int, int, String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.HTMLBlock
Helper method for generating the next file name of a multi-page export
getNullColumnName() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns the display name for null data column in chart.
getNULLDataValue() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns the default object used in place of null Data objects
getNumberFormat() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleNumericFormat
This method returns the java object from LocaleNumberFormat, and the returned value can later be used to setup the format of the current instance.
getNumberFormat() - Method in class quadbase.util.LocaleNumericFormat
/** This method returns the java object from LocaleNumberFormat, and the returned value can later be used to setup the format of the current instance.
getNumberInstance() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleNumericFormat
Create an instance of numeric format for the default locale.
getNumberInstance(Locale) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleNumericFormat
Create an instance of numeric format for the specified locale.
getNumberInstance() - Static method in class quadbase.util.LocaleNumericFormat
Create an instance of numeric format for the default locale.
getNumberInstance(Locale) - Static method in class quadbase.util.LocaleNumericFormat
Create an instance of numeric format for the specified locale.
getNumberOfFixedColumn() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILegend
Returns the number of columns are displayed in legend when fixed-column layout is in used
getNumericFunctions() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.IDBConnection
getNumericNULLDataValue() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns the default object used in place of null Numeric data objects
getObject(int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DbData
getObject(int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DbData
getObject(int) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLQueryResultSet
Get object of specified column
getObject(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DbData
Get the object at the specified col
getObject(int) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IRow
Returns the data value stored in the specified column of this row.
getObject(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.QueryResultSet
Get object of specified column number
getObject(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.StreamResultSet
Get object of specified column number
getObject(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.XMLQueryResultSet
Get object of specified column
getObject(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.XMLResultSet
Get object of specified column
getObject(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IRow
Returns the data value stored in the specified column of this row.
getObject(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.QueryResultSet
getObject(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.SalesForceResultSet
getObject(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.StreamResultSet
getObject(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.XMLQueryResultSet
Get object of specified column
getObject(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.XMLResultSet
Get object of specified column
getOffset() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.TextString
Get the offset
getOffset() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.TextString
Get the offset
getOffset() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Returns offset of the control range (for dial chart only) The percentage of the radius from 0 to 100
getOffset() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
Returns the offset of the x-axis origin from the 0th position.
getOffset() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHint
Gets the relative offsets (horizontal and vertical) of the hintbox
getOffset() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILabel
This function returns the horizontal and vertical label offset.
getOffset() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITextString
Gets the relative offsets (horizontal and vertical) of the text string
getOldSubReports() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
getOnSubmit() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets custom JavaScript action that should be done before submitting parameter form
getOrder() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ReportParameterPage
getOrder(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This function returns the data points in the series, category, or sum-by column.
getOrderInfo() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Gets what type of crosstab ordering is used: NOT_SORTED, ASC, DESC.
getOrganizerCssDir() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Gets the Organizer's Css Files export directory for generating image/report URLs.
getOrganizerInsertFilesDir() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Gets the Organizer's default browse insert files directory.
getOrganizerScheduleChartsDir() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Gets the Organizer's Schedule/Archive browse directory for charts.
getOrganizerScheduleReportsDir() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Gets the Organizer's Schedule/Archive browsee directory for reports.
getOrganizerUpdateDirectoryDir() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Gets the Organizer's Update Directory browse directory.
getOrganizerUrlMappingDir() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Gets the Organizer's Url Mapping browse directory.
getOrientation() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets the orientation in report page, LANDSCAPE, or PORTRAIT
getOriginalDataTypeNames() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
getOriginalDataTypes() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
getOriginalTextList() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns all original text list for text replacement
getOriginalTickerLabels(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to get the original ticker labels or formatted ticker labels.
getOthersThresholdPercentage() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Get "others" % threshold it groups all the sectors which below threshold percent together
getPackageID() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
getPage() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Returns the current page number
getPage() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Returns the page number
getPage() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Returns the page number
getPageBufferSize() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Gets the page buffer size in memory (in MB) when using paging feature to generate the report/ chart
getPageBufferSize() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Gets the page buffer size in memory (in MB) when using paging feature to generate the report/ chart
getPageBufferSize() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets the page buffer size in memory (in MB) when using paging feature to generate the report/ chart
getPageFooter() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns the page footer object
getPageHeader() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns the page header object
getPageHeight() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns page height, in inches
getPageWidth() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns page width, in inches
getPagingThreshold() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Gets threshold value (in MB) for enable paging feature if value = -1, load everything in memory (default)
getPagingThreshold() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Gets threshold value (in MB) for enable paging feature if value = -1, load everything in memory (default)
getPagingThreshold() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets threshold value (in MB) for enable paging feature if value = -1, load everything in memory (default)
getParamAddresses() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For Param report/ chart Email feature: get hashtable for param set name (key), and email addresses (value) for example, "Param Set 1", new String[]{"", ""}
getParamDisplayNames() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Gets the array of parameter display names.
getParameterInPromptSequence() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
for internal use only
getParameterInPromptSequence() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryFileInfo
getParameterInPromptSequence() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IQbQueryFileInfo
getParameterMap() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
For parameterized chart only, returns a String array of CELL_ID
getParameterMap() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
For parameterized SubReport only, returns a String array of CELL_ID
getParameterPage(String, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Gets the ParameterPage for this report if and only if this is a Parameterized Report
getParameterPage(String, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Gets the ParameterPage for this report if and only if this is a Parameterized Report
getParameterPage(String, String, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets the ParameterPage for this report if and only if this is a Parameterized Report
getParameterPage(String, String, int, String, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets the ParameterPage for this report if and only if this is a Parameterized Report
getParameterPage(String, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets the ParameterPage for this report if and only if this is a Parameterized Report.
getParameters() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets all parameters information
getParameters() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IParameterizedDataSource
Return information about the parameters.
getParameters() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IParameterizedDataSource
Return information about the parameters.
getParamFormName() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
function to obtain the form name where the parameter dialog table will be put into
getParamInput(Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
internal use only
getParamList() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
Returns all the parameter set that have been defined for a schedule job that using param report.
getParamName() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IQueryInParam
Returns the parameter name which is used in the SQL statement.
getParamName() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
getParamName() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IQueryInParam
Returns the parameter name which is used in the SQL statement.
getParamName() - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
getParamPageExportFormats() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
internal use only.
getParamShareReportID() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
Gets the id for this sub report object when sharing parameter values with main report.
getParamTypes(String) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ICustomDefinedFunctions
Gets the parameter types of the specified function.
getParent() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets the parent Frame/Applet object for this QbReport object
getParentSection() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
gets this section's parent section.
getParentTable(ReportTable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
getParentTableWithCell(String, ReportTable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
getPassword() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
Gets the password
getPassword() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
Gets the password
getPassword() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Gets the password
getPassword() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IDatabaseInfo
Gets the password
getPassword() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDatabaseInfo
Gets the password
getPath() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
for internal use only
getPathToString() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
for internal use only
getPdfImageType() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
Gets the image format of this image (GIF, PNG, JPEG, etc...) when the report is exported as a PDF file.
getPDFOwnerPassword() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For PDF export: Returns the PDF owner password
getPDFUserPassword() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For PDF export: Returns the PDF user password
getPercentInstance() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleNumericFormat
Create an instance of percentage format for the default locale.
getPercentInstance(Locale) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleNumericFormat
Create an instance of percentage format for the specified locale.
getPercentInstance() - Static method in class quadbase.util.LocaleNumericFormat
Create an instance of percentage format for the default locale.
getPercentInstance(Locale) - Static method in class quadbase.util.LocaleNumericFormat
Create an instance of percentage format for the specified locale.
getPickData(int, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHint
Returns PickData for corresponding coordinate (x, y)
getPickDataCount(String) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Gets number of PickData in given drill-down link
getPickDataCount(String) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
get number of PickData in given drill-down link
getPiePerRow() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Returns number of pies are drawn in one row Default is 1
getPixelPerInchForExport() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets the Pixel_Per_Inch for DHTML/HTML export
getPNGCompression() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
Gets the PNG compression index, default is 0.
getPNGCompression() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
getPoints() - Method in class quadbase.util.PolyLine
Returns a Vector containing all the Point_3D / Point_2D objects that define the poly-line.
getPointShapes() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns the array of data point shapes displayed in the chart.
getPointShapes() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Returns the array of secondary axis data points shapes displayed in the chart.
getPointSizes() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Sets the point sizes for all the data points displayed in the chart.
getPointSizes() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Gets the point sizes for all the secondary axis points displayed in the chart.
getPointsShapes() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
getPortNumber() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
If it's a drilldown report, user has to enter port number for viewing sub-level report.
getPosition() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.TextString
Get the text position
getPosition() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.TextString
Get the text position
getPosition() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Gets the x,y position of the chart/legend plot area relative to the main chart canvas.
getPosition() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITextString
Returns the position of the text string in the canvas
getPreferredSize() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Overrides component getPreferredSize().
getPreferredSize() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChartCustomizer
getPreferredSize() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Overrides component getPreferredSize().
getPreferredSize() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChartCustomizer
getPreferredSize() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
Returns the preferred size
getPreferredSize() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Returns the preferred size
getPreferredSize() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Returns the preferred size
getPreferredSize() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Returns the preferred size
getPrev() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
getPreviewToolBar() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Returns the preview tool bar
getPreviousFileName(int, int, String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.HTMLBlock
Helper method for generating the previous file name of a multi-page export
getPreviousID() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
getPreviousID() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
getPrintOnNewPageRowCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
getProbability(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
Get the probability to the left by specifying multiple of deviation of a NORMAL distribution curve.
getPromptName() - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
Returns the description of the parameter displayed on the pop up dialog.
getPromptName() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IQueryInParam
Returns the description of the parameter displayed on the pop up dialog.
getPromptName() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
getPromptName() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IQueryInParam
Returns the description of the parameter displayed on the pop up dialog.
getPromptName() - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
getPromptText() - Method in class
internal use only
getQbReport() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
getQbReport() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
getQuery() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
Gets the SQL query
getQuery() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
Get the SQL query
getQuery() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Get the SQL query
getQuery() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IDatabaseInfo
Gets the SQL query
getQuery() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDatabaseInfo
Gets the SQL query
getQuery() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IJNDIDatabaseInfo
Gets the SQL query
getQueryExportDir() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Gets the default browse query export directory for reports.
getQueryFileInfo() - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
internal use only
getQueryFileInfo() - Method in class
getQueryFilename() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Gets a query file (*.qry) for plotting the report.
getQueryFilename() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Gets a query file (*.qry) for plotting the chart.
getQueryParameters() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns a Vector containing Parameter objects if parameterized query is present
getQueryTimeout() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
retrieves the number of seconds the driver will wait for a statement object to execute.
getQueryTimeout() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
retrieves the number of seconds the driver will wait for a statement object to execute.
getQueryTimeout() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
retrieves the number of seconds the driver will wait for a statement object to execute.
getReferenceDegree() - Method in class
getReferenceObject() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAnnotation
This function returns the referenced object of this annotation.
getReferencePosition() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IReferenceObj
This function returns the reference position of this object.
getRefFont() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
getRefFont2() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Internal Use Only
getRefFontToDraw(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
getRegistryID() - Method in class quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager.DefaultDataSourceNode
For internal use only
getRelativeHeight() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Returns the height of the plot area relative to the main chart canvas.
getRelativePath() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportDocument
Gets the relative path to the file that contains the data for the document
getRelativePath() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
internal use only Gets the relative path to where the image can be found iff it is an DB image (one that resides in the DBImages directory of the ER installation)
getRelativePosition() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAnnotation
This function gets the relative position to the referenced object.
getRelativePosition() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method returns the relative position of the table to the chart
getRelativeWidth() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Returns the width of the plot area relative to the main chart canvas.
getRemoteName() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.EJBInfo
Returns the name of the class for the remote interface (ex.
getRenderMode() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This function returns the 3D rendering mode.
getReplacedText(String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns a replaced text for a given original text
getReplacedTextList() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns all replaced text list for text replacement
getReport() - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
internal use only
getReport() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
internal use only
getReport() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
internal use only
getReport() - Method in class
getReport() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
internal use only
getReport() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
internal use only
getReportCanvas() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Gets the ReportCanvas object associated with this viewer
getReportCanvas(Applet, String, long) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Get the Page Viewer as ReportCanvas.
getReportCanvas(Frame, String, long) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Get the Page Viewer as ReportCanvas.
getReportCanvas(Applet, String, long, String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Get the Page Viewer as ReportCanvas.
getReportCanvas(Frame, String, long, String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Get the Page Viewer as ReportCanvas.
getReportCanvas() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ViewerAPI
Gets the ReportCanvas object associated with this viewer
getReportCanvas() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Gets the ReportCanvas object associated with this viewer
getReportCanvas(Applet, String, long) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Get the Page Viewer as ReportCanvas.
getReportCanvas(Frame, String, long) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Get the Page Viewer as ReportCanvas.
getReportCanvas(Applet, String, long, String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Get the Page Viewer as ReportCanvas.
getReportCanvas(Frame, String, long, String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Get the Page Viewer as ReportCanvas.
getReportCanvas() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ViewerAPI
Gets the ReportCanvas object associated with this viewer
getReportCanvas() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
Gets the ReportCanvas object associated with this viewer
getReportCanvas() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
Gets the ReportCanvas object associated with this viewer
getReportChartObjectAt(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
To get a reference to a ReportChartObject object,
getReportChartObjectAt(int, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
getReportChartObjectCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns the number of ReportChartObjects in this report
getReportChartObjects() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
getReportChartObjects(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns the array of all ReportChartObject objects in this report
getReportChartObjects(ReportTableElement, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns an array of ReportChartObject in the given section or table
getReportChartObjects() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Return an array of ReportChartObjects in this section including it's subsections
getReportChartObjects(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Return an array of ReportChartObjects in this section to include it's subsections
getReportChartObjects() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns the ReportChartObject object array within this ReportTable.
getReportComponent() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
Returns the Component object for adding additional components to the Canvas
getReportComponent() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Returns the Component object for adding additional components to the Canvas
getReportComponent() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Returns the Component object for adding additional components to the Canvas
getReportComponent() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Returns the Component object for adding additional components to the Canvas
getReportDrillDownDirectory() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Gets the default browse report drill down templates directory.
getReportFooter() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns the report footer object
getReportHeader() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns the report header object
getReportImageAt(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
To get a reference to a ReportImage object,
getReportImageCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns the number of ReportImages in this report
getReportImages() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns the array of ReportImages in this report
getReportImages(ReportTableElement, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns an array of ReportImage in the given section or table
getReportImages() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Return an array of ReportImages in this section including it's subsections
getReportImages(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Return an array of ReportImages in this section to include the subsections
getReportImagesPath() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.ImagesPath
return path of report images directory
getReportInfo() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
internal use only
getReportInfo() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
internal use only
getReportInfo() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Internal use only
getReportInfo(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Internal use only
getReportInfo() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IReport
For internal use only
getReportInfo(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IReport
For internal use only, This method is only used when getting an report object for the Viewer.
getReportInfo() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ISubReport
getReportLocation() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
getReportMenuBar() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Returns a handle to the Menu Bar of the report.
getReportObj() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
For internal use only
getReportSectionFactory() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
getReportSectionFactory(int, boolean, FileInMemTable, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
getReportTemplatesDirectory() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Gets the default browse sub-report templates directory.
getReportTitle() - Method in class
getReportToolBar() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
returns report toolbar object
getReportToolBar() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
returns report toolbar object
getReportToolBar() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
returns report toolbar object
getReportToolBar() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
returns report toolbar object
getReportType() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets the type of the report.
getReportType() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
Returns exported report type: IExportConstants.PDF, IExportConstants.DHTML, IExportConstants.HTML...
getResetDisplayName() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the display name of the Reset button.
getResetEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the visibility of the HTML Reset form button
getResizeCanvasClickCount() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Returns the mouse click count for resizing a canvas
getResizeCanvasModifier() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Returns the mouse modifier for starting a canvas resize operation.
getResizeClickCount() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Returns the mouse click count for resizing a chart
getResizeModifier() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Returns the mouse modifier for starting a chart resize operation.
getResultSet() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IDataSource
getResultSet(IQueryInParam[]) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IParameterizedDataSource
Return the actual result set base on the parameters.
getResultSet() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataSource
getResultSet(IQueryInParam[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IParameterizedDataSource
Return the actual result set base on the parameters.
getReturnType(String) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ICustomDefinedFunctions
Gets the return type of the specified function.
getRichTextDir() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Gets the default browse rich text files directory.
getRichTextFonts() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets rich text font for RTF export
getRichTextImagesDir() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Gets the default browse rich text (Insert) Images files directory.
getRightBorder() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
getRightMargin() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns right margin, in inches.
getRotateAngle() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
getRotationAngle() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Gets the rotation angle of the pie chart in degrees.
getRoundCornerRadius() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
getRoundCornersArray() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
getRow(int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DataSheet
returns specified row data
getRow(int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DataSheet
Returns specified row data
getRow(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
returns specified row data
getRow(int) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Gets the specified row data from the report.
getRow() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SpreadSheetModelEvent
Returns the row index changed (beginning at 1).
getRow(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Gets the specified row data from the chart.
getRow() - Method in class quadbase.util.SpreadSheetModelEvent
Returns the row index changed (beginning at 1).
getRowBreakFooter(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For Summary-Break, CrossTab & Master-Details Tables.
getRowBreakHeader(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For Summary-Break, CrossTab & Master-Details Tables.
getRowCount() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DataSheet
returns number of rows
getRowCount() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DataSheet
Returns number of rows
getRowCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
returns number of rows
getRowCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Gets the number of rows in the ReportTable.
getRowCount() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Returns the total number of rows in the input data.
getRowCount() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ISpreadSheetModel
Returns the number of rows
getRowCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Get total number of rows
getRowCount() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Returns the total number of rows in the input data.
getRowCount() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISpreadSheetModel
Returns the number of rows
getRowCount() - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
getRowElement(int, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only Returns the sub-report at the specific index
getRowElement(FormattedRowKey, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only Returns the ReportElement of this FormattedRow with key at the specific index with
getRowLabel(int) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ISpreadSheetModel
Returns the value of the row label for a given row
getRowLabel(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Get the label for the given row
getRowLabel(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISpreadSheetModel
Returns the value of the row label for a given row
getRowLabel(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Get the label for the given row
getRowLabelType() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ISpreadSheetModel
Returns the data type of the row labels
getRowLabelType() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Get the label type of the specified row
getRowLabelType() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISpreadSheetModel
Returns the data type of the row labels
getRowLabelType() - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
getRTFObject(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns the sub-report at the specific index
getRTFObjectCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Gets the number of RTF Objects in this table.
getSalesForceQueryInfo() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Gets the SalesForce info used for the report.
getSalesForceQueryInfo() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Gets the SalesForce info used for the chart.
getSaveAsProperties(String) - Method in interface quadbase.chart.designer.IByPassSaveAsForChart
Set Save As properties: CREATE_HTML, USE_SWINGVIEWER, and GENERATE_XML user can return "null" from now
getSavedFileLocation() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
Gets the path to the image on disk
getSavedFileLocation() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
getSavedFileURL() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
gets the URL location to the image.
getSavedFileURL() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
getScale() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHistogramInfo
Get the scale value used to do the rounding operation in the histogram.
getScaleStep() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
Retruns the scale step size(interval) for this axis.
getScaleStep() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGanttPropertySet
Returns the scaleStep milliseconds value that was defined for this axis.
getScaleUnit() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
Returns the unit of the scale value being used.
getScaleValue() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
Get the scale value used while plotting the new data
getScatterCubeWidth() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This function returns the width of the cube for a scatter 3D chart.
getScheduledJobName() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.FailedScheduledJob
returns scheduled job name
getScheduleEndDate() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.FailedScheduledJob
returns schedule end date
getScheduleList() - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleModifier
Returns Vector of ScheduleObject which are waiting to export
getScheduleList(String) - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleModifier
Returns Vector of ScheduleObject which are waiting to export and contains the searchTips in either export location or schedule job name
getScheduler() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.QbScheduler
Returns the scheduler as a JPanel.
getSchedulerListener() - Method in class quadbase.ext.DefaultListenerManager
getSchedulerListener() - Method in interface quadbase.ext.ListenerManager
Retrieves the SchedulerListener from the manager.
getSchedulerReportExportsDir() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Gets the Scheduler's browse report (RPT,XML) exports directory.
getScheduleStartDate() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.FailedScheduledJob
returns schedule start date
getScript() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Gets the scripting text of this ReportElement, if available.
getScriptedData(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
getScriptedData(ReportTable, Report, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
getScriptedData(ReportTable, Report, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
getScriptedDataCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Returns the size of the scripted data.
getScriptedValue() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
For internal use only
getScriptName() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Gets the script name.
getScriptObj() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Gets the Script Object.
getScriptReportNameForExpandAndCollapse() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
return the script report name for expand and collapse feature This is only for exporting as a DHTML format
getScrollBarOption() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ICanvas
Returns the scrollbar option for the main chart panel.
getSecondaryAggregateOperator() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAggregationInfo
Returns the secondary aggregate operator used for drill-down.
getSecondaryAggregateOperator() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
This function gets the secondary aggregate operator.
getSecondaryTitleAlignment() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method gets secondary title alignment
getSecondaryValueAlignment() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method gets secondary value alignment
getSection(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Gets the section based on the specified index.
getSection() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Returns the section
getSection() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Returns the section
getSectionCell(int, Vector<Integer>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
getSectionCells(int[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
getSectionCells(Vector<Integer>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
getSectionCellsCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
getSectionCellsTable() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
getSectionCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
How many sub sections exist
getSectionIndex(ReportSection) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Gets the index for the specified section.
getSectionReportChartObjects() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns an array of all the ReportChartObject objects in this table's header and footer For Internal Use Only
getSectionReportImages() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns an array of all the ReportImage objects in this table all sections including group header/footer.
getSectionStyle() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
getSectionStyle() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
getSectionSubReports() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns an array of all the SubReport objects in this table all sections including group header/footer.
getSectorCount() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Returns the total number of sectors drawn in the 3D chart.
getSectorCount() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPolarPropertySet
This method counts number of sectors
getSecuredScripts() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only *
getSecuredScripts() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
For internal use only.
getSecuredScripts() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
getSecurityLevel() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ReportParameterPage
Gets the name of the security level being applied to the parameter page
getSecurityLevel() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Returns the security level name used to open this Report Designer.
getSecurityLevel() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Determine the current security level.
getSecurityLevel(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Get the secured ReportElement associated with the specified Security level name.
getSecurityLevel() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.QbScheduler
Gets the String name of the security level that the user will operate at.
getSecurityLevel() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
Returns the report security level.
getSecurityLevels() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
gets the security levels associated with this ReportElement.
getSecurityLevels() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Get all security level names in this section.
getSecurityLevels() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Gets all security level names in this table.
getSecurityMap() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only.
getSecurityQueryParameterMap() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Return the security level to query parameters mapping.
getSelectedMethodName() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.EJBInfo
Returns the name of the method to be used for querying the database, this is one of the methods contained in the class for the home interface.
getSelectedMethodParamVal() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.EJBInfo
Returns the parameters for the selectedMethodName method.
getSelectionChoices() - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
Gets a Vector of objects of the corresponding SQL type that are unique values of this parameter retrieved from the database.
getSelectionChoices() - Method in class
getSelectionChoices() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IQueryParamValuesProvider
getSelectionChoices() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IQueryParamValuesProvider
getSelectiveStepLineDrawn() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILinePropertySet
Returns the boolean used to determine what line is a step line
getSelectiveStepLineDrawn() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Returns the boolean array used to determine which lines are step line in the selective step line
getSepSymbol() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Returns the char that is used to separate the category & percentage value strings in the legend.
getSeries() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
Get the name data serie use of this data line for chart with data series.
getSeriesCount() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDropBarSet
This method counts number of series
getSeriesSet() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDropBarSet
This method returns the drop bar series set.
getServerName() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ReportParameterPage
Gets the name of the server this parameter page will be served at
getServerName() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
If it's a drilldown report, user has to enter server name for viewing sub-level report.
getServletContext() - Static method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
return servlet context
getServletContext() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns servlet context
getServletContext() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
return servlet context
getServletContext() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Returns servlet context
getServletContext() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Gets the servlet context for EspressManager servlet
getServletContext() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Gets the servlet context for EspressManager servlet
getServletContext() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets the servlet context for EspressManager servlet
getServletContext() - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.QbScheduler
return servlet context
getServletContext() - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleModifier
Returns servlet context
getServletDirectory() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ReportParameterPage
Gets the url relative or absolute path to the servlet classes
getServletDirectory() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
If it's a drilldown report, user has to enter servlet directory for viewing sub-level report.
getServletName() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Gets the full address of the servlet extracted from the ParameterPage.
getServletName() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the name of the servlet
getServletRunnerPort() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ReportParameterPage
Gets the servlet container's listening port number
getSharedParamName() - Method in class
getSharedReportName() - Method in class
getShowHintValue() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
Return true if the LineValue of data line show in hint box
getSize() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ICanvas
Returns the size of the main canvas containing the chart as a Dimension object.
getSnap() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
for internal use only.
getSortedImages() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns sorted array of reportImages by their x position
getSortedRTFObjects() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns an array of sorted RTF objects by their x position.
getSortedSubReports() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns an array of sorted sub-reports by their x position.
getSortedVisibleColumns() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns an array of visible ReportColumn objects sorted by the individual x positions.
getSortOrder(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
return the sort order of the series, category, or sumby column to ascending or descending.
getSpecifyDates() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
If task option is FIXEDDAYS: Returns export file dates.
getSpecifyDays() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
If task option is FIXEDDAYS: Returns export file days
getSpecifyTime() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
If task option is FIXEDDAYS: Returns export file time (in minutes)
getSpreadSheetModel() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Returns the spread sheet model for the report, if one is set.
getSpreadSheetModel() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Returns the spread sheet model for the chart, if one is set.
getSQL() - Method in class quadbase.querybuilder.designer.QbQueryBuilder
getSqlSelect() - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
getSqlSelect() - Method in class
getSqlSelect() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
getSqlSelect() - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
getSqlType() - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
Returns java.sql.Types
getSQLType() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Returns the SQL type
getSQLType() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Returns the SQL type
getSQLType() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.IObject
Returns the SQL type
getSQLType() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Returns the SQL type
getSQLType() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Returns the SQL type
getSQLType() - Method in class
getSQLType() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
For internal use only
getSqlType() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IQueryInParam
Returns java.sql.Types
getSqlType() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
getSqlType() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IQueryInParam
Returns java.sql.Types
getSqlType() - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
getStackChartLine() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
Get the stack direction that this trend line used.
getStackLabelAlignment() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns alignment position for the stack section labels alignment position: QbChart.TOP_ALIGNMENT, CENTER_ALIGNMENT, BOTTOM_ALIGNMENT, QbChart.TOP_ALIGNMENT_INSIDE, QbChart.BOTTOM_ALIGNMENT_INSIDE
getStackTrace() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.FailedScheduledJob
returns exception stack trace
getStandardDev() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IControlLine
Get the standard deviation of the selected data set
getStandardDev() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
Get the standard deviation value for a NORMAL curve
getStartAngle() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method returns the starting angle of the chart (12pm position is 0 degree, clockwise)
getStartAngle() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPolarPropertySet
This method returns the starting angle of the chart (12pm position is 0, default: clockwise)
getStartDate() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
Returns start date for scheduled event in POSIX time.
getStartLabelOffset() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Returns start label offset of the control range
getStartOfColumnBreakColumn() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For CrossTab Tables only.
getStartScale() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Returns start scale of the control range for column/bar type: scale of value axis
getStartScale(Chart) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
getStartScale2() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Returns start scale 2 of the control range
getStartScale2(Chart) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
getStartTime() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
If task option is FIXEDDAYS Returns start time (in minutes) for scheduled event.
getStatements() - Method in class
getStepLineRatio() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILinePropertySet
Returns the proportion of the horizontal to the overall step line segment
getStepLineRatio() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Returns the proportion of the horizontal to the overall step line segment
getStringFunctions() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.IDBConnection
getStringNULLDataValue() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns the default object used in place of null String data objects
getStyleName() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Get the external style name of this element
getStyleName2() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Gets the style name of the alternating sections.
getSubject() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For Email feature: Returns the subject of the email
getSubmitDisplayName() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the display name of the Submit button.
getSubReport(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns the sub-report at the specific index
getSubReport() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
For internal use only.
getSubReport(IReport) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
Returns the contained ISubReport object, which can be class-casted to a SubReport object.
getSubReport(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
Use getSubReport(boolean isEnterpriseServer, boolean optimizeMemory, boolean useBackupData, IReport qbreport) instead of this method.
getSubReport(boolean, boolean, boolean, IReport) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
Returns the contained ISubReport object, which can be class-casted to a SubReport object.
getSubReportAt(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
To get a reference to a SubReportObject object at the given index,
getSubReportAt(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.SubReport
internal use only
getSubReportCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns the number of SubReportObjects in this report
getSubReportCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.SubReport
Gets the number of sub-reports that this sub-report contains.
getSubReportCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Gets the number of sub-reports stored in this table.
getSubReportForHTML() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
For internal use only.
getSubReportForHTML() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
getSubReportIndex() - Method in class
getSubReportPath() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
getSubReports() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns the array of all SubReportObjects in this report
getSubReports(ReportTableElement, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns an array of SubReportObjects in the given section or table
getSubReports() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
For internal use only.
getSubReports(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
getSubReportTemplatesDirectory() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Gets the default browse report templates directory.
getSubTickerCount() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method returns the number of sub-tickers
getSubTickerLength() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method returns the length of the sub-ticker
getSubTickerThickness() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method returns the thickness of the sub-ticker
getSurfaceColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISurfacePropertySet
Gets the surface color.
getSymbolSizeRatio() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILegend
return the symbol size ratio default value is 100%
getSystemFunctions() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.IDBConnection
getTable() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns the ReportTable object in this QbReport
getTableBackgroundColor() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the background color of the parameter table
getTableBackgroundColorHex() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the background color of the parameter table
getTableBorderColor() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the color of the parameter table border
getTableBorderColorHex() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the color of the parameter table border
getTableBorderThickness() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the thickness of the parameter table border
getTableElements() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Gets all the report elements(columns and images) in the table
getTableElements(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
getTableElements(boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
getTableElements(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Gets the report elements if it is a formatted row
getTableElements(FormattedRowKey) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
getTableElementsNoGL() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
getTableElementsNoGLWithSecuredMode() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
getTableHeight() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method returns the hight of the table
getTableLayout() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the parameter table Layout (VERTICAL or HORIZONTAL)
getTableName() - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
If (isMapToColumn()) Returns the table name
getTableName() - Method in class
getTableName() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IQueryInParam
Returns the table name
getTableName(int) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IRSMetaData
getTableName(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.QueryResultSet
getTableName() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
getTableName(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.StreamResultSet
getTableName() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IQueryInParam
Returns the table name
getTableName(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IRSMetaData
getTableName(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.QueryResultSet
getTableName(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.SalesForceResultSet
getTableName() - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
getTableName(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.StreamResultSet
getTableNumber() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
getTableOfContentsObject() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns the table of contents object in the report if any, otherwise return null
getTableOuterBorderOnly() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets whether only the outer border of the parameter table will be displayed.
getTablePosition() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method returns the current table position in pixels
getTables(String, String, String, String[]) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.IDBConnection
getTableWidth() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method returns the width of the table
getTarget() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Get the link target of this element
getTargetLoc() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the location of the report or chart
getTaskOption() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
Returns task option:
ONE_TIME - export once
TIME_INTERVAL - export report after certain time interval
FIXEDDAYS - only export report in certain fixed days/ dates
getTempDirectory() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Gets temp directory for using record file to generate the report DEFAULT temp directory is "temp/"
getTempDirectory() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
get temp directory for using record file to generate the report DEFAULT temp directory is "temp/"
getTempDirectory() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets temp directory for using record file to generate the report DEFAULT temp directory is "temp/"
getTemplateFile() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns the name of the template applied to the current chart, if any.
getTemplateFile() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns the name of the template applied to the current chart, if any.
getTemplatesDirectory() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
use getBrowseDirectories().getReportTemplatesDirectory() instead. Returns the templates directory. Open and save dialogs will initialize to this directory.
getText() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.TextString
getText() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.TextString
getText() - Method in class
getText() - Method in class
getText() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
getText(FileInMemTable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
getText() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Get the text of this element
getText() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
gets the filename of the sub report
getText(FileInMemTable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
getText() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.HTMLBlock
Get the HTML/DHTML text that should be written in this block.
getTextCellForHTML() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
For internal use only.
getTextCellForHTML(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
getTextCells() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Gets ReportCell objects that are text cells (not an ReportImage)
getTextColor() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the text color of the header, footer and parameter names
getTextColorHex() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the text color of the header, footer and parameter names
getTextDelimiter() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For TXT and CSV export: Returns the text delimiter: IDelimiterConstants.TAB, IDelimiterConstants.SPACE, IDelimiterConstants.COMMA...
getTextFont() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the text font of the header, footer and parameter names
getTextFormat() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
Internal use
getTextFormat() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat
For internal use only
getTextFormat() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ImageURLFormat
getTextFormat() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
For internal use only.
getTextFormat() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleNumericFormat
For internal use only.
getTextFormat() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LogicalFormat
For internal use only
getTextFormat() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.NumericFormat
For internal use only
getTextFormat() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.StringFormat
Internal use
getTextFormat() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.TextURLFormat
getTextSize() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the text size of the header, footer and parameter names
getTextString() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportDocument
gets the text of this document as a String
getTextStyle() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the text style of the header, footer and parameter names
getThickness() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Returns thickness of the control range (for dial chart only) The percentage of the radius from 0 to 100
getThickness() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to get the axis line thickness for a 2D chart.
getThickness() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IControlRangeSet
get the thickest control range thickness (For Dial Chart Only)
getThickness() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
Gets the line thickness.
getThickness() - Method in class quadbase.util.PolyLine
Returns the thickness of the poly-line.
getTickerColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to get the ticker color of the axis(2D) or wall(3D).
getTickerLabelsCount() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to get the ticker labels count.
getTickerLength() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method returns the length of the ticker
getTickerStep() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to retrieve the ticker step size for the given axis.
getTickerStep(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This function is used to retrieve the ticker step size for the given column index.
getTimeDateFunctions() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.IDBConnection
getTimeInstance() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Create an instance of time format for the default locale and style.
getTimeInstance(int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Create an instance of time format for the specifed locale.
getTimeInstance(Locale) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Create an instance of time format for the specifed locale.
getTimeInstance(int, Locale) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Create an instance of time format for the specifed locale and style.
getTimeInstance() - Static method in class quadbase.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Create an instance of time format for the default locale and style.
getTimeInstance(int) - Static method in class quadbase.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Create an instance of time format for the specifed locale.
getTimeInstance(Locale) - Static method in class quadbase.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Create an instance of time format for the specifed locale.
getTimeInstance(int, Locale) - Static method in class quadbase.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Create an instance of time format for the specifed locale and style.
getTimeInterval() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
If task option is TIME_INTERVAL: Returns time interval in mins
getTimeStyle() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Get the time style.
getTimeStyle() - Method in class quadbase.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Get the time style.
getTimeZone() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Gets the time zone
getTimeZone() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Gets the time zone
getTimeZone() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets the time zone
getTimeZone() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Gets the time zone
getTimeZone() - Method in class quadbase.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Gets the time zone
getTitle() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Returns title of the control range
getTitle() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
Returns the title for this data line
getTitleText() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the text of the parameter table title
getTitleTextColor() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the text color of the parameter table title
getTitleTextColorHex() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the text color of the parameter table title
getTitleTextFont() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the font of the parameter table title
getTitleTextSize() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the text size of the parameter table title
getTitleTextStyle() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Gets the text style of the parameter table title
getToAddresses() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For Email feature: Returns receivers' email addresses
getTOC() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
getTOCLinkForDHTML(int, int, String) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IHTMLLinksProvider
getToolbarContainer() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
internal use only
getToolbarContainer() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
internal use only
getToolbarContainer() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
internal use only
getToolbarContainer() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
internal use only
getTopBorder() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
getTopLabelAlignment() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns alignment position for the top labels alignment position: QbChart.TOP_ALIGNMENT, CENTER_ALIGNMENT, BOTTOM_ALIGNMENT, QbChart.TOP_ALIGNMENT_INSIDE, QbChart.BOTTOM_ALIGNMENT_INSIDE
getTopLabelColorOnNegativeSide() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns top label color for negative side
getTopMargin() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns top margin, in inches.
getTopNValue() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
returns number of Top N value in a chart This feature only works with chart with category only and ascending order has to be applied to the chart
getTotalPageBufferSize() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Gets the total page buffer size in memory (in MB) for server when using paging feature to generate the report/ chart
getTotalPageBufferSize() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Gets the total page buffer size in memory (in MB) for server when using paging feature to generate the report/ chart
getTotalPageBufferSize() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Gets the total page buffer size in memory (in MB) for server when using paging feature to generate the report/ chart
getTotalPages() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Returns the total number of pages
getTotalPages() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
returns total number to pages
getTotalPages() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
returns total number to pages
getTotalPages(Graphics) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
The total number of pages that this report will span.
getTotalPages() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Returns the total number of pages
getTotalPages() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Returns the total number of pages
getTotalSections() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Returns the total number of sections
getTotalSections() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
returns total number of sections
getTotalSections() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
returns total number of sections
getTotalSections(Graphics) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns the total section count drawn in the specified Graphics argument
getTotalSections() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Returns the total number of sections
getTotalSections() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Returns the total number of sections
getTranslucentValue() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This method returns translucent value of the chart (between 0 to 1.0, Transparent to solid) The default value is 0.5f For QbChart.OVERLAY, QbChart.RADAR ,2D QbChart.AREA and Stack Area-Col Combo only
getTranspose() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method returns whether the position of column header and the position of row header is interchanged.
getTransposedColumn() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
This method returns the transposed columns for spreadsheet format
getTriggeredAlertDetails() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
getTriggeredAlertDetails() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
getTriggeredAlertIds() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
getTriggeredAlertIds() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
getType() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns the type of the chart.
getType() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns the type of the chart.
getUndoZoomClickCount() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Returns the mouse click count for undoing a zooming operation
getUndoZoomModifier() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Returns the mouse modifier for undoing a zooming operation.
getUpBarColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDropBarSet
This method returns the up bar color.
getUpdateVersion() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
getUpdateVersion() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
getUpdateVersion() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
getUpperBound() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHistogramInfo
Get the upper bound for the histogram.
getUpperBound() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
Returns the upper bound value (max value) plotted in the category axis.
getURLMapping() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For Email feature: If you elect to send a link to the generated report, you will need to specify an http path to the directory in which the report is generated.
getURLString() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
Gets the URL of database.
getURLString() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
Gets the URL of database
getURLString() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Gets the URL of database
getURLString() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IDatabaseInfo
Gets the URL of database
getURLString() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDatabaseInfo
Gets the URL of database
getUserID() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
Gets the user name.
getUserID() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
Get the user name
getUserID() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Get the user name
getUserID() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IDatabaseInfo
Gets the user ID
getUserID() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDatabaseInfo
Gets the user ID
getUserName() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
getVAlign() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Get the vertical alignment of this element.
getValue() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.TextString
Get the text string value
getValue() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.TextString
Get the text string value
getValue() - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
Returns the current value of the parameter as the appropriate java object.
getValue(ReportTable, int, int, int, int, int, Report, ReportCell, Object) - Method in class
getValue(ReportTable, int, int, int, int, int, Report, ReportCell, Object, boolean) - Method in class
getValue(ReportTable, int, int, int, int, int, Report, ReportCell, Object, boolean, Vector, Vector) - Method in class
getValue(ReportTable, int, int, int, int, int, Report, ReportCell, Object, boolean, Vector, Vector, ColData[]) - Method in class
getValue(ReportTable, int, int, int, int, int, Report, ReportCell, Object, boolean, Vector, Vector, ColData[], boolean) - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue(ReportTable, int, int, int, int, int, Report, ReportCell, Object) - Method in class
Gets the value of the parameter.
getValue(ReportTable, int, int, int, int, int, Report, ReportCell, Object, Vector, Vector) - Method in class
internal use only
getValue(ReportTable, int, int, int, int, int, Report, ReportCell, Object, boolean) - Method in class
internal use only
getValue(ReportTable, int, int, int, int, int, Report, ReportCell, Object, boolean, Vector, Vector) - Method in class
internal use only
getValue(ReportTable, int, int, int, int, int, Report, ReportCell, Object, boolean, Vector, Vector, ColData[]) - Method in class
internal use only
getValue(ReportCell, int, int, int, int, Report) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
getValue(ReportCell, int, int, int, int, Report, Vector, Vector) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
getValue(String, Object[]) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ICustomDefinedFunctions
This is where you implement your function.
getValue() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IQueryInParam
Programmers sometimes may not want to show the initial parameter dialog when the chart is loaded at the first time.
getValue() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
getValue() - Method in class quadbase.util.ColorSpectrum
This function returns the value array
getValue() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAnnotation
This function returns the value of the string.
getValue() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IQueryInParam
Programmers sometimes may not want to show the initial parameter dialog when the chart is loaded at the first time.
getValue() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITextString
This function returns the value of the string.
getValue() - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ISpreadSheetModel
Returns the value of the cell for a given row and column
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Get the value at a given row and column indexes (beginning at 1)
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISpreadSheetModel
Returns the value of the cell for a given row and column
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Get the value at a given row and column indexes (beginning at 1)
getValueColumn() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
Get the value uses for fitting for HLCO and High Low chart
getValueCount() - Method in class quadbase.util.ColorSpectrum
This function returns the number of value in the value array
getValueFromText(String) - Method in class
internal use only
getValueHint() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
Return the string use in the LineValue hint
getValues() - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
If (this.multiValue()), returns the current values of the parameter as a Vector of the appropriate java objects, else returns null.
getValues() - Method in class
getValues() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IQueryMultiValueInParam
getValues() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryMultiValueInParam
getValues() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAnnotation
This function returns the value of the string array.
getValues() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IQueryMultiValueInParam
getValues() - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryMultiValueInParam
getValueSortOrder() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns sorting order of the value column in Original, Ascending or Descending order.
getValueType() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ISpreadSheetModel
Returns the data type of the values
getValueType() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Get the type of the value
getValueType() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISpreadSheetModel
Returns the data type of the values
getValueType() - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
getValueVariable() - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
Returns value of a date parameter as a date expression (ex.
getValueVariable() - Method in class
getValueVariable() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
Returns value of a date parameter as a date expression (ex.
getValueVariable() - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
Returns value of a date parameter as a date expression (ex.
getVariable(String) - Method in class
getVariables() - Method in class
getVersion() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns EspressChart Version Number
getVersion() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns EspressChart Version Number
getVersion() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns the EspressReport version
getViewDirection() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
Returns the viewpoint values for a 3D chart.
getViewTranslation() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
Returns the view translation coordinates.
getVisibleColumnCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns the number of visible columns in this table.
getVisibleColumnList() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns an array of ReportColumn Objects that are visible in this table.
getVisibleColumns() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns a boolean array which shows the status of individual column display.
getVSnap() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
for internal use only.
getWallColor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This function returns the color used to draw the xy,yz,xz walls for a 3D chart.
getWidth() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
INCH Get the width of this element
getWidth(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Get the width of this element
getWidth() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Returns the width of this ReportSection.
getWidthOfElement() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
This is used for the export of the DHTML
getWidthOfElement(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For Internal use only.
getWidthToPoints() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
POINTS This is for export to PDF format 1 inch = 72 points
getWrapCount() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnWrap
Gets number of times of the columns wrap in a page.
getX() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Get the X-coordinate value of the upper left corner of this element
getX(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Get the X-coordinate value of the upper left corner of this element in inches/cms
getX() - Method in class quadbase.util.Point_2D
Get value of x.
getX() - Method in class quadbase.util.Point_3D
Get value of x.
getX() - Method in class quadbase.util.Position
Returns the x coordinate.
getX1(Chart) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
For internal use only
getX2(Chart) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
For internal use only
getXMLFile() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Gets the name of the input xml file used to create the report.
getXMLFile() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Gets the name of the input xml file used to create the chart.
getXMLFileQueryInfo() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Gets the xml file query info used to create the report.
getXMLFileQueryInfo() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Gets the xml file query info used to create the chart.
getXMLType() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
Returns the XML type
getXPos() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Get the X-coordinate value as the pixel
getXPos(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For Internal use only.
getxratio() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.TextString
getxratio() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.TextString
getXScale() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
Returns the X dimension scaling used for a 3D chart.
getxShift() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAnnotation
Get how much the annotation text will be offset to right or left (with negative values) from the border/background
getXSortedVisibleElements() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns an array of visible ReportElement objects sorted by the individual x positions.
getXToPoints() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For Internal use only.
getY() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
INCH Get the Y-coordinate value of the upper left corner of this element
getY(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
INCH/CM Get the Y-coordinate value of the upper left corner of this element
getY(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFunction
The method returns the result of y = f(x)
getY() - Method in class quadbase.util.Point_2D
Get value of y.
getY() - Method in class quadbase.util.Point_3D
Get value of y.
getY() - Method in class quadbase.util.Position
Returns the y coordinate.
getY1(Chart) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
For internal use only
getY2(Chart) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
For internal use only
getYPos() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Get the X-coordinate value as the pixel
getYPos(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For Internal use only.
getyratio() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.TextString
getyratio() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.TextString
getYScale() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
Returns the Y dimension scaling used for a 3D chart.
getyShift() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAnnotation
Get how much the annotation text will be offset to up or down (with negative values) from the border/background
getYSortedVisibleElements() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns an array of visible ReportElement objects sorted by the individual y positions.
getYToPoints() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only *
getZ() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Gets the z-index of this report element.
getZ() - Method in class quadbase.util.Point_3D
Get value of z.
getZoomClickCount() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Returns the mouse click count for starting a zooming operation
getZoomFactor() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
sets the zoom factor percentage
getZoomFactor() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets the zoom factor percentage
getZoomFactor() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
sets the zoom factor percentage
getZoomFactor() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets the zoom factor percentage
getZoomFactor() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
Returns the zoom factor used for viewing a 3D chart.
getZoomModifier() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Returns the mouse modifier for starting a zooming operation.
getZScale() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
Returns the Z dimension scaling used for a 3D chart.
getZSortedVisibleElements() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns an array of visible ReportElement objects sorted by the individual z positions.
GIF - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IExportConstants
CompuServe GIF format (conversion performed using Java libraries) (file extension .gif)
GIF - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IExportConstants
Compuserv GIF format (conversion peformed using Java libraries) (file extension .gif)
GIF - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
the GIF image constant
GIF_C - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IExportConstants
CompuServe GIF format using native C libraries.
GIF_C - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IExportConstants
Compuserv GIF format using native C libraries.
GIF_N - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IExportConstants
CompuServe GIF format (using new GIF Encoder) (file extension .gif)
GIF_N - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IExportConstants
Compuserv GIF format (using new GIF Encoder) (file extension .gif)
GIF_R - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IExportConstants
RLE GIF format (file extension .gif)
GIF_R - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IExportConstants
RLE GIF format (file extension .gif)
GLOBALTRADEITEMNUMBER - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
goToMenuItemVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
goToMenuItemVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
goToMenuItemVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
goToMenuItemVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
goToNextAvailPage() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
go to the next available page.
goToNextAvailPage() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
go to the next available page.
goToNextAvailPage() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
go to the next available page.
goToNextAvailPage() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
go to the next available page.
goToPreviousAvailPage() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
go to the previous available page.
goToPreviousAvailPage() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
go to the previous available page.
goToPreviousAvailPage() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
go to the previous available page.
goToPreviousAvailPage() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
go to the previous available page.
GOURAUD - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Gouraud shading mode for a 3D chart
GOURAUD - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Gouraud shading mode for a 3D chart
GOURAUD_BORDER - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Gouraud shading mode for a 3D chart with black line border around it
GOURAUD_BORDER - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Gouraud shading mode for a 3D chart with black line border around it
GREATER - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
GREATER - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
GREATEREQUAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
GREATEREQUAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
greaterThan(IObject, IObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Checks to see if object a is greater than object b
greaterThanEqualTo(IObject, IObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Checks to if object a is greater than/equal to object b
GRID - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
The element type GRID.
GROUPBURSTING - Static variable in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject


hasArrowhead() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to check if arrow heads are currently drawn on the axes of the chart.
hasBorder() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
hasCell(ReportCell) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Whether the specified cell is contained in this ReportSection
hasColumn(ReportElement) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns whether this element has a column in this Table.
hasDualColorOnColumnChange() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
hasExtendVertLineOrGrid() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
hasFormattedCell(int, Vector<Integer>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
hasFormattedCell(int, Vector<Integer>, FormattedCell) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
hasFormattedCell(Vector<Integer>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
hasFormattedCell(ReportCell, Vector<Integer>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
hasFormattedCell(int[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
whether a formatted cell exists at the specified tree index
hasFormattedCell(ReportCell, int[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
hashCode() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.ColInfo
hashCode() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
hashCode() - Method in class quadbase.util.HyperLink
hashCode() - Method in class quadbase.util.Point_2D
Returns the hash code for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class quadbase.util.Point_3D
Returns the hash code for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class quadbase.util.Position
Returns the hashcode for the Position.
hasNoDrawableData() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
hasNoDrawableData(Vector) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
hasResizeToFitElement() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
hasScriptedData(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Returns whether this object contains scripted data at the specified index.
hasSectionCell(ReportCell, int[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
hasSectionCell(ReportCell, Vector<Integer>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
hasSectionCells(int[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
hasSectionCells(Vector<Integer>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
hasSectionStyle() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
hasSectionStyle() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
hasSubTable(ReportTable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns whether this table has a sub-table
hasTabPanel() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method returns whether there is tab panel for data series
hasThisFormattedCell(ReportCell, Vector<Integer>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
hasUsableReport() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
For internal use only
hasVisibleElements() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
returns whether this table has any visible elements
header - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
the header text
header - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
HEATMAP - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
height - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
hidedate - Variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
Hide the day display (default false)
hidemonth - Variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
Hide the month display (default false)
hideTimestampTime - Variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
Hide the time display in Timestamp (default false)
hideyear - Variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
Hide the year display (default false)
high - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.ColInfo
high - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.ColInfo
HIGH - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
HIGH - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IMapConstants
high_name - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
High column name
HILOW - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
High Low chart
hint - Variable in class quadbase.util.HyperLink
The hint to show when a right mouse click is done on the link.
HLCO - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
HLCO (High Low Close Open) chart
HORIZONTAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Legend horizontal layout
HORIZONTAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Legend horizontal layout
HORIZONTAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
HORIZONTAL_LINE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IHorzVertLine
HORIZONTAL_LINE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
HOUR - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating the hour of the morning or afternoon.
HOUR - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
HOUR - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating the hour of the morning or afternoon.
HOUR - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
hour24 - Variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
true for 24 hour clock (default true)
HOUR_OF_DAY - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating the hour of the day.
HOUR_OF_DAY - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating the hour of the day.
hourMinuteSep - Variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
hour minute separator (default ":")
html - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
the underlying HTML writer
HTML - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
HTMLBlock - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
HTMLBlock(String, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.HTMLBlock
HTMLCENTER - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
HTMLHORIZONTAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
HTMLLEFT - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
HtmlParameterPageWriter - Class in quadbase.common.param
Writer that writes ParameterPage in HTML format.
HtmlParameterPageWriter(ParameterPage, Writer) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Allocates a HtmlParameterPageWriter writing to a specified output with specified ParameterPage content.
HTMLRIGHT - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
HTMLVERTICAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
HyperLink - Class in quadbase.util
HyperLink(PickData) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.HyperLink
Constructor for HyperLink, internal use by chart package only
HyperLink() - Constructor for class quadbase.util.HyperLink
Constructor for HyperLink
HyperLink(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.HyperLink
Constructor for HyperLink
HyperLink(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.HyperLink
Constructor for HyperLink using the default target window
HyperLink.HintStyle - Enum in quadbase.util


I3DControlPanel - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to set properties of the navigation panel for a 3D chart.
I3DPropertySet - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to set properties controlling the navigation, illumination model, etc.
IAggregateConstants - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
Utility class for formula to contain basic Formula Type values as constants.
IAggregationInfo - Interface in quadbase.util
IAlignConstants - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
Utility class for cell aliginment to contain basic alignment type values as constants.
IAnnotation - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface defines the requirements of an annotation object.
IAnnotationSet - Interface in quadbase.util
This class contains all annotations of the chart object.
IAxis - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to set/get different properties associated with a chart's axis.
IAxisRuler - Interface in quadbase.util
This class is used by users to configure the visibility of X, Y, and S axis rulers shown in a QbChart object.
IBoxPropertySet - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to modify the properties associated with a 2D box chart.
IBubblePropertySet - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to modify the properties associated with a 2D Bubble chart.
IByPassSaveAsForChart - Interface in quadbase.chart.designer
ICallBackScheduler - Interface in quadbase.scheduler
This interface provides a call back mechanism for scheduler tasks.
ICanvas - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to set/get properties associated with the main drawing canvas containing the chart.
ICellScript - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
Extend this class to create a new cell script for a report, then add an instance of your class to a particular cell of your report table to apply the script.
IChart - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
The interface of chart object.
IChartGraphics - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface defines initializeGraphics and finalizeGraphics methods.  These methods can be used to add graphics before and after adding a chart to the canvas.
IChartIO - Interface in quadbase.chart.designer
This class is used to configure where the user of a Report Designer opened from an API call is allowed to save his/her chart files.
IChartModifier - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
The interface for modifying the attributes of a chart embedded in a report.
IChartTypeConstants - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface contains the constants denoted the various chart types, including single and combination charts.
IColumnMap - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface implements a mapping from the chart categories/dimensions to the columns in the input data set.
IControlLine - Interface in quadbase.util
This class is used to draw control lines in a chart You may call newControlLine(...) of IDataLineSet interface to get a new object For instance, QbChart chart = new QbChart(...); IControlLine line = chart.gethDataLineSet().newControlLine(...); You may use setSeries(String series) method of IDataLine interface to set the corresponding series of the control line
IControlRangeSet - Interface in quadbase.util
Returns a handle to the set of control range properties.
ICustomDefinedFunctions - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
An interface that can be extended to create custom functions in the Report Designer application.
ICustomizeImageMapDataHintBox - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to customize the data hint box value for image map.
ICustomParameterDateFormat - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
A class implementing this interface should also implement IQueryInParam.
ICustomParameterDateFormat - Interface in quadbase.util
A class implementing this interface should also implement IQueryInParam.
ID - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
ID - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
ID_TYPE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
IDatabaseInfo - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
This interface provides information about the database and query related to a chart.
IDatabaseInfo - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface provides information about the database and query related to a chart.
IDataLabelInfo - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface defines a getDataLabel function
IDataLine - Interface in quadbase.util
IDataLineSet - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface contains methods to add/remove data lines from the chart.
IDataPointSet - Interface in quadbase.util
Properties for chart data points can be directly changed by calling methods on this interface.
IDataSource - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
This interface is used to read data into QbReport.
IDataSource - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to read data into QbChart.
IDBConnection - Interface in quadbase.common.util
IDBProvider - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
This interface gives the user a way to provide custom database information when creating drilldown reports and subreports.
IDelimiterConstants - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
This is to define the delimiter constants used for TXT format export
IDialPropertySet - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to modify the properties associated with a 2D dial chart.
IDoughnutPropertySet - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to modify the properties associated with a Doughnut chart.
IDrillDown - Interface in quadbase.util
IDropBarSet - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to modify the properties associated with a drop bar for 2D line Chart with more than 1 series.
IDynamicImageURLGenerator - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
This interface allows the user to provide a custom URL for each image or chart.
IDynamicReportKeyGenerator - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
This interface allows the user to provide a custom URL for each report.
IEEERemainder(NumericObject, NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Computes the remainder operator on two arguments based on the IEEE754 standard
IEEEREMAINDER - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
IEEEREMAINDER - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
IExportConstants - Interface in quadbase.ChartAPI
This interface contains the constants used to denote the various chart export formats
IExportConstants - Interface in quadbase.ChartAPI.swing
This interface contains the contants used to denote the various chart export formats
IExportConstants - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
This interface contains the constants denoted the various export format.
IExportThreadListener - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
ifElse(BooleanObject, BooleanObject, BooleanObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Does an IF-THEN operation on specified object
ifElse(BooleanObject, NumericObject, NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Does an IF-THEN operation on specified object
ifElse(BooleanObject, StringObject, StringObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Does an IF-THEN operation on specified object
ifElse(BooleanObject, DateTimeObject, DateTimeObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Does an IF-THEN operation on specified object
IFELSE_B - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
IFELSE_B - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
IFELSE_D - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
IFELSE_D - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
IFELSE_N - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
IFELSE_N - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
IFELSE_S - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
IFELSE_S - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
IFlashHintBoxPropertySet - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to modify the properties associated with flash hint box output.
IFloatingLineSet - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to add/remove poly-lines in the main chart window.
IFloatingTextSet - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to add/remove text strings from the main chart window.
IFormat - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
Tagging interface for data formats.
IFormat - Interface in quadbase.util
Tagging interface for data formats.
IFunction - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface defines a function y = f(x)
IFunctionConstants - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
IFunctionConstants - Interface in quadbase.util
IFunctionLine - Interface in quadbase.util
This class is used to draw function lines y = f(x) in a 2D scatter chart You may call newFunctionLine(...) of IDataLineSet interface to get a new object Note: (1) This class is only useful for 2D scatter charts.
IGanttPropertySet - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to modify the properties associated with a 2D Gantt chart.
IGradientPropertySet - Interface in quadbase.util
IGradientSupport - Interface in quadbase.util
IHint - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to set/get properties associated with hints displayed for data points and hyperlinks.
IHintBoxInfo - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface defines a getHint function
IHistogramInfo - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to set/get different properties associated with a histogram.
IHorzVertLine - Interface in quadbase.util
This class is used to draw horizontal/vertical lines in a chart.
IHTMLLinksProvider - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
This interface is used for users to implement their own way of providing links between html/dhtml pages of a report.
IHyperLinkSet - Interface in quadbase.util
Returns a handle to the set of hyperlink properties.
IInputData - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
This interface defines methods to modify the report's input data properties, including file or database information, and accessing individual records.
IInputData - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface defines methods to modify the chart's input data properties, including file or database information, and accessing individual records.
IInterchange - Interface in quadbase.common.util.internal
User can implement this interface and integrate their own applicaton with ReportDesigner seamlessly.
IJNDIDatabaseInfo - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface provides information about the database and query related to a chart.
ILabel - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to set/get different properties associated with the labels drawn in a chart.
ILegend - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface contains methods to modify properties associated with the primary and secondary chart legends.
ILinePropertySet - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to modify the properties associated with a 2D line chart.
IMAGE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
The element type IMAGE.
ImagesPath - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.designer
ImagesPath() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.ImagesPath
IMAGEURL - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat
ImageURLFormat - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
ImageURLFormat() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ImageURLFormat
IMapConstants - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface contains the constants for mapping data columns onto the various dimensions of a chart
IMiscConstants - Interface in quadbase.ChartAPI
Miscellaneous constants for the chart API.
IMiscConstants - Interface in quadbase.ChartAPI.swing
Miscellaneous constants for the chart API.
IMouseEventSet - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to customize modifiers and clicks for performing common mouse operations like dragging and resizing of a chart, hyperlinks, zooming, etc.
importFontMapping(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Loads a global font mapping file (.xml) and sets the report's font mapping the file includes one or more entries, each entry mapps a font name and style to a .ttf file
inBottomHalf(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
inBottomHalf(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only
incReferenceDegree() - Method in class
indexArray - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
indexOf(StringObject, StringObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Returns the index where the specified pattern of characters first occurs
indexOf(StringObject, StringObject, NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Returns the index where the specified pattern of characters first occurs starting from the specified index
indexOf(ReportCell) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Returns the index of the ReportCell object within this ReportSection.
indexOf(ReportImage) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns the first instance of a chart within this ReportTable.
INDEXOF - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
indexOf(ControlRange) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IControlRangeSet
Searches for the first occurence of the given control range
INDEXOF - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
init() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
internal use only
init() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
internal use only
init(String[], String[], String[][]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DbData
Initializes the DbData Object with data
init() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
For internal use only
init() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
For internal use only
initDrillDownTree(Report, DrillDownNode) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
For internal use only
initDrillDownTree(Report, DrillDownNode, Vector<DrillDownNode>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
For internal use only
initializeGraphics(Graphics, int, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IChartGraphics
Adds or modifies graphics information before drawing the chart.
inLeftEnd(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
inLeftEnd(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only
inLeftHalf(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
inLeftHalf(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only
INoDataToPlotMessage - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to set/get different properties associated with the no data to plot message drawn in a chart.
inRightEnd(double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
inRightEnd(double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only
inRightHalf(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
inRightHalf(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only
insert(StringObject, NumericObject, StringObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Inserts the specified new characters at the specified index
INSERT - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
INSERT - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
insertDrillDownAt(int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDrillDown
Inserts a new drill-down definition to the chart
insertElementAt(ControlRange, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IControlRangeSet
insert a new ControlRange at the specified index.
insertScriptedDataAt(Object, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Inserts data with scripting information at the specified index.
insertSection(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Insert a new section after the specific section.
inStream - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.StreamResultSet
INT - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.dtd.elements.DTDDataType
INT2OF5 - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
inTopHalf(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
inTopHalf(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only
INVERSE_TRIANGLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Inverse triangle point shape
INVERSE_TRIANGLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Inverse triangle point shape
invisibleOutputMenuItem - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
invisibleOutputMenuItem - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
invisibleOutputMenuItem - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
invisibleOutputMenuItem - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
invisiblePageMenuItem - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
invisiblePageMenuItem - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
invisiblePageMenuItem - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
invisiblePageMenuItem - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
invisibleSectionMenuItem - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
invisibleSectionMenuItem - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
invisibleSectionMenuItem - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
invisibleSectionMenuItem - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
IObject - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.lang
This class is used to implement formulas
IOLAPResultSet - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to read OLAP data.
IOverlayPropertySet - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to modify the properties associated with a 2D overlay chart.
IParameterizedDataSource - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
This interface allows user to define a Java class data source with parameters.
IParameterizedDataSource - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface allows user to define a Java class data source with parameters.
IPiePropertySet - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to modify properties associated with a pie chart.
IPlot - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface defines methods to modify properties associated with the plot area for the main chart as well as the legend.
IPolarPropertySet - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to modify the properties associated with a 2D polar chart.
IPopupMenu - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to set/get properties associated with the popup menu in chartviewer A handle to an object that implements that interface can be obtained by calling the gethPopupMenu method in QbChart.
IQbQueryFileInfo - Interface in quadbase.util
IQueryFileInfo - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
IQueryFileInfo This class extends IDatabaseInfo and is used when the database query has one or more parameters.
IQueryFileInfo - Interface in quadbase.util
IQueryInParam - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
IQueryInParam - Interface in quadbase.util
IQueryMultiValueInParam - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
This class is for parameters that may expand to multiple values.
IQueryMultiValueInParam - Interface in quadbase.util
This class is for parameters that may expand to multiple values.
IQueryParamValuesProvider - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
A class implementing this interface should also implement IQueryInParam.
IQueryParamValuesProvider - Interface in quadbase.util
A class implementing this interface should also implement IQueryInParam.
IRadarPropertySet - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to modify the properties associated with a 2D radar chart.
IReferenceObj - Interface in quadbase.util
IReport - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
IReportIO - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.designer
This class is used to configure where the user of a Report Designer opened from an API call is allowed to save their report (.rpt) files.
IReportTypeConstants - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
This interface contains the constants used to denote the various report types.
IResultSet - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
This interface is used to read data in a tabular form.
IResultSet - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to read data in a tabular form.
IRow - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
This interface is use to read individual fields in one row of data.
IRow - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is use to read individual fields in one row of data.
IRSMetaData - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
This interface describes the structure of a tabular data set represented by an IResultSet interface.
IRSMetaData - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface describes the structure of a tabular data set represented by an IResultSet interface.
is3DApproximationUsed() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This function returns whether a 3D rendering approximation method is currently used.
is3DShading() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IBubblePropertySet
This method returns the state of drawing the bubbles in the simulated 3D shading mode.
is3DShadingEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
is3DShadingEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
is3DShadingEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
is3DShadingEnabled() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGradientSupport
is3DShadowForTickerOn() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method returns whether ticker 3D shadow is on or not
isAddEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager.DefaultDataSourceNode
Determine if the 'Add' button is enabled when this node is selected.
isAdjustFont() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns whether adjust the font based on the screen resolution.
isAdjustFont() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Return whether adjust the font based on the screen resolution.
isAdjustFont() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Return whether adjust the font based on the screen resolution.
isAggregatedChart() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAggregationInfo
This function is used to find out if the current chart is a histogram or not.
isAggregatedColumn() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Returns whether this is an aggregated column.
isAggregationTable() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
ReturnsSets whether the table is used for aggregation
isAlignAxisScale() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Returns whether a chart use same scale system for primary and secondary axis if so, return true, else return false Not available for 100% percent column chart
isAllOptionEnabled() - Method in class
isAllOptionEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
isAllOptionEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
isAngleInRadian() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPolarPropertySet
This method returns the angle scale unit.
isAnimationButtonVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DControlPanel
Determines whether the animation button is visible or not in the navigation panel.
isAnimationOnForExpandAndCollapse() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
return the state of the animation for expand and collapse feature This is only for exporting as a DHTML format
isApplyGradientToChartDataOnly() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
isApplyGradientToChartDataOnly() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
isAreaProportionalToValue() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IBubblePropertySet
This method returns the state of using the ratio of area to represent the ratio in the Z-values of the bubbles.
isAreaVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns the display status of the data area for radar chart.
isAreaVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILinePropertySet
Returns the state of drawing the area between dataline & one horizontal line.
isArrowAtEndPointVisible() - Method in class quadbase.util.PolyLine
Returns whether the arrow at end point of poly-line is visible.
isArrowAtStartPointVisible() - Method in class quadbase.util.PolyLine
Returns whether the arrow at start point of poly-line is visible.
isArrowsDrawn() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGanttPropertySet
Returns the state of the arrows that link Gantt chart data.
isAsc() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Returns whether the ColInfo is sorted in ascending order.
isAutoAxisPosition() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IOverlayPropertySet
This method returns whether the x position of axis is calculated automatically
isAxisPaddingAdded() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to check if the axis padding is added or not.
isBackgroundTransparent() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns whether a chart background is transparent when exporting a chart to GIF format
isBackgroundTransparent() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns whether a chart background is transparent when exporting a chart to GIF format
isBackgroundVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ICanvas
Determines whether the desktop background area drawing (i.e., the rest of canvas other than the chart plot area) is enabled or not.
isBackgroundVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Returns whether or not the background for the chart/legend plot area is visible.
isBackLinkEnabled() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Returns true if backward link is enabled.
isBestFit(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Returns whether pies are drawn in best fit format Default is true
isBlackBorderVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IBubblePropertySet
This method returns the state of bubble border.
isBlackBorderVisibleForWhiteArea() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns whether or not a black border is drawn around the white data area for some chart types.
isBorderClosed() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
isBorderVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns whether or not a border is drawn around the data points for some chart types.
isBorderVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDropBarSet
This method returns whether the border of drop bar is visible.
isBorderVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Returns whether or not a border is drawn around the chart/legend plot area.
isBufferedImageUsed() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns whether the QbChart to use java.awt.image.BufferedImage technology to export image
isBufferedImageUsed() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns whether the QbChart to use java.awt.image.BufferedImage technology to export image
isChart() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
isChartServerUsed() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns whether the chart server is used for input/output, If false, the package performs file and database reads/writes directly.
isChartServerUsed() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns whether the chart server is used for input/output, If false, the package performs file and database reads/writes directly.
isChartVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ICanvas
Determines whether chart is visible or not.
isClockwise() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPolarPropertySet
This method returns the drawing direction TRUE: Clockwise FALSE: Counter-clockwise
isColDataPopulated() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
isColumnBreak() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Returns whether column is used as column break
isColumnBreakValue() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Returns whether column is used as column break value
isCommand() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
Returns whether it is schedule command object
isConnectLinesInOriginalOrder() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns a boolean value that specifies if connecting lines are drawn in the original dataset order.
isCopyEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager.DefaultDataSourceNode
Determine if the 'Copy' button is enabled when this node is selected.
isCrossSection() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
isCrossSection() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
isCrossTabElt(ReportElement) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
isCrossTabFixedFieldHeader() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
isCustomDateFormat() - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
Whether this parameter is a date and its value provided by the user with setValue() is a custom date format.
isCustomDateFormat() - Method in class
isDataDrawnOnTop() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILinePropertySet
Returns the state of drawing the datapoints on top.
isDataEmpty() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Returns true if this object does not use a data object.
isDateTimeDisplay() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
Returns if the value axis label are displayed in DateTimeFormat, as opposed to NumericFormat.
isDateTimeDisplay() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGanttPropertySet
Returns the state of value axis label display in DateTimeFormat, as opposed to NumericFormat.
isDBImage() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
internal use only Returns whether this image is stored in the database.
isDefaultToExpandAllForDHTML() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns whether to export the Summary Break/ CrossTab Report with expand/ collapse all the sections for DHTML output.
isDHTMLTopMarginRepeatOnEveryPage() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns whether top margin is repeated on every new page
isDimMenuEnabled() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPopupMenu
This function is used to check if the 2D/3D menu is enabled in popup menu or not
isDirectoryBrowseUpEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Gets whether the user is prohibited from browsing any directory above the root directory.
isDisableJava2DForStraightText() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns whether the Java2D Rotated Text method is using for 0, 90, 180...
isDisplayByWeek() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
Returns the state of the x-axis label display in day of the week fashion.
isDisplayByWeek() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGanttPropertySet
Returns the state of the x-axis label display in day of the week fashion.
isDisplayLabelAsDate() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
Checks if numeric inputs for this axis is being displayed in the DateTime format.
isDottedLineForNull() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns whether or not the display of dotted lines for missing or null data points is enabled.
isDragEnabled() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Returns true if dragging of the chart,legend, etc.
isDrawAgain() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only
isDrawBorder() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Returns whether border is drawn (for dial chart only)
isDrawBorderForWMF() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns whether a chart border is visible when exporting a chart to WMF format.
isDrawBorderForWMF() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns whether a chart border is visible when exporting a chart to WMF format This method is only for 2D column/bar chart
isDrawCircularGrid() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IRadarPropertySet
This method returns state of drawing circular grid
isDrawFullBorder() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Returns whether full border is drawn (for dial chart only)
isDrawFullCircle() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method returns whether draw full circle for dial or not
isDrawLinearly() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Retruns whether pies are drawn linearly Default is false
isDrawNullColumn() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns whether or not to show null data column in chart.
isDrawSeriesOnCategoryAxis() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
Determines whether or not drawing series on category axis in 3 dimension space.
isDrawSymbolWithLine() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILegend
Returns whether or not a line is drawn behind the symbol in the legend.
isDsc() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Returns whether the ColInfo is sorted in descending order.
isDualColorOnRowBreak() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Returns whether color is changed from section to section
isDynamicDrillDown() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDrillDown
This function is used to check if the dynamic drill down function is enabled or not
isDynamicExport() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns whether dynamic export should be used
ISecondaryChart - Interface in quadbase.util
Properties for the secondary data points can be changed using the methods in this interface.
isEditEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager.DefaultDataSourceNode
Determine if the 'Edit' button is enabled when this node is selected.
isEmbeddedScriptWithInThePageForDHTML() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
return the state of embedding the script within the DHTML export This is only for exporting as a DHTML format
isEnabled() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHint
Returns whether or not the display of hints is enabled.
isEncodePDF() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For PDF export: Returns whether use encoding for DFT export
isEndToEnd() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns whether a chart is drawn from end to end (no gap).
isEspressManagerUsed() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns whether EspressManager is used for input/output.
isEspressManagerUsed() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns whether EspressManager is used for input/output.
isEspressManagerUsed() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns whether EspressManager is being used
isExitOnCancel() - Method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
isExitOnCancel() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Returns whether setExitOnCanel() is set.
isExpandable() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
for internal use only
isExpandAndCollapseOptionForDHTML() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns whether to export the Summary Break/ CrossTab Report with expand/ collapse feature for DHTML output.
isExploded(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Returns whether or not the particular pie-slice is exploded or not.
isExplodeUsingSectorGap() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Returns whether or not the particular pie-slice is exploded using sector gap or not.
isExportDay(int, int[]) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
isExportEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
sets whether export is enabled
isExportEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets whether export is enabled
isExportEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
whether report exports is enabled
isExportEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
whether report exports is enabled
isExportMapFile() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
Returns whether map files for chart images is included in HTML/DHTML exports.
isExportToMultiPages() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns whether QbReport exports a separate file for each individual page in HTML and DHTML
isExportToMultiPages() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
sets whether exporting report to multiple pages is enabled
isExportToMultiPages() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets whether exporting report to multiple pages is enabled
isExportToMultiPages() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
DHTML/ HTML option: Returns whether export report to multi-pages
isExportToSingleWPagination() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For DHTML/ HTML export: Exports return in one single page with pagination.
isExtendLineDrawn() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Returns whether connecting line is drawn between individual pie slice & its own label.
isFieldDrillDownChart() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
isFieldDrillDownChart() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
isFieldDrillDownEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
isFieldDrillDownEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
isFillArea() - Method in class quadbase.util.PolyLine
Returns whether the poly-line is filled.
isFitGroupOnPage() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
True iff groups are to be fitted on the same page.
isFitOnCanvas() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ICanvas
Returns whether reposition chart location or reduce chart size in order to fit chart on canvas.
isForceNewReport() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Returns whether the user is forced to create a new report or not.
isForDeploy() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns whether the QbReport is used for deployment.
isForExportOnly() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns whether QbChart is optimized for exporting chart images
isForExportOnly() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns whether QbChart is optimized for exporting chart images
isForExportOnly() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns whether QbReport is used only for exporting report
isFormattedRow(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only Give the rowIndex, check whether this row is a formatted row For Columnar type report only @ return true if it is a formatted row, false otherwise
isFormattedRow(FormattedRowKey) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only Give the FormattedRowKey, check whether it is a formatted row
isFormula - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnHeader
internal use only
isFormulaParam() - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
Whether this is a formula parameter (not query parameter)
isForwardLinkEnabled() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Returns true if forward link is enabled.
isGIFTransparent() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
Gets the state of GIF transparent mode.
isGIFTransparent() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
isGotoEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Checks to see if the goto button shoule be enabled
isGotoEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Checks to see if the goto button shoule be enabled
isGouraudButtonVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DControlPanel
Determines whether the Gouraud button is visible or not in the navigation panel.
isGradientCyclic() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
isGradientCyclic() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
isGradientCyclic() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
isGradientCyclic() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGradientSupport
isGradientEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
isGradientEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
isGradientEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
isGradientEnabled() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGradientSupport
isGrayscaleForExport() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns using grayscale for export
isGrayscaleForExport() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns using grayscale for export
isGridAlignedWithTicker() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to check if grid lines are aligned with tickers.
isGridInFront() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to check if grid lines are in front of the chart.
isGridVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function returns the drawing status of the axis/wall grid.
isHeadTagIncluded() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns whether the tags are included in the DHTML exports
isHiLowAsCandleStick() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns true if a hi-low chart is to be displayed in the form of a candlestick chart.
isHiLowAsCandleStick() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns true if a hi-low chart is to be displayed in the form of a candlestick chart.
isHintBoxEnabled() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFlashHintBoxPropertySet
Returns the state of the hint box to display hints for data points and hyperlinks.
isHistogram() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHistogramInfo
This function is used to find out if the current chart is a histogram or not.
isHorizontalRange(Chart) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
For internal use only
isHttpsDynamicExport() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns whether https dynamic export should be used
isInitialized() - Method in class
internal use only
isJava2DRotateTextEnabled() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns whether the Java2D Rotate Text method is used
isKeepDataSourceOrder() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
isLabelOnNegativeSide() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns whether every label is forced to display on the negative side of the axis.
isLabelOnPositiveSide() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns whether every label is forced to display on the positive side of the axis.
isLabelOutsidePlotArea() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to check if the tickers and labels are drawn outside chart plot area.
isLabelVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxisRuler
Checks the boolean state of the axis ruler labels.
isLimitAtAxisScale() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This function return the state of data limit If FALSE, no data limit If TRUE, no data can go over axis max scale or go below axis min scale
isLimitExcelCellSplit() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
isLinearScale() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHistogramInfo
This function is used to determine if a linear scale has been plotted in the histogram.
isLinearScale() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
Returns whether or not a linear scale is being used for the category axis.
isLocked - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
isLocked() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only

Gets whether this ReportElement position is locked

isLogScale() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to check if a logarithmic scale is plotted for that axis.
isMapToColumn() - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
When using the parameter dialog or the ParameterPageWriter this attributes is used to control whether a selection list or a input text box is used.
isMapToColumn() - Method in class
internal use only
isMapToColumn() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IQueryInParam
If isMapToColumn() returns true, getTableName() and getColumnName() will be called to find out all distinct values from database.
isMapToColumn() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
isMapToColumn() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IQueryInParam
If isMapToColumn() returns true, getTableName() and getColumnName() will be called to find out all distinct values from database.
isMapToColumn() - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
isMapToColumnOnly() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
isMapToColumnOnly() - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
isMapToFunctionOnly() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
isMapToFunctionOnly() - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
isMaster() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Returns whether column is used as master field
isMatchColumnWidths() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
POINTS This is for export to PDF format 1 inch = 72 points
isMatchColumnWidths() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
isMemoryOptimized() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
PDF / DHTML / HTML / CSV / TXT option: Returns whether using optimize memory export
isMetricSystemUsed() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Returns whether metric system is used in the Report Designer.
isModified - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
isMultiPageExp() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Returns whether QbReport exports to multiple pages when exporting in HTML, or DHTML formats.
isMultiValueParam() - Method in class
isNewExcelSheet() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Whether to create a new excel sheet
isNextAvailPageEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
whether the next page button is enabled
isNextAvailPageEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
whether the next page button is enabled
isNextAvailPageEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
whether the next page button is enabled
isNextAvailPageEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
whether the next page button is enabled
isNextEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager.DefaultDataSourceNode
Determine if the 'Next' button is enabled when this node is selected.
isNextPageEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
Checks to see if next page exists
isNextPageEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Checks to see if next page exists
isNextPageEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Checks to see if next page exists
isNextPageEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Checks to see if next page exists
isNextSectionEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
Checks to see if next section exists
isNextSectionEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Checks to see if next section exists
isNextSectionEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Checks to see if next section exists
isNextSectionEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Checks to see if next section exists
isNoWrap() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For HTML use Check the status of html text wrapping
isNullDataAsZero() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns whether or not to treat null data as zero values.
isOriginAutomatic() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to check if the origin is calculated automatically or not The axis being checked depends on the axis handle used.
isOriginAutomatic() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGanttPropertySet
This function is used to check if the origin is calculated automatically or not
isOverlapAreaHighlighted() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Returns whether overlap area is highlighted
isOverlayTransparent() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IOverlayPropertySet
Please use @link IDataPointSet#isTranslucent()
isPercentage() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
isPercentVisibleInLegend() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Returns whether or not pie slice percentages are visible in the chart legend.
isPieLabelAtTheSide() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Returns whether align pie labels at the side Default is false
isPointBorderColorBlack() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns true if the color of the data point border is black.
isPointBorderColorBlack() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Returns true if the color of the data point border is black.
isPointBorderVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns the display status of the data point border.
isPointBorderVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Gets the display status of the data point border for the secondary axis.
isPointerUsed() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method returns whether the pointer needle is used or not
isPopupMenuEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
whether the right-click pop up menu is enabled
isPopupMenuEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
whether the right-click pop up menu is enabled
isPopupMenuEnabled() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPopupMenu
Get the display status of popup menu in chartviewer
ISpreadSheetModel - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
ISpreadSheetModel - Interface in quadbase.util
ISpreadSheetModelListener - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
This defines an interface for an object that listens to changes in an ISpreadSheetModel.
ISpreadSheetModelListener - Interface in quadbase.util
This defines an interface for an object that listens to changes in an ISpreadSheetModel.
isPreSetDrillDown() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDrillDown
This function is used to check if the pre-set drill down function is enabled or not
isPrevAvailPageEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
whether the previous page button is enabled
isPrevAvailPageEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
whether the previous page button is enabled
isPrevAvailPageEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
whether the previous page button is enabled
isPrevAvailPageEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
whether the previous page button is enabled
isPrevPageEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
Checks to see if previous page exists
isPrevPageEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Checks to see if previous page exists
isPrevPageEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Checks to see if previous page exists
isPrevPageEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Checks to see if previous page exists
isPrevSectionEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
Checks to see if previous section exists
isPrevSectionEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Checks to see if previous section exists
isPrevSectionEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Checks to see if previous section exists
isPrevSectionEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Checks to see if previous section exists
isPrimaryKey() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Returns whether column is used as primary key
isPrintKeyEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns true if accelerator keys are enabled to export a chart as an image in order to facilitate printing.
isPrintKeyEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns true if accelerator keys are enabled to export a chart as an image in order to facilitate printing.
isPrintKeyEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
whether the print key is enabled
isPrintKeyEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
whether the print key is enabled
isPrintOnNewPage(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
isPromptForParamValues() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
isQueryParamValuesProvider() - Method in class
isRadialBorderDrawnForZero() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Returns whether or not pie slice radial borders are visible for slices that occupy either 0%, or 100%.
isRecursive() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
for internal use only
isReferenceAtTop() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ICanvas
Returns whether the reference position of legend and annotation text is top or not
isRefreshEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Returns true if accelerator keys are enabled to refresh chart data If this option is enabled, hitting Ctrl-R (or use popup-menu) to refresh data
isRefreshEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Returns true if accelerator keys are enabled to refresh chart data If this option is enabled, hitting Ctrl-R (or use popup-menu) to refresh data
isRefreshEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
whether the refresh is enabled
isRefreshEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
whether the refresh is enabled
isRefreshEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
whether report refresh is enabled
isRefreshEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
whether report refresh is enabled
isRemoveEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager.DefaultDataSourceNode
Determine if the 'Remove' button is enabled when this node is selected.
isRepeatBreakField() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Returns whether this is a repeated break field.
isRepeatOnEveryPage() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Show status if section header is repeated, when the section is cut off and continued on the next page.
isReport() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
Returns whether it is schedule report object
isReportDataUsed() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
Returns whether data from ReportTable are used for charts.
isReportToolBarVisible() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
sets the display status of report toolbar
isReportToolBarVisible() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets the display status of report toolbar
isReportToolBarVisible() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
gets the display status of report toolbar
isReportToolBarVisible() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
gets the display status of report toolbar
isRequired() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
for internal use only
isResetPageNumber() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Show the status if the page number is reset
isResizeCanvasEnabled() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Returns true if resizing of the canvas is enabled.
isResizeEnabled() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Returns true if resizing of the chart is enabled.
isResizeToFitContent() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Gets whether this ReportElement should be resized to fit all of its content.
isResizeWidth() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
Whether this SubReportObject resizes its width automatically to fit its contents.
isRounded() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHistogramInfo
Are the values rounded off prior to plotting in the histogram.
isRowBreak() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Returns whether column is used as row break
isRunMissedJob() - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
isSaveColorsForCategories() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns whether colors of chart data points are assigned to category names.
isSaveOnExit() - Method in class quadbase.querybuilder.designer.QbQueryBuilder
isSaveOnExitEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
isSaveOnExitEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Returns whether to save on exit is enabled.
isScale1Enabled() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Returns whether scale 1 is enabled for column/bar type: scale 1 is category axis
isScale2Enabled() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Returns whether scale 2 is enabled for column/bar type: scale 2 is value axis not used for dial chart
isScaleAutomatic() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to check if the scale min, max, and step sizes are calculated automatically or not.
isScaleAutomatic() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGanttPropertySet
This function is used to check if the scale min, max, and step sizes are calculated automatically or not.
isSecondaryDataShownInPrimaryTab() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method returns whether the secondary data is shown in primary tab
isSecondaryValueUsed() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
Get the state of using subvalue data
isSectionDataIncluded() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
Returns whether data from Report Table header & footer are used for charts.
isSectionStyle(ReportCell) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
isSectionStyle(ReportColumn) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Returns whether the sectionStyle of this ReportTable matches the specified column
isSecurityLevelDefined() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Is any security level defined for this element.
isSecurityTextScript() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only.
isSelectiveStepLineUsed() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILinePropertySet
Returns if selective step line is used
isSelectiveStepLineUsed() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Returns whether selective step line is used
isSendEmail() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For Email feature: Returns whether email notification/delivery is used for the exported report
isShared() - Method in class
isShareReferenced() - Method in class
isShiftSecuredColX() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only.
isShiftSecuredColXIncludeHeaderAndFooter() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only.
isShowAxis() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
isShowDataHint() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
whether to show data hint
isShowDataHint() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
whether to show data hint
isShowInLegend() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Returns whether title of the control range is displayed in the legend
isShowLabel() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Returns whether label of the control range is displayed
isShowLogValue() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to check if a logarithmic value is shown for that axis.
isShowNullInScatter() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns whether or not to show null data in scatter.
isShowSeriesInTopLabel() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns whether a 2D scatter is showing series in top label.
isShowShadowOnLine() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns whether or not the chart currently displays shadow on lines.
isShowShadowOnPoint() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns whether or not the chart currently displays shadow on datapoints.
isSingleColorForCategories() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns whether a single color is used for all categories.
isSkipGridOffset() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function returns the status of skipping gridline offset.
isSkipMultiDataSourceStep() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Returns whether the multiple data source option step should be skipped in the report wizard.
isSkipPredefinedTemplatesStep() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Returns whether the select predefined templates step should be skipped in the report wizard.
isSkipQueryResultStep() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Returns whether the query result step should be skipped in the report wizard.
isSnapToGrid() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only *
isSorted() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Returns whether the ColInfo is sorted
isSpeedControlVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DControlPanel
Determines whether or not the speed control button is visible in the navigation panel.
isSpreadSheetFormat() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
This flag notifies that the input result set should be treated as a spreadsheet.
isStackSectionLabelVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns whether the individual section labels in a StackBar, StackColumn, or StackArea Chart is visible.
isStackSectionTotalLabelVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns the whether the total label in a StackBar, StackColumn, or StackArea Chart is visible.
isStepLineDrawn() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILinePropertySet
Returns if all of the datalines are drawn in the step line fashion
isStepLineDrawn() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Returns if all of the datalines are drawn in the step line fashion
isSubReport() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Always returns false
isSubReport() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.SubReport
Is this a sub report.
isSummaryDataUsed() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
Returns whether summary data is used for fixed-field report only
isSwapAxis() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Returns the state of the position of secondary axis.
isSynchronizeRadarAxes() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IRadarPropertySet
This method returns state of synchronize all axes
isTableDrawn() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
The table is always drawn when it is set to visible.
isTimestampAttached() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
This method will attach timestamp at the end of a file name in order to create new file everytime (instead of overwriting the file) It's useful feature for TIME_INTERVAL / FIXED_DAYS Returns whether attaching timestamp at the end of a file name
isTitleVisibleInLegend() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
Returns whether the data line title being displayed in legend
isToggleEnabled() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DControlPanel
Determines whether or not toggling of the 3D navigation panel on a mouse double click is enabled.
isToolTipEnabled() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DControlPanel
Determines whether or not the tool tips are enbled in the navigation panel.
isTopN() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Returns whether this column is used to order rows in a topN Report.
isTranslucent() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This method returns whether the chart is translucent For QbChart.OVERLAY, QbChart.RADAR ,2D QbChart.AREA and Stack Area-Col Combo only
isTranslucent() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGanttPropertySet
Returns if translucent GIF is used.
IStringCustomizer - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
This interface is used for String Customizer displaying Japanese Characters
IStringCustomizer - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used for displaying non-ASCII characters in EspressChart, e.g.
isTypeMenuEnabled() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPopupMenu
This function is used to check if the type menu is enabled in popup menu or not
ISubReport - Interface in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
This is a dummy interface for an ReportAPI.SubReport object This is done so that ReportElements.SubReportObject does not have to import the ReportAPI package
isUnderline() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Check the status of underline text
isUnderline2() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Check the status of underline text of the alternate sections.
isUniqueColumnColorForColumnChart() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns whether a different color can be assigned to each column in column chart.
isUnmapped() - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
isUpdateEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager.DefaultDataSourceNode
Determine if the 'Update' button is enabled when this node is selected.
ISurfacePropertySet - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to modify the properties associated with a 3D surface chart.
isUsedBy(String) - Method in class
internal use only
isUseExternalStyleSheet() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For DHTML export: Returns whether use external style sheet for DHTML export
isUseInternalStyleSheet() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For DHTML export: Returns whether use internal style sheet for DHTML export
isUseJNDIDataSource() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
Returns if the DBInfo uses JNDI DataSource.
isUseJNDIDataSource() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
Returns if the DBInfo uses JNDI DataSource
isUseJNDIDataSource() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Returns if the DBInfo is use JNDI DataSource
isUsing16ColorsForRTF() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Return the Rich text format color format.
isUsingIE55DHTMLRendering() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
isUsingPrimaryAxis() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Returns whether a chart use primary axis to plot secondary axis data if so, return true, else return false Only available for 2D line chart
isValid() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
isValid() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
isValueVisibleInLegend() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Returns whether or not pie slice values are visible in the chart legend.
isVerify() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
for internal use only
isVertical - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
Constructs a ReportLine with no label
isVertical() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
isVisible() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Gets the status of the display of this ReportElement.
isVisible() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
isVisible() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Returns whether column is visible
isVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DControlPanel
Returns whether or not the navigation panel is currently being displayed for a 3D chart.
isVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAnnotation
This function returns whether both this object and the referenced object are visible
isVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
Get the display status of the x, y, or z axis (2D) or xy, yz, xz wall (3D) for the chart.
isVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxisRuler
Returns the boolean state of the Axis Ruler for the particular axis.
isVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDropBarSet
This method returns whether the drop bar is visible.
isVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILabel
This function checks if the given label(s) is/are visible or not.
isVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILegend
Returns the display status of the primary or secondary legend in the chart.
isVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.INoDataToPlotMessage
This function checks if the no data to plot message is visible or not.
isVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IReferenceObj
This function returns the state of the object.
isVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method returns whether the table is visible or not
isWallFrameVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
Returns whether or not a wireframe is drawn around the 3 walls of a 3D chart.
isXAxisDrawnAtTop() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns a boolean value that specifies if X-Axis is drawn at the top.
isZeroAsNullData() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns whether or not to treat zero values as null data.
isZeroLabelsVisible() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Returns whether or not pie slice labels are visible for slices that occupy 0%.
isZoomEnabled() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
Check if the current chart contains a time-series zoom or not.
ITable - Interface in quadbase.util
This table feature allows users to optionally display the data used to plot the chart.
ITALIC - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChartCustomizer
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChartCustomizer
IText - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to modify the font, color, and angle of text strings drawn in the chart.
ITextString - Interface in quadbase.util
This function is used to set/get the different properties associated with the text strings drawn in a chart.
ITrendLine - Interface in quadbase.util
ITrendLineSet - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface contains methods to add/remove trend lines from the chart.
IZoomInfo - Interface in quadbase.util
This interface is used to set/get different properties associated with doing time-series zooming.


JPEG - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IExportConstants
JPEG format (file extension .jpg)
JPEG - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IExportConstants
JPEG format (file extension .jpg)
JPEG - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
the JPEG image constant
JPEG_C - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IExportConstants
JPEG format using native C libraries.
JPEG_C - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IExportConstants
JPEG format using native C libraries.


keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
key pressed event
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Key Pressed event
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Key Pressed event
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
does nothing
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Key Released event
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Key Released event
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
does nothing
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Key typed event
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Key typed event


LABEL - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
The element type LABEL.
LANDSCAPE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
landscape orientation of the report.
LAST - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IAggregateConstants
Get the last data
LAST - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IAggregationInfo
LAST - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDrillDown
LAST - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
LAST_OF_MONTH - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
LAST_OF_QUARTER - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
LAST_OF_WEEK - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
LAST_OF_YEAR - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
lastIndexOf(StringObject, StringObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Returns the last index where the specified pattern of characters occurs
lastIndexOf(StringObject, StringObject, NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Returns the last index where the specified pattern of characters occurs starting from the specified index
LASTINDEXOF - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
LASTINDEXOF - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
leadingZero - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.NumericFormat
leading zero, 0 or 1
leadingZero - Variable in class quadbase.util.NumericFormat
leading zero, 0 or 1
LEFT - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
LEFT - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
LEFT_DOUBLECLICK - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Left double click of the mouse
LEFT_DOUBLECLICK - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Left double click of the mouse
LEFT_SINGLECLICK - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Left single click of the mouse
LEFT_SINGLECLICK - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Left single click of the mouse
LEFTALIGNMENT - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Table Text Alignment
LEFTALIGNMENT - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Table Text Alignment
LESS - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
LESS - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
LESSEQUAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
LESSEQUAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
lessThan(IObject, IObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Checks to see if object a is lesser than object b
lessThanEqualTo(IObject, IObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Checks to see if object a is lesser than/equal to object b
LINE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
The element type LINE.
LINE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
Line chart
link - Variable in class quadbase.util.HyperLink
The hyperlink which is any valid URL string.
linkHistory - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
linkHistory - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
ListenerManager - Interface in quadbase.ext
A ListenerManager manages a list of listeners that are used to monitor events on the server.
loadFile(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Loads the chart from the given CHT or TPL file.
loadFile(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Loads the chart from the given CHT or TPL file.
loadFile(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
This method is used to load the report file from the API, after setting the relative path.
loadFile(String, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
loadFile(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
For internal use only
loadReport(Report, ReportTable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
For internal use only This method is used when the user loads a report directly from a file and the 'SubReportObject' object has no temporary reference to a 'Report' object.
loadReport(Report, ReportTable, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
loadReport_std(Report, ReportTable, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
internal use only
loadStyle(Report, ReportSection) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
for internal use only
loadStyle(Report, ReportTable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
loadTable(ReportTable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
loadTable(ReportTable, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
loadTable(ReportTable, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
loadTable(ReportTable, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
loadTable(ReportTable, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
loadTable(ReportTable, boolean, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
loadTable(ReportTable, boolean, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
loadTable(ReportTable, boolean, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, ReportCell[], int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
LOCALEDATETIME - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat
data format type is LocaleDateTime
LOCALEDATETIME - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFormat
LocaleDateTimeFormat - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
This class formats and parses date and/or time values in a locale-specific way.
LocaleDateTimeFormat - Class in quadbase.util
This class formats and parses date and/or time values in a locale-specific way.
LOCALENUMERIC - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat
data format type is LocaleNumeric
LOCALENUMERIC - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFormat
LocaleNumericFormat - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
This class formats and parses numbers in a locale-specific way.
LocaleNumericFormat - Class in quadbase.util
This class formats and parses numbers in a locale-specific way.
log(NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Natural log of the NumericObject
LOG - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
LOG - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
LOGARITHMIC - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
LOGICAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat
data format type is Logical
LOGICAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFormat
LogicalFormat - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
LogicalFormat(int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LogicalFormat
Create a LogicalFormat instance
LogicalFormat - Class in quadbase.util
LogicalFormat(int) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.LogicalFormat
Create a LogicalFormat instance.
login(String, String) - Method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
if server requires login, using [-RequireLogin] flag please pass in userName and password to login QbReportDesigner before calling setVisible(...) or getDesigner(...) methods
login(String) - Method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
if QbDesignerPassword is required for server, using [-QbDesignerPassword] flag please pass in QbDesigner password to login QbReportDesigner before calling setVisible(...) or getDesigner(...) methods
login(String, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
if server requires login, using [-RequireLogin] flag please pass in userName and password to login QbReportDesigner before calling setVisible(...) or getDesigner(...) methods
login(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
if QbDesignerPassword is required for server, using [-QbDesignerPassword] flag please pass in QbDesigner password to login QbReportDesigner before calling setVisible(...) or getDesigner(...) methods
LONG - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.dtd.elements.DTDDataType
low - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.ColInfo
low - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.ColInfo
LOW - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
LOW - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IMapConstants
low_name - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Low column name
LOWER - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Data plotting area appearance LOWER
LOWER - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Data plotting area appearance LOWER


MAC_NEWLINE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IDelimiterConstants
MAILINGLABELS - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IReportTypeConstants
Mailing Labels
main(String[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
This is the entry point of the Page Viewer application.
main(String[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
This is the entry point of the Page Viewer application.
main(String[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
internal use only
main(String[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
internal use only
makeDefaultValueFromText(String) - Method in class
internal use only
mapXMLSchemaDataType(int) - Static method in class quadbase.common.util.dtd.elements.DTDDataType
MASTERDETAILS - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IReportTypeConstants
masterSection - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
match(HyperLink) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHyperLinkSet
Finds the closest available match for the given HyperLink object.
matchRecord(IRow) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Get the row number containing the record that matches the input row.
matchRecord(IRow) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Get the row number containing the record that matches the input row.
max(NumericObject, NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Returns maximum from the two NumericObjects
max(NumericObject[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Returns maximum from the elements of the NumericObject array
MAX - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IAggregateConstants
Get the maximum of the data
MAX - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
MAX - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IAggregationInfo
MAX - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDrillDown
MAX - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
MAX - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
MAX_OPS - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IAggregationInfo
MAX_OPS - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDrillDown
MAX_OPS - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
MAXIMUM - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IControlLine
A line type constant
MAXLENGTH - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
MAXLENGTH - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
MDY - Static variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
date format mm/dd/yy
MEDIAN - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IAggregateConstants
Get the median of the data
MEDIAN - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
MEDIAN - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
MEMORYDATASOURCE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
One of the constants returned by the method getDataSourceType() that specifies a type of data source.
menuVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
menuVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
menuVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
menuVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
MILLISECOND - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating the millisecond within the second.
MILLISECOND - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating the millisecond within the second.
min(NumericObject, NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Returns manimum from the two NumericObjects
min(NumericObject[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Returns manimum from the elements of the NumericObject array
MIN - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IAggregateConstants
Get the minimum of the data
MIN - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
MIN - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IAggregationInfo
MIN - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDrillDown
MIN - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
MIN - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
min_height - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
min_width - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
MINIMUM - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IControlLine
A line type constant
MINUTE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating the minute within the hour.
MINUTE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
MINUTE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating the minute within the hour.
MINUTE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
minuteSecondSep - Variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
minute second separator (default ":")
MM_DD_YY - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLDataTypeUtil
Date format "MM-DD-YY"
MM_DD_YYYY - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLDataTypeUtil
Date format "MM-DD-YYYY"
MMDDYY - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLDataTypeUtil
Date format "MM/DD/YY"
MMDDYYYY - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLDataTypeUtil
Date format "MM/DD/YYYY"
mod(NumericObject, NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Returns the remainder after dividing denominator from numerator
MOD - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
MOD - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
modifyBeforeExport(QbReport, ScheduleObject, String) - Method in interface quadbase.ext.SchedulerListener
This method is invoked before a report.export(...) is called when executing an export schedule job.
modifyChart(Object) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IChartModifier
Invoked when drawing chart
modifyDataSourceTree(JTree) - Method in interface quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager.DataSourceManagerListener
Allow a developer to modify the datasource tree.
modifyScheduleTask(ScheduleObject, int) - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleModifier
Modifies ScheduleObject in specific index
modifyWarningMessage(int, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Modify display warning message:
SAVE_RPT_BEFORE_DRILLDOWN - save report before inserting a drilldown report
SAVE_RPT_BEFORE_SUBREPORT - save report before inserting a subreport
SAVE_RPT_EBFORE_PAGEVIEWER - save report before launching pageviewer
MONARCH - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
MONTH - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant : Field number for get and set indicating the month.
MONTH - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
MONTH - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant : Field number for get and set indicating the month.
MONTH - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
MONTH_INT - Static variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
month format 1-12
MONTH_LONG_STRING - Static variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
month format January-December
MONTH_SHORT_STRING - Static variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
month format Jan-Dec
MONTHS - Static variable in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
One of the constants returned by the method getIntervalType() that specifies export time interval.
MonthString - Static variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
Take in user specified string array for displaying months, default to the full alphabetical months
monthSymbol - Variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
month format, either MONTH_INT (default) or MONTH_SHORT_STRING or MONTH_LONG_STRING
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
mouse clicked event
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
mouse clicked event
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Mouse Click event
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Mouse Click event
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
method invoked when mouse is dragged
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
method invoked when mouse is dragged
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Mouse Drag event
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Mouse Drag event
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
mouse entered event
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
mouse entered event
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Mouse Enter event
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Mouse Enter event
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
mouse exited event
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
mouse exited event
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Mouse Exit event
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Mouse Exit event
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
mouse moved event
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
mouse moved event
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Mouse Move event
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Mouse Move event
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Mouse Press event
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Mouse Press event
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
method invoked when mouse is release
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
method invoked when mouse is release
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Mouse Release event
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Mouse Release event
move(boolean, int, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This function can move the chart in 4 different directions
moveCBAggrColFooter(int, int, int, double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.FixedFieldCrossTabReport
Moves column-break aggregation column footer.
moveCBAggrColHeader(ReportSection, int, int, double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.FixedFieldCrossTabReport
Moves column-break aggregation column header.
moveCBAggrColumn(int, int, double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.FixedFieldCrossTabReport
Moves column-break aggregation column.
moveCBColumnFooter(int, int, double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.FixedFieldCrossTabReport
Moves column-break column footer.
moveCBColumnHeader(ReportSection, int, double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.FixedFieldCrossTabReport
Moves column-break column header.
moveColumnBreakColumn(double, double, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.FixedFieldCrossTabReport
Moves column-break column.
moveForCrossTabFixedField(ReportElement, ReportElement[], boolean, double) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only Shift surrounding report elements after moving one
moveForCrossTabFixedField(Vector<ReportElement>, ReportElement[], boolean, double) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
moveTable(int, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method moves the table to a location
multiDrillDownVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
multiDrillDownVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
multiDrillDownVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
multiDrillDownVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
MULTIPLEDATASOURCES - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
One of the constants returned by the method getDataSourceType() that specifies a type of data source.
multiply(NumericObject, NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Multiply the two NumericObjects
multiply(NumericObject[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Multiply every element of the NumericObject array
MULTIPLY - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
MULTIPLY - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
multiValue() - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
Whether this parameter can take multiple values.


N_COL - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
N_COL - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
name() - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
The name of this parameter
nand(BooleanObject, BooleanObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Does object a NAND object b
NAND - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
NAND - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
nanoDecimal - Variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
For timestamp, no.
negative - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.NumericFormat
negative position, 0 - before currency sign (default), 1 - after currency sign, 2 - end of number
negative - Variable in class quadbase.util.NumericFormat
negative position, 0 - before currency sign (default), 1 - after currency sign, 2 - end of number
NEW_DATE_NAME - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
NEW_DATE_NAME - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
NEW_NUM_NAME - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
NEW_NUM_NAME - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
NEW_STR_NAME - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
NEW_STR_NAME - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
newAnnotation(String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAnnotationSet
Returns a new annotation object using the origin of the chart as the reference point.
newAnnotation(String[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAnnotationSet
Returns a new annotation object using the origin of the chart as the reference point.
newAnnotation(String[], int[], Color[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAnnotationSet
Returns a new annotation object using the origin of the chart as the reference point.
newAnnotation(String, IReferenceObj) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAnnotationSet
Returns a new annotation object with a specific referenced object If the value of refObj is null, the reference point is the lower-left corner of the panel
newAnnotation(String[], IReferenceObj) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAnnotationSet
Returns a new annotation object with a specific referenced object.
newAnnotation(String[], int[], Color[], IReferenceObj) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAnnotationSet
Returns a new annotation object with a specific referenced object.
newArrayX(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only
newArrayY(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only
NEWAXIS - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IOverlayPropertySet
newControlLine(int, String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLineSet
Create a new control line to add to the chart.
newControlLine(int, String, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLineSet
Create a new control line to add to the stack chart.
newFunctionLine(IFunction, String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLineSet
Create a new Function line to add to the chart.
newHorzVertLine(int, String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLineSet
Create a new horizontal/vertical line to add to the chart.
newInstance() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLineSet
Create a new trend line to add to the chart.
NEWLINEDELIMLIST - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IDelimiterConstants
newQuery(String, boolean, String, Hashtable, String, String, String, String) - Method in class quadbase.querybuilder.designer.QbQueryBuilder
newQuery(String, IDBConnection) - Method in class quadbase.querybuilder.designer.QbQueryBuilder
newTrendLine(int, int, String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLineSet
Create a new data line to add to the chart.
next() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DbData
next() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DbData
next() - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.internal.IInterchange
User can implement this method to define the action when next button is clicked
next() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLQueryResultSet
For internal use
next() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DbData
Go to the next row
next() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
next() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
next() - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IResultSet
Advances cursor to next row
next() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.QueryResultSet
For internal use
next() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.StreamResultSet
For internal use
next() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.XMLQueryResultSet
For internal use
next() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.XMLResultSet
For internal use
next() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IResultSet
Advances cursor to next row
next() - Method in class quadbase.util.QueryResultSet
next() - Method in class quadbase.util.SalesForceResultSet
next() - Method in class quadbase.util.StreamResultSet
next() - Method in class quadbase.util.XMLQueryResultSet
For internal use
next() - Method in class quadbase.util.XMLResultSet
For internal use
NOBURSTING - Static variable in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
NONE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Hide the background image
NONE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Hide the background image
NONE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
NONE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IAggregateConstants
No action on data
nor(BooleanObject, BooleanObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Does object a NOR object b
NOR - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
NOR - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
NORMAL_CURVE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
NOSYMBOL - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
No point shape
NOSYMBOL - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
No point shape
not(BooleanObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Changes the boolean state of the specified object to its complement
NOT - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
NOT - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
NOT_SORTED - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
NUM - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
NUM - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
NUM_FUNC - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
NUM_FUNC - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
NUM_NAME - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
NUM_NAME - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
NUMBER - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleNumericFormat
Number format
NUMBER - Static variable in class quadbase.util.LocaleNumericFormat
NUMERIC - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ICustomDefinedFunctions
the NUMERIC data type
NUMERIC - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat
data format type is Numeric
NUMERIC - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFormat
NumericFormat - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
NumericFormat() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.NumericFormat
Create a new numeric format with default values
NumericFormat - Class in quadbase.util
NumericFormat() - Constructor for class quadbase.util.NumericFormat
Create a new numeric format with default values.
NumericObject - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.lang
This class is used to implement formulas for columns contain numeric data
NumericObject(short) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Create a new NumericObject using specified short
NumericObject(int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Create a new NumericObject using specified int
NumericObject(long) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Create a new NumericObject using specified long
NumericObject(float) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Create a new NumericObject using specified float
NumericObject(double) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Create a new NumericObject using specified double
NumericObject(byte) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Create a new NumericObject using specified byte
NumericObject(String, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Create a new NumericObject using specified formula and SQL type
NW7 - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat


OLAPDATA_CONCATENATELABEL - Static variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
OLAPDATA_CONCATENATELABEL - Static variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
OLAPDATA_DIRECT - Static variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
OLAPDATA_DIRECT - Static variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
OLAPDATA_TRANSPOSECOLBREAK - Static variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
OLAPDATA_TRANSPOSECOLBREAK - Static variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
OLAPRESULTSET - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
ONE_TIME - Static variable in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
One of the constants returned by the method getTaskOption() that specifies a type of task.
ONE_ZERO - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LogicalFormat
ONE_ZERO - Static variable in class quadbase.util.LogicalFormat
oneSymPerPage - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.NumericFormat
not used.
oneSymPerPage - Variable in class quadbase.util.NumericFormat
not used.
open - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.ColInfo
open - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.ColInfo
OPEN - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
OPEN - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IMapConstants
open_name - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Open column name
openConnection() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IJNDIDatabaseInfo
Gets the connection object to the database
openQuery(String, boolean, String, Hashtable, String, String, String, String) - Method in class quadbase.querybuilder.designer.QbQueryBuilder
openQuery(String, IDBConnection) - Method in class quadbase.querybuilder.designer.QbQueryBuilder
or(BooleanObject, BooleanObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Does object a OR object b
or(BooleanObject[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Does an OR operation on all the elements of the BooleanObject array.
OR - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
OR - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
orderSymbol - Variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
date order, either MDY (default) or DMY or YMD
ORIGINAL_DATA_ORDER - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Using original sort order of chart data
ORIGINAL_DATA_ORDER - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Using original sort order of chart data
OTHER_FUNC_NAME - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
OTHERS_NEWLINE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IDelimiterConstants
output(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.NumericFormat
Output the formatted number
output(Date) - Method in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
Outputs the formatted date
output(Time) - Method in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
Outputs the formatted time
output(Timestamp) - Method in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
Outputs the formatted timestamp
output(double) - Method in class quadbase.util.NumericFormat
Output the formatted number.
outputMenuVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
outputMenuVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
outputMenuVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
outputMenuVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
OVERLAY - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
2D Overlay chart


PAC - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IExportConstants
CHART in PACK format (file extension .pac)
PAC - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IExportConstants
CHART in PACK format (file extension .pac)
pack(String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Packs this QbReport, along with all information stored in the .rpt file as a .pak file. Returns the file name of the .pak file.
pack(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Packs the report stored in the .rpt file along with its sub reports, drilldown reports, charts and images. Returns the file name of the .pak file.
pack(String, String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Packs the report stored in the .rpt file along with its sub reports, drilldown reports, charts and images. Returns the file name of the .pak file.
pack(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Packs the report stored in the .rpt file along with its sub reports, drilldown reports, charts and images. Returns the file name of the .pak file.
packageID - Variable in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
packChart(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
internal use only
page - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
The ParameterPage to write
PAGE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
PAGE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
PAGELAYOUT_OFFSET - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Gap between the edge of the canvas and the actual page
PAGELAYOUT_OFFSET - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Gap between the edge of the canvas and the actual page
pageMenuVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
pageMenuVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
pageMenuVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
pageMenuVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
paint(Graphics) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
For internal use only
paint(Graphics) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
For internal use only
paint(Graphics) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
For internal use only
paint(Graphics) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
For internal use only
PAK - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
Packs and exports the report and all its associated components in a PAK file.
PAK_DATA - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
Param - Interface in quadbase.common.param
This interface represents a parameter used in a template, it can be used to retrieve information about the parameter such as name, prompt name, as well as set or get its current values.
PARAM - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
PARAM - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
paramDateFormat - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
an array of default parameter date format
Parameter - Class in
This class is used for setting parameter default values and values for Queries or Parameterized reports in the Report Designer.
Parameter() - Constructor for class
Allocates a Parameter Object
Parameter(String) - Constructor for class
Allocates a Parameter Object with specified name
Parameter(String, Object, int) - Constructor for class
Allocates a new Parameter Object with specified name, default value and datatype
Parameter(IQueryInParam) - Constructor for class
Allocates a new Parameter Object with a IQueryInParam specifying options
ParameterPage - Class in quadbase.common.param
A page that user specifies parameters for a parameterized report or parameterized chart.
ParameterPage(Parameters, IQueryFileInfo, String, String[], String, int, boolean, int, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Allocates a new ParameterPage that represents a parameter page object.
ParameterPageWriter - Class in quadbase.common.param
An Abstract Writer that writes ParameterPage
ParameterPageWriter(ParameterPage, Writer) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
Allocates a writer that writes ParameterPage
Parameters - Interface in quadbase.common.param
This is an interface that is used to manipulate parameters in a (report) template.
paramNameArr - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
an array of parameter names
paramPageExportFormats - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
an array of export formats that the ParameterPage can be exported.
paramPageLayout - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
paramPageResetEnabled - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
State of the Reset button
params - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
paramValueArr - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
an array of default parameter values
parent() - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
The name of the template that contains this parameter.
parentSection - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
parseProperties(Properties) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
internal use only
parseThisFormula() - Method in class
PATTERN_BACKWARD_DIAGONAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_BACKWARD_DIAGONAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_BIG_CIRCLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_BIG_CIRCLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_BIG_REV_TRIANGLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_BIG_REV_TRIANGLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_BIG_TRIANGLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_BIG_TRIANGLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_BLANK - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_BLANK - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_CHESSBOX - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_CHESSBOX - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_CLUB - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_CLUB - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_CROSS_ECLIPSE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_CROSS_ECLIPSE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_DIAGONAL_CROSS - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_DIAGONAL_CROSS - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_DIAMOND - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_DIAMOND - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_FORWARD_DIAGONAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_FORWARD_DIAGONAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_HEART - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_HEART - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_HOLLOW_CIRCLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_HOLLOW_CIRCLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_HOLLOW_DIAMOND - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_HOLLOW_DIAMOND - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_HOLLOW_SQUARE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_HOLLOW_SQUARE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_HOLLOW_TRIANGLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_HOLLOW_TRIANGLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_HORIZONTAL_LINE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_HORIZONTAL_LINE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_LOWER_TRIANGLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_LOWER_TRIANGLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_MID_CROSS - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_MID_CROSS - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_SMALL_BLOCK - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_SMALL_BLOCK - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_SMALL_CIRCLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_SMALL_CIRCLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_SMALL_REV_TRIANGLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_SMALL_REV_TRIANGLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_SMALL_TRIANGLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_SMALL_TRIANGLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_STAR - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_STAR - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_THICK_BACKWARD_DIAGONAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_THICK_BACKWARD_DIAGONAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_THICK_FORWARD_DIAGONAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_THICK_FORWARD_DIAGONAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_THICK_HORIZONTAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_THICK_HORIZONTAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_THICK_VERTICAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_THICK_VERTICAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_UPPER_TRIANGLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_UPPER_TRIANGLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_VERTICAL_LINE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
PATTERN_VERTICAL_LINE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
PDF - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IExportConstants
PDF format (file extension .pdf)
PDF - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IExportConstants
PDF format (file extension .pdf)
PDF - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
Export the report in the Acrobat PDF format
PDF417 - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
PERCENT - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleNumericFormat
Percent format
PERCENT - Static variable in class quadbase.util.LocaleNumericFormat
percent - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Percentage for Pie and 100% Column chart
PERCENTCOL - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
100% Column Chart
pi() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Pi value
PI - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
PI - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
PickData - Class in quadbase.util
PickData() - Constructor for class quadbase.util.PickData
Create a new PickData object.
PickData(PickData) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.PickData
Create an identical object from a given PickData object.
pickDefaultExportLocation() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
scheduler will pick default export file location Returns chosen file location
PickObj - Class in quadbase.ChartAPI
PickObj - Class in quadbase.ChartAPI.swing
PIE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
Pie chart
PLAIN - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Data plotting area appearance PLAIN
PLAIN - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Data plotting area appearance PLAIN
PLAIN - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
PLUS - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Plus point shape
PLUS - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Plus point shape
PNG - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IExportConstants
PNG format (file extension .png)
PNG - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IExportConstants
PNG format (file extension .png)
PNG - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
the PNG image constant
PNG_COMPRESSION_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IExportConstants
PNG Quality Compression
PNG_COMPRESSION_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IExportConstants
PNG Quality Compression
PNG_COMPRESSION_FAST - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IExportConstants
PNG Quality Compression
PNG_COMPRESSION_FAST - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IExportConstants
PNG Quality Compression
PNG_COMPRESSION_MAX - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IExportConstants
PNG Quality Compression
PNG_COMPRESSION_MAX - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IExportConstants
PNG Quality Compression
PNG_COMPRESSION_NONE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IExportConstants
PNG Quality Compression
PNG_COMPRESSION_NONE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IExportConstants
PNG Quality Compression
PNG_COMPRESSSION_DEFAULT - Static variable in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
PNG_COMPRESSSION_FAST - Static variable in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
PNG_COMPRESSSION_MAX - Static variable in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
PNG_COMPRESSSION_NONE - Static variable in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
Point_2D - Class in quadbase.util
This class contains methods to define and manipulate a 2D Point.
Point_2D() - Constructor for class quadbase.util.Point_2D
Null constructor
Point_2D(float, float) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.Point_2D
Constructor based on values
Point_2D(Point_2D) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.Point_2D
Copy Constructor based on values
Point_3D - Class in quadbase.util
This class contains methods to define and manipulate a 3D Point.
Point_3D() - Constructor for class quadbase.util.Point_3D
Null constructor
Point_3D(float, float, float) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.Point_3D
Constructor based on values
Point_3D(Point_3D) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.Point_3D
Copy Constructor based on values
POINTED_BLADE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
POINTER - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
POLAR - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
2D Polar chart
PolyLine - Class in quadbase.util
This class contains methods for modifying the properties of a chart poly-line.
PolyLine() - Constructor for class quadbase.util.PolyLine
PolyLine(PolyLine) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.PolyLine
Copy Constructor.
POLYNOMIAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
PORTRAIT - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Portrait orientation of the report.
Position - Class in quadbase.util
This class contains methods to define and manipulate a 2D point on the chart.
Position() - Constructor for class quadbase.util.Position
Empty Constructor
Position(float, float) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.Position
positionCopy(ReportColumn) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only.
positionCopy(ReportTable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
pow(NumericObject, NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Computers b raised to a
POW - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
POW - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
POWER - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
preloadChartObjects() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
pre-load chart into memory first
previous() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
previous() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
PRIMARYAXIS - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IOverlayPropertySet
print(PrintStream, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DataSheet
Print Data File
print(PrintStream, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DataSheet
Print Data File
print() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
prints the report
print() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
prints the report
print(PrintStream, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
Print Data File
print(Frame) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
This method uses java.awt.PrintJob to print.
print(Graphics) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Print via Java2D, better performance
print() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Print Report
print(int, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
print using default printer without prompting print dialog requires JDK 1.2 or above
print(int, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
print using default printer without prompting print dialog requires JDK 1.4 or above
print(int, int, String, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
print using default printer without prompting print dialog requires JDK 1.4 or above
print(int, int, Object, Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Print using the specified javax.print.PrintService and PrintRequestAttributeSet.
print(int, int, Object, Object, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Print using the specified javax.print.PrintService and PrintRequestAttributeSet.
print() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
print() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
print() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
printCalendarJavascript(String, Param) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
printDate(DateTimeObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Prints the date
printDate(DateTimeObject, StringObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Prints the date in the specified format
PRINTDATE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
PRINTDATE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
printDateTime(DateTimeObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Prints the date and time
printDateTime(DateTimeObject, StringObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Prints the date and time in the specified format
PRINTDATETIME - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
PRINTDATETIME - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
printDateVariableJavascript(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
printTime(DateTimeObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Prints the time
printTime(DateTimeObject, StringObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Prints the time in the specified format
PRINTTIME - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
PRINTTIME - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
printUsingAwtPrint(Frame, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
This method uses java.awt.print.PrinterJob to print.
processEvent(ReportEvent) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IDBProvider
Pass in an event that specifies the type of the operation.
promptFormulaParameters(Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
internal use only Prompt users to enter Formula Parameter value with the specified parent object


QbChart - Class in quadbase.ChartAPI
This class creates a chart object which extends java.awt.Component.
QbChart() - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a new chart.
QbChart(Chart) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a chart based on an existing chart
QbChart(Applet, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a new chart using a PAC/CHT/TPL chart file.
QbChart(Applet, String, Object[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
QbChart(Applet, String, Object[], boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
QbChart(Applet, String, Object[], Properties) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
QbChart(Applet, String, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
For internal use only.
QbChart(Frame, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Please use the constructor having the applet parameter. Use "(Applet) null" as the first argument.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, IDatabaseInfo, IColumnMap) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a new chart with specific chart type and dimension.
QbChart(Frame, int, int, IDatabaseInfo, IColumnMap) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Please use the constructor having the applet parameter. Use "(Applet) null" as the first argument
QbChart(Applet, int, int, IDatabaseInfo, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a new chart, given the chart type, dimension, and a template.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, IDatabaseInfo, boolean, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a new chart, given the chart type, dimension, and a template.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, IDatabaseInfo, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a new chart, given the chart type, dimension, and a template.
QbChart(Frame, int, int, IDatabaseInfo, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Please use the constructor having the applet parameter. Use "(Applet) null" as the first argument.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, String, IColumnMap) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Please use the constructor having a template as its last argument. Then use null as the last argument.
QbChart(Frame, int, int, String, IColumnMap) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Please use the constructor having a template as its last argument. Then use null as the last argument.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, EJBInfo, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a QbChart object using the specified EJBInfo object
QbChart(Frame, int, int, EJBInfo, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a QbChart object using the specified EJBInfo object
QbChart(Applet, int, int, String, String, String, String, Object[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a QbChart object by providing the following information of the EJB component: JNDI lookup name, home interface name, remote interface name selected home method, and input parameters for the selected method
QbChart(Frame, int, int, String, String, String, String, Object[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a QbChart object by providing the following information of the EJb component: JNDI lookup name, home interface name, remote interface name selected home method, and input parameters for the selected method
QbChart(Applet, int, int, String, String, String, String, Object[], Hashtable<String, String>, IColumnMap, String, boolean, boolean[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
QbChart(Applet, int, int, SOAPQueryFileInfo, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a new chart, given the chart type, dimension and a template.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, SOAPQueryFileInfo, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a new chart, given the chart type, dimension and a template.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, SalesForceQueryFileInfo, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a new chart, given the chart type, dimension and a template.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, SalesForceQueryFileInfo, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a new chart, given the chart type, dimension and a template.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, ExcelFileInfo, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a new chart, given the chart type, dimension and a template.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, String, String, int, IColumnMap, String, boolean, boolean[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
QbChart(Applet, int, int, String, String, String, String, int, IColumnMap, String, boolean, boolean[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
QbChart(Applet, int, int, IOLAPResultSet, int, IColumnMap, String, boolean, boolean[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
QbChart(Applet, int, int, String, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Please use the constructor having a file type argument before dataFile argument. Use either QbChart.DATAFILE or QbChart.QUERYFILE as the file type.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, String, boolean, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Please use the constructor having a file type argument before dataFile argument. Use either QbChart.DATAFILE or QbChart.QUERYFILE as the file type.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, String, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Please use the constructor having a file type argument before dataFile argument. Use either QbChart.DATAFILE or QbChart.QUERYFILE as the file type.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, int, String, boolean, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a new chart, given the chart type, dimension, and a template.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, int, String, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a new chart, given the chart type, dimension, and a template.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, XMLFileQueryInfo, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a new chart, given the XML information.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, String, QueryInParamSet, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Create a new chart using Class file as data source.
QbChart(Frame, int, int, XMLFileQueryInfo, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a new chart, given the XML information.
QbChart(Frame, int, int, String, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Please use the constructor having the applet parameter. Use "(Applet) null" as the first argument.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, IResultSet, IColumnMap) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Please use the constructor having a template as its last argument. Then use null as the last argument.
QbChart(Frame, int, int, IResultSet, IColumnMap) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Please use the constructor having the applet parameter. Use "(Applet) null" as the first argument.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, IResultSet, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a new chart, given the chart type, dimension and a template.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, IResultSet, boolean, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a new chart, given the chart type, dimension and a template.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, IResultSet, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a new chart, given the chart type, dimension and a template.
QbChart(Frame, int, int, IResultSet, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Please use the constructor having the applet parameter. Use "(Applet) null" as the first argument.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, ISpreadSheetModel, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a new chart, given the chart type, dimension and a template.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, DataSheet[], boolean, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a new chart, given the chart type, dimension and a template.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, DataSheet[], boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a new chart, given the chart type, dimension and a template.
QbChart(QbChart) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a new chart using an existing chart object.
QbChart(Applet, byte[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a QbChart object from a byte array that is obtained by the exportChartToByteArray method in this class.
QbChart(Applet, byte[], boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
QbChart(Applet, byte[], boolean, Properties) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
QbChart(boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
QbChart(Frame, String, Object) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a QbChart object from an "tpl" or "rpt" file with parameterized query.
QbChart(Applet, String, Object) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Creates a QbChart object from an "tpl" or "rpt" file with parameterized query.
qbChart - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChartCustomizer
QbChart - Class in quadbase.ChartAPI.swing
This class creates a chart object which extends java.awt.Component.
QbChart() - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Create a new chart.
QbChart(Chart) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
QbChart(Applet, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Create a new chart using a CHT/TPL chart file.
QbChart(Applet, String, Object[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
QbChart(Applet, String, Object[], boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
QbChart(Applet, String, Object[], Properties) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
QbChart(Applet, String, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
For internal use only.
QbChart(Frame, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Please use the constructor having the applet parameter. Use "(Applet) null" as the first argument.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, IDatabaseInfo, IColumnMap) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Create a new chart with specific chart type and dimension.
QbChart(Frame, int, int, IDatabaseInfo, IColumnMap) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Please use the constructor having the applet parameter. Use "(Applet) null" as the first argument
QbChart(Applet, int, int, IDatabaseInfo, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Create a new chart, given the chart type, dimension, and a template.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, IDatabaseInfo, boolean, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Create a new chart, given the chart type, dimension, and a template.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, IDatabaseInfo, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Create a new chart, given the chart type, dimension, and a template.
QbChart(Frame, int, int, IDatabaseInfo, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Please use the constructor having the applet parameter. Use "(Applet) null" as the first argument.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, String, IColumnMap) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Please use the constructor having a template as its last argument. Then use null as the last argument.
QbChart(Frame, int, int, String, IColumnMap) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Please use the constructor having a template as its last argument. Then use null as the last argument.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, EJBInfo, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Create a QbChart object using the specified EJbInfo object
QbChart(Frame, int, int, EJBInfo, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Create a QbChart object using the specified EJbInfo object
QbChart(Applet, int, int, String, String, String, String, Object[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Create a QbChart object by providing the following information of the EJb component: JNDI lookup name, home interface name, remote interface name selected home method, and input parameters for the selected method
QbChart(Frame, int, int, String, String, String, String, Object[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Create a QbChart object by providing the following information of the EJb component: JNDI lookup name, home interface name, remote interface name selected home method, and input parameters for the selected method
QbChart(Applet, int, int, String, String, String, String, Object[], Hashtable<String, String>, IColumnMap, String, boolean, boolean[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
QbChart(Applet, int, int, SOAPQueryFileInfo, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Creates a new chart, given the chart type, dimension and a template.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, SOAPQueryFileInfo, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Creates a new chart, given the chart type, dimension and a template.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, String, String, int, IColumnMap, String, boolean, boolean[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
QbChart(Applet, int, int, SalesForceQueryFileInfo, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Creates a new chart, given the chart type, dimension and a template.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, ExcelFileInfo, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Creates a new chart, given the chart type, dimension and a template.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, String, String, String, String, int, IColumnMap, String, boolean, boolean[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
QbChart(Applet, int, int, IOLAPResultSet, int, IColumnMap, String, boolean, boolean[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
QbChart(Applet, int, int, String, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Please use the constructor having a file type argument before dataFile argument. Use either QbChart.DATAFILE or QbChart.QUERYFILE as the file type.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, String, boolean, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Please use the constructor having a file type argument before dataFile argument. Use either QbChart.DATAFILE or QbChart.QUERYFILE as the file type.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, String, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Please use the constructor having a file type argument before dataFile argument. Use either QbChart.DATAFILE or QbChart.QUERYFILE as the file type.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, int, String, boolean, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Create a new chart, given the chart type, dimension, and a template.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, int, String, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Create a new chart, given the chart type, dimension, and a template.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, XMLFileQueryInfo, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Create a new chart, given the xml information.
QbChart(Frame, int, int, XMLFileQueryInfo, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Create a new chart, given the xml information.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, String, QueryInParamSet, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Create a new chart using Class file as data source.
QbChart(Frame, int, int, String, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Please use the constructor having the applet parameter. Use "(Applet) null" as the first argument.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, IResultSet, IColumnMap) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Please use the constructor having a template as its last argument. Then use null as the last argument.
QbChart(Frame, int, int, IResultSet, IColumnMap) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Please use the constructor having the applet parameter. Use "(Applet) null" as the first argument.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, IResultSet, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Create a new chart, given the chart type, dimension and a template.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, IResultSet, boolean, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Create a new chart, given the chart type, dimension and a template.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, IResultSet, boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Create a new chart, given the chart type, dimension and a template.
QbChart(Frame, int, int, IResultSet, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Please use the constructor having the applet parameter. Use "(Applet) null" as the first argument.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, ISpreadSheetModel, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Create a new chart, given the chart type, dimension and a template.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, DataSheet[], boolean, IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Create a new chart, given the chart type, dimension and a template.
QbChart(Applet, int, int, DataSheet[], boolean, int[], IColumnMap, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Create a new chart, given the chart type, dimension and a template.
QbChart(QbChart) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Create a new chart using an existing chart object.
QbChart(Applet, byte[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Create a QbChart object from a byte array that is obtained by the exportChartToByteArray method in this class.
QbChart(Applet, byte[], boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
QbChart(Applet, byte[], boolean, Properties) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
QbChart(boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
QbChart(Frame, String, Object) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Create a QbChart object from an "tpl" or "rpt" file with parameterized query.
QbChart(Applet, String, Object) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Create a QbChart object from an "tpl" or "rpt" file with parameterized query.
qbChart - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChartCustomizer
QbChartCustomizer - Class in quadbase.ChartAPI
QbChartCustomizer() - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChartCustomizer
QbChartCustomizer - Class in quadbase.ChartAPI.swing
QbChartCustomizer() - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChartCustomizer
QbChartDesigner - Class in quadbase.chart.designer
QbChartDesigner(Object, ChartMain) - Constructor for class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
Internal use only
QbChartDesigner(Object) - Constructor for class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
QbChartDesigner(Object, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
QbChartDesigner(Object, String, String[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
QbChartDesigner(Object, DBInfoBasic, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
QbChartDesigner(Object, DBInfoBasic, QueryInParamSet, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
QbChartDesigner(Object, DBInfoBasic, QueryInParamSet, boolean, String[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
QbChartDesigner(Object, String, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
QbChartDesigner(Object, String, boolean, String[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
QbQueryBuilder - Class in quadbase.querybuilder.designer
QbQueryBuilder(Object, IInterchange) - Constructor for class quadbase.querybuilder.designer.QbQueryBuilder
QbReport - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI
A QbReport Object holds all information about the entire flow of data from a data source to a formatted display of data as a report.
QbReport() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
internal use only Create an empty QbReport object and initialize components to be empty.
QbReport(Object, byte[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from a byte array object containing a QbReport object.
QbReport(QbReport) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from a QbReport object
QbReport(QbReport, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from a QbReport object
QbReport(Object, byte[], boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from a byte array object containing a QbReport object.
QbReport(Object, byte[], boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from a byte array object containing a QbReport object.
QbReport(Object, byte[], Properties) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from a byte array object containing a QbReport object.
QbReport(Object, byte[], Object[], Properties) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from a byte array object containing a QbReport object.
QbReport(Object, byte[], Object[], Properties, Hashtable<String, byte[]>) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
internal use only
QbReport(Object, int, XMLFileQueryInfo, ColInfo[], String, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from XML data.
QbReport(Object, int, XMLFileQueryInfo, ColInfo[], String, Properties) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from XML data.
QbReport(Object, int, EJBInfo, ColInfo[], String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object using the specified EJBInfo object, report type, column mapping information and template.
QbReport(Object, int, String, String, String, String, Object[], ColInfo[], String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object by providing the following information of the EJB component: JNDI lookup name, home interface name, remote interface name selected home method, input parameters for the selected method.
QbReport(Object, int, String, String, String, String, Object[], Hashtable<String, String>, ColInfo[], String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object by providing the following information of the EJB component: JNDI lookup name, home interface name, remote interface name selected home method, input parameters for the selected method and the server environment.
QbReport(Object, int, String, String, String, String, Object[], Hashtable<String, String>, ColInfo[], String, Properties) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object by providing the following information of the EJB component: JNDI lookup name, home interface name, remote interface name, selected home method, input parameters for the selected method and the server environment.
QbReport(Object, int, SOAPQueryFileInfo, ColInfo[], String, Properties) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Constructor to create a QbReport object using SOAP data source.
QbReport(Object, int, SalesForceQueryFileInfo, ColInfo[], String, Properties) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Constructor to create a QbReport object using SalesForce data source.
QbReport(Object, int, ExcelFileInfo, ColInfo[], String, Properties) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Constructor to create a QbReport object using Excel data source.
QbReport(Object, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from a report file.
QbReport(Object, String, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from a report file.
QbReport(Object, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from a report file..
QbReport(Object, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from a report file.
QbReport(Object, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from a report file.
QbReport(Object, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from a report file.
QbReport(Object, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from a report file.
QbReport(Object, String, Object[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from a report file with parameterized query.
QbReport(Object, String, Object[], Object[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from a report file with parameterized query & formula.
QbReport(Object, String, Properties) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from an existing report file.
QbReport(Object, String, Object[], Object[], Properties) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from an existing report file.
QbReport(Object, String, Object) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from a report file with parameterized query.
QbReport(Object, String, Object, int, Object[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
internal use only
QbReport(Object, String, Object, int, Object[], DrillDownNode) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
QbReport(Object, String, byte[], Object) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from a report file with parameterized query.
QbReport(Object, String, byte[], Object, int, Object[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
internal use only
QbReport(Object, String, byte[], Object, int, Object[], DrillDownNode) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
QbReport(Object, String, byte[], Object, Hashtable<String, byte[]>) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
internal use only
QbReport(Object, String, byte[], Object, Hashtable<String, byte[]>, int, Object[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
QbReport(Object, String, byte[], Object, Hashtable<String, byte[]>, int, Object[], DrillDownNode) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
internal use only
QbReport(Object, int, IDatabaseInfo, ColInfo[], String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from database data.
QbReport(Object, int, IDatabaseInfo, ColInfo[], String, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from database data.
QbReport(Object, int, IDatabaseInfo, ColInfo[], String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
optimize memory export has been replaced by the Record File Export. Use QbReport(Object parent, int reportType, IDatabaseInfo dbinfo, ColInfo[] mapping, String template, Properties props) constructor instead.
QbReport(Object, int, IDatabaseInfo, ColInfo[], String, Properties) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from database data.
QbReport(Object, int, IDatabaseInfo, ColInfo[], String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from database data.
QbReport(Object, int, String, ColInfo[], String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object with data from a datafile.
QbReport(Object, int, String, ColInfo[], String, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object with data from a datafile.
QbReport(Object, int, int, String, ColInfo[], String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object with data from a datafile, datasource class, xml datafile, or queryfile.
QbReport(Object, int, int, String, ColInfo[], String, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object with data from a datafile, datasource class, xml datafile, or queryfile.
QbReport(Object, int, int, String, ColInfo[], String, Properties) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object with data from a datafile, datasource class, xml datafile, or queryfile.
QbReport(Object, int, String, String, String, Properties, short) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
QbReport(Object, int, String, String, String, String, String, Properties, short) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
QbReport(Object, int, IOLAPResultSet, String, Properties, short) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
QbReport(Object, int, String, String, String, Properties, short, boolean[], boolean[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
QbReport(Object, int, String, String, String, String, String, Properties, short, boolean[], boolean[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
QbReport(Object, int, IOLAPResultSet, String, Properties, short, boolean[], boolean[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
QbReport(Object, int, IResultSet, ColInfo[], String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object with data from an implemented IResultSet object--DbData.
QbReport(Object, int, IResultSet, ColInfo[], String, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object with data from an implemented IResultSet object--DbData.
QbReport(Object, int, IResultSet, ColInfo[], String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object with data from an implemented IResultSet object--DbData.
QbReport(Object, int, IResultSet, ColInfo[], String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object with data from an implemented IResultSet object--DbData.
QbReport(Object, int, IResultSet, ColInfo[], String, boolean, boolean, boolean, Object[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object with data from an implemented IResultSet object--DbData.
QbReport(Object, int, IResultSet, ColInfo[], String, Properties) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object with data from an implemented IResultSet object--DbData.
QbReport(Object, int, IResultSet, ColInfo[], String, Properties, Object[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object with data from an implemented IResultSet object--DbData.
QbReport(Object, int, ISpreadSheetModel, ColInfo[], String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object with data from an implemented ISpreadSheetModel object--SimpleSpreadSheet.
QbReport(Object, int, ISpreadSheetModel, ColInfo[], String, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object with data from an implemented ISpreadSheetModel object--SimpleSpreadSheet.
QbReport(Object, int, ISpreadSheetModel, ColInfo[], String, Properties) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object with data from an implemented ISpreadSheetModel object--SimpleSpreadSheet.
QbReport(Object, int, DataSheet[], ColInfo[], String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object with data from a DataSheet object.
QbReport(Object, int, DataSheet[], ColInfo[], String, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object with data from a DataSheet object.
QbReport(Object, int, DataSheet[], ColInfo[], String, Properties) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Create a QbReport object from DataSheet object.
QbReport(Report) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
For internal use only.
QbReportDesigner - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.designer
A Quadbase Espress Report Designer.
QbReportDesigner(Object, ReportMain) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Internal use only
QbReportDesigner(Object) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Allocates a QbReportDesigner Object with specified parameters.
QbReportDesigner(Object, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Allocates a QbReportDesigner Object with a report.
QbReportDesigner(Object, String, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Allocates a QbReportDesigner Object with a report where the number of rows outputted is limited.
QbReportDesigner(Object, String, int, String[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Allocates a QbReportDesigner Object with specified parameters.
QbReportDesigner(Object, String, int, ImagesPath) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Allocates a QbReportDesigner Object with specified parameters.
QbReportDesigner(Object, DBInfoBasic, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Allocates a QbReportDesigner Object with specified database information.
QbReportDesigner(Object, DBInfoBasic, boolean, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Allocates a QbReportDesigner Object with specified database.
QbReportDesigner(Object, DBInfoBasic, QueryInParamSet, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Allocates a QbReportDesigner Object with specified parameters.
QbReportDesigner(Object, DBInfoBasic, QueryInParamSet, boolean, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Allocates a QbReportDesigner Object with specified parameters.
QbReportDesigner(Object, DBInfoBasic, QueryInParamSet, boolean, int, String[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Allocates a QbReportDesigner Object with specified parameters.
QbReportDesigner(Object, String, QueryInParamSet, boolean, int, String[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Allocates a QbReportDesigner Object with specified parameters.
QbReportDesigner(Object, DBInfoBasic, QueryInParamSet, boolean, int, ImagesPath) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Allocates a QbReportDesigner Object with specified parameters.
QbReportDesigner(Object, String, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Allocates a QbReportDesigner Object with specified parameters.
QbReportDesigner(Object, String, boolean, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Allocates a QbReportDesigner Object with specified parameters.
QbReportDesigner(Object, String, boolean, int, String[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Allocates a QbReportDesigner Object with specified parameters.
QbReportDesigner(Object, String, boolean, int, ImagesPath) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Allocates a QbReportDesigner Object with specified parameters.
QbScheduler - Class in quadbase.scheduler
The QbScheduler class enables the user to invoke the Quadbase EspressReport Scheduler application using the API.
QbScheduler(Applet, JFrame) - Constructor for class quadbase.scheduler.QbScheduler
Allocates a new QbScheduler Object giving it a handle to an applet or a frame if necessary to display the Scheduler in an applet or frame.
QRC - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
quadbase.chart.designer - package quadbase.chart.designer
quadbase.ChartAPI - package quadbase.ChartAPI
Contains the packages for creating and modifying charts.
quadbase.ChartAPI.swing - package quadbase.ChartAPI.swing
Provides the main classes for creating and modifying charts using the javax.swing implementation.
quadbase.common.param - package quadbase.common.param
Contains the classes that formats and prints the parameter page for a parameterized report or parameterized chart.
quadbase.common.util - package quadbase.common.util
A common utility package that includes classes BrowseDirectories, IDBConnection, ...
quadbase.common.util.dtd.elements - package quadbase.common.util.dtd.elements
quadbase.common.util.internal - package quadbase.common.util.internal
A collection of common internal utility classes.
quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager - package quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager
quadbase.ext - package quadbase.ext
The EspressReport Pro extension package.
quadbase.querybuilder.designer - package quadbase.querybuilder.designer
quadbase.reportdesigner.designer - package quadbase.reportdesigner.designer
Contains the necessary classes to run the Report Designer application from API calls.
quadbase.reportdesigner.lang - package quadbase.reportdesigner.lang
Contains the data type classes used for manipulating Formulas for Columns.
quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer - package quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer
Provides page by page viewing of the report.
quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing - package quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing
Provides page by page viewing of the report. - package
quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI - package quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI
Main package of the EspressReport API.
quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements - package quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements
Contains the classes for laying out data in a report.
quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer - package quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer
Provides the necessary classes for viewing an entire report.
quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing - package quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing
Provides the necessary classes for viewing an entire report.
quadbase.reportdesigner.util - package quadbase.reportdesigner.util
Contains main utility classes for the Report Designer interface.
quadbase.scheduler - package quadbase.scheduler
Contains the necessary classes to setup automatic scheduled report generation.
quadbase.util - package quadbase.util
A collection of Quadbase utility classes.
QUADBASE_NULL - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.XMLResultSet
QUADBASE_NULL - Static variable in class quadbase.util.XMLResultSet
QUADBASEXMLFILESOURCE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
One of the constants returned by the method getDataSourceType() that specifies a type of data source.
QUERYFILE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Query file (*.qry)
QUERYFILE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Query file (*.qry)
QUERYFILE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
QueryResultSet - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
A wrapper around java.sql.ResultSet/ResultSetMetaData to implement IResultSet and IRSMetaData interfaces.
QueryResultSet(ResultSet) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.QueryResultSet
Create a new QueryResultSet using the specified java.sql.ResultSet object
QueryResultSet(Statement) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.QueryResultSet
Create a new QueryResultSet using the specified java.sql.Statement object
QueryResultSet(Statement, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.QueryResultSet
Create a QueryResultSet object using the specified Statement and product name
QueryResultSet - Class in quadbase.util
A wrapper around java.sql.ResultSet/ResultSetMetaData to implement IResultSet and IRSMetaData interfaces.
QueryResultSet(ResultSet) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.QueryResultSet
Creates a QueryResultSet object using the specified ResultSet
QueryResultSet(Statement) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.QueryResultSet
Creates a QueryResultSet object using the specified Statement
QueryResultSet(Statement, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.QueryResultSet
Creates a QueryResultSet object using the specified Statement and product name
QueryResultSet(Statement, ResultSet, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.QueryResultSet


RADAR - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
2D Radar chart
radian - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Radian for Polar
RAISE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Data plotting area appearance RAISE
RAISE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Data plotting area appearance RAISE
random() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Random number generator
RANDOM - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
RANDOM - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
RANDOMWEIGHTUPCA - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
read(DataInput) - Static method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
for internal use only
read(DataInput, int, Vector<Vector<Formula>>, Vector, Vector) - Method in class
read(DataInput, int) - Method in class
internal use only
read(DataInput, int, Vector, Vector, Vector) - Method in class
read(DataInput, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnHeader
internal use only
read(DataInput, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnWrap
For internal use only.
read(DataInput, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
For internal use only
read(DataInput, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
For internal use only.
read(DataInput, int, boolean, FileInMemTable, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
internal use only
read(DataInput, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only.
read(DataInput, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportDocument
internal use only
read(DataInput, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only.
read(DataInput, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
For internal use only.
read(DataInput, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
For internal use only.
read(DataInput, int, boolean, FileInMemTable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
internal use only.
read(DataInput, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
For internal use only.
read(DataInput, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
For internal use only.
read(DataInput, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
For internal use only.
read(DataInput, int, boolean, boolean, FileInMemTable, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
read(DataInput, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
read(DataInput, int, boolean, boolean, FileInMemTable, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
read(DataInput, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
For internal use only.
read(DataInput, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Internal Use only
read(DataInput, int) - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
read(DataInput, int) - Static method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
For internal use only
read(DataInput, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.util.HyperLink
Read the link defination
read(DataInput, int) - Static method in class quadbase.util.PolyLine
Created for internal use only
readByteArray(DataInput, int, boolean, FileInMemTable, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
internal use only
readByteArray(DataInput, int, boolean, FileInMemTable, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
readComplete(DataInput, int) - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
This method provides support for reading serialized charts
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
This method provides support for reading serialized charts
readHint(DataInput, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.util.HyperLink
Read the hint string from the input file.
readLine(StreamTokenizer, Vector, boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.StreamResultSet
For internal use
readLine(StreamTokenizer, Vector, boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.util.StreamResultSet
readQueryFile(String) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Reads a query file (*.qry) and returns a IQueryFileInfo object.
readQueryFile(String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Reads a query file (*.qry) and returns a IQueryFileInfo object.
readShareInfo(DataInput, int) - Method in class
internal use only
readSTL(DataInput, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
readSTL(DataInput, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Inports style information from a DataOutput object made from a .STL stylesheet
readXML(Node, int) - Static method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
for internal use only
readXML(Node, int) - Static method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
for internal use only
readXML(Node, int, Vector<Vector<Formula>>, Vector, Vector) - Method in class
readXML(Node, int) - Method in class
internal use only
readXML(Node, int, Vector, Vector, Vector) - Method in class
readXML(Node, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnHeader
internal use only
readXML(Node, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnWrap
For internal use only.
readXML(Node, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
For internal use only
readXML(Node, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
For internal use only.
readXML(Node, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only.
readXML(Node, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportDocument
internal use only
readXML(Node, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only.
readXML(Node, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
For internal use only.
readXML(Node, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
For internal use only.
readXML(Node, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
For internal use only.
readXML(Node, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
readXML(Node, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
For internal use only.
readXML(Node, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
readXML(Node, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
For internal use only.
readXML(Node, int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Reads in a XML node with corresponding version and return data as a ColInfo.
readXMLShareInfo(Node, int) - Method in class
recalculateFormulaColumnValue(Report, int, ReportTable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
recalculateFormulaColumnValue(Report) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
RECTANGULAR_POINTER - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
refresh() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Reload the chart data from input database or data file.
refresh() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Reload the chart data from input database or data file.
refresh() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
Refreshes the parameter table content.
refresh() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Refreshes the data
refreshColData() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
refreshMenuItemVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
refreshMenuItemVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
refreshMenuItemVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
refreshMenuItemVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
refreshTable() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
The table is refreshed when the chart is refreshed. Programmers should not call this method.
refreshWithOriginalData(Report) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Refreshes the data from the original data source
refreshWithOriginalData() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Refreshes the data from the original data source
refreshWithParameters(QbReport, SubReportObject) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.SubReport
If this sub report is parameterized, refreshes this sub-report with data that matches the current parameter values.
refreshWithSubReportsOriginalData() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
REGION - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.StreamResultSet
releaseDiskBuffer() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
releaseDiskBuffer() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
reloadReportWithParameters(Report, Report, ReportTable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
reloadReportWithParameters_std(Report, Report, ReportTable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
For internal use only This method is called when the 'SubReportObject' object has a temporary referecne to a 'Report' object.
remove(IDataLine) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLineSet
Delete the specified data line from the chart.
remove(PolyLine) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFloatingLineSet
This function removes the specified poly-line from the chart.
remove(ITextString) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFloatingTextSet
Removes a text string from a chart.
remove(HyperLink) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHyperLinkSet
Removes the specified hyperlink from the chart.
remove(ITrendLine) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLineSet
Delete the specified trend line from the chart.
removeAll() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLineSet
Removes all the data lines currently defined in the chart.
removeAll() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFloatingLineSet
Removes all the poly-lines currently defined in the chart.
removeAll() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFloatingTextSet
Removes all the floating text strings from the chart.
removeAll() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHyperLinkSet
Removes all the hyperlinks added to the chart.
removeAll() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLineSet
Removes all the trend lines currently defined in the chart.
removeAllData() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
removeAllElements() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IControlRangeSet
Removes all the control ranges added to the chart.
removeAllFormattedRows() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only removes all FormattedRow Objects in this table
removeAllSubReports() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Remove all sub-reports in this ReportTable
removeAnnotation(IAnnotation) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAnnotationSet
Removes an annotation from the chart.
removeAnnotation(IAnnotation) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IReferenceObj
This function removes an annotation object
removeColumn(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
removeColumnWrap(ColumnWrap) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Removes the specified column wrapping from this report table.
removeData(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Removes the ReportCell object at the specified index within this ReportSection.
removeData(ReportCell) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Removes the specified ReportCell object within this ReportSection.
removeDataSourceManagerListener(DataSourceManagerListener) - Method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
removeDataSourceManagerListener(DataSourceManagerListener) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Removes the DataSourceManagerListener.
removeDrillDown(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDrillDown
Removes a drill-down from the chart.
removeElement(ControlRange) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IControlRangeSet
Removes the specified controlRange from the chart.
removeElementAt(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IControlRangeSet
Removes the specified controlRange from the chart.
removeFormat(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
Remove the format with the specific name.
removeFormattedCell(int, Vector<Integer>, FormattedCell) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
removeFormattedRow(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only Remove this formattedRow For Columnar type of report only
removeFormattedRow(FormattedRowKey) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only Remove this row
removeFormula(String) - Method in class
internal use only
removeImage(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Removes ReportImage at the specified index from this ReportTable.
removeImage(ReportImage) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Removes the specified ReportImage from this ReportTable.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChartCustomizer
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChartCustomizer
removeRTFObject(ReportRTFObject) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Removes the specified SubReportObject from this ReportTable.
removeRTFObject(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Remove a sub-report from this ReportTable at the specific index
removeScheduleIconInterval - Static variable in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
removeScheduleTask(ScheduleObject) - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleModifier
Removes Schedule Object from scheduler
removeScriptReferenced(Script) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only.
removeScriptReferenced(Script) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
removeScriptReferenced(Script, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
removeScriptReferenced(Script) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
removeScriptReferenced(Script, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
removeSection(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
removes a section at the specified index.
removeSection(ReportSection) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
removes the specified section.
removeSecurityLevel(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Remove the security level associated with the specific name.
removeSpreadSheetModelListener(ISpreadSheetModelListener) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ISpreadSheetModel
remove a data update listener
removeSpreadSheetModelListener(ISpreadSheetModelListener) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Removes the given listener from the listener list
removeSpreadSheetModelListener(ISpreadSheetModelListener) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISpreadSheetModel
remove a data update listener
removeSpreadSheetModelListener(ISpreadSheetModelListener) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Removes the given listener from the listener list
removeSubReport(SubReportObject) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Removes the specified SubReportObject from this ReportTable.
removeSubReport(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Remove a sub-report from this ReportTable at the specific index
removeSubReportAt(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
DO NOT USE THIS METHOD. For internal use only.
removeSubReportAt(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.SubReport
internal use only
removeSubReportsReference() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
removeSubReportWithFileName(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
For internal use only.
removeSubReportWithFileName(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
renameSecurityLevel(String, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only
renameSecurityLevel(String, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
renameSecurityLevel(String, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
renameSubReportFileNames(String[], String[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Update filenames of all SubReportObject objects.
renameSubReportFileNames(String[], String[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Update filenames of all SubReportObject objects.
repaintPanel() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
This method repaints the viewpanel that contains a chart
repaintPanel() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
This method repaints the viewpanel that contains a chart
replace(StringObject, StringObject, StringObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Replaces speficied old characters with specified new characters in the StringObject object
replace(StringObject, NumericObject, NumericObject, StringObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Replaces characters from start index to end index with specified new characters
REPLACE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
replace(String, String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Replacing all occurrences of originalText in the chart with replacedText
REPLACE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
replaceAllDatabaseInfo(String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Replaces all database information associated with this report.
replaceAllDatabaseInfo(Hashtable<String, Properties>, Properties, boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Replaces all database information associated with this report.
replaceCell(ReportCell, ReportCell, int[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
replaces a formatted cell (preview editing) to the section.
replaceColumns(ReplaceColumnInfoList) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
replaceData(Object, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
report - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
internal use only
ReportCanvas - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer
ReportCanvas is the Canvas object that is contained within the PageViewer component.
ReportCanvas(ReportInfo) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
internal use only
ReportCanvas - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing
ReportCanvas is the Canvas object that is contained within the PageViewer component.
ReportCanvas(ReportInfo) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
internal use only
ReportCanvas - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer
ReportCanvas is the Canvas object that is contained within the ReportViewer component.
ReportCanvas(Report) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Create a new ReportCanvas using specified Report object report
ReportCanvas(Report, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Create a new ReportCanvas using specified Report object report and scroll bar option
ReportCanvas - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing
ReportCanvas is the Canvas object that is contained within the ReportViewer component.
ReportCanvas(Report) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Create a new ReportCanvas using specified Report object report
ReportCanvas(Report, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Create a new ReportCanvas using specified Report object report and scroll bar option
ReportCell - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements
This class can be used to insert labels and formula in the ReportSection of the Report, e.g.
ReportCell() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
Constructs a ReportCell with no name
ReportCell(String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
Constructs a ReportCell with the specified name
ReportCell(IObject) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
Constructs a ReportCell with the specified formula
ReportCell(Formula) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
Constructs a new ReportCell object w/ the specified Formula object
ReportCell(ReportColumn, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
For internal use only
ReportChartObject - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements
This class can be used to insert a QbChart object anywhere in the Report-- ReportSection, and ReportTable.
ReportChartObject() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
Constructs a ReportChartObject with no label
ReportChartObject(String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
Constructs a ReportChartObject with the specified name
ReportColumn - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements
This class can be used to manipulate properties of the individual columns in the ReportTable--formula, border, background, font...
ReportColumn() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
ReportColumn(ReportColumn) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
ReportColumn(ReportColumn, Properties) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
ReportColumn(String, int, boolean, Properties) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
ReportColumn(String, IFormat, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
ReportColumn(String, String, IFormat, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
ReportColumn(String, String, IFormat, int, Hashtable<FormattedRowKey, FormattedCell>, int, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
ReportDocument - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements
This class is used to represent a clob(Character large object).
ReportDocument() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportDocument
allocates a new ReportDocument
ReportDocument(String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportDocument
allocates a new ReportDocument with specified name
ReportDocument(ReportColumn, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportDocument
allocates a new ReportDocument to be located at specified column and position index
ReportElement - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements
A quadbase report can be thought of as a collection of ReportElement(s), with each ReportElement containing the information on how data is going to look in the report.
ReportElement() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Default constructor to create an instance of ReportElement
ReportElement(String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Creates a new instance of ReportElement with the specified name.
ReportGrid - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements
This class can be used to insert grid anywhere in the Report--in the ReportSection, or ReportTable.
ReportGrid() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
Constructs a ReportGrid with no label
ReportImage - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements
This class can be used to insert images anywhere in the Report--in the ReportSection, or ReportTable.
ReportImage() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
Constructs a ReportImage with no label
ReportImage(String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
Constructs a ReportImage with the specified label
ReportLine - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements
This class can be used to insert lines anywhere in the Report--in the ReportSection, or ReportTable.
ReportLine(boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
ReportLine() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
for internal use only
REPORTOBJ - Static variable in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
One of the constants that specifies a type of schedule job
ReportParameterPage - Class in quadbase.common.param
A page that user specifies paramters for a parameterized report Typically, the use of a ParameterPage involves a ParameterPageWriter and the code is as follows:

ReportParameterPage(String, String[], String, int, boolean, int, String, String, String, int, String, Parameters, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.param.ReportParameterPage
Allocates a new ParameterPage that represents a parameter page object.
ReportParameterPage(String, String[], String, int, boolean, int, String, String, String, int, String, Parameters, int, IQueryFileInfo) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.param.ReportParameterPage
ReportRTFObject - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements
This object is used to display a stream of data in RTF.
ReportRTFObject(byte[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
ReportRTFObject() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
ReportSection - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements
This class can be used to modify the look & feel, as well as the contents of the header, and footer.
ReportSection() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only Constructs a ReportSection with no border, background color, or data.
ReportSection(String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
ReportSection(String, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
ReportSection(ReportTableElement) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only Constructs a ReportSection from a ReportTableElement object.
ReportSection(ReportCell[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only Constructs a ReportSection from a ReportCell object.
reportSectionFactory - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
ReportTable - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements
This class can be used to manipulate the look & feel, as well as the content of a Report Table.
ReportTable() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Constructs a default ReportTable.
ReportTable(Locale, TimeZone) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Constructs a ReportTable with specified locale and time zone.
ReportTable(ReportTable) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Constructs a ReportTable from another ReportTable.
ReportToolBar - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer
The tool bar within the Report Viewer.
ReportToolBar(ReportCanvas) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportToolBar
internal use only
ReportToolBar(ReportCanvas, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportToolBar
ReportToolBar - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing
The tool bar within the Report Viewer.
ReportToolBar(ReportCanvas) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportToolBar
internal use only
ReportToolBar(ReportCanvas, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportToolBar
ReportToolBar - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer
The tool bar within the Report Viewer.
ReportToolBar(ReportCanvas) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportToolBar
internal use only
ReportToolBar - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing
The tool bar within the Report Viewer.
ReportToolBar(ReportCanvas) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportToolBar
internal use only
REPORTTYPENAME - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IReportTypeConstants
List of report type names
resetByteArray() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
resetColumnWrap() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
reset column wrap to false.
resetData() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
resetDrillDown() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDrillDown
Resets the chart and remove all the drill down levels
resetExportTime() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
resetOffScreenImage() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
reset the offScreenImage to null, the repaint process will redraw the whole canvas.
resetOffScreenImage() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
reset the offScreenImage to null, the repaint process will redraw the whole canvas.
resetPages() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Reset page number and section number to 1
resetPages() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Reset page number and section number to 1
resize(double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Resizes this ReportElement.
resize(double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
resize(double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
resizes the section according to the specified x and y ratios
resize(double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Resizes the table by the specified ratio
resizeForCrossTabFixedField(Vector<ReportElement>, ReportElement[], double, double, double, double) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only Shift surrounding report elements after moving one
resizeForCrossTabFixedField(ReportElement, ReportElement[], double, double) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only Shift surrounding report elements after moving one
resizeForCrossTabFixedField(Vector, double, double, double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
resizeForCrossTabFixedField(Vector<ReportElement>, double, double, double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Shifts a group of elements by the CHANGE amount and moves other surrounding elements if needed in a cross tab fixed field
resizeHorizontallyAndShift(ReportElement, ReportSection, double) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
resizeVerticallyAndShift(ReportElement, ReportSection, double) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
resizeVerticallyAndShift(ReportElement, ReportTable, double) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Resizes the ReportElement objects in this elt ReportTable by making the height Change.
reverseOrder(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This function reverses the order of the data points in the series, category, or sum-by column.
RIGHT - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
direction constant for table
RIGHT - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
direction constant for table
RIGHT - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
RIGHT - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
RIGHT_DOUBLECLICK - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Right double click of the mouse
RIGHT_DOUBLECLICK - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Right double click of the mouse
RIGHT_SINGLECLICK - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Right single click of the mouse
RIGHT_SINGLECLICK - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Right single click of the mouse
RIGHTALIGNMENT - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
RIGHTALIGNMENT - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
rint(NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Double value closest to a and equal to a integer
RINT - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
RINT - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
roll(DateTimeObject, short, NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.DateTimeObject
Rolls amt to the Calendar Field part of Date.
ROLLTIME - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
ROLLTIME - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
ROOT_REPORT - Static variable in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
This is the parent() value of a Param who belongs to the root report (non sub report).
rotate_angle - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
ROTATE_CLOCKWISE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
ROTATE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
ROTATE_NONE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
ROUND_HEADED_BLADE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
roundCornerRadius - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
roundCornersArray - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
rounding - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.NumericFormat
rounding - Variable in class quadbase.util.NumericFormat
row - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SpreadSheetModelEvent
row affected
row - Variable in class quadbase.util.SpreadSheetModelEvent
row affected
ROW_LABEL_COLUMN - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SpreadSheetModelEvent
This denotes the column denoting the row labels.
ROW_LABEL_COLUMN - Static variable in class quadbase.util.SpreadSheetModelEvent
This denotes the column denoting the row labels.
rowsWithMissingChart - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
RPT - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
RPT_DATA - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
Save/Export the report design in the proprietary EspressReport format with data
rs - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.StreamResultSet
RTF - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
Exports the report in the RTF format
RTFOBJECT - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
The element type of ReportRTFObject *
run() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
internal use only.
run() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
internal use only.
run() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
For Internal Use only
run() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
For Internal Use only


s_category - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Formatted name of category for date / time / logical data
S_COL - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
S_COL - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
s_percent - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Formatted percentage for Pie and 100% Column chart
s_series - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Formatted name of series for date / time / logical data
s_sumBy - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Formatted name of sumBy for date / time / logical data
s_v2Quart - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Formatted 50% value for box chart
s_v3Quart - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Formatted 75% value for box chart
s_value - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Formatted data value for all chart type except scatter, high low and HLCO
s_vclose - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Formatted close value for high low and HLCO chart
s_venddate - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Formatted end-date value for Gantt chart
s_vhigh - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Formatted high value for high low, HLCO and box chart
s_vlow - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Formatted low value for high low, HLCO and box chart
s_vopen - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Formatted open value for HLCO chart
s_vQuart - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Formatted 25% value for box chart
s_vstartdate - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Formatted start-date value for Gantt chart
s_xvalue - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Formatted x value for scatter chart
s_yvalue - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Formatted y value for scatter chart
s_zvalue - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Formatted z value for scatter chart
SalesForceResultSet - Class in quadbase.util
SalesForceResultSet(SalesForceConnection, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.SalesForceResultSet
SalesForceResultSet(SalesForceQueryFileInfo) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.SalesForceResultSet
SALESFORCESOURCE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
One of the constants returned by the method getDataSourceType() that specifies a type of data source.
sameSection(ReportElement, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
save() - Method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
save(String) - Method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
save() - Method in class quadbase.querybuilder.designer.QbQueryBuilder
save(String) - Method in class quadbase.querybuilder.designer.QbQueryBuilder
save() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Saves the report at its original location.
save(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Saves the report at fileLocation.
SAVE_RPT_BEFORE_DRILLDOWN - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
save report before inserting a drilldown report
SAVE_RPT_BEFORE_PAGEVIEWER - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
save report before launching pageviewer
SAVE_RPT_BEFORE_SUBREPORT - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
save report before inserting a sub-report
saveAs() - Method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
saveAs(String, String, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Save the current chart under a different name
saveAs() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Pops up the Save As Dialog for the user to browse the save location.
saveAs(String, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
saveChartFile(byte[], String) - Method in interface quadbase.chart.designer.IChartIO
Restrict the user where he/she will be able to save the chart file.
saveFile(byte[], String) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.IReportIO
Restrict the user where he/she will be able to save the report file.
saveScheduleTask() - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleModifier
Asks server to write the schedule task job to file so schedule job remains when user restarts server
SCATTER - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
Scatter (or XY) chart
SCATTER_X - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IMapConstants
SCATTER_Y - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IMapConstants
SCATTER_Z - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IMapConstants
SCC14SHIPPINGCODE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
SCHEDULE_LOG - Static variable in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleLog
ScheduleLog - Class in quadbase.scheduler
Contains static API methods to query the scheduler's log file (schedule.log).
ScheduleLog() - Constructor for class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleLog
ScheduleModifier - Class in quadbase.scheduler
Contains static API methods to manage tasks in the scheduler.
ScheduleModifier() - Constructor for class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleModifier
ScheduleObject - Class in quadbase.scheduler
Represent a schedule task to be performed by the scheduler.
ScheduleObject(String) - Constructor for class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
ScheduleObject(String, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
ScheduleObject(ScheduleObject) - Constructor for class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
ScheduleObject(String, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
Creates ScheduleObject by providing schedule name and object type
SchedulerListener - Interface in quadbase.ext
Listener for the report scheduler.
sciExp - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.NumericFormat
either 0 or 1, invalid when not currency, default 0
sciExp - Variable in class quadbase.util.NumericFormat
either 0 or 1, invalid when not currency, default 0
Script - Class in
This represents a script in the report.
Script() - Constructor for class
Script(String) - Constructor for class
Script(String, String) - Constructor for class
SCRIPTED_VALUE_SET_TO_NULL - Static variable in class
scriptReferenced(Script) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
scriptReferenced(Script) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only.
scriptReferenced(Script) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Whether the specified script is referenced (used) in this section.
scriptReferenced(Script, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Whether the specified script is referenced (used) in this section.
scriptReferenced(Script) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
scriptReferenced(Script, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
SCROLLBARS_ALWAYS - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.ICanvas
SCROLLBARS_AS_NEEDED - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.ICanvas
SCROLLBARS_NEVER - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.ICanvas
SECOND - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating the second within the minute.
SECOND - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
SECOND - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating the second within the minute.
SECOND - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
SECONDARY_SERIES - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IMapConstants
SECONDARY_VALUE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IMapConstants
SECONDARYAXIS - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IOverlayPropertySet
SECTION - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
The element type SECTION.
SECTIONATTR - Static variable in class
sectionList - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
sectionMenuVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
sectionMenuVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sectionMenuVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
sectionMenuVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
securityLevel - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
the security level associated with the report
securityMap - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
securityScriptReferenced(Script) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only.
securityScriptReferenced(Script) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Whether the specified script is referenced (used) in this section.
securityScriptReferenced(Script, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Whether the specified script is referenced (used) in this section.
securityScriptReferenced(Script) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
securityScriptReferenced(Script, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
SEGMENTED_STYLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IHorzVertLine
SEMICOLON - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IExportConstants
TXT Data File Separator
SEMICOLON - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IExportConstants
TXT Data File Separator
SEMICOLON - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IDelimiterConstants
separator1 - Variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
first separator string for date format (default "/")
separator2 - Variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
second separator string for date format (default "/")
series - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.ColInfo
series - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.ColInfo
series - Variable in class quadbase.util.HyperLink
Name of the series, a blank name (not null) represent all series
SERIES - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IMapConstants
series - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
name of selected series data
seriesName - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Column name of series
serverCheck - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChartCustomizer
serverCheck - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChartCustomizer
serverName - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
name of the server
servletDirectory - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
path to the servlet classes (ex.
servletName - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
name of the servlet
servletRunnerPort - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
the port the servlets container is running on
set(Enumeration) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLineSet
Sets a list of data lines in the chart.
set(Enumeration) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFloatingLineSet
Sets a list of poly-line objects in a chart.
set(Enumeration) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFloatingTextSet
Adds a list of floating text strings in the chart.
set(Enumeration) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHyperLinkSet
Sets the list of hyperlinks in the chart.
set(Enumeration) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLineSet
Sets a list of trend lines in the chart.
set(Point_2D) - Method in class quadbase.util.Point_2D
Set the values based on the given point.
set(Point_3D) - Method in class quadbase.util.Point_3D
Set the values based on the given point.
set(Enumeration, Color) - Method in class quadbase.util.PolyLine
Defines the coordinates for the poly-line.
set(Enumeration, Color, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.util.PolyLine
Defines the coordinates for the poly-line.
set(float, float) - Method in class quadbase.util.Position
Set the x and y values.
set3DApproximationUsed(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This function sets the state of 3D rendering approximation.
set3DApproximationUsed(boolean, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This function sets the state of 3D rendering approximation.
set3DShading(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IBubblePropertySet
This method sets the rendition of the bubbles to have 3D shading with the default value of light intensity, 66.
set3DShading(boolean, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IBubblePropertySet
This method sets the rendition of the bubbles to simulate 3D bubbles.
set3DShadingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
set3DShadingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
set3DShadingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
set3DShadingEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGradientPropertySet
set3DShadowForTickerOn(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method sets the ticker 3D shadow is on or not
setAddEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager.DefaultDataSourceNode
Specify if the 'Add' button is enabled when this node is selected.
setAddOnChart(QbChart[]) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Customize chart graphics information or draw user specify component onto chart canvas
setAddOnChart(QbChart[]) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Customize chart graphics information or draw user specify component onto chart canvas
setAdjustFont(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Specify whether should adjust the font based on the screen resolution.
setAdjustFont(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Specify whether should adjust the font based on the screen resolution.
setAdjustFont(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Specifies whether should adjust the font based on the screen resolution.
setAggregatedChart(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAggregationInfo
This function is used to set/unset the histogram option in a chart.
setAggregateOperator(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAggregationInfo
Sets the primary aggregate operator to use when displaying summary charts.
setAggregateOperator(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDrillDown
Sets the primary aggregate operator to use when displaying summary charts.
setAggregateOperator(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
This function sets the primary aggregate operator
setAggregation(short) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Sets the aggregation method for the column.
setAggregation(boolean, short) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Similar to setAggregation(short agg), aggregateColumn sets whether to do column aggregation or not, if and only if agg != NONE.
setAggregationTable(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Sets whether the table is used for aggregation
setAlias(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
Sets the alias of this field
setAlign(short) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Set the horizontal alignment of this element.
setAlignAxisScale(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Uses the same scale system for primary and secondary axis if the argument is true.
setAlignment(int) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the horizontal alignment of the parameter page
setAllDatabaseInfo(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Sets all database information associated with this report.
setAllDatabaseInfo(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Sets all database information associated with this report.
setAllDatabaseInfo(String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
setAllDatabaseInfo(Connection) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Sets all database connection(s) associated with this report.
setAllDatabaseInfo(Connection, boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Sets all database connection(s) associated with this report.
setAllDatabaseInfo(Connection, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
setAllDataRegistryLocation(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
setAllDirectories(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
This is a convenience method that simply calls all other setXXX methods with the DIR argument.
setAllJNDIDatabaseInfo(Hashtable<String, String>, String) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
setAllOptionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
setAllOptionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
setAllOptionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
setAllOptionLabel(String) - Method in class
setAllOptionLabel(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
setAllOptionLabel(String) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
setAllSalesForceInfo(String, String) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Sets SalesForce Server URL and Session ID associated with this report.
setAlternateRow(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Sets the number of rows within sections that would have the same color before alternating to a different color.
setAmbientLight(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This function sets an ambient color for shading.
setAngle(int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.TextString
Set the text angle in degree measured anticlockwise
setAngle(int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.TextString
Set the text angle in degree measured anticlockwise
setAngle(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IText
Sets the counterclockwise angle of the text string.
setAngleInRadian(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPolarPropertySet
This method set the angle scale unit.
setAnimationButtonOn(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DControlPanel
set the animation button on/off if animation button is on, the chart will start rotation automaticly
setAnimationButtonVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DControlPanel
Show/Hide the animate chart button in the navigation panel for 3D charts.
setAnimationOnForExpandAndCollapse(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets whether to turn on the animation for expand and collapse feature This is only for exporting as a DHTML format
setAnimationSpeed(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This function sets the animation speed for the navigation panel in radians per frame.
setAppearance(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Sets the background appearance for the control range.
setAppearance(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Sets the background appearance for the chart/legend plot area.
setApplet(Applet) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Set the applet containing this chart component.
setApplet(Applet) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Set the applet containing this chart component.
setApplet(Applet) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the Applet object used as the parent object for this QbReport object
setApplyExcelFormat(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
As of EspressReport 3.X. All formats will be applied. Indicate whether to apply Excel format during export
setApplyGradientToChartDataOnly(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
setApplyGradientToChartDataOnly(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
setApplyTemplateDir(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Sets the default (report only) Apply Template directory.
setArcLengthRatio(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDoughnutPropertySet
Sets the arc length ratio for doughnut slice.
setAreaColors(Color, Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILinePropertySet
Sets the colors of the areas enclosed by dataline & horizontal line.
setAreaCutOffPoint(Double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IRadarPropertySet
This method sets the cut-off point for radar area
setAreaProportionalToValue(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IBubblePropertySet
This method sets drawing the bubbles in respect to their area size.
setAreaVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Enables/Disables the display of data area in the radar chart.
setAreaVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILinePropertySet
Enable drawing the area between dataline & one horizontal line.
setArrays(Vector) - Method in class
setArrowAtEndPointVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.util.PolyLine
Sets whether the arrow at end point of poly-line is visible.
setArrowAtStartPointVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.util.PolyLine
Sets whether the arrow at start point of poly-line is visible.
setArrowhead(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to draw/hide arrow heads on the axes in the chart.
setArrowsDrawn(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGanttPropertySet
Sets the state of the arrows that link Gantt chart data.
setAttributeDataType(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
Sets the attribute data type
setAttributeName(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
Sets the attribute name
setAutoAxisPosition(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IOverlayPropertySet
This method sets the x position of axis is calculated automatically
setAutoClearSubReportCache(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Automatically clears the subreport cache.
setAxis(int, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IOverlayPropertySet
This method set the corresponding axis of the specific layer
setAxisGapOffset(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IOverlayPropertySet
This method set the offset of axis gap
setAxisLabelFormat(IFormat) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGanttPropertySet
Specifies the IFormat object to be used for formatting the value axis labels.
setAxisPaddingAdded(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to enable/ disable adding axis padding.
setAxisPosition(int, boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IOverlayPropertySet
This method set the corresponding axis of the specific layer
setAxisUnitToRadiusRatio(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IBubblePropertySet
This method sets the ratio of the unit length of x-axis (in pixel/unit) to bubble radius value.
setBackgroundColor(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the background color of the parameter page
setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the background color of the parameter page
setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the background color of this report.
setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ICanvas
Sets the color of the desktop background.
setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFlashHintBoxPropertySet
Sets the background color for the hint information box.
setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHint
Sets the background color for the hint information box.
setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Sets the color of the chart/legend plot area background.
setBackgroundImage(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the background image of the parameter page
setBackgroundImage(ReportImage) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the background image of the report
setBackgroundImagePath(String) - Static method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
setBackgroundImagesPath(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.ImagesPath
customize the path of background images directory
setBackgroundImageURL(URL) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ICanvas
Sets the URL of the image drawn on the background.
setBackgroundTransparent(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Set background color to transparent when exporting a chart to GIF format
setBackgroundTransparent(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Set background color to transparent when exporting a chart to GIF format
setBackgroundVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ICanvas
Sets whether the desktop background area drawing (i.e., the rest of canvas other than the chart plot area) is enabled or not.
setBackgroundVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Enables/Disables drawing of a background for the chart/legend plot area.
setBackLinkClickCount(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Sets the mouse click count for jumping back from a hyperlink to the previous chart.
setBackLinkEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Sets the status of the backward link depending on the value of parameter b.
setBackLinkModifier(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Sets the mouse modifier for jumping back from a hyperlink to the previous chart.
setBackMenuItemVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Back Menu Item.
setBackMenuItemVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ViewerAPI
Sets the visibility of the Back Menu Item.
setBackMenuItemVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Back Menu Item.
setBackMenuItemVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ViewerAPI
Sets the visibility of the Back Menu Item.
setBackMenuItemVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Back Menu Item.
setBackMenuItemVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Back Menu Item.
setBackwardLinkClickCount(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
sets how many times the user needs to trigger the backwardLinkModifier MouseEvent to go backward.
setBackwardLinkClickCount(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets how many times the user needs to trigger the backwardLinkModifier MouseEvent to go backward.
setBackwardLinkModifier(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
sets what java.awt.event.MouseEvent triggers the Canvas to go backward (if available: after a forward link was triggered and the user wants to go back to the previous page|link).
setBackwardLinkModifier(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets what java.awt.event.MouseEvent triggers the Canvas to go backward (if available: after a forward link was triggered and the user wants to go back to the previous page|link).
setBarGapToWidthRatio(float) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Sets the bar gap to width ratio for bar/column charts.
setBarWidthToThicknessRatio(float) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This function sets the width to thickness ratio for a bar/line 3D chart.
setBaseForLog(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to set a base for logarithmic for that axis.
setBestFit(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Specifies whether pies are drawn in best fit format Default is true
setBgColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Set the background color of this element.
setBgColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
public void setHeight(double h) { this.height = h; }
setBgColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
setBgColor2(Color) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Sets the background color of the alternating sections.
setBlackBorderVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IBubblePropertySet
This method sets the state of bubble border.
setBlackBorderVisibleForWhiteArea(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Enables/Disables drawing of a black border around the white data area for some chart types.
setBodyText(String) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For Email feature: specifies the body text of the email
setBookmark(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only

For exporting the report to a PDF format, you can set a bookmark that will be associated with this ReportElement to provide the user a link from a boookmark with the specified name to the location of this ReportElement.

setBooleanNULLDataValue(Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the default object used in place of null Boolean data objects
setBorder(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
setBorder(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
setBorder(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
setBorder(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
setBorder(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
setBorderClosed(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
setBorderColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Set the border color of this element
setBorderColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
setBorderColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
setBorderColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Sets the color of the border.
setBorderColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Sets the border color.
setBorderColor(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFlashHintBoxPropertySet
Sets the border color of the information box used to display hints for data points and hyperlinks.
setBorderColor(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHint
Sets the border color for the hint information box.
setBorderColor(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Specifies the color that is used for pie chart's outside & slice borders.
setBorderColor(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Sets the border color for the chart/legend plot area.
setBorderThickness(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Set the border thickness of this element
setBorderThickness(int, BorderSide) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
setBorderThickness(int, int, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
setBorderThickness(ReportElement) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
setBorderThickness(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
setBorderThickness(int, BorderSide) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
setBorderThickness(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
set border thickness
setBorderThickness(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Sets the thickness of the border in pixels.
setBorderThickness(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Sets the border thickness in pixels.
setBorderThickness(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Sets the border thickness for the chart plot area.
setBorderVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Enables/Disables drawing of a border around the data for some chart types.
setBorderVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDropBarSet
This method set whether the border of drop bar is visible.
setBorderVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Enable/Disable drawing of the border for chart/legend plot area.
setBottomBorder(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
setBottomMargin(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the bottom margin, in inches
setBottomNValue(boolean, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
set to display up to number of Bottom N data points in a chart This feature only works with chart with category only and descending order has to be applied to the chart
setBrowseDirectories(BrowseDirectories) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
setBrowseDirectories(BrowseDirectories) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
setBrowseDirectories(BrowseDirectories) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
setBrowseDirectories(BrowseDirectories) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
setBrowseRootDirectory(String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Static method to set the browse root directory, which is the upper bound when the user browse the directories of the server.
setBufferedImageType(int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Sets java.awt.image.BufferedImage image type
setBufferedImageType(int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Sets java.awt.image.BufferedImage image type
setBufferedImageUsed(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Sets whether the QbChart to use java.awt.image.BufferedImage technology to export image
setBufferedImageUsed(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Sets whether the QbChart to use java.awt.image.BufferedImage technology to export image
setBurstEmail(Hashtable) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
setBurstReport(int) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
sets the type of bursting to be applied (QbScheduleObject.ALLBURSTING or QbScheduleObject.GROUPBURSTING)
setByPassSaveAsIO(IByPassSaveAsForChart) - Method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
Sets by pass save as IO by implementing IByPassSaveAsForChart interface
setByPassSaveAsIO(IByPassSaveAsForReport) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Sets by pass save as IO by implementing IByPassSaveAsForReport interface
setByteArray(byte[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
internal use only
setBytes(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
setBytes(byte[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
Set the bytes to be used as this image's data.
setBytes(byte[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
Set the contained SubReport object.
setCacheSize(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
Set the size of the cache for parameterized sub-reports.
setCandleStickColors(Color, Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This method sets the upTick and downTick candlestick colors.
setCandleStickWidth(float) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This method sets the "wicker"--the hi & low extensions of candlesticks.
setCanvasBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
Sets the Canvas's background color
setCanvasBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Sets the Canvas's background color
setCanvasBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Sets the Canvas's background color
setCanvasBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Sets the Canvas's background color
setCanvasBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the Canvas Background color of the viewed application or applet.
setCanvasBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
Sets the Canvas Background color of the viewed application or applet.
setCBAggrColFooterStyle(int, int, ReportCell, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.FixedFieldCrossTabReport
Sets column-break aggregation column footer style.
setCBAggrColHeaderStyle(ReportSection, int, ReportCell, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.FixedFieldCrossTabReport
Sets column-break aggregation column header style.
setCBAggrColumnStyle(int, ReportColumn, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.FixedFieldCrossTabReport
Sets column-break aggregation column style.
setCBColumnFooterStyle(int, ReportCell, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.FixedFieldCrossTabReport
Sets column-break column footer style.
setCBColumnHeaderStyle(ReportSection, ReportCell, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.FixedFieldCrossTabReport
Sets column-break column header style.  Note that the style is applied to all the crosstab column headers.
setCellBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method sets the table cell background color
setCellFont(Font) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method sets the table cell font
setCellScript(ICellScript) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Sets the ICellScript object used by this ReportColumn.
setCellTextColor(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method sets the table cell text color
setCellValue(int, int, Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
setCellValue(int, int, Object) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Assign value to cell.
setCenter(Point) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Sets center of the control range (for dial chart only) The percentage of the radius from 0 to 100 and dial center is (0, 0)
setCenterDHTMLReport(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Automatically adds tags to center the DHTML Report in the browser
setCenterPointColor(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method sets the center point color
setCenterPointRadius(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method sets the center point radius
setChart(IChart) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
Set the IChart object contained in this instance of ReportChartObject.
setChart(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
setChartDesignerHandle(IChartHandle) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
modify chart designer by implementing IChartHandle interface
setChartExportHTMLParameters(String, String, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
specifies the directory where to export the charts as images.
setChartGraphics(IChartGraphics) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Customize chart graphics information or draw user specify component onto chart canvas
setChartGraphics(IChartGraphics) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Customize chart graphics information or draw user specify component onto chart canvas
setChartImagesPath(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.ImagesPath
customize the path of chart images directory
setChartIO(IChartIO) - Method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
Sets where and how charts gets saved by passing in an argument chartIO that holds information on how to perform chart file IO.
setChartIO(IChartIO) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Sets where and how charts get saved by passing in an argument chartIO that holds information on how to perform chart file IO.
setChartLocation(String) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
setChartMenuEnabled(int, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Sets whether the specified chart menu is enabled.
setChartMenuItemEnabled(int, int, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Sets whether the specified chart menu item is enabled.
setChartModifier(IChartModifier) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
Set the implemented IChartModifier class object into this instance of ReportChartObject.
setChartParameterMap(String, String[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
For internal use only.
setChartParameterMap(String, String[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
setChartPath(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
specifies the directory where "tpl" files are located
setChartPath(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
changing all the chart path location for ReportChartObject.
setChartPath(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
changing all the chart path location for ReportChartObject.
setChartPath(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
use setChartPath from the QbReport object.
setChartServerUsed(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Use this to specify whether to use the chart server for input/output, or perform file and database reads/writes directly.
setChartServerUsed(int) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Use this to specify whether to use the chart server for input/output, or perform file and database reads/writes directly.
setChartServerUsed(String) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Use this to specify whether to use the chart server for input/output, or perform file and database reads/writes directly.
setChartServerUsed(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Use this to specify whether to use the chart server for input/output, or perform file and database reads/writes directly.
setChartServerUsed(int) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Use this to specify whether to use the chart server for input/output, or perform file and database reads/writes directly.
setChartServerUsed(String) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Use this to specify whether to use the chart server for input/output, or perform file and database reads/writes directly.
setChartTemplatesDirectory(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Sets the default browse chart templates directory.
setChartToolbarEnabled(int, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Sets a button on the chart tool bar enabled or disabled.
setChartVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ICanvas
Sets the visibility of chart.
setClassFile(String) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Sets the input class file, which is used to create a report.
setClassFile(String, boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Sets the input class file, which is used to create a report.
setClassFile(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Sets the input class file, which is used to create a report.
setClassFile(String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Sets the input class file, which is used to create a chart.
setClockwise(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPolarPropertySet
This method set the drawing direction TRUE: Clockwise FALSE: Counter-clockwise
setCoeff(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
please see the derived classes for details
setCoeff(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
If you want to change line type also you should call setLineType() first, followed by setCoeff().
setColDataMapping(String[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
For internal use only.
setColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.TextString
Set the text color
setColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.TextString
Set the text color
setColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Sets color of the control range
setColor(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DControlPanel
This function sets the color of the navigation panel for 3D charts.
setColor(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
Set the color for all the axes.
setColor(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
Sets the line color.
setColor(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IText
Sets the color value for the text string.
setColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.util.PolyLine
Sets the color of the poly-line.
setColorAboveLine(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHorzVertLine
Set the color of all chart data line segments that are above this line value (threshold value) to the desired color.
setColorArrayForPieThreshold(Color[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
setColorBelowLine(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHorzVertLine
Set the color of all chart data line segments which are below this line value (threshold value) to the desired color.
setColors(Color[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Sets a color scheme for the data points plotted.
setColors(Color[], Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Sets a color scheme for the data points plotted.
setColors(Color[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Sets a color scheme for the secondary axis data points.
setColorSeparators(Color[], Object[], int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This method is used for defining the color of the chart based on separator value.
setColorSpectrum(ColorSpectrum) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This function sets the data color based on the vertical value Currently only 3D surface chart supports this feature.
setColorThresholdForPie(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
setColumn(ReportColumn) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
Sets the current column in crosstab reports
setColumnBreak(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Sets the column as column break.
setColumnBreakColumnStyle(ReportColumn, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.FixedFieldCrossTabReport
Sets column-break column style.  Note that the style is applied to all the crosstab columns.
setColumnBreakValue(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Each distinct value in this specified column will be a report column in the table body.
setColumnCount(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
Set the number of columns to display the content.
setColumnInfo(int, Object[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Set the column cell information Please use setColumnInfo(Object[] columnVals, Object[][] vals) if array size is changed
setColumnInfo(Object[], Object[][]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Set column labels and value cells
setColumnInfo(int, Object[]) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Set the column cell information Please use setColumnInfo(Object[] columnVals, Object[][] vals) if array size is changed
setColumnInfo(Object[], Object[][]) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Set column labels and value cells
setColumnMap(IColumnMap) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Set the chart column mapping.
setColumnName(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
If (isMapToColumn()) Set the column name
setColumnName(String) - Method in class
setColumnName(String) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IQueryInParam
Set the column name
setColumnName(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
setColumnName(String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IQueryInParam
Set the column name
setColumnName(String) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
setColumnSpacing(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
Set the spacing between columns if there are more than one columns.
setColumnWidth(int, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method set the width of the column
setColumnWrap(int, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets column wrap properties.
setCombinationType(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Sets the chart type for the secondary axis.
setCommand(String) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
Specifies schedule command
setCommProtocol(String) - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.QbScheduler
Sets the protocol to be used to connect to the Application server.
setCommUrl(String) - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.QbScheduler
Sets the communication URL to be the comm_url string.
setCondition(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
Sets the condition string to filter the resultset
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
This function sets the connection field in this object.
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
This function sets the connection field in this object.
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
This function sets the connection field in this object.
setConnectLinesInOriginalOrder(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Specifies whether the connecting line between datapoints is drawn in the same order in the dataset.
setConnectLinesVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Enables/Disables the drawing of lines connecting adjacent data points in a chart.
setConnectLinesVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Enables/Disables the drawing of connect lines for the secondary axis.
setConnectURLForServer(String) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Set direct connect url for reverse proxy server Note: this static method MUST be called before any QbChart constructor
setConnectURLForServer(String) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Set direct connect url for reverse proxy server Note: this static method MUST be called before any QbChart constructor
setConnectURLForServer(String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the URL for connecting to EspressManager
setContentTitleAlignment(short) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method sets content title alignment
setContentValueAlignment(short) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method sets content value alignment
setCopyEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager.DefaultDataSourceNode
Specify if the 'Copy' button is enabled when this node is selected.
setCSSDir(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Sets the default browse CSS direcotory.
setCssFile(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.CssHtmlParameterPageWriter
Sets the path to the css file to use.
setCustomCurrency(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.NumericFormat
Set custom multi-character currency symbol Deprecates the old char type currency symbol variable "currencySymbol"
setCustomCurrency(String) - Method in class quadbase.util.NumericFormat
Set custom multi-character currency symbol Deprecates the old char type currency symbol variable "currencySymbol"
setCustomDefinedFunctions(ICustomDefinedFunctions) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
You may include your own functions with the Formula an Scripts dialog boxes that the users can use when calling Report Designer from the API.
setCustomDefinedFunctions(ICustomDefinedFunctions) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets custom defined functions
setCustomerQueryForLinkedSubReport(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
setCustomID(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Set the custom ID of this element
setCustomizeDataHintBoxHandle(ICustomizeImageMapDataHintBox) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFlashHintBoxPropertySet
setCutCornerWidth(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Gets the cut corner width for the cut corner appearance
setData(byte[]) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
Sets the data through byte array
setData(int, Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
setData(byte[], Object[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
setData(byte[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
Same as setData(d, (Vector)null).
setData(byte[], Vector<Object>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
Set the content of this rich text field.
setData(ReportCell, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Re-sets the ReportCell object at the specified index within this ReportSection.
setData(ReportCell[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Re-sets the data object used by this ReportSection.
setData(IResultSet) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Sets the input data for the report using an IResultSet object.
setData(IResultSet, boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Sets the input data for the report using an IResultSet object.
setData(IResultSet, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Sets the input data for the report using an IResultSet object.
setData(IResultSet, boolean, boolean, Object[]) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Sets the input data for the report using an IResultSet object.
setData(IResultSet) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Sets the input data for the chart using an IResultSet object.
setData(IResultSet, boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Sets the input data for the chart using an IResultSet object.
setDatabaseInfo(IDatabaseInfo) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Sets the input database information, which is used to create a report.
setDatabaseInfo(IDatabaseInfo, boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
setDatabaseInfo(IDatabaseInfo, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
setDatabaseInfo(IDatabaseInfo) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Sets the input database information, which is used to create a chart.
setDatabaseInfo(IDatabaseInfo, boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Sets the input database information, which is used to create a chart.
setDataBorderColor(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Sets border color of the data for some chart types.
setDataBorderThickness(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Sets border thickness of the data for some chart types.
setDataColumn(Chart) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.ColInfo
This is for internal use only.
setDataColumn(Chart) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.ColInfo
This is for internal use only.
setDataDrawnOnTop(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILinePropertySet
Specifies the drawing order of the datapoints, or the datalines--i.e.
setDataFile(String) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Sets the input data file, which is used to create a report.
setDataFile(String, boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Sets the input data file, which is used to create a report.
setDataFile(String, boolean, String) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Sets the input data file, which is used to create a report.
setDataFile(String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Sets the input data file, which is used to create a chart.
setDataFile(String, String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Sets the input data file, which is used to create a chart.
setDataForDeepCopy(ReportCell[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
setDataFormat(IFormat) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
Sets the Data Format
setDataFormat(IFormat) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Sets the data format of this ReportColumn.
setDataHintBgColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
sets the data hint background color
setDataHintBgColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets the data hint background color
setDataHintFont(Font) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
sets the data hint font
setDataHintFont(Font) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets the data hint font
setDataHintFontColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
sets the data hint font color
setDataHintFontColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets the data hint font color
setDataHintOffset(Dimension) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
sets the offset of the data hint
setDataHintOffset(Dimension) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets the offset of the data hint
setDataLabelInfo(IDataLabelInfo) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Set the display text for primary data top label
setDataLineForNull(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This function enables/disables drawing data lines for missing or null data points.
setDataLineThickness(int[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Sets the line thickness for all the data lines displayed in the chart.
setDataLineThickness(int[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Sets the line thickness for all the data lines displayed in the chart.
setDataRegistry(String) - Method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
setDataRegistry(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Sets the Data Registry to be used for the data source.
setDataRegistryDirectory(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Sets the default browse data registry directory for both report and chart
setDataRegistryLocation(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
setDataSet(IDataSet) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
setDataSourceID(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
set datasourceID of the chart, the id is originally from data registry
setDataSourceTextDir(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Sets the default browse data source (text file) directory for both report and chart.
setDataSourceXMLDir(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Sets the default browse data source (xml file) directory for both report and chart.
setDateFormat(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
Sets the date format
setDateParameterCalendar(boolean, String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the state to use a pop-up calendar to choose a date for date parameters.
setDateParameterSelection(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the state to use a select drop down list to choose a date for date parameters
setDateTimeDisplay(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
Specifies if the value axis labels are displayed in the DateTimeFormat
setDateTimeDisplay(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGanttPropertySet
Specifies the if the value axis labels are displayed in the DateTimeFormat
setDateTimeNULLDataValue(Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the default object used in place of null date-time data objects
setDateVariable(boolean, String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the state to use a pop-up date calculater to choose a date for date parameters.
setDayInterval(int) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
if task option is TIME_INTERVAL: specifies day interval in mins
setDBImage(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
internal use only Sets this image as a Database image, it will be stored as an array of bytes on a database system.
setDBProvider(IDBProvider) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Sets the Database provider.
setDBTableName(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
setDBTableName(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Sets the name of the Database table.
setDebugMode(int) - Static method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
set debug mode to display debug statement
setDebugMode(String) - Static method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
set debug mode to display debug statement
setDebugMode(int) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
set debug mode to display debug statement
setDebugMode(String) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
set debug mode to display debug statement
setDebugMode(int) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
set debug mode to display debug statement
setDebugMode(String) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
set debug mode to display debug statement
setDebugMode(String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
set debug mode to print out debug statement
setDebugMode(int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
set debug mode to print out debug statement
setDebugMode(int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets debug mode to print out debug statement.
setDebugMode(String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets debug mode to print out debug statement.
setDebugMode(String) - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.QbScheduler
set debug mode to display debug statement
setDebugMode(int) - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.QbScheduler
set debug mode to display debug statement
setDefault() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.NumericFormat
Set all variables to default value
setDefault() - Method in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
Set all variables to default value.
setDefault() - Method in class quadbase.util.NumericFormat
Set all variables to default value
setDefaultForTimestamp() - Method in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
Set all variables to default timestamp value.
setDefaultParamNames(String[]) - Method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
Internal use only.
setDefaultParamNames(String[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Internal use only.
setDefaultSql(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
setDefaultSql(String) - Method in class
setDefaultSql(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
setDefaultSql(String) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
setDefaultValue(Object) - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
Set default value
setDefaultValue(Object) - Method in class
Sets the default value of the Parameter.
setDefaultValue(Object) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IQueryInParam
Set default value
setDefaultValue(Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
setDefaultValue(Object) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IQueryInParam
Set default value
setDefaultValue(Object) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
setDefaultValueVariable(Formula) - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
Set default value of a date parameter to a date expression (ex.
setDefaultValueVariable(Formula) - Method in class
setDefaultValueVariable(Formula) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
Set default value of a date parameter to a date expression (ex.
setDefaultValueVariable(Formula) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
Set default value of a date parameter to a date expression (ex.
setDeleted() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
setDepth(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Sets the control range area depth.
setDepth(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Sets the data plotting area depth.
setDescription(String) - Method in class quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager.DefaultDataSourceNode
setDHTMLBrowserMargin(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the DHTML Browser margin
setDHTMLTopMargin(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the top margin to be used in DHTML export, in inches
setDHTMLTopMarginRepeatOnEveryPage(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
specifies if top margin n DHTML is repeated for every page
setDialBGImage(URL, String, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Sets the dial chart plot background image including relative URL.
setDialBGImage(URL, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Sets the dial chart plot background image
setDialBGRatio(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Sets the radius ratio for the dial chart plot background image.
setDialBGState(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Enable or disables the dial chart plot background image.
setDialFGImage(URL, String, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Sets the dial chart plot foreground image including relative URL.
setDialFGImage(URL, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Sets the dial chart plot foreground image
setDialFGRatio(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Sets the radius ratio for the dial chart plot foreground image.
setDialFGState(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Enable or disables the dial chart plot foreground image.
setDimension(int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Sets the dimension (2D or 3D) of the chart.
setDimension(int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Sets the dimension (2D or 3D) of the chart.
setDimMenuEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPopupMenu
This function enables/disables 2D/3D menu inside the popup menu
setDirection(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Sets the direction of the control range (Dial chart does not support this feature) Only coordinates system charts support this feature
setDirectoryBrowseUpEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Sets whether the user is prohibited from browsing any directory above the root directory.
setDisableJava2DForStraightText(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
If the new state is true, the straight text (0, 90, 180...
setDisplayByWeek(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
Sets the state of the x-axis label display in day of the week fashion.
setDisplayByWeek(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGanttPropertySet
Sets the state of the x-axis label display in day of the week fashion.
setDisplayLabelAsDate(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
Sets numeric inputs for this axis to be displayed in the DateTime format.
setDisplayNameForOthers(String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
set display name for "Others"
setDisplayRow(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Sets a limit on the number of rows to be displayed by the report.
setDisplayRow(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets number of rows that user wants to display in their report.
setDocumentTitle(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the title of the HTML document
setDomainAndCheckForUniqueFileName(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
setDomainPath(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
Sets the domain path for this object.
setDomainPath(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
setDottedLineForNull(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This function enables/disables drawing dotted lines for missing or null data points.
setDownBarColor(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDropBarSet
This method set the down bar color.
setDragClickCount(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Returns the mouse click count for dragging of chart, legend, etc.
setDragEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Sets the status of the dragging of the chart, legend, etc.
setDragModifier(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Sets the mouse modifier for dragging of chart, legend, etc.
setDrawAgain(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only
setDrawBeforeExport(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Calculates column formula values with page, totalpage, section, totalsection when drawn for the first time before export
setDrawBorder(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Sets whether border is drawn (for dial chart only)
setDrawBorderForWMF(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Set chart border to visible when exporting a chart to WMF format.
setDrawBorderForWMF(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Set chart border to visible when exporting a chart to WMF format This method is only for 2D column/bar chart
setDrawCircularGrid(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IRadarPropertySet
This method sets drawing circular grid.
setDrawFullBorder(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Sets whether full border is drawn (for dial chart only)
setDrawFullCircle(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method sets drawing full circle for dial
setDrawLinearly(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Specifies whether pies are drawn linearly Default is false
setDrawMode(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IBubblePropertySet
This method sets the draw mode of bubble chart.
setDrawNullColumn(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Returns whether or not to show null data column in chart.
setDrawSeriesOnCategoryAxis(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
Set drawing series on category axis in 3 dimension space.
setDrawSymbols(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILegend
Sets the state of the data point symbols in the legend.
setDrawSymbolWithLine(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILegend
Sets the state of drawing a line behind the data point symbols in the legend.
setDrawX(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only
setDrawX(int, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only
setDrawY(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only
setDrawY(int, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only
setDrillDownConnection(Object, Connection) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
This method is to be used together with setAllDatabaseInfo() If you export a report with drilldown level to DHTML or HTML the drilldown report is sent to DrillDownReportServlet as a bytearray, but the connection object cannot be sent, so we save the Connection object in the session and the DrillDownReportServlet can retrieve the Connection object from the session later
setDrillDownData(Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
setDrillDownData(int, Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Sets the Drill Down data associated with this column index to be the specified data When user clicks on the column at columnIndex, it brings them to a report of the data.
setDrillDownDatabaseInfo(Object, String, String, String, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
setDrillDownName(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Set the drilldown name of this element
setDrillDownName(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Sets the drill down report name (if applicable) to this column
setDrillDownParameterValues() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
internal use only
setDrillDownParameterValues() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
internal use only
setDrillDownPath(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
setDrillDownPath(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
setDrillDownPath(String, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
setDrillDownPath(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
specifies the directory where drilldown .rpt files reside
setDrillDownReportHashtable(Hashtable<String, byte[]>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
setDrillDownReportIO(IDrillDownReportIO) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Restrict the directory where the user of the Report Designer will be able to save their Drill Down report or Sub-Report (.rpt) files using a IDrillDownReportIO.
setDrillName(String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDrillDown
Sets the base name for defining drill-down charts.
setDriverName(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
Sets the JDBC driver name.
setDriverName(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
Sets the JDBC driver name
setDriverName(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Sets the JDBC driver name
setDTD(byte[]) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
for internal use only
setDTDName(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
for internal use only
setDTDTreeFileName(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
Sets the xml file name
setDualColorColInfoIndex(int[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Sets the column indices to use to change color.
setDualColorOnRowBreak(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Returns whether to change color from section to section
setDynamicDrillDown(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDrillDown
Enables dynamic drill down function for chart viewer
setDynamicExport(boolean, String, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
setDynamicExport(boolean, String, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
setDynamicExport(boolean, String, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
setDynamicExport(boolean, String, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ViewerAPI
Sets the attributes for a dynamic export (when using setExportServlet)
setDynamicExport(boolean, String, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
setDynamicExport(boolean, String, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ViewerAPI
Sets the attributes for a dynamic export (when using setExportServlet)
setDynamicExport(boolean, String, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
If and only if the report is to be obtained by end-users using Http protocol, this specifies the location of the Servlets for Http exports.
setDynamicExport(boolean, String, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
If and only if the report is to be obtained by end-users using Http protocol, this specifies the location of the Servlets for Http exports.
setDynamicExport(boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Specifies whether to embed a relative link to the generator servlets (RPTImageGeneratorServlet, DrillDownReportServlet) in the dhtml/html/pdf exports.
setDynamicExport(boolean, String, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the attributes for a dynamic export (when using setExportServlet)
setDynamicExport(boolean, String, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
Sets the attributes for a dynamic export (when using setExportServlet)
setDynamicImageURLGenerator(IDynamicImageURLGenerator) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the IDynamicImageURLGenerator implementing class that will generate custom links for dynamically exported images and charts.
setDynamicReportKeyGenerator(IDynamicReportKeyGenerator) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the IDynamicReportKeyGenerator implementing class that will generate custom key for report Used by Dynamically export report.
setEditEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager.DefaultDataSourceNode
Specify if the 'Edit' button is enabled when this node is selected.
setElementDataType(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
Sets the element data type
setEmailColumnIndex(int) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
sets the column index whose data provides the email addresses to send the exported reports to
setEmailType(int) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For Email feature: specifies email type: ASATTACHMENT/ ASLINK/ ASHTML
setEmbeddedScriptWithInThePageForDHTML(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets whether to embed the script within the DHTML export This is only for exporting as a DHTML format
setEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportToolBar
enables the toolbar (make it visible)
setEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportToolBar
enables the toolbar (make it visible)
setEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportToolBar
enables the toolbar (make it visible)
setEnabled() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportToolBar
enables the toolbar (make it visible)
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHint
Enables/Disables the display of hints.
setEncodePDF(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For PDF export: specifies whether use encoding for DFT export
setEndAngle(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method sets the ending angle of the chart (12pm position is 0 degree, clockwise)
setEndDate(long) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
if task option is TIME_INTERVAL / FIXEDDAYS: if endDate = -1, it runs indefinitely specifies end date in millis second for scheduled event
setEndLabelOffset(Dimension) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Sets end label offset of the control range
setEndScale(double) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Sets end scale of the control range for column/bar type: scale of value axis
setEndScale2(double) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Sets end scale 2 of the control range for column/bar type: scale of category axis not used for dial chart
setEndTime(int) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
if task option is FIXEDDAYS: specifies end time for daily frequency feature
setEndToEnd(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Enables/Disables drawing of a chart from end to end, skip all the gaps.
setEntry(Bookmark) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
Sets the bookmark entry for this object
setEnvironment(Hashtable) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.EJBInfo
Sets the environment properties of the bean as a Hashtable.
setEnvProperties(Hashtable<String, String>) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
Sets environment properties for initial context.
setEnvProperties(Hashtable<String, String>) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
Sets environment properties for initial context
setEnvProperties(Hashtable<String, String>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Sets environment properties for initial context
setEspressManagerUsed(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Use this to specify whether to use EspressManager for input/output, or perform file and database reads/writes directly.
setEspressManagerUsed(int) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Use this to specify whether to use EspressManager for input/output, or perform file and database reads/writes directly.
setEspressManagerUsed(String) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Use this to specify whether to use EspressManager for input/output, or perform file and database reads/writes directly.
setEspressManagerUsed(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Use this to specify whether to use EspressManager for input/output, or perform file and database reads/writes directly.
setEspressManagerUsed(int) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Use this to specify whether to use EspressManager for input/output, or perform file and database reads/writes directly.
setEspressManagerUsed(String) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Use this to specify whether to use EspressManager for input/output, or perform file and database reads/writes directly.
setEspressManagerUsed(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets whether EspressManager to be used
setExcelExportFitCell(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
setExcelExportNonNumericFitCell(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
setExcelExportStreaming(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
setExcelExportWindowsize(int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
setExcelFileInfo(ExcelFileInfo) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Sets the Excel info for the report.
setExcelFileInfo(ExcelFileInfo) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Sets the Excel info for the chart.
setExitOnCancel(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
setExitOnCancel(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Set whether program should exit after clicking on any cancel button in the program.
setExpandAndCollapseOptionForDHTML(boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets whether to export the Summary Break Report with expand/ collapse feature for a DHTML output.
setExpandAndCollapseOptionForDHTML(boolean, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets whether to export the Summary Break Report with expand/ collapse feature for a DHTML output.
setExploded(int, boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Enables/Disables the explosion of the particular slice.
setExplodeRadialPos(float) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Sets the pie slice explode distance from the origin.
setExplodeUsingSectorGap(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Enables/Disables the explosion of the particular slice using sector gap.
setExportDelimiter(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the export delimiter for Text and CSV export
setExportEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
whether export is enabled
setExportEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
whether export is enabled
setExportEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
sets whether report exports is enabled
setExportEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets whether report exports is enabled
setExportEncoding(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Specifies the export encoding for DHTML/HTML
setExportLocation(String) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
specifies export file location
setExportMapFile(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
Specifies whether map files for chart images is included in HTML/DHTML exports.
setExportNewlineDelimiter(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the export newline delimiter for Text and CSV export
setExportNewlineDelimiter(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Method to configure the new line delimiter for csv and txt exports.
setExportServlet(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
setExportServlet(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
setExportServlet(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the url to the ViewerExportServlet, which is used for exporting to a servlet that streams back content to the client via a browser url
setExportServlet(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ViewerAPI
Sets the url to the ViewerExportServlet, which is used for exporting to a servlet that streams back content to the client via a browser url
setExportServlet(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Sets the url to the ViewerExportServlet, which is used for exporting to a servlet that streams back content to the client via a browser url
setExportServlet(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ViewerAPI
Sets the url to the ViewerExportServlet, which is used for exporting to a servlet that streams back content to the client via a browser url
setExportServlet(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the url to the ViewerExportServlet, which is used for exporting to a servlet that streams back content to the client via a browser url
setExportServlet(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
Sets the url to the ViewerExportServlet, which is used for exporting to a servlet that streams back content to the client via a browser url
setExportTime(long) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
setExportToMultiPages(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets whether the QbReport object is only used for exporting page by page HTML and DHTML.
setExportToMultiPages(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
whether exporting report to multiple pages is enabled
setExportToMultiPages(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
whether exporting report to multiple pages is enabled
setExportToMultiPages(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
DHTML/ HTML option: specifies whether export report to multi-pages
setExportToSingleWPagination(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets whether to export the QbReport with single paged breaks for a DHTML output.
setExportToSingleWPagination(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
sets whether exporting report to a paginated single page is enabled
setExportToSingleWPagination(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets whether exporting report to a paginated single page is enabled
setExportToSingleWPagination(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For DHTML/ HTML export: export return in one single page with pagination specifies state of exporting report to single page with pagination
setExtendLineDrawn(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Specifies whether connecting line is drawn between individual pie slice & its own label.
setExternalStyleSheetName(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Specifies the external style sheet file used for DHTML export
setExternalStyleSheetName(String) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For DHTML export: Specifies the external style sheet file used for DHTML export
setFailBodyText(String) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For Fail Job Email feature: returns the body text of the email
setFailSubject(String) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For Fail Job Email feature: returns the subject of the email
setFailToAddress(String) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For Fail Job Email feature: returns recievers' email addresses
setFieldInfo(XMLFieldInfo[]) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
Sets the filed infomation
setFileLocation(String) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
specifies report file location
setFileName(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
Sets the xml file name
setFileName(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
setFileName(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
For internal use only.
setFileRecordBufferSize(int) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
set the number of record to store on disk at a time when using record file data to generate the report (larger buffer results faster generating time)
setFileRecordBufferSize(int) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
set the number of record to store on disk at a time when using record file data to generate the report (larger buffer results faster generating time)
setFileRecordBufferSize(int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the number of records to store on disk at a time when using record file data to generate the report (larger buffer results faster generating time) please call this method before calling QbReport constructor
setFillArea(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.util.PolyLine
Sets whether the poly-line is filled.
setFitGroupOnPage(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Specifies whether to start group on next page when it will not fit on the current page.
setFitGroupOnPage(Report, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
FitGroupOnPage is a property of each group.
setFitGroupOnPage(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Set whether to fit groups on the same page.
setFitOnCanvas(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ICanvas
Try to fit a chart on canvas.
setFlashFrameCount(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
setFlashFrameRate(float) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
setFont(Font) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.TextString
Set the text font
setFont(Font) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.TextString
Set the text font
setFont(Font) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Set the font name of this element
setFont(Font) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFlashHintBoxPropertySet
Sets the font for the hint information box.
setFont(Font) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IText
Sets the font of the text string.
setFont2(Font) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Sets the font of the alternating sections.
setFontColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Set the Font color of this element.
setFontColor(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFlashHintBoxPropertySet
Sets the font color for the hint information box.
setFontColor2(Color) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Sets the font color of the alternate sections.
setFontMapping(String, int, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets Font Mapping
setFontMapping(String, int, String, String, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets Font Mapping
setFontMapping(Hashtable<String, String>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
internal use only Sets the Font mapping table
setFontMappingFontsDir(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Sets the default browse Font Mapping directory.
setFontMappingXmlDir(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Sets the default browse Font Mapping import/export directory.
setFontResizeRatio(float) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ICanvas
Sets the ratio of font auto-resize to the chart canvas size change.
setFooter(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the text that appears at the end of the Parameter page
setFooter(ReportSection) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Sets the table footer.
setForceNewReport(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Forces the user to create a new report when Report Designer is loaded.
setForDeploy(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets whether this QbReport object is used for deployment
setForExportOnly(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Sets whether the QbChart object is only used for exporting charts later.
setForExportOnly(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Sets whether the QbChart object is only used for exporting charts later.
setForExportOnly(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
use optimizeMemory argument in Constructor for same purpose
setformat(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
Set logical format
setFormat(LocaleNumericFormat) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleNumericFormat
Copy the following attributes of the object to this: maximum fraction digits, minimum fraction digits, maximum integer digits, minimum integer digits, grouping and parse integer only.
setformat(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LogicalFormat
Set logical format
setFormat(char, boolean, int, int, int, int, char, char, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.NumericFormat
Set Numeric format
setFormat(char, boolean, int, int, int, int, char, char, boolean, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.NumericFormat
Set Numeric format
setFormat(IFormat) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILabel
This function sets the format object for the label being displayed.
setFormat(LocaleNumericFormat) - Method in class quadbase.util.LocaleNumericFormat
Copy the following attributes of the object to this: maximum fraction digits, minimum fraction digits, maximum integer digits, minimum integer digits, grouping and parse integer only.
setformat(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.LogicalFormat
Set logical format.
setFormat(char, boolean, int, int, int, int, char, char, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.util.NumericFormat
Set Numeric format.
setFormat(char, boolean, int, int, int, int, char, char, boolean, String) - Method in class quadbase.util.NumericFormat
Set Numeric format.
setFormatHyperlinkDir(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Sets the default browse hyperlink directory for reports.
setFormats(Vector<Object[]>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
setFormattedCell(FormattedCell) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
setFormattedCells(Vector<FormattedCell>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
setFormattedCellsTable(Hashtable<FormattedRowKey, FormattedCell>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
setFormattedCellsTable(Hashtable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Sets the preview editing table.
setFormattedRow(int, FormattedRow) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only Replaces the formattedCell at the specified rowIndex with this new formattedCell.
setFormattedRow(FormattedRowKey, FormattedRow) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only Adds a formattedRow at the specified row index in the table tree.
setFormattedRows(Hashtable<FormattedRowKey, FormattedRow>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only Sets the formattedRows hashtable object used by this ReportTable.
setFormula(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Sets the specified formula
setFormula(Operand) - Method in class
setFormula(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
Replaced by @link setFormulaObj(Formula)
setFormula(String, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Sets the formula of the column.
setFormulaName(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Sets the Formula name.
setFormulaNames(Vector<String>) - Method in class
internal use only
setFormulaObj(Formula) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
sets the Formula object for this ReportCell.
setFormulaObj(Formula) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Sets the Formula Object
setFormulaScriptParamValue(String, Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Specifies new value for the formula script parameter by the specified name
setForwardLinkClickCount(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
sets how many times the user needs to trigger the forwardLinkModifier MouseEvent to go forward.
setForwardLinkClickCount(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets how many times the user needs to trigger the forwardLinkModifier MouseEvent to go forward.
setForwardLinkClickCount(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Sets the mouse click count for jumping to a hyperlink associated with a data point.
setForwardLinkEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Sets the status of the foward link depending on the value of parameter b.
setForwardLinkModifier(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
sets what java.awt.event.MouseEvent triggers a link (drill down link, etc.) to go forward.
setForwardLinkModifier(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets what java.awt.event.MouseEvent triggers a link (drill down link, etc.) to go forward.
setForwardLinkModifier(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Sets the mouse modifier for jumping to a hyperlink associated with a data point.
setFrame(Frame) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the parent frame object of this QbReport object
setFromAddress(String) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For Email feature: specifies sender email address
setFromDesigner(boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
internal use only
setFromDesigner(boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
internal use only
setFunction(IFunction) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionLine
This method resets the current function to a new one.
setGapRatioBetweenPies(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Specifies the gap ratio between pies Default is 0.5
setGIFEnable(String, String) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
this method has no effect - GIF export is always enabled
setGIFEnable(String, String) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
this method has no effect - GIF export is always enabled
setGIFTransparent(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
Sets the state of GIF transparent mode.
setGIFTransparent(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
setGlobalFormatDir(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Sets the default browse global format directory for reports
setGoToMenuItemVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Go To Menu Item.
setGoToMenuItemVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ViewerAPI
Sets the visibility of the Go To Menu Item.
setGoToMenuItemVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Go To Menu Item.
setGoToMenuItemVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ViewerAPI
Sets the visibility of the Go To Menu Item.
setGoToMenuItemVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Go To Menu Item.
setGoToMenuItemVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Go To Menu Item.
setGouraudButtonVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DControlPanel
Show/Hide the gouraud shading button in the navigation panel for 3D charts.
setGradientCyclic(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
setGradientCyclic(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
setGradientCyclic(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
setGradientCyclic(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGradientPropertySet
setGradientDesColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
setGradientDesColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
setGradientDesColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
setGradientDesColor(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGradientPropertySet
setGradientEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
setGradientEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
setGradientEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
setGradientEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGradientPropertySet
setGradientEndX(double) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
setGradientEndX(double) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
setGradientEndX(double) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
setGradientEndX(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGradientPropertySet
setGradientEndY(double) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
setGradientEndY(double) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
setGradientEndY(double) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
setGradientEndY(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGradientPropertySet
setGradientShade(int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
setGradientShade(int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
setGradientShade(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
setGradientShade(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGradientPropertySet
setGradientStartX(double) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
setGradientStartX(double) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
setGradientStartX(double) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
setGradientStartX(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGradientPropertySet
setGradientStartY(double) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
setGradientStartY(double) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
setGradientStartY(double) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
setGradientStartY(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGradientPropertySet
setGrayscaleForExport(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Sets using grayscale for export
setGrayscaleForExport(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Sets using grayscale for export
setGridAlignedWithTicker(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function enables/disables the alignment between grid lines and tickers.
setGridColor(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function sets the grid color of the axis or wall.
setGridHeightRatio(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function sets the grid height ratio for 2D chart.
setGridInFront(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
Bring the grid to the front.
setGridLineLink(IReport) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
setGridLineLink(IReport) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
setGridLineStyle(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function sets the line style of the x/y grid lines.
setGridStep(int, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Please use getTickerStep(int colIndex, int size) The step size of ticker should equal step size of grid, except after label filtering for date-time chart
setGridStyle(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
setGridThickness(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function sets the thickness of the x/y grid lines.
setGridVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function enables/disables the drawing of grid lines for the axis associated with this object.
setHandLength(int, double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method is deprecated and should use setNeedleLength instead
setHeader(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the text that appears at the beginning of the Parameter page
setHeader(ReportSection) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Sets the table header.
setHeaderBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method sets the table header background color
setHeaderFont(Font) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method sets the table header font
setHeaderTextColor(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method sets the table header text color
setHeaderTitleAlignment(short) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method sets header title alignment
setHeaderValueAlignment(short) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method sets header value alignment
setHeadTagIncluded(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets whether the <head><body> tags are included in the DHTML exports
setHeight(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
INCH Set the height of this element
setHeight(double, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
INCH/CM Set the height of this element
setHeight(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
for internal use only
setHeight(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Specifies the height of this ReportSection.
setHeight(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.HTMLBlock
Set the height of this block.
setHeightOfRow(int, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only Set the height of this FormattedRow with specified key index For Columnar type report only
setHeightOfRow(int, Vector<Integer>, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only Set the height of this FormattedRow with specified key index For All type of reports
setHeightOfRow(int, int[], double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only Sets the height of this FormattedRow with specified key index For All type of reports.
setHeightOfRow(FormattedRowKey, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only Sets the height of this FormattedRow with specified key index For All type of reports.
setHeightOfSection(double, int[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
setHeightTable(Hashtable<Vector<Integer>, Double>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
setHidden(int, boolean[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This function sets the hidden status for the column values in the legend.
setHiddenParameters(boolean[]) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Sets whether each parameter is a hidden parameter with value of the parameter's default value.
setHiddenParameterValues(Object[]) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Sets whether each parameter is a hidden parameter with specific value The order of the Object[] is according to getParamDisplayNames, or the order in which the parameters appear when using report.getAllParameters().get(i).
setHiLowAsCandleStick(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
This function is used to display a HLCO chart in the form of a candlestick chart, depending on the value of parameter b.
setHiLowAsCandleStick(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
This function is used to display a HLCO chart in the form of a candlestick chart, depending on the value of parameter b.
setHint(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Set the link hint of this element
setHintBoxEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IFlashHintBoxPropertySet
Sets the state of the hint box to display hints for data points and hyperlinks.
setHintBoxInfo(IHintBoxInfo) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHint
Sets the display text for hint box
setHintStyle(HyperLink.HintStyle) - Method in class quadbase.util.HyperLink
Sets behavior of the hyperlink hints against the data points hints.
setHintValue(String) - Method in class quadbase.util.HyperLink
Set the hint string associated with this hyperlink.
setHistogram(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHistogramInfo
This function is used to set/unset the histogram option in a chart.
setHomeName(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.EJBInfo
Sets the name of the class for the home interface (ex.
setHTMLCharset(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Specifies the HTML/DHTML Charset property
setHTMLLinksProvider(IHTMLLinksProvider) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Customizes the links at the top of each page, i.e.
setHTMLParameters(String, String, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
Sets some options for outputting in HTML
setHTMLParameters(String, String, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
API only feature to set export location and reference URL for images.
setHTMLParameters(String, String, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
changing all the chart path location for ReportChartObject.
setHTMLParameters(String, String, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
changing all the chart path location for ReportChartObject.
setHTMLParameters(String, String, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
Not used.
setHTMLTarget(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
setHTMLTitle(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Specifies the title when exporting in HTML/DHTML formats
setHttpsDynamicExport(boolean, String, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
If and only if the report is to be obtained by end-users using Https protocol, this specifies the location of the Servlets for Https exports.
setHttpsDynamicExport(boolean, String, int, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
If and only if the report is to be obtained by end-users using Https protocol, this specifies the location of the Servlets for Https exports.
setID(String) - Method in class quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager.DefaultDataSourceNode
For internal use only
setID(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Set the id of this element
setID(String, Object[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only.
setID(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
setID(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
setID(int) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
setImageHeight(int) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
setImageMapDataHintBoxHandle(ICustomizeImageMapDataHintBox) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
setImageMapDataHintBoxHandle(ICustomizeImageMapDataHintBox) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
setImageMode(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ICanvas
Sets the display option for the background image.
setImageOption(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
This method is only used for the background image.
setImagePath(String) - Static method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
setImagePath(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
specifies the directory where chart image files reside
setImagePath(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
Sets the image PATH
setImagePath(String, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
setImagePath(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
changing all the image path location for ReportImage.
setImagePath(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
changing all the image path location for ReportImage.
setImagePath(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
call this method from the parent QbReport
setImagesDir(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Sets the default browse images/background images directory.
setImageType(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
Sets the image format of this image (GIF, PNG, JPEG, etc...) See IExportConstants for possible parameter values.
setImageURL(URL) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
Sets the image URL
setImageURL(URL, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
setImageWidth(int) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
setImportQRYFile(IImportQRYFile) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Sets an IImportQRYFile Object to be used with this Report Designer.
setInchGridSpace(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only *
setInParam(IQueryInParam[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryFileInfo
setInParam(IQueryInParam[]) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryFileInfo
setInputDataBlockSize(int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
This is a parameter that can be set when using optimized memory exporting.
setInsertCommandEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.QbScheduler
Sets whether the user can see the Insert Command function.
setInSet(QueryInParamSet) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
for internal use only
setInSet(QueryInParamSet) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Sets the query parameter set
setInternalStyleSheetName(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
setIntervalType(int) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
if task option is TIME_INTERVAL: specifies export time interval: TIME/ DAYS/ MONTHS
setInvisibleMenuItemList(String[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
sets a list of menu items in the right-click pop up menu that are invisible
setInvisibleMenuItemList(String[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets a list of menu items in the right-click pop up menu that are invisible
setIsBGColor2(int, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
setIsExpandable(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
for internal use only
setIsRequired(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
for internal use only
setItemsHidden(int, boolean[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILegend
Sets the boolean state of the items in the legend.
setJava2DRotateTextEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
If the new state is true, rotated text would be rendered through Java2D.
setJavaScriptLibPath(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
setJavaScriptLibPath(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets path to the lib/javascript folder that contains common javascript files such as DataTypeValidator.js, etc.
setJNDIDatabaseInfo(IDatabaseInfo, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
setJNDIName(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
Sets the JNDI lookup name.
setJNDIName(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
Sets the JNDI lookup name
setJNDIName(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.EJBInfo
Sets the lookup name for the bean on the server.
setJNDIName(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Sets the JNDI lookup name
setJPEGQuality(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
Since JPEG uses compression, which decimates the quality of the image, this method sets the JPEG quality index, default is 99.
setJPEGQuality(int) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
setKeepDataSourceOrder(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
setLabelColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Sets label color of the control range
setLabelFont(Font) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Sets label font of the control range
setLabelFormat(IFormat) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function sets the label format for the given axis.
setLabelFormat(int, IFormat) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This function sets the label format for the given column index.
setLabelOffset(int, Dimension) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method sets the offset for specific label
setLabelOffset(Dimension[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method sets offset for all labels
setLabelOffset(int, Dimension) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPolarPropertySet
This method set the offset for specific label
setLabelOffset(Dimension[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPolarPropertySet
This method set offset for all labels
setLabelOffset(int, Dimension) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IRadarPropertySet
This method sets the offset for specific label
setLabelOffset(Dimension[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IRadarPropertySet
This method sets offset for all labels
setLabelOnNegativeSide(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
If the new state is true, this method forces every label to display on the negative side of the axis, no matter the data value is positive or not.
setLabelOnPositiveSide(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
If the new state is true, this method forces every label to display on the positive side of the axis, no matter the data value is positive or not.
setLabelOutsidePlotArea(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to draw tickers and labels inside/outside chart plot area for the given axis.
setLabelRadialPos(float) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Sets the pie label distance from the origin, in terms of the pie radius.
setLabelRowCount(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to set the number of rows used to display x-axis labels.
setLabelsReversed(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILegend
Enables/Disables the display of legend labels in reverse order.
setLabelStep(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function sets the label step size for the given axis.
setLabelStep(int, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This function sets the label step size for the given column.
setLabelStep(int, int, int, boolean, Date) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This function sets the label step size for the given column.
setLabelVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxisRuler
Sets the ruler label visibility.
setLastExportFile(String) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
setLastID(String) - Method in class quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager.DefaultDataSourceNode
For internal use only
setLayerType(int, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IOverlayPropertySet
This method set the chart type of the specific layer
setLayout(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IBoxPropertySet
Sets the layout of the chart to horizontal or vertical.
setLayout(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILegend
Sets the layout of the primary/secondary legend to horizontal, vertical, square or fixed column.
setLayout(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILinePropertySet
Sets the layout of the chart to horizontal or vertical.
setLeftBorder(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
setLeftMargin(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the left margin, in inches
setLight(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
Sets the light source intensity used for shading.
setLightPosition(Point_3D) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This function sets the light position for shading.
setLimitAtAxisScale(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This function sets the data limit at axis scale If sets, no data can go over axis max scale or go below axis min scale The default value is FALSE
setLimitExcelCellSplit(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
setLimitSubReportQueryExecution(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
When set to true, we try to modify linked sub report's query and only execute it once instead of fire one query for each sub report instance.
setLinearScale(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHistogramInfo
State whether or not to use a linear scale in the histogram.
setLinearScale(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
Enables/Disables drawing of a linear scale for the category axis.
setLineFromValue(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHorzVertLine
Set the start point X/Y value for Horizontal/Vertical line.
setLineStyle(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
setLineStyle(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
Sets the line style.
setLineStyle(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.PolyLine
Sets the line style of the poly-line.
setLineStyles(int[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Sets the line styles for the connect data lines drawn in the chart.
setLineStyles(int[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
This function sets the connect line styles for the secondary axis.
setLineThickness(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Please use setDataLineThickness(int[] thickness) use @link ISecondaryChart#setDataLineThickness for secondary chart
setLineToValue(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHorzVertLine
Set the end point X/Y value for Horizontal/Vertical line.
setLineType(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IControlLine
Sets the line type.
setLineType(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
please see the derived classes for details
setLineType(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHorzVertLine
Sets the line type.
setLineType(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
Sets the line type.
setLineValue(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IControlLine
This function is only valid for control line STANDARD_DEVIATION.
setLineValue(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
please see the derived classes for details
setLineValue(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHorzVertLine
Set the value for the horizontal line or vertical line.
setLineValue(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
Set the value for the horizontal line or vertical line.
setLineXOffset(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Shift the points drawn along the X axis away from the origin.
setLink(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Set the web link of this element
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Sets the locale of this component
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Sets the locale of this component
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the locale of this component
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
For internal use only
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Sets the format locale
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleNumericFormat
Sets the format locale
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class quadbase.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Sets the format locale
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class quadbase.util.LocaleNumericFormat
setLocked(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only

Sets whether the ReportElement position should be locked.

setLocked(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
setLocked(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
setLogoImagesDir(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Sets the default browse logo images files directory.
setLogScale(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function enables/disables log scale plotting for the given axis.
setLogSubTickersState(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function enables/disables sub-tickers for that axis.
Log scale must be on and log base must be 10.
setLookAndFeel(LookAndFeel) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Sets the look and feel of the designer UI.
setLowerBound(Object) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHistogramInfo
Set the lower bound for the histogram.
setLowerBound(Date) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
Sets the lower bound (min) value used in zooming.
setMapColIdx(int) - Method in class
internal use only
setMapping(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Sets the mapping for the report
setMapping(ColInfo[]) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Set the report column mapping.
setMapToColumn(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
Enables or disables mapToColumn.
setMapToColumn(boolean) - Method in class
internal use only
setMapToColumn(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IQueryInParam
Enables or disables mapToColumn.
setMapToColumn(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
setMapToColumn(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IQueryInParam
Enables or disables mapToColumn.
setMapToColumn(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
setMapToFunction(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
setMapToFunction(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
setMaster(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Sets the column as the master field for a Masters and Detail Type Report.
setMasterSection(ReportSection) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Set the master section for a side-by-side master-details report
setMatchColumnWidths(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
setMatchColumnWidths(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
setMaxBarWidthRatioToPlotArea(float) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Sets the max bar width to plot area ratio for bar/column charts.
setMaxCharacter(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.StringFormat
Set the maximum number of characters that can be displayed on the report cell (column)
setMaxCharForRecordFile(int) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
set max number of character for record in column when using record file to generate the report
setMaxCharForRecordFile(int) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
set max number of character for record in column when using record file to generate the report
setMaxCharForRecordFile(int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the maximum number of characters for a record column when using record file to generate the report (less characters for a record column results faster generating time) please call this method before calling QbReport constructor
setMaxCharForRecordFile(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
set max number of character for record in column when using record file to generate the report
setMaxDisplayCharactersForText(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Sets the number of display characters for text.
setMaxFieldSize(int) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
set max number of character for record in column when using paging feature to generate the report/ chart
setMaxFieldSize(int) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
set max number of character for record in column when using paging feature to generate the report/ chart
setMaxFieldSize(int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
set max number of character for record in column when using paging feature to generate the report/ chart
setMaxLabelAndTickerCount(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function sets the max number of display label and ticker for the given axis.
setMaxLabelAndTickerCount(int, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This function sets the max number of display label and ticker for the given axis.
setMaxLength(StringObject, NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Sets the max length of the StringObject
setMaxRecordInMemory(int) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
set max number of record in memory when using record file to generate the report if value = -1, load everything in memory (default)
setMaxRecordInMemory(int) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
set max number of record in memory when using record file to generate the report if value = -1, load everything in memory (default)
setMaxRecordInMemory(int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the maximum number of records in memory when using record files to generate the report.
setMaxScale(Number) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
Sets the maximum scale value for this axis.
setMaxScale(Date) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGanttPropertySet
Sets the maximum scale value for this axis.
setMaxScale(int, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
Sets the maximum allowable scale unit and value used in zoom.
setMaxYCutOffPointForScatter(Double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This method set the max Y cut-off point for scatter chart
setMemoryOptimized(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
report export option: specifies whether using optimize memory export
setMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Menu.
setMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ViewerAPI
Sets the visibility of the Menu.
setMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Menu.
setMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ViewerAPI
Sets the visibility of the Menu.
setMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Menu.
setMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Menu.
setMessage(String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.INoDataToPlotMessage
Sets the value for the text string.
setMetricSystemUsed(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Sets whether to use the metric system in the Report Designer.
setMinHeight(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
setMinScale(Number) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
Sets the minimum scale value for this axis.
setMinScale(Date) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGanttPropertySet
Sets the minimum scale value for this axis.
setMinScale(int, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
Sets the minimum allowable scale unit and value used in zoom.
setMinWidth(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
setMonthInterval(int) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
if task option is TIME_INTERVAL: specifies month interval in mins
setMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
Allow the user to implement their own mouse listeners and trap all mouse events
setMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Allow the user to implement their own mouse listeners and trap all mouse events
setMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Allow the user to implement their own mouse listeners and trap all mouse events
setMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Allow the user to implement their own mouse listeners and trap all mouse events
setMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
Allow the user to implement their own mouse listeners and trap all mouse events
setMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
Allow the user to implement their own mouse listeners and trap all mouse events
setMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
sets the mouse motion listener
setMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets the mouse motion listener
setMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Allow the user to implement their own mouse listeners and trap all mouse motion events
setMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Allow the user to implement their own mouse listeners and trap all mouse motion events
setMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets a MouseMotionListener to be used with the Viewer.
setMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
Sets a MouseMotionListener to be used with the Viewer.
setMultiDrillDownVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the visibility of Multi Drill Down.
setMultiDrillDownVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ViewerAPI
Sets the visibility of Multi Drill Down.
setMultiDrillDownVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Sets the visibility of Multi Drill Down.
setMultiDrillDownVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ViewerAPI
Sets the visibility of Multi Drill Down.
setMultiDrillDownVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the visibility of Multi Drill Down.
setMultiDrillDownVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
Sets the visibility of Multi Drill Down.
setMultiPageExp(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Specifies whether QbReport exports to multiple pages when exporting in HTML, or DHTML formats.
setMultiValueParam(boolean) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Sets the name of the column
setName(String) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
Specifies schedule job name
setNeedleLength(int, double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method sets the relative length of the specific needle
setNeedleStyle(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method sets the needle style Needle style option: RECTANGULAR_POINTER - Rectangular pointer style POINTER - 3 segment Pointer style TRIANGULAR_POINTER - Triangule pointer style POINTED_BLADE - Pointed blade style ROUND_HEADED_BLADE - Round headed blade style style of pointer needle
setNestedCBColumnHeaderStyle(ReportSection, int, ReportCell) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.FixedFieldCrossTabReport
Sets nested column-break column header style.
setNewData(ColData[]) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
internal use only
setNewData(ColData[]) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
internal use only
setNewData(ColData[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.ChartObject
For internal use only
setNewExcelSheet(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Specify if the a new excel sheet will be created based on the value change
setNewLineDelimiter(int) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For TXT export: specifies the newline delimiter: IDelimiterConstants.WINDOWS_NEWLINE, IDelimiterConstants.MAC_NEWLINE, IDelimiterConstants.OTHERS_NEWLINE...
setNext(ReportGrid) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
setNext(ReportLine) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
setNextEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager.DefaultDataSourceNode
Specify if the 'Next' button is enabled when this node is selected.
setNextGrid(ReportGrid) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
setNextLine(ReportLine) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
setNoWrap(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For HTML use Set the status of html text wrapping
setNullColumnName(String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Set the display name for null data column in chart.
setNullDataAsZero(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This function enables/disables treating null data as zero values.
setNULLDataValue(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the default object used in place of null Data objects
setNumberOfFixedColumn(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILegend
Sets the number of columns are displayed in legend when fixed-column layout is in used
setNumericNULLDataValue(Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the default object used in place of null Numeric data objects
setObject(Object) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChartCustomizer
setObject(Object) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChartCustomizer
setOffset(Dimension) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.TextString
Set the offset
setOffset(Dimension) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.TextString
Set the offset
setOffset(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Sets offset of the control range (for dial chart only) The percentage of the radius from 0 to 100
setOffset(Number) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
Sets the offset of the x-axis from the origin.
setOffset(Dimension) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHint
Sets the relative offsets of the hintbox
setOffset(Dimension) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILabel
This function sets the horizontal and vertical label offsets.
setOffset(Dimension) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITextString
Sets the offset values of the text string.
setOnSubmit(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets custom JavaScript action that should be done before submitting parameter form.
setOpaque(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Sets the opaque of this component (for swing version only)
setOpaque(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Sets the opaque of this component (for swing version only)
setOrder(int) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ReportParameterPage
setOrder(boolean, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
sorts the SORTCOLUMN either ASC (isAsc) or DESC (!isAsc).
setOrder(boolean, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sorts the SORTCOLUMN either ASC (isAsc) or DESC (!isAsc).
setOrder(int, String[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Sets the order of the data points for the series, category, or sumby column.
setOrderInfo(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Sets crosstab ordering this allows user to sort the column break values in a crosstab report
setOrganizerCssDir(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Sets the Organizer's Css Files export directory for generating image/report URLs.
setOrganizerInsertFilesDir(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Sets the Organizer's default browse insert files directory.
setOrganizerScheduleChartsDir(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Sets the Organizer's Schedule/Archive browse directory for charts.
setOrganizerScheduleReportsDir(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Sets the Organizer's Schedule/Archive browsee directory for reports.
setOrganizerUpdateDirectoryDir(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Sets the Organizer's Update Directory browse directory.
setOrganizerUrlMappingDir(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Sets the Organizer's Url Mapping browse directory.
setOrientation(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the orientation in report page,
setOriginAutomatic(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to enable/disable auto calculation of origin.
setOriginAutomatic(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGanttPropertySet
This function is used to enable/disable auto calculation of origin.
setOthersThresholdPercentage(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Set "Others" % threshold it groups all the sectors which below threshold percent together
setOutputMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
sets whether the "Output" menu item is visible.
setOutputMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets whether the "Output" menu item is visible.
setOutputMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the visibility of some particular menu item(s) on the Output Menu.
setOutputMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ViewerAPI
Sets the visibility of some particular menu item(s) on the Output Menu.
setOutputMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Sets the visibility of some particular menu item(s) on the Output Menu.
setOutputMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ViewerAPI
Sets the visibility of some particular menu item(s) on the Output Menu.
setOutputMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
sets whether the "Output" menu item is visible.
setOutputMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets whether the "Output" menu item is visible.
setOutputMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the visibility of some particular menu item(s) on the Output Menu.
setOutputMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
Sets the visibility of some particular menu item(s) on the Output Menu.
setOutputMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Output Menu.
setOutputMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ViewerAPI
Sets the visibility of the Output Menu.
setOutputMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Output Menu.
setOutputMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ViewerAPI
Sets the visibility of the Output Menu.
setOutputMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Output Menu.
setOutputMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Output Menu.
setOverlapAreaHighlighted(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Highlights overlap area
setOverlayTransparent(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IOverlayPropertySet
Please use @link IDataPointSet#setTranslucent(boolean b)
setPackageID(int) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
setPackedSubReportByteArray(FileInMemTable, Vector) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
setPackedSubReportByteArray(FileInMemTable, Vector) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
setPage(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
sets the current page number
setPage(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets the current page number
setPage(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Sets the page
setPage(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Sets the page
setPageBufferSize(int) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
set the page buffer size in memory (in MB) when using paging feature to generate the report/ chart (larger buffer results faster generating time)
setPageBufferSize(int) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
set the page buffer size in memory (in MB) when using paging feature to generate the report/ chart (larger buffer results faster generating time)
setPageBufferSize(int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
set the page buffer size in memory (in MB) when using paging feature to generate the report/ chart (larger buffer results faster generating time)
setPageFooter(ReportSection) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the page footer section
setPageHeader(ReportSection) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the page header section
setPageHeight(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the page height, in inches
setPageMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
sets whether the "Page" menu item is visible.
setPageMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets whether the "Page" menu item is visible.
setPageMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the visibility of some particular menuitem(s) on the page Menu.
setPageMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ViewerAPI
Sets the visibility of some particular menuitem(s) on the page Menu.
setPageMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Sets the visibility of some particular menuitem(s) on the page Menu.
setPageMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ViewerAPI
Sets the visibility of some particular menuitem(s) on the page Menu.
setPageMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
sets whether the "Page" menu item is visible.
setPageMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets whether the "Page" menu item is visible.
setPageMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the visibility of some particular menuitem(s) on the page Menu.
setPageMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
Sets the visibility of some particular menuitem(s) on the page Menu.
setPageMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Page Menu.
setPageMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ViewerAPI
Sets the visibility of the Page Menu.
setPageMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Page Menu.
setPageMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ViewerAPI
Sets the visibility of the Page Menu.
setPageMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Page Menu.
setPageMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Page Menu.
setPageWidth(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the page width, in inches
setPagingThreshold(int) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
set threshold value (in MB) for enable paging feature if value = -1, load everything in memory (default)
setPagingThreshold(int) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
set threshold value (in MB) for enable paging feature if value = -1, load everything in memory (default)
setPagingThreshold(int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
set threshold value (in MB) for enable paging feature if value = -1, load everything in memory (default)
setPanelBorder(Object) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Sets the border of this component (for swing version only)
setPanelBorder(Object) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Sets the border of this component (for swing version only)
setPaperSize(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the paper size of the report (LETTER or A4)
setParamAddresses(Hashtable) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For Param report/ chart Email feature: create hashtable for param set name (key), and email addresses (value) for example, "Param Set 1", new String[]{"", ""}
setParamDisplayNames(String[]) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Sets the array of parameter display names.
setParameterInPromptSequence(IQueryInParam[][]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryFileInfo
setParameterMap(String[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
For parameterized chart only, sets the specified String array as CELL_ID.
setParameterMap(String[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
For parameterized SubReport only, sets the specified String array as CELL_ID.
setParameterValues(Parameters, Object[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
This is a convenience method for setting parameter values of the Parameters object.
setParameterValues(Parameters, Object[], boolean[], boolean[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
setParameterValues(Parameters, Object[], boolean[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
setParameterValues(Parameters, Parameters, Object[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
setParameterValues(Parameters, Parameters, Object[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
setParamFormName(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Function to set the form name where the parameter dialog table will be put into.
setParamList(Vector) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
Specifies all the parameter set that have been defined for a schedule job that using param report.
setParamList(Vector, Vector) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
specifies all the parameter set that have been defined for a schedule job that using param report.
setParamShareReportID(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
internal use only
setParent(Frame) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
sets the parent frame.
setParent(Frame) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets the parent frame.
setParent(Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the parent Frame/Applet object for this QbReport object
setPassword(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
Sets the password.
setPassword(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
Set the password
setPassword(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Set the password
setPath(String[]) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
for internal use only
setPathRelativeToERES(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Sets the reports path relative to ERES
setPdfEncryptionStrength(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the encryption strength of the pdf writer.
setPdfImageType(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
Sets the image format of this image (GIF, PNG, JPEG, etc...) when the report is exported as a PDF file.
setPDFOwnerPassword(String) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For PDF export: specifies the PDF owner password
setPDFUserPassword(String) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For PDF export: specifies the PDF user password
setPercentage(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
setPercentVisibleInLegend(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Sets whether or not to display pie slice percentages in the chart legend.
setPieLabelAtTheSide(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Specifies whether align pie labels at the side Default is false
setPiePerRow(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Specifies number of pies are drawn in one row Default is 1
setPixelPerInchForExport(int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the Pixel_Per_Inch for DHTML/HTML export
setPNGCompression(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
Sets the PNG compression index, default is 0.
setPNGCompression(int) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
setPointBorderColorBlack(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Set the color of data point border to black, otherwises, darker color of the symbol color.
setPointBorderColorBlack(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Set the color of data point border to black, otherwises, darker color of the symbol color.
setPointBorderVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Enables/Disables the display of data point border in the chart.
setPointBorderVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Enables/Disables the display of data point border for the secondary axis.
setPointerUsed(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method sets the length of the sub-ticker
setPointShapes(int[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Sets the point shapes for drawing the data points in the chart.
setPointShapes(int[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Sets the point shapes for drawing the secondary axis data points.
setPointSizes(int[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Sets the point size for all the data points displayed in the chart.
setPointSizes(int[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Sets the point sizes for all the secondary axis data points displayed in the chart.
setPointsShapes(int[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
setPointsUniformForLine(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
If new state is true, the points are drawn uniformly.
setPointsVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Enables/Disables the display of data points in the chart.
setPointsVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Enables/Disables the display of data points for the secondary axis.
setPopupMenuEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
sets whether the right-click pop up menu is enabled
setPopupMenuEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets whether the right-click pop up menu is enabled
setPopupMenuEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPopupMenu
This function enables/disables popup menu in chartviewer
setPortNumber(int) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
If it's a drilldown report, user has to enter port number for viewing sub-level report specifies port number
setPosition(Position) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.TextString
Set the text position
setPosition(Position) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.TextString
Set the text position
setPosition(Position) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Sets the x,y positon of the chart/legend plot area relative to the main chart window.
setPosition(Position) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method sets the table position.
setPosition(Position) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITextString
Sets the position of the string in the canvas.
setPositionFromOrigin(float) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Sets the chart position to be fixed from the origin of the canvas
setPreferredSize(Dimension) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Set the preferred size for this component.
setPreferredSize(Dimension) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Set the preferred size for this component.
setPrevious(ReportGrid) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
setPrevious(ReportLine) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
setPreviousID(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
setPrimaryKey(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Sets the column as the primary key in a Master and Details Type Report.
setPrintKeyEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
This function is used to enable accelerator keys to export a chart as an image in order to facilitate printing.
setPrintKeyEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
This function is used to enable accelerator keys to export a chart as an image in order to facilitate printing.
setPrintKeyEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
sets whether the print key is enabled
setPrintKeyEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets whether the print key is enabled
setPrintOnNewPageRowCount(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Specifies number of table data rows to be printed on each page For this to take affect, must setPrintOnNewPage to true first
setPromptForParamValues(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
setPromptName(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
Set the description of the parameter displayed on the pop up dialog.
setPromptName(String) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IQueryInParam
Set the description of the parameter displayed on the pop up dialog.
setPromptName(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
setPromptName(String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IQueryInParam
Set the description of the parameter displayed on the pop up dialog.
setPromptName(String) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
setPromptText(String) - Method in class
internal use only
setQuery(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
Sets the SQL query.
setQuery(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
Set the SQL query
setQuery(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Set the SQL query
setQueryExportDir(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Sets the default browse query export directory for reports.
setQueryFileInfo(IQueryFileInfo) - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
internal use only
setQueryFileInfo(IQueryFileInfo) - Method in class
setQueryFilename(String) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Sets a query file (*.qry) for plotting the report.
setQueryFilename(String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Sets a query file (*.qry) for plotting the chart.
setQueryParamValuesProvider(boolean) - Method in class
setQueryTimeout(int) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Sets the number of seconds the driver will wait for a statement object to execute to the given number of seconds
setQueryTimeout(int) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Sets the number of seconds the driver will wait for a statement object to execute to the given number of seconds
setQueryTimeout(int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the number of seconds the driver will wait for a statement object to execute to the given number of seconds
setRadialBorderDrawnForZero(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Specifies whether or not pie slice radial borders are visible for slices that occupy either 0%, or 100%.
setRecursive(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
for internal use only
setReferenceAtTop(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ICanvas
Sets the reference position of legend and annotation text to the top
setReferenceDegree(int) - Method in class
setReferenceObject(IReferenceObj) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAnnotation
This function sets the referenced object of this annotation.
setRefreshEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
This function is used to enable accelerator keys to refresh chart data If this option is enabled, hitting Ctrl-R (or use popup-menu) to refresh data.
setRefreshEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
This function is used to enable accelerator keys to refresh chart data If this option is enabled, hitting Ctrl-R (or use popup-menu) to refresh data.
setRefreshEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
sets whether the refresh is enabled
setRefreshEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets whether the refresh is enabled
setRefreshEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
sets whether report refresh is enabled
setRefreshEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets whether report refresh is enabled
setRefreshMenuItemVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Refresh Menu Item.
setRefreshMenuItemVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ViewerAPI
Sets the visibility of the Refresh Menu Item.
setRefreshMenuItemVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Refresh Menu Item.
setRefreshMenuItemVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ViewerAPI
Sets the visibility of the Refresh Menu Item.
setRefreshMenuItemVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Refresh Menu Item.
setRefreshMenuItemVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Refresh Menu Item.
setRegistryID(String) - Method in class quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager.DefaultDataSourceNode
For internal use only
setRelativeHeight(float) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Sets the height of the plot area relative to the main chart canvas.
setRelativePath(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportDocument
Sets where to find the file that contains the data for the document
setRelativePath(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
internal use only Sets the relative path to where the image can be found iff it is an DB image (one that resides in the DBImages directory of the ER installation)
setRelativePosition(Point_2D) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAnnotation
This function sets the relative position to the referenced object.
setRelativePosition(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method sets the table position to either below or on the right hand side of the chart.
setRelativeWidth(float) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPlot
Sets the width of the plot area relative to the main chart canvas.
setRemoteName(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.EJBInfo
Returns the name of the class for the remote interface (ex.
setRemoveEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager.DefaultDataSourceNode
Specify if the 'Remove' button is enabled when this node is selected.
setRenderingHint(Object, Object) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Sets the value of a single preference for the rendering algorithms.
setRenderingHint(Object, Object) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Sets the value of a single preference for the rendering algorithms.
setRenderMode(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This function sets the 3D rendering mode.
setRepaint(IReport) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Redraws the IReport object report
setRepaint(IReport) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Redraws the IReport object report
setRepeatBreakField(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
sets this column to be a repeated break field.
setRepeatOnEveryPage(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Specify if section header is repeated, when the section is cut off and continued on the next page.
setReport(Report) - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
internal use only
setReport(Report) - Method in class
setReport(Report) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
setReport(Report, Report) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Sets the Report object report
setReport(Report) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
setReport(Report, Report) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Sets the Report object report
setReportDataUsed(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
Specifies whether data from ReportTable are used for charts.
setReportDrillDownDirectory(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Sets the default browse report drill down templates directory.
setReportFooter(ReportSection) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the Report footer section
setReportHeader(ReportSection) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the Report header section
setReportImagesPath(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.ImagesPath
customize the path of report images directory
setReportIO(IReportIO) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Restrict the directory where the user of the Report Designer will be able to save their .rpt files using an IReportIO.
setReportLocation(String) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
setReportMain(IReportMain) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
internal use only.
setReportMain(IReportMain) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
internal use only.
setReportObjectForSubReports(String, ISubReport) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
For internal use only.
setReportObjectForSubReports(String, ISubReport) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
For internal use only.
setReportObjectForSubReports(String, ISubReport) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
setReportTemplatesDirectory(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Sets the default browse report templates directory.
setReportTitle(String) - Method in class
setReportToolBarVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
returns the display status of report toolbar
setReportToolBarVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
returns the display status of report toolbar
setReportToolBarVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
sets the display status of report toolbar
setReportToolBarVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets the display status of report toolbar
setReportType(int) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
Specifies exported report type: IExportConstants.PDF, IExportConstants.DHTML, IExportConstants.HTML...
setResetDisplayName(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the display name of the Reset button.
setResetEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the visibility of the HTML Reset form button
setResetPageNumber(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Specify if the page number is ought to be reset from this Group header If is set to reset page number, set print on new page to be true
setResizeCanvasClickCount(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Returns the mouse click count for starting a canvas resize operation.
setResizeCanvasEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Sets the status of the resizing of the canvas depending on the value of parameter b.
setResizeCanvasModifier(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Sets the mouse modifier for starting a canvas resize operation.
setResizeClickCount(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Returns the mouse click count for starting a chart resize operation.
setResizeEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Sets the status of the resizing of the chart depending on the value of parameter b.
setResizeModifier(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Sets the mouse modifier for starting a chart resize operation.
setResizeToFitContent(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Sets whether this ReportElement should be resized to fit all of its content.
setResizeWidth(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
Sets whether this SubReportObject resizes its width automatically to fit its contents.
setRichTextDir(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Sets the default browse rich text files directory.
setRichTextFonts(String[][]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets rich text font for RTF export
setRichTextImagesDir(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Sets the default browse rich text (Insert) Images files directory.
setRightBorder(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
setRightMargin(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the right margin, in inches
setRootDirectoryForBrowse(String) - Method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
Sets a root directory for the user.
setRootDirectoryForBrowse(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Sets a root directory for the user.
setRootDirectoryForBrowse(String) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.QbScheduler
Restricts the user to not be able to browse to any location above the browseRoot directory.
setRotateAngle(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
setRotateAngle(double, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
setRotationAngle(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Sets the pie rotation angle in degrees.
setRoundCornerRadius(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
setRoundCornerRadius(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
setRoundCornersArray(boolean[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
setRoundCornersArray(boolean[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
setRounded(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHistogramInfo
State whether or not to round values before plotting the histogram.
setRowBreak(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Sets the column as row break.
setRowInfo(int, Object[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Set the row cell information.
setRowInfo(Object[], Object[][]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Set row labels and value cells
setRowInfo(int, Object[]) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Set the row cell information.
setRowInfo(Object[], Object[][]) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Set row labels and value cells
setRTFEncoding(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
All RTF files are now written using Unicode, so they support all characters with no need to specify encoding
setRunMissedJob(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
setSalesForceQueryInfo(SalesForceQueryFileInfo) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Sets the SalesForce info for the report.
setSalesForceQueryInfo(SalesForceQueryFileInfo) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Sets the SalesForce info for the chart.
setSaveColorsForCategories(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Sets whether colors of chart data points will be assigned to category names.
setSaveOnExit(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.querybuilder.designer.QbQueryBuilder
setSaveOnExitEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
setSaveOnExitEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Sets whether to save the report when quitting the Report Designer.
setScale(Number) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHistogramInfo
Set the scale value to use in the rounding operation.
setScale(int, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
Sets the unit and value of scaling to be performed.
setScale1Enabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Sets scale 1 enabled for column/bar type: scale 1 is category axis
setScale2Enabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Sets scale 2 enabled for column/bar type: scale 2 is category axis not used for dial chart
setScaleAutomatic(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to enable/disable auto calculation of scales.
setScaleAutomatic(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGanttPropertySet
This function is used to enable/disable auto calculation of scales.
setScaleStep(Number) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
Sets the scale step size(interval) for this axis.
setScaleStep(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
Sets the scalestep value for this axis.  Used when the scale step uses a date/time/timestamp instead of a number.
setScaleStep(Date) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGanttPropertySet
Sets the scalestep value for this axis.
setScaleStep(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGanttPropertySet
Sets the scalestep value for this axis.
setScatterCubeWidth(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This function sets the width of the cube for a scatter 3D chart.
setSchedulerReportExportsDir(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Sets the Scheduler's browse report (RPT,XML) exports directory.
setScientifExp(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.NumericFormat
Set scientific expression
setScientifExp(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.NumericFormat
Set scientific expression
setScript(Vector[]) - Method in class
setScript(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Sets the scripting text of the ReportElement.
setScriptedValue(Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
For internal use only
setScriptName(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Sets the Script name.
setScriptObj(Script) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Sets the Script Object.
setScriptObjNull(Script) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
set the script Object to null
setScriptReportNameForExpandAndCollapse(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the script report name for expand and collapse feature This is only for exporting as a DHTML format
setScrollBarOption(int) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
This method is no longer existed. Please see quadbase.util.ICanvas.setScrollBarOption
setScrollBarOption(int) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
This method is no longer existed. Please see quadbase.util.ICanvas.setScrollBarOption
setScrollBarOption(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ICanvas
Sets the scrollbar option for the main chart panel.
setSecondaryAggregateOperator(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAggregationInfo
Sets the secondary AggregateOperator to use when displaying summary charts.
setSecondaryAggregateOperator(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDrillDown
Sets the secondary AggregateOperator to use when displaying summary charts.
setSecondaryAggregateOperator(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
This function sets the secondary aggregate operator.
setSecondaryDataLabelInfo(IDataLabelInfo) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Set the display text for secondary data top label
setSecondaryDataShownInPrimaryTab(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method sets whether the secondary data is shown in primary tab
setSecondaryTitleAlignment(short) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method sets secondary title alignment
setSecondaryValueAlignment(short) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method sets secondary value alignment
setSection(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
sets the current section number
setSection(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets the current section number
setSection(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Sets the Section
setSection(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Sets the Section
setSectionDataIncluded(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
Specifies whether data from Report Table header & footer are used for charts.
setSectionMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
sets whether the "Section" menu item is visible.
setSectionMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets whether the "Section" menu item is visible.
setSectionMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the visibility of some particular menu item(s).
setSectionMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ViewerAPI
Sets the visibility of some particular menu item(s).
setSectionMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Sets the visibility of some particular menu item(s).
setSectionMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ViewerAPI
Sets the visibility of some particular menu item(s).
setSectionMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
sets whether the "Section" menu item is visible.
setSectionMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets whether the "Section" menu item is visible.
setSectionMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Section Menu.
setSectionMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ViewerAPI
Sets the visibility of the Section Menu.
setSectionMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Section Menu.
setSectionMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ViewerAPI
Sets the visibility of the Section Menu.
setSectionMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Section Menu.
setSectionMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Section Menu.
setSectionoMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the visibility of some particular menu item(s).
setSectionoMenuItemVisible(String[], boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
Sets the visibility of some particular menu item(s).
setSectionStyle(ReportCell) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
setSectionStyle(ReportColumn) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
setSectorCount(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Sets the sector count for a 3D pie chart.
setSectorCount(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPolarPropertySet
This method set number of sectors
setSecurityLevel(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Sets the "security level" used to open this Report Designer.
setSecurityLevel(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the security level for this report.
setSecurityLevel(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the security level for this report.
setSecurityLevel(String) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.QbScheduler
Sets the security level associated with this Scheduler with a String name of the security level setup previously by the administrator.
setSecurityLevel(String) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
specifies the report security level If no security level is going to apply to the report, use a null string
setSecurityLevelProperties(String, ReportElement) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only.
setSecurityLevelProperties(String, ReportElement) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
For internal use only.
setSecurityLevelProperties(String, ReportElement) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
setSecurityMap(Hashtable<String, ReportElement>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only.
setSecurityQueryParameterMap(Hashtable<String, QueryInParam[]>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
If this report uses a parameterized query, then a security level to parameters mapping can be set.
setSecurityTextScript(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only.
setSelectedMethodName(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.EJBInfo
Returns the name of the method to be used for querying the database, this is one of the methods contained in the class for the home interface.
setSelectedMethodParamVal(Object[]) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.EJBInfo
Sets the parameters for the selectedMethodName method.
setSelectionChoices(Vector) - Method in class
setSelectiveStepLineDrawn(boolean[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILinePropertySet
Specifies Step Lines to be drawn for selected lines.
setSelectiveStepLineDrawn(boolean[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Specifies which lines to draw in the Step Lines fashion.
setSendEmail(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For Email feature: specifies whether email notification/delivery is used for the exported report
setSepSymbol(char) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Specifies the char to be used to separate the category & percentage value strings in the legend.
setSeries(String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
This is used for charts with data series only.
setSeriesSet(int, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDropBarSet
This method set the drop bar series set.
setServerAddress(String) - Static method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
Set the server address of EspressManager.
setServerAddress(String) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Set the server address of EspressManager.
setServerAddress(String) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Set the server address of EspressManager.
setServerAddress(String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Set the server address of EspressManager.
setServerAddress(String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the server address of EspressManager.
setServerAddress(String) - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.QbScheduler
Set the server address of EspressManager.
setServerAddress(String) - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleModifier
Sets the server address of EspressManager.
setServerHosts(Vector) - Static method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
Set the list of host names for EspressManager when tunneling is used.
setServerHosts(Vector<String>) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Set the list of host names for EspressManager when tunneling is used.
setServerHosts(Vector<String>) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Set the list of host names for EspressManager when tunneling is used.
setServerHosts(Vector) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Set the list of host names for EspressManager when tunneling is used.
setServerHosts(Vector<String>) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the list of host names for EspressManager when tunneling is used.
setServerHosts(Vector<String>) - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.QbScheduler
Set the list of host names for EspressManager when tunneling is used.
setServerHosts(Vector<String>) - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleModifier
Sets the list of host names for EspressManager when tunneling is used.
setServerName(String) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
If it's a drilldown report, user has to enter server name for viewing sub-level report specifies server name
setServerPortNumber(int) - Static method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
Set the port number of EspressManager.
setServerPortNumber(int) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Set the port number of EspressManager.
setServerPortNumber(int) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Set the port number of EspressManager.
setServerPortNumber(int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Set the port number of EspressManager.
setServerPortNumber(int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the port number of EspressManager.
setServerPortNumber(int) - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.QbScheduler
Set the port number of EspressManager.
setServerPortNumber(int) - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleModifier
Sets the port number of EspressManager.
setServletContext(String) - Static method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
setServletContext(String) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
setServletContext(String) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
setServletContext(String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
set servlet context
setServletContext(String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the servlet context for EspressManager servlet
setServletContext(String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Sets the servlet context for EspressManager servlet
setServletContext(String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the servlet context for EspressManager servlet
setServletContext(String) - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.QbScheduler
set servlet context
setServletContext(String) - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleModifier
Sets servlet context
setServletDirectory(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Specifies the directory where the drill-down servlet is located.
setServletDirectory(String) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
If it's a drilldown report, user has to enter servlet directory for viewing sub-level report specifies servlet directory
setServletHttpHeader(String, String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Static method to set extra HTTP header that is sent with every request to ESMMessageServlet.
setServletRunner(String) - Static method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
Set servlet runner hostname and port number Note: this static method MUST be called before any QbChart constructor
setServletRunner(String) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Set servlet runner hostname and port number Note: this static method MUST be called before any QbChart constructor
setServletRunner(String) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Set servlet runner hostname and port number Note: this static method MUST be called before any QbChart constructor
setServletRunner(String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Set servlet runner hostname and port number.
setServletRunner(String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Set servlet runner hostname and port number Note: this static method MUST be called before any QbChart constructor
setServletRunner(String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Set servlet runner hostname and port number Note: this static method MUST be called before any QbChart constructor
setServletRunner(String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets servlet runner hostname and port number Note: this static method MUST be called before any QbReport constructor
setServletRunner(String) - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.QbScheduler
Set servlet runner hostname and port number Note: this static method MUST be called before any QbChart constructor
setServletRunner(String) - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleModifier
Sets servlet runner hostname and port number
setSFDrillDownDatabaseInfo(Object, String, String, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
setShared(boolean) - Method in class
setSharedParamName(String) - Method in class
setSharedReportName(String) - Method in class
setShiftSecuredColX(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only.
setShiftSecuredColXIncludeHeaderAndFooter(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only.
setShowAxis(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
setShowDataHint(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
sets whether to show data hint
setShowDataHint(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sets whether to show data hint
setShowHintValue(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
Set true/false to show the LineValue of data line in hint dialog box
setShowInLegend(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Sets whether title of the control range is displayed in the legend
setShowLabel(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Sets whether label of the control range is displayed.
setShowLogValue(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function enables/disables show log value for the given axis.
setShowNullInScatter(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This function enables/disables showing null data in scatter chart.
setShowShadowOnLine(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Enables/Disables the drawing shadow on lines in a chart.
setShowShadowOnPoint(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Enables/Disables the drawing shadow on datapoints in a chart.
setSingleColorForCategories(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Sets whether a single color can be assigned to all categories.
setSize(Dimension) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
Sets the size using the specified dimension
setSize(double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
setSize(int, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
Sets the size using the specified width and height
setSize(Dimension) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Sets the size using the specified dimension
setSize(double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
setSize(int, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Sets the size using the specified width and height
setSize(Dimension) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Sets the size using the specified dimension
setSize(int, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
Sets the size using the specified width and height
setSize(Dimension) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Sets the size using the specified dimension
setSize(int, int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
Sets the size using the specified width and height
setSize(Dimension) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ICanvas
Sets the size of the main canvas containing the chart.
setSkipFirstValueForFitGroup(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Specify if the first group should be tested rather it can fit on the current page.
setSkipGridOffset(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function enables/disables grid line offset for the axis associated with this object.
setSkipMultiDataSourceStep(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Specify whether the multiple data source option step should be skipped in the report wizard.
setSkipPredefinedTemplatesStep(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Specify whether the select predefined templates step should be skipped in the report wizard.
setSkipQueryResultStep(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Specify whether the query result step should be skipped in the report wizard.
setSnap(short) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
for internal use only.
setSnap(short) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
for internal use only.
setSnapToGrid(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
the report property "snapToGrid" defaults to true, this constructor is used to set it to false so that you can place the cell anywhere.
setSnapToGrid(boolean, double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only *
setSnapToGrid(boolean, boolean, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only *
setSnapToGrid(boolean, boolean, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
setSnapToGrid(boolean, double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
setSnapToGrid(boolean, double, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
setSnapToGrid(boolean, boolean, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
setSortByOriginalOrder(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Sets the sort order of the series, category, or sumby column to original data source order.
setSortMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Sort Menu.
setSortMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ViewerAPI
Sets the visibility of the Sort Menu.
setSortMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Sort Menu.
setSortMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ViewerAPI
Sets the visibility of the Sort Menu.
setSortMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Sort Menu.
setSortMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Sort Menu.
setSortOrder(int, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Sets the sort order of the series, category, or sumby column to original order, customize order, ascending order or descending order.
setSortSeriesByValue(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Sorts the series in the order of series sum such that the lowest sum would appear in front.
setSpecifyDates(int[]) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
if task option is FIXEDDAYS: Specifies export file dates.
setSpecifyDays(int[]) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
if task option is FIXEDDAYS: specifies export file days
setSpecifyTime(int[]) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
if task option is FIXEDDAYS: specifies export file time
setSpeedControlVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DControlPanel
Show/Hide the speed control button in the navigation panel.
setSpreadSheetFormat(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
This flag notifies the chart that the input result set should be treated as a spreadsheet.
setSpreadSheetFormat(boolean, int[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
This flag notifies the chart that the input result set should be treated as a spreadsheet.
setSpreadSheetModel(ISpreadSheetModel) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Sets the report's spread sheet model to the given object.
setSpreadSheetModel(ISpreadSheetModel) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Sets the chart's spread sheet model to the given object.
setSqlSelect(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
setSqlSelect(String) - Method in class
setSqlSelect(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
setSqlSelect(String) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
setSqlType(int) - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
Set java.sql.Types
setSQLType(int) - Method in class
setSqlType(int) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IQueryInParam
Set java.sql.Types
setSqlType(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
setSqlType(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IQueryInParam
Set java.sql.Types
setSqlType(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
setStackChartLine(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
This is used for stack column chart and stack area chart only.
setStackLabelAlignment(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Sets alignment position for the stack section labels alignment position: QbChart.TOP_ALIGNMENT, CENTER_ALIGNMENT, BOTTOM_ALIGNMENT, QbChart.TOP_ALIGNMENT_INSIDE, QbChart.BOTTOM_ALIGNMENT_INSIDE
setStackSectionLabelVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Specifies whether the individual section labels in a StackBar, StackColumn or StackArea Chart is visible.
setStackSectionTotalLabelVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Specifies whether the total label in a StackBar, StackColumn or StackArea Chart is visible.
setStartAngle(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method sets the starting angle of the chart (12pm position is 0 degree, clockwise)
setStartAngle(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPolarPropertySet
This method set the starting angle of the chart (12pm position is 0 degree, default: clockwise)
setStartDate(long) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
specifies start date for scheduled event
setStartLabelOffset(Dimension) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Sets start label offset of the control range
setStartScale(double) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Sets start scale of the control range for column/bar type: scale of value axis
setStartScale2(double) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Sets start scale 2 of the control range
setStartTime(int) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
if task option is FIXEDDAYS: specifies start time for daily frequency feature
setStatements(Vector) - Method in class
setStepLineDrawn(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILinePropertySet
Specifies Step Lines to be drawn for all lines.
setStepLineDrawn(boolean, double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILinePropertySet
Specifies Step Lines to be drawn for all lines.
setStepLineDrawn(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Specifies Step Lines to be drawn for all lines.
setStepLineDrawn(boolean, double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Specifies Step Lines to be drawn, and the ratio where vertical lines are drawn to the next y value.
setStepLineRatio(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILinePropertySet
Specifies the proportion of the horizontal to the overall step line segment
setStepLineRatio(double) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Specifies the proportion of the horizontal to the overall step line segment
setStringCustomizer(IStringCustomizer) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
This is the API call for the user to pass into user implemented IStringCustomizer for displaying specific characters, for example, Japanese characters.
setStringCustomizer(IStringCustomizer) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
This is the API call for the user to pass into user implemented IStringCustomizer for displaying specific characters, for example, Japanese characters.
setStringCustomizer(IStringCustomizer) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
This is the API call for the user to pass in his/her implemented IStringCustomizer for displaying a specific character set, for example, Japanese characters.
setStringFormat(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Specifies whether to decode the Strings in this column to be a URL where an image file, or text file is located.
setStringNULLDataValue(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the default object used in place of null String data objects
setStyleName(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Set the style name of this element
setStyleName2(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Sets the style name of the alternating sections.
setSubject(String) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For Email feature: specifies the subject of the email
setSubmitDisplayName(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the display name of the Submit button.
setSubReport(ISubReport) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
For internal use only.
setSubReportCache(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets whether parameterized sub report caching is used.
setSubReportFormulaParameter(Hashtable<String, Parameter[]>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
This method stores formula parameter values of subreports in the main report
setSubReportIndex(int) - Method in class
setSubReportParameterMap(String, String[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
For internal use only.
setSubReportParameterMap(String, String[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
setSubReportParameters(Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
for internal use only
setSubReportPath(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
specifies the directory where subreport .rpt files reside
setSubReportPath(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
changing all the image path location for ReportImage.
setSubReportPath(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
changing all the image path location for ReportImage.
setSubReports(Report, Vector<SubReportObject>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
For internal use only
setSubReportsQueryParameter(Hashtable<String, Parameter[]>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
This method stores query parameter values of subreports in the main report
setSubReportTemplatesDirectory(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.util.BrowseDirectories
Sets the default browse sub-report templates directory.
setSubTickerCount(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method sets number of sub-tickers
setSubTickerLength(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method sets the length of the sub-ticker
setSubTickerThickness(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method sets the thickness of the sub-ticker
setSummaryDataUsed(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
Specifies whether summary data is used for fixed-field report only
setSurfaceColor(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISurfacePropertySet
Sets the surface color.
setSwapAxis(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Sets the position of secondary axis.
setSymbolSizeRatio(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILegend
set the symbol size ratio default value is 100%
setSynchronizeRadarAxes(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IRadarPropertySet
This method synchronize all the axes for radar chart
setSysExitOnExit(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Sets the state of whether System.exit() is called when the user selects File->Exit or click on the X button on the top right corner of the designer dialog.
setSysExitOnExit(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.QbScheduler
Sets the state of whether System.exit() is called when the user selects Done.
setTableBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the background color of the parameter table
setTableBackgroundColor(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the background color of the parameter table
setTableBorderColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the color of the parameter table border
setTableBorderColor(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the color of the parameter table border
setTableBorderThickness(int) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the thickness of the parameter table border
setTableDrawn(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
The table is always drawn when it is set to visible
setTableLayout(int) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the parameter table Layout (VERTICAL or HORIZONTAL)
setTableName(String) - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
If (isMapToColumn()) Set the table name
setTableName(String) - Method in class
setTableName(String) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IQueryInParam
Set the table name
setTableName(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
setTableName(String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IQueryInParam
Set the table name
setTableName(String) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
setTableNumber(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
setTableOuterBorderOnly(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets whether only the outer border of the parameter table will be displayed.
setTableWidth(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method set the width of the table
setTarget(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Set the link target of this element
setTaskOption(int) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
specifies task option: ONE_TIME - export once TIME_INTERVAL - export report after certain time interval FIXEDDAYS - only export report in certain fixed days/ dates
setTempDirectory(String) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
set temp directory for using record file to generate the report DEFAULT temp directory is "temp/"
setTempDirectory(String) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
set temp directory for using record file to generate the report DEFAULT temp directory is "temp/"
setTempDirectory(String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets temp directory for using record file to generate the report DEFAULT temp directory is "temp/"
setTemplatesDirectory(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
use getBrowseDirectories().setReportTemplatesDirectory(String) instead. Set the templates directory. Open and save dialogs will initialize to this directory. The template directory must be relative to the working directory. The default is 'Templates/'.
setText(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.TextString
setText(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.TextString
setText(String) - Method in class
setText(String) - Method in class
setText(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
setText() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportDocument
internal use only
setText(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Set the text of this element
setText(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.HTMLBlock
setTextColor(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the text color of the header, footer and parameter names
setTextColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the text color of the header, footer and parameter names
setTextDelimiter(int) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For TXT and CSV export: specifies the text delimiter: IDelimiterConstants.TAB, IDelimiterConstants.SPACE, IDelimiterConstants.COMMA...
setTextFont(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the text font of the header, footer and parameter names
setTextSize(int) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the text size of the header, footer and parameter names
setTextString(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportDocument
Sets the text of this document to the specified String
setTextStyle(int) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the text style of the header, footer and parameter names
setThickness(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Sets thickness of the control range (for dial chart only) The percentage of the radius from 0 to 100
setThickness(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to set the axis line thickness for a 2D chart.
setThickness(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IControlRangeSet
set control range thickness (For Dial Chart Only)
setThickness(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
Sets the line thickness.
setThickness(int) - Method in class quadbase.util.PolyLine
Sets the thickness of the poly-line.
setThisDataType(int) - Method in class
setTickerColor(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function sets the ticker color of the axis or wall.
setTickerLabels(String[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to set the ticker labels for the given axis.
setTickerLength(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
This method sets the length of the ticker
setTickersInward(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to decide the axis tickers drawing direction.
setTickerStep(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to set the ticker step size for a particular axis.
setTickerStep(int, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This function is used to set the ticker step size for a particular column.
setTickersVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
This function is used to enable/disable axis tickers rendering for the given axis.
setTimeInterval(int) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
if task option is TIME_INTERVAL: specifies time interval in mins
setTimestampAttached(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
This method will attach timestamp at the end of a file name in order to create new file everytime (instead of overwriting the file).
setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Sets the time zone
setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Sets the time zone
setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the time zone used in this QbReport object.
setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Sets the time zone
setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class quadbase.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
Sets the time zone
setTitle(String) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
Sets title of the control range
setTitle(String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
Sets the title for this data line
setTitle(String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILegend
Sets the title of the legend in the chart without secondary axis.
setTitleText(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the text of the parameter table title
setTitleTextColor(Color) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the text color of the parameter table title
setTitleTextColor(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the text color of the parameter table title
setTitleTextFont(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the font of the parameter table title
setTitleTextSize(int) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the text size of the parameter table title
setTitleTextStyle(int) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Sets the text style of the parameter table title
setTitleVisibleInLegend(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
Makes the data line title visible in the legend.
setToAddresses(String[]) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For Email feature: specifies receivers' email addresses
setToggleEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DControlPanel
Set/Unset toggling of the navigation panel on a mouse double click event.
setToolBarMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
sets the display status of toolbar menu item in popup menu
setToolBarMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ViewerAPI
sets the display status of toolbar menu item in popup menu
setToolBarMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
sets the display status of toolbar menu item in popup menu
setToolBarMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ViewerAPI
sets the display status of toolbar menu item in popup menu
setToolBarMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
sets the display status of toolbar menu item in popup menu
setToolBarMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
sets the display status of toolbar menu item in popup menu
setToolTipEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DControlPanel
Enable/disable the tool tips in the navigation panel.
setTopBorder(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
setTopLabelAlignment(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Sets alignment position for the top labels alignment position: QbChart.TOP_ALIGNMENT, CENTER_ALIGNMENT, BOTTOM_ALIGNMENT, QbChart.TOP_ALIGNMENT_INSIDE, QbChart.BOTTOM_ALIGNMENT_INSIDE
setTopLabelColorOnNegativeSide(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Sets top label color for negative side
setTopMargin(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the top margin, in inches
setTopN(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Sets this column to be used to order rows in a topN Report.
setTopNData(int[], boolean, short) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
setTopNValue(boolean, int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
set to display up to number of Top N data points in a chart This feature only works with chart with category only and ascending order has to be applied to the chart
setTotalPageBufferSize(int) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
set the total page buffer size in memory (in MB) for server when using paging feature to generate the report/ chart (larger buffer results faster generating time)
setTotalPageBufferSize(int) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
set the total page buffer size in memory (in MB) for server when using paging feature to generate the report/ chart (larger buffer results faster generating time)
setTotalPageBufferSize(int) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
set the total page buffer size in memory (in MB) for server when using paging feature to generate the report/ chart (larger buffer results faster generating time)
setTranslucent(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
If new state is true, the overlay parts of the chart are drawn in a partially transparent method.
setTranslucent(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IGanttPropertySet
Specifies if translucent GIF is used.
setTranslucentValue(float) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This method sets the translucent value of the chart The default value is 0.5.
setTranspose(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method sets whether the position of column header and the position of the row header is interchanged
setType(int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Sets the type of the chart.
setType(int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Sets the type of the chart.
setTypeMenuEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPopupMenu
This function enables/disables type menu inside the popup menu
setUnderline(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
set the status of underline text
setUnderline2(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
set the status of underline text of the alternate sections.
setUndoZoomClickCount(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Returns the mouse click count for undoing a zooming operation.
setUndoZoomModifier(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Sets the mouse modifier for undoing a zoom operation.
setUniqueBarColorForBarChart(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Sets whether a different color can be assigned to each bar in bar chart.
setUniqueColumnColorForColumnChart(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Sets whether a different color can be assigned to each column in column chart.
setUpBarColor(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDropBarSet
This method set the up bar color.
setUpdateEnabled(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.datasourcemanager.manager.DefaultDataSourceNode
Specify if the 'Update' button is enabled when this node is selected.
setUpperBound(Object) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IHistogramInfo
Set the upper bound for the histogram.
setUpperBound(Date) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
Sets the upper bound (max) value used in zooming.
setURLMapping(String) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For Email feature: If you elect to send a link to the generated report, you will need to specify an http path to the directory in which the report is generated.
setURLString(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
Sets the URL of database.
setURLString(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
Sets the URL of database
setURLString(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Sets the URL of database
setUseExternalStyleSheet(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For DHTML export: specifies whether use external style sheet for DHTML export
setUseInternalStyleSheet(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
For DHTML export: specifies whether use internal style sheet for DHTML export
setUseJNDIDataSource(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
Sets if use JNDI DataSource.
setUseJNDIDataSource(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
Sets if use JNDI DataSource
setUseJNDIDataSource(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Sets if use JNDI DataSource
setUserID(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DBInfo
Sets the user name.
setUserID(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DBInfo
Sets the user name
setUserID(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DBInfo
Sets the user name
setUserName(String) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
setUseSingleTableForDistinctParamValue(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
This is for database query parameter that is mapped to database column only.
setUseSingleTableForDistinctParamValue(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
This is for database query parameter that is mapped to database column only.
setUseSingleTableForDistinctParamValue(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
This is for database query parameter that is mapped to database column only.
setUseStyleSheet(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
setUseSysResourceImages(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Sets whether to use images in JAR files (ReportDesigner.jar) or other resource that can be loaded by ClassLoader.getSystemResource(imagesPath).
setUsing16ColorsForRTF(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Specifies the Rich text format color format.
setUsingIE55DHTMLRendering(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
setUsingPrimaryAxis(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Plots secondary axis data base on primary axis if the argument is true.
setVAlign(short) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Set the vertical alignment of this element.
setValue(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.TextString
Set the text string value
setValue(String) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.TextString
Set the text string value
setValue(Object) - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
Sets the current value of the paremeter as the appropriate java object if and only if (!this.multiValue()).
setValue(Object) - Method in class
Sets the value of the parameter.
setValue(Object) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IQueryInParam
Set the defined value.
setValue(Object) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
setValue(String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAnnotation
This function sets the value of the string.
setValue(Object) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IQueryInParam
Set the defined value.
setValue(String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITextString
This function sets the value of the string.
setValue(Object) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
setValueColumn(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
This is used for HLCO and High Low chart only
For this type of chart you can specify which values : HIGH, LOW, CLOSE, OPEN to use.
setValueHint(String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
Set the string use in the LineValue hint
setValueInfo(int, Object[][]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Set the value cell information
setValueInfo(Object[], Object[], Object[][]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Reset the whole spread sheet
setValueInfo(int, Object[][]) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Set the value cell information
setValueInfo(Object[], Object[], Object[][]) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Reset the whole spread sheet
setValues(Vector) - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
If (this.multiValue()), Sets the current values of the parameter as a Vector of the appropriate java objects, else returns null.
setValues(Vector) - Method in class
setValues(Vector) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IQueryMultiValueInParam
setValues(Vector) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryMultiValueInParam
setValues(String[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAnnotation
This function sets the value of the string array.
setValues(Vector) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IQueryMultiValueInParam
setValues(Vector) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryMultiValueInParam
setValueSortOrder(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Sorts the value column in Original, Ascending or Descending order.
setValueSortOrder(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISecondaryChart
Sorts the secondary axis value column in Ascending or descending order.
setValueVariable(Formula) - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Param
Set value of a date parameter to a date expression (ex.
setValueVariable(Formula) - Method in class
setValueVariable(Formula) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
Set value of a date parameter to a date expression (ex.
setValueVariable(Formula) - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
Set value of a date parameter to a date expression (ex.
setValueVisibleInLegend(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Sets whether or not to display pie slice values in the chart legend.
setVariables(Vector) - Method in class
setVerify(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
for internal use only
setVertical(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
setViewDirection(Point_3D[]) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This function sets viewpoint for a 3D chart.
setViewTranslation(Point_3D) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This function sets the view translation of the chart from the center.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.querybuilder.designer.QbQueryBuilder
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Calling this method with 'true' argument will launch the report designer and start the wizard if necessary.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Sets the status of the display of this ReportElement.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Sets the column invisible
setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DControlPanel
This function enables/disables the viewing of the navigation panel for a 3D chart.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAnnotation
This function sets the object to either visible or invisible.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxis
Enables/Disables the display of the particular chart axis or wall.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAxisRuler
Sets the ruler visibility to on or off
setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDropBarSet
This method set whether the drop bar is visible.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILabel
This function enables/disables the drawing of label(s).
setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ILegend
Sets the display status of the primary or secondary legend in the chart.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.INoDataToPlotMessage
This function enables/disables the drawing no data to plot message.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
This method sets whether to display the table.
setVSnap(short) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
for internal use only.
setVSnap(short) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
for internal use only.
setWallColor(Color) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This function sets the color used to draw the xy,yz, and xz walls in a 3D chart.
setWallFrameVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
Enables/Disables a wireframe around the 3 walls for a 3D chart.
setWidth(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
INCH Set the width of this element
setWidth(double, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
INCH/CM Set the width of this element
setWidth(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
setWidth(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
setWidth(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Specifies the width of this ReportSection.
setWidth(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Sets the table width.
setWrapCount(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnWrap
Sets the number of times user would like the columns to wrap in the page.
setX(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
INCHES Set the X-coordinate value of the upper left corner of this element
setX(double, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
INCH/CM Set the X-coordinate value of the upper left corner of this element
setX(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
setX(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
setX(float) - Method in class quadbase.util.Point_2D
Set value of x.
setX(float) - Method in class quadbase.util.Point_3D
Set value of x.
setX(float) - Method in class quadbase.util.Position
Set value of x.
setXAxisDrawnAtTop(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Specifies whether the X-Axis is drawn at the top of the chart.
setXMLEncoding(String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets the xml encoding when export to XML.
setXMLFile(String) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Sets the input xml file, which is used to create a report.
setXMLFile(String, boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Sets the input xml file, which is used to create a report.
setXMLFile(String) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Sets the input xml file, which is used to create a chart.
setXMLFileQueryInfo(XMLFileQueryInfo) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Sets the xml file query info, which is used to create a report.
setXMLFileQueryInfo(XMLFileQueryInfo, boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Sets the xml file query info, which is used to create a report.
setXMLFileQueryInfo(XMLFileQueryInfo) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Sets the xml file query info, which is used to create a chart.
setXMLType(int) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
Sets the xml type
setxratio(float) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.TextString
setxratio(float) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.TextString
setXScale(float) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This function sets the X dimension scale factor for a 3D chart.
setxShift(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAnnotation
Set how much the annotation text will be offset to right or left (with negative values) from the border/background
setXX(double, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
setXX(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only
setY(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnWrap
for internal use only
setY(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
INCH Set the Y-coordinate value of the upper left corner of this element
setY(double, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
INCH/CM Set the Y-coordinate value of the upper left corner of this element
setY(float) - Method in class quadbase.util.Point_2D
Set value of y.
setY(float) - Method in class quadbase.util.Point_3D
Set value of y.
setY(float) - Method in class quadbase.util.Position
Set value of y.
setyratio(float) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.TextString
setyratio(float) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.TextString
setYScale(float) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This function sets the Y dimension scale factor for a 3D chart.
setyShift(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IAnnotation
Set how much the annotation text will be offset to up or down (with negative values) from the border/background
setYY(double, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
setYY(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only *
setZ(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
Sets the z-index of this report element.
setZ(float) - Method in class quadbase.util.Point_3D
Set value of z.
setZeroAsNullData(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
This function enables/disables treating zero values as null data.
setZeroLabelsVisible(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IPiePropertySet
Specifies whether or not pie slice labels are visible for slices that occupy 0%.
setZoomClickCount(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Returns the mouse click count for starting a zooming operation.
setZoomEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
Enable/Disable zooming along a time-series category axis.
setZoomEventsEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Enables/Disables handling of mouse events for date/time based zooming operations.
setZoomFactor(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
returns the zoom factor percentage
setZoomFactor(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
returns the zoom factor percentage
setZoomFactor(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
returns the zoom factor percentage
setZoomFactor(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
returns the zoom factor percentage
setZoomFactor(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This function sets the viewing zoom factor for a 3D chart.
setZoomMenuItemVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ViewerAPI
Sets the visiblilty of zoom menu.
setZoomMenuItemVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ViewerAPI
Sets the visiblilty of zoom menu.
setZoomMenuItemVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Zoom Menu Item.
setZoomMenuItemVisible(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
Sets the visibility of the Zoom Menu Item.
setZoomModifier(int) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IMouseEventSet
Sets the mouse modifier for starting a zooming operation.
setZScale(float) - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
This function sets the Z dimension scale factor for a 3D chart.
SHADOW - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Data plotting area appearance SHADOW
SHADOW - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Data plotting area appearance SHADOW
shift(ReportElement, ReportElement[], boolean, double) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only Shift surrounding report elements after resizing one
shift(ReportElement, boolean, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only shift after resizing one ReportElement
shift(ReportElement, boolean, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
shift after resizing one report element
shiftObjectsOnMove(ReportElement, ReportElement[], boolean, double) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only For internal use only--move only surrounding objects
shiftObjectsOnMove(ReportElement, boolean, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
shiftObjectsOnMove(ReportElement, boolean, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
internal use only
shiftOnMove(ReportElement, ReportElement[], boolean, double) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only Shift surrounding report elements after moving one
shiftOnMove(ReportElement, boolean, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
shiftOnMove(ReportElement, boolean, double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Shifts the element by the CHANGE amount and moves other surrounding elements if needed
SHIPMENTIDENTIFICATIONNUMBER - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
SHORT - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.dtd.elements.DTDDataType
showMinute - Variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
true to display minute (default true)
showSecond - Variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
true to display second (default true)
showSeriesInTopLabel(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
If the new state is true, this method would display series in top label.
showTablesWindow() - Method in class quadbase.querybuilder.designer.QbQueryBuilder
SIMPLE_AVERAGE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
SimpleQueryFileInfo - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
SimpleQueryFileInfo(Connection, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryFileInfo
SimpleQueryFileInfo(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryFileInfo
SimpleQueryFileInfo(String, String, Hashtable) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryFileInfo
SimpleQueryFileInfo - Class in quadbase.util
SimpleQueryFileInfo(Connection, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryFileInfo
SimpleQueryFileInfo(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryFileInfo
SimpleQueryFileInfo(String, String, String, String, String, Vector) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryFileInfo
SimpleQueryFileInfo(String, String, Hashtable) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryFileInfo
SimpleQueryInParam - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
SimpleQueryInParam(String, String, boolean, String, String, int, Object, Object) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
SimpleQueryInParam(String, String, boolean, boolean, String, String, int, Object, Object) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
SimpleQueryInParam(String, String, boolean, boolean, String, String, String, int, Object, String, boolean, String, Object) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
SimpleQueryInParam - Class in quadbase.util
SimpleQueryInParam(String, String, boolean, String, String, int, Object, Object) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
SimpleQueryInParam(String, String, boolean, boolean, String, String, int, Object, Object) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
SimpleQueryInParam(String, String, boolean, boolean, String, String, String, int, Object, Object) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
SimpleQueryInParam(String, String, boolean, boolean, String, String, String, int, Object, String, boolean, String, Object) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
SimpleQueryMultiValueInParam - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
SimpleQueryMultiValueInParam(String, String, boolean, boolean, String, String, int, Object, Vector) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryMultiValueInParam
SimpleQueryMultiValueInParam(String, String, boolean, String, String, int, Object, Vector) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryMultiValueInParam
SimpleQueryMultiValueInParam - Class in quadbase.util
SimpleQueryMultiValueInParam(String, String, boolean, boolean, String, String, int, Object, Vector) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryMultiValueInParam
SimpleQueryMultiValueInParam(String, String, boolean, boolean, String, String, String, int, Object, String, boolean, String, Object) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryMultiValueInParam
SimpleQueryMultiValueInParam(String, String, boolean, String, String, int, Object, Vector) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryMultiValueInParam
SimpleSpreadSheet - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
This class provides a simple implementation for the ISpreadSheetModel interface.
SimpleSpreadSheet() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Default constructor
SimpleSpreadSheet(String[], String[], Double[][]) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Convenient constructor for strings and double spreadsheet
SimpleSpreadSheet(String[], String[], Integer[][]) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Convenient constructor for strings and integer spreadsheet
SimpleSpreadSheet(Object[], Object[], Object[][]) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
A more Convenient constructor that can support almost any type
SimpleSpreadSheet - Class in quadbase.util
This class provides a simple implementation for the ISpreadSheetModel interface.
SimpleSpreadSheet() - Constructor for class quadbase.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Default constructor
SimpleSpreadSheet(String[], String[], Double[][]) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Convenient constructor for strings and double spreadsheet
SimpleSpreadSheet(String[], String[], Integer[][]) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
Convenient constructor for strings and integer spreadsheet
SimpleSpreadSheet(Object[], Object[], Object[][]) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.SimpleSpreadSheet
A more Convenient constructor that can support almost any type
sin(NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Sine of specified NumericObject
SIN - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
SIN - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
size() - Method in interface quadbase.common.param.Parameters
the total number of parameters
size() - Method in interface quadbase.util.IControlRangeSet
count number of the control ranges
skipFirstValueForFitGroup() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
If this method returns true, then the first group is not tested if it will fit on the current page.
snap - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
SOAPDATASOURCE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
One of the constants returned by the method getDataSourceType() that specifies a type of data source.
SOLID - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
SOLID - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
SOLID_STYLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
sort(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Returns an index array that shows the order in which the rows would be in if the data were sorted.
sort(boolean, int[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Returns an index array that shows the order in which the rows refered to in the indexArray would be in if the data were sorted.
SORT_X - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
for sorting in X (horizontal) direction.
SORT_Y - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
for sorting in Y (vertical) direction.
SORT_Z - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
for sorting in Z (depth) direction.
sortActualdata(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
Returns an index array that shows the order in which the rows refered to in the indexArray would be in if the actual data were sorted.
sortByColumn(int, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sort the data in the specified column in either ascending, or descending order.
sortByMultiColumn(int[], boolean[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sort by multiple columns.
sortCell(int, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
Sorts the cells,
sortCell(int, boolean, Vector<Integer>) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
sortElement(ReportElement[], int, boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
sort elements R using insertion sort according to ORDER destructively.
sortElement(ReportElement[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only *
sortElementHorizontally(ReportElement[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only.
sortElementInXYOrder(ReportElement[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
sortElementVertically(ReportElement[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only.
sortMenuVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
sortMenuVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sortMenuVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
sortMenuVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
sortSection(int, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
SPACE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IExportConstants
TXT Data File Separator
SPACE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IExportConstants
TXT Data File Separator
SPACE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IDelimiterConstants
spreadSheetChanged(SpreadSheetModelEvent) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ISpreadSheetModelListener
This notifies the listeners that a spreadsheet has changed
spreadSheetChanged(SpreadSheetModelEvent) - Method in interface quadbase.util.ISpreadSheetModelListener
This notifies the listeners that a spreadsheet has changed
SpreadSheetModelEvent - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
This event specifies that a cell values in a SpreadSheetModel have been modified.
SpreadSheetModelEvent(ISpreadSheetModel) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SpreadSheetModelEvent
This specifies that all data in the spreadsheet has changed.
SpreadSheetModelEvent(ISpreadSheetModel, int, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SpreadSheetModelEvent
This specifies that all data in the given spreadsheet cell has changed.
SpreadSheetModelEvent - Class in quadbase.util
This event specifies that a cell values in a SpreadSheetModel have been modified.
SpreadSheetModelEvent(ISpreadSheetModel) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.SpreadSheetModelEvent
This specifies that all data in the spreadsheet has changed.
SpreadSheetModelEvent(ISpreadSheetModel, int, int) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.SpreadSheetModelEvent
This specifies that all data in the given spreadsheet cell has changed.
sqrt(NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Square root of the NumericObject
SQRT - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
SQRT - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
SQUARE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Square point shape
SQUARE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Square point shape
SQUARE_LEGEND - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Legend square layout
SQUARE_LEGEND - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Legend square layout
SSCC18 - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
STACKAREA - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
Stack area chart
STACKBAR - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
Stack bar chart
STACKCOL - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
Stack column chart
STANDARD_DEVIATION - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IControlLine
A line type constant
standardDeviation(NumericObject[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Standard Deviation of the elements of the NumericObject array
STAR - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Star point shape
STAR - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Star point shape
start() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
For internal use only
start() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
For internal use only
START_DATE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IMapConstants
START_OF_DAY - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
startdateName - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
start-date column name for Gantt chart
STD2OF5WITHCHECKDIGIT - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
STD2OF5WITHOUTCHECKDIGIT - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
STDDEV - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IAggregateConstants
Get the standard deviaton of the data
STDDEV - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
STDDEV - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IAggregationInfo
STDDEV - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDrillDown
STDDEV - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
STDDEV - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
STL - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
stop() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
For internal use only
stop() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
For internal use only
STR - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
STR - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
STR_FUNC - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
STR_FUNC - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
STR_NAME - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
STR_NAME - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
strcat(StringObject, StringObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Returns concatenation of the two specified StringObjects
strcat(StringObject[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Returns the concatenation of the elements of the StringObject array
STRCAT - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
STRCAT - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
StreamResultSet - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
This class implements a result set on a file of type .dat
StreamResultSet() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.StreamResultSet
StreamResultSet(InputStream) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.StreamResultSet
Create a new StreamResult Object using the specified InputStream
StreamResultSet(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.StreamResultSet
Create a new StreamResult Object using the specified InputStream
StreamResultSet - Class in quadbase.util
This class implements a result set on a file of type .dat
StreamResultSet(InputStream) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.StreamResultSet
Create a new StreamResult Object using the specified InputStream
StreamResultSet(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.StreamResultSet
Create a new StreamResult Object using the specified InputStream
STRING - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.dtd.elements.DTDDataType
STRING - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ICustomDefinedFunctions
the STRING data type
STRING - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat
data format type is String
StringFormat - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
StringFormat(int) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.StringFormat
Create a StringFormat instance
StringFormat() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.StringFormat
Create a StringFormat instance
StringObject - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.lang
This class is used to implement formulas for columns contain string data
StringObject(String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Create a new StringObject object using specified string
StringObject() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Create a new StringObject object
strlen(StringObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Returns the length of the string
STRLEN - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
STRLEN - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
SUB_TASK - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IMapConstants
SubReport - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI
This class extends QbReport.
SubReport() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.SubReport
For internal use only.
SubReport(Report) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.SubReport
For internal use only.
SUBREPORT - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
The element type SUBREPORT.
SUBREPORT_DIR - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
SubReportObject - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements
This represents a sub report that can be added to a QbReport -- in the ReportSection, or ReportTable.
SubReportObject(String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
For internal use only Construct a place holder for a sub-report.
SubReportObject(String, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
internal use only
SubReportObject(String, String, String, FileInMemTable) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
internal use only
SubReportObject() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
For internal use only.
SubReportObject(ISubReport) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
For internal use only.
subReports - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
internal use only
subseries - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.ColInfo
subseries - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.ColInfo
substring(StringObject, NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Returns the string from the specified index onwards
substring(StringObject, NumericObject, NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Returns the string from the specified beginning index to the specified ending index
SUBSTRING - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
SUBSTRING - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
subtract(NumericObject, NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Subtract NumericObject f2 from NumericObject f1
subtract(NumericObject[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Subtract the rest elements of NumbericObject array from the first element
SUBTRACT - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
SUBTRACT - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
subvalue - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.ColInfo
subvalue - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.ColInfo
SUM - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IAggregateConstants
Sum the data
SUM - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IAggregationInfo
SUM - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDrillDown
SUM - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
sumBy - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.ColInfo
sumBy - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.ColInfo
sumBy - Variable in class quadbase.util.HyperLink
Name of the sum category for stack chart, a blank name (not null) represent all sum category
SUMBY - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IMapConstants
sumBy - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
name of selected sumBy data
sumByName - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Column name of SumBy
SUMMARY - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IReportTypeConstants
Summary / Break
sumSquare(NumericObject[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Adds the squares of the elements of the NumericObject array
SUMSQUARE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IAggregateConstants
Get the sum of the square of each data
SUMSQUARE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
SUMSQUARE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IAggregationInfo
SUMSQUARE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDrillDown
SUMSQUARE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
SUMSQUARE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
superCopy(ReportSection) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
SURFACE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
3D Surface Chart
SVG - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IExportConstants
SVG format (file extension .svg)
SVG - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IExportConstants
SVG format (file extension .svg)
SVG - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
the SVG image constant
swapElements(ReportElement, ReportElement, ReportElement[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
internal use only

Swap 2 elements

switchSecurityProperties(ReportElement) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only.
sysExitOnExit() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Gets the state of whether System.exit() is called when the user selects File->Exit or click on the X button on the top right corner of the designer dialog.
sysExitOnExit() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.QbScheduler
Gets the state of whether System.exit() is called when the user selects Done.
SYSTEM_NEWLINE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IDelimiterConstants


T_F - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LogicalFormat
T_F - Static variable in class quadbase.util.LogicalFormat
TAB - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IDelimiterConstants
TABLE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
The element type TABLE.
TABLE_LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL - Static variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
TABLE_LAYOUT_VERTICAL - Static variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
TABLEATTR - Static variable in class
tableBackgroundColor - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
background color of the table
tableBorderColor - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
table border color in hex
tableBorderThickness - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
table border thickness in pixels
TABLEOFCONTENTS - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
tableOuterBorderOnly - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
the state of the visiblity of the table outer border
tan(NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Tan of specified NumericObject
TAN - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
TAN - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
target - Variable in class quadbase.util.HyperLink
Specified target of the hyperlink
targetLoc - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
the location of the report or chart
TASK - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IMapConstants
TD_FUNC_NAME - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
TD_FUNC_NAME - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
testApplyScript(ReportTable, int, int, int, int, int, Report, ReportCell, Object, IFormat) - Method in class
testApplyScript(ReportTable, int, int, int, int, Report, ReportTableElement) - Method in class
textColor - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
text color in hex
textFont - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
text font
textSize - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
text size
TextString - Class in quadbase.ChartAPI.swing
TextString(String, Font, Color, int, float, float) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.TextString
Create a new TextString object
TextString - Class in quadbase.ChartAPI
TextString(String, Font, Color, int, float, float) - Constructor for class quadbase.ChartAPI.TextString
Create a new TextString object
textStyle - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
text style
TEXTURL - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFormat
TextURLFormat - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
TextURLFormat() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.TextURLFormat
THIS - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
THIS - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
thousandSep - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.NumericFormat
thousand separator, if 'N' means no thousand separator.
thousandSep - Variable in class quadbase.util.NumericFormat
thousand separator, if 'N' means no thousand separator.
TICKER - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
TILE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Tile appearence of the background image
TILE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Tile appearence of the background image
TILE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
This constant is only used for the background image.
TIME - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.dtd.elements.DTDDataType
TIME - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ICustomDefinedFunctions
the TIME data type
TIME - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
TIME format
TIME - Static variable in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
One of the constants returned by the method getIntervalType() that specifies export time interval.
TIME - Static variable in class quadbase.util.LocaleDateTimeFormat
TIME_INTERVAL - Static variable in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
One of the constants returned by the method getTaskOption() that specifies a type of task.
timeBeforeDate - Variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
For timestamp, put display time before date (default false)
timeDateSep - Variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
For timestamp, time date separator (default " ")
TIMESTAMP - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ICustomDefinedFunctions
the TIMESTAMP data type
TITLE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
titleText - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
table title text
titleTextColor - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
table title text color in hex
titleTextFont - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
table title text font
titleTextSize - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
table title text size
titleTextStyle - Variable in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
table title text style
toCssHtmlString(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Returns an HTML with embedded CSS classes representation of the parameter page as a String.
TODATE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
TODATE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
toDegrees(NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Converts angle in radians to degrees
TODEGREES - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
TODEGREES - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
toHtmlString() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPage
Returns an HTML representation of the parameter page as a String.
toLowerCase(StringObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Converts the StringObject to lowercase
TOLOWERCASE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
TOLOWERCASE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
toNumeric(StringObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Converts the StringObject to numeric
TONUMERIC - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
TONUMERIC - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
toolbarMenuVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
toolbarMenuVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
toolbarMenuVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
toolbarMenuVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
TOP_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Top Label Alignment
TOP_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Top Label Alignment
TOP_ALIGNMENT_INSIDE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
TOP_ALIGNMENT_INSIDE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
toPickData(String) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
convert drill-down link "PARAM" to PickData[]
toPickData(String) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
convert drill-down link "PARAM" to PickData[]
toRadians(NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Converts angle in degrees to radians
TORADIANS - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
TORADIANS - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
toString() - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
Returns the string representation of this field
toString(NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Convert NumericObject to string
toString(NumericObject, NumericObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Convert NumericObject to string with specified round up decimal point
toString(NumericObject, NumericObject, BooleanObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Convert NumericObject to string with specified decimal point
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
internal use only
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportDocument
toString() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
internal use only
TOSTRING - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
toString() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.NumericFormat
For internal use only
toString() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
toString() - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
toString() - Method in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
toString() - Method in class quadbase.util.HyperLink
Overide object.toString()
TOSTRING - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
toString() - Method in class quadbase.util.NumericFormat
toString() - Method in class quadbase.util.PickData
Overrides the Object.toString() method.
toString() - Method in class quadbase.util.Point_2D
Returns the string representation of a 3D point
toString() - Method in class quadbase.util.Point_3D
Returns the string representation of a 3D point
toString() - Method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
TOTALPAGES - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
TOTALPAGES - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
TOTALSECTIONS - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
TOTALSECTIONS - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
TOTALTYPE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IReportTypeConstants
Number of total report types
TOTALTYPE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
Number of different chart types, including both 2D and 3D
TOTALTYPE_2D - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
Total number of 2D chart types
TOTALTYPE_3D - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
Total number of 3D chart types
toUpperCase(StringObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.StringObject
Converts the StringObject to uppercase
TOUPPERCASE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
TOUPPERCASE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
toVec() - Method in class quadbase.util.PickData
Returns a vector of formated strings for this data (internal use only).
TPL - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IExportConstants
A proprietary chart template format.
TPL - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IExportConstants
A proprietary chart template format.
translate(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
internal use only
translate(int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
internal use only
transpose() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DataSheet
set data transpose
limitation: all data columns (except the first column) must have same data type
transpose(int[]) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DataSheet
set data transpose
transpose() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DataSheet
Sets data transpose
limitation: all data columns (except the first column) must have same data type
transpose(int[]) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DataSheet
Sets data transpose
TRIANGLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Triangle point shape
TRIANGLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Triangle point shape
TRIANGULAR_AVERAGE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
TRIANGULAR_POINTER - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDialPropertySet
TRUE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
TRUE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
TRUE_FALSE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LogicalFormat
TRUE_FALSE - Static variable in class quadbase.util.LogicalFormat
TXT - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
Exports the report in the TXT format
TXTFORMAT - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IExportConstants
Data File Format
TXTFORMAT - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IExportConstants
Data File Format
TYPE - Static variable in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only


unpack(String, String, String) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
unpack a .pak fie to .rpt file and write sub reports, drilldown, charts and images to files.
unpack(String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
unpack a .pak fie to .rpt file and write sub reports, drilldown, charts and images to files.
UP - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
direction constants (UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT) for moving the chart
UPCA - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
update(Graphics) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
For internal use only
update(Graphics) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
For internal use only
update(ReportCell) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
update(ReportImage) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only
update(Graphics) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
For internal use only
update(Graphics) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
For internal use only
update() - Method in interface quadbase.util.ITable
The table is updated after each method call. Programmers should not call this method.
updateDataSource() - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Updates the datasource of the QbReport object with the new datasource if QbReport object is opened with back-up data
updateDrillDownCharts() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
updateDrillDownCharts() - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
updateRow(Object[], int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.DataSheet
update the specified row
updateRow(Object[], int) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.DataSheet
Updates the specified row
updateRow(Object[], int) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.DataSheet
update the specified row
updateRow(int, IRow) - Method in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IInputData
Update the specified row in the report.
updateRow(int, IRow) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IInputData
Update the specified row in the chart.
updateSubReportFileName(String, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
For internal use only.
updateSubReportFileName(String, String) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
updateTime() - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
US - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.StreamResultSet
USD3WITHCHECKSUM - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
USD3WITHOUTCHECKSUM - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
USD4 - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat
useDefault3DDisplayView() - Method in interface quadbase.util.I3DPropertySet
Use default 3D Display View angle and scale
useHttp(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Determines whether to use SOCKET or HTTP for chart server connection Note that this static method MUST be called before any QbChart constructor.
useHttp(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Determines whether to use SOCKET or HTTP for chart server connection Note that this static method MUST be called before any QbChart constructor.
useHttp(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Sets whether to use HTTP protocol to connect to EspressManager
useSecondaryValue(boolean) - Method in interface quadbase.util.IDataLine
Set to use secondary value instead of primary value.
useServlet(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.chart.designer.QbChartDesigner
Determines whether to use SOCKET or HTTP or SERVLET for chart server connection Note that this static method MUST be called before any QbChart constructor.
useServlet(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
Determines whether to use SOCKET or HTTP or SERVLET for chart server connection Note that this static method MUST be called before any QbChart constructor.
useServlet(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
Determines whether to use SOCKET or HTTP or SERVLET for chart server connection Note that this static method MUST be called before any QbChart constructor.
useServlet(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Determines whether to use SOCKET or HTTP or SERVLET for chart server connection Note that this static method MUST be called before any QbChart constructor.
useServlet(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Determines whether to use SOCKET or HTTP or SERVLET for chart server connection Note that this static method MUST be called before any QbChart constructor.
useServlet(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Determines whether to use SOCKET or HTTP or SERVLET for chart server connection Note that this static method MUST be called before any QbChart constructor.
useServlet(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Determines whether to use SOCKET or HTTP or SERVLET for EspressManager connection Note that this static method MUST be called before any QbReport constructor.
useServlet(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.QbScheduler
Determines whether to use SOCKET or HTTP or SERVLET for chart server connection Note that this static method MUST be called before any QbChart constructor.
useServlet(boolean) - Static method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleModifier
Determines whether to use SOCKET or HTTP or SERVLET for chart server connection
useSingleTableForDistinctParamValue() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
This is for database query parameter that is mapped to database column only.
useSingleTableForDistinctParamValue() - Static method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
This is for database query parameter that is mapped to database column only.
useSingleTableForDistinctParamValue() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
This is for database query parameter that is mapped to database column only.
useSubReportCache() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
Whether to use parameterized sub report caching.
useSysResourceImages() - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Gets whether to use images in JAR files (ReportDesigner.jar) or other resource that can be loaded by ClassLoader.getSystemResource(imagesPath).
USPS - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.BarcodeFormat


v2Quart - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
50% value for box chart
v3Quart - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
75% value for box chart
VALIGN_BASELINE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IAlignConstants
Vertically align the content in the report cell to the baseline
VALIGN_BOTTOM - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IAlignConstants
Vertically align the content in the report cell to the bottom
VALIGN_MIDDLE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IAlignConstants
Vertically align the content in the report cell to the middle
VALIGN_TOP - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IAlignConstants
Vertically align the content in the report cell to the top
value - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.ColInfo
value - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.ColInfo
value - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
VALUE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IMapConstants
value - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
data value for all chart type except scatter, high low and HLCO
value - Variable in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
valueName - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
Column name of value
valueOf(IQueryInParam) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryInParam
valueOf(IQueryMultiValueInParam) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.SimpleQueryMultiValueInParam
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum quadbase.util.HyperLink.HintStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(IQueryInParam) - Static method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryInParam
valueOf(IQueryMultiValueInParam) - Static method in class quadbase.util.SimpleQueryMultiValueInParam
values() - Static method in enum quadbase.util.HyperLink.HintStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
variableExists(String) - Method in class
variance(NumericObject[]) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.NumericObject
Variance of the elements of the NumericObject array
VARIANCE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IAggregateConstants
Get the variance of the data
VARIANCE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
VARIANCE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IAggregationInfo
VARIANCE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDrillDown
VARIANCE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
VARIANCE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
vclose - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
close value for high low and HLCO chart
venddate - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
end-date value for Gantt chart
VERSION - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.internal.EJBInfo
VERSION - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
VERSION - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
VERTICAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Legend vertical layout
VERTICAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Legend vertical layout
VERTICAL - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
VERTICAL_LINE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IHorzVertLine
VERTICAL_LINE - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.ITrendLine
vhigh - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
high value for high low, HLCO and box chart
VIEW - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
Exports the report in the VIEW format
VIEW2D - Static variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
2D chart
VIEW2D - Static variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
2D chart
VIEW3D - Static variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
3D chart
VIEW3D - Static variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
3D chart
Viewer - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing
The Viewer class is the entry point in using the Page Viewer to view a report.
Viewer() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.Viewer
Allocates a new Viewer Object
Viewer - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer
The Viewer class is the entry point in using the Page Viewer to view a report.
Viewer() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.Viewer
Allocates a new Viewer Object
Viewer - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing
This class provides the mechanism for viewing a report object (one that implements Interface IReport), in either an application or an applet environment.
Viewer() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.Viewer
Viewer - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer
This class provides the mechanism for viewing a report object (one that implements Interface IReport), in either an application or an applet environment.
Viewer() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.Viewer
ViewerAPI - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing
The ViewerAPI class is the entry point in using the Page Viewer to view a report.
ViewerAPI() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ViewerAPI
ViewerAPI - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer
The ViewerAPI class is the entry point in using the Page Viewer to view a report.
ViewerAPI() - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ViewerAPI
visible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
vlow - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
low value for high low, HLCO and box chart
vopen - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
open value for HLCO chart
vQuart - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
25% value for box chart
vsnap - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
vstartdate - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
start-date value for Gantt chart


WEEK - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
WEEK - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
WEEK_OF_MONTH - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating the week number within the current month.
WEEK_OF_MONTH - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating the week number within the current month.
WEEK_OF_YEAR - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating the week number within the current year.
WEEK_OF_YEAR - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating the week number within the current year.
width - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
WINDOWS_NEWLINE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IDelimiterConstants
WIREFRAME - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Wireframe mode for a 3D chart; used to display only a wire frame of the chart
WIREFRAME - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Wireframe mode for a 3D chart; used to display only a wire frame of the chart
withIn(IObject, IObject, IObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Checks to see if object obj is within the ranger defined by objects lower and upper
WITHIN - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
WITHIN - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
WMF - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IExportConstants
WMF format (file extension .wmf)
WMF - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IExportConstants
WMF format (file extension .wmf)
write(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
for internal use only
write(DataOutput, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
for internal use only
write(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
for internal use only
write(DataOutput) - Method in class
write(DataOutput) - Method in class
internal use only
write(DataOutput, boolean) - Method in class
write(DataOutput) - Method in class
write(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnHeader
internal use only
write(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnWrap
for internal use only
write(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
For internal use only
write(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
For internal use only.
write(DataOutput, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
For internal use only.
write(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only.
write(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportDocument
internal use only
write(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only.
write(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
For internal use only.
write(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
For internal use only.
write(DataOutput, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
internal use only
write(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
for internal use only
write(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
For internal use only.
write(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
For internal use only.
write(DataOutput, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
internal use only
write(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
write(DataOutput, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
write(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
For internal use only.
write(FileInMemTable, DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
For internal use only.
write(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Internal Use only
write(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
write(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.util.ControlRange
For internal use only
write(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.util.HyperLink
Output the link defination
write(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.util.PolyLine
Created for internal use only
writeBody() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.CssHtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes the content between the <body> and </body> tags (writes tags as well) of the html parameter page and centers it on the page.
writeBody() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes the content between the <body> and </body> tags (writes tags as well) of the HTML parameter page and centers it on the page.
writeBodyBody() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes only the main components (table title, form, parameter table, form buttons) of the contents inside the <body> and </body> tags (does not write tags) of the HTML parameter page.
writeBodyFooter() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.CssHtmlParameterPageWriter
writeBodyFooter() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes the conclusion/footer component (the String footer that is set using ParameterPage.setFooter()) of the contents inside the <body> and </body> tags of the HTML parameter page.
writeBodyHeader() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.CssHtmlParameterPageWriter
writeBodyHeader() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes the preface/header component (the String header that is set using ParameterPage.setHeader()) of the contents inside the <body> and </body> tags of the HTML parameter page.
writeByteArray(DataOutput, FileInMemTable) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
internal use only
writeChartData(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
internal use only
writeComplete(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.scheduler.ScheduleObject
internal use only
writeCustomCurrency(VersioningDataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.NumericFormat
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.QbChart
This method provides support for writing serialized charts
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.QbChart
This method provides support for writing serialized charts
writeFile(String, byte[]) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.designer.QbReportDesigner
Allow user to create or overwrite a file on the server.
writeFormButtons() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.CssHtmlParameterPageWriter
writeFormButtons() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes the form buttons (submit and reset).
writeHead() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.CssHtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes only the content between the <head> and </head> tags of the parameter page.
writeHead() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes only the content between the <head> and </head> tags of the parameter page.
writeHeadJavascript() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
writeHiddenParamValue(String, String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes a hidden parameter value component.
writeHint(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.util.HyperLink
Write the hint string to the output file also.
writeImageData(DataOutput, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
Writes image data to a file specified in the imageURL field.
writePage() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes the entire parameter page to the output writer in HTML format.
writePage() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.ParameterPageWriter
writes the entire parameter page to the output writer
writePageExportFormats() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes the page exporting formats selection list.
writeParamName(String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes a parameter name component inside the parameter table.
writeParamTable() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes the HTML code for the parameter table.
writeParamTable(boolean) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
writeParamTableCategory(String, String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.CssHtmlParameterPageWriter
writeParamTableCategory(String, String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes a parameter table category component inside the parameter table enclosed in <TD> and </TD> tags.
writeParamTableCloseTag() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes the </TABLE> tag for the parameter table.
writeParamTableMain(String, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes a part of the parameter table for main report parameters.
writeParamTableOpenTag() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.CssHtmlParameterPageWriter
writeParamTableOpenTag() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes the <TABLE> tag for the parameter table.
writeParamTableValue(String, String, String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.CssHtmlParameterPageWriter
writeParamTableValue(String, String, String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes a parameter table value component inside the parameter table enclosed in <TD> and </TD> tags.
writeParamTableValue(String, String, String, Param) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes a parameter table value component inside the parameter table enclosed in <TD> and </TD> tags.
writeParamTableValues(String, String, Vector, String, String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.CssHtmlParameterPageWriter
writeParamTableValues(String, String, Vector, String, String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes a parameter table values component inside the parameter table enclosed in <TD> and </TD> tags.
writeParamValue(String, String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.CssHtmlParameterPageWriter
writeParamValue(String, String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes a parameter value component.
writeParamValue(String, String, Param) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes a parameter value component.
writeParamValueDate(String, String, Param) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.CssHtmlParameterPageWriter
writeParamValueDate(String, String, Param) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes the parameter value component.
writeParamValues(String, String, Vector, String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.CssHtmlParameterPageWriter
writeParamValues(String, String, Vector, String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes a parameter values component.
writeParamValuesOptions(Vector, String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
writeParamValuesOptionsYUI(Vector, String) - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
writeResetButton() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.CssHtmlParameterPageWriter
writeResetButton() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes the reset button.
writeShareInfo(DataOutput) - Method in class
internal use only
writeSTL(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
writeSTL(DataOutput) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
Exports the style information to a DataOutput object to be written to a .STL stylesheet
writeSubmitButton() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.CssHtmlParameterPageWriter
writeSubmitButton() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes the submit button.
writeTableTitle() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.CssHtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes the title of the parameter table
writeTableTitle() - Method in class quadbase.common.param.HtmlParameterPageWriter
Writes the title of the parameter table.
writeXML(Writer) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
for internal use only
writeXML(Writer) - Method in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
for internal use only
writeXML(Writer) - Method in class
writeXML(Writer) - Method in class
internal use only
writeXML(Writer) - Method in class
writeXML(Writer, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnHeader
internal use only
writeXML(Writer, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnWrap
for internal use only
writeXML(Writer, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
For internal use only
writeXML(Writer, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
For internal use only.
writeXML(Writer, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only.
writeXML(Writer, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportDocument
internal use only
writeXML(Writer, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
For internal use only.
writeXML(Writer, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
For internal use only.
writeXML(Writer, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
For internal use only.
writeXML(Writer, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
for internal use only
writeXML(Writer, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
writeXML(Writer, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
For internal use only.
writeXML(Writer, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
For internal use only.
writeXML(Writer, boolean) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
internal use only
writeXML(Writer) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
Internal Use only
writeXMLShareInfo(Writer) - Method in class


x - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportElement
x - Variable in class quadbase.util.Point_2D
The x, y coordinates.
x - Variable in class quadbase.util.Point_3D
The x, y, z coordinates.
XML_DATA_AND_FORMAT - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
Exports the report in the XML format with data and format
XML_PURE_DATA - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
Exports the report in the XML format with pure data
XML_TEMPLATE - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IExportConstants
Exports the report in the XML format with template
XMLDataTypeUtil - Class in quadbase.common.util.internal
XMLDataTypeUtil() - Constructor for class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLDataTypeUtil
XMLFieldInfo - Class in quadbase.common.util.internal
XMLFieldInfo() - Constructor for class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
Default constructor
XMLFieldInfo(String[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
Create a XMLFieldInfo object from path, a string array
XMLFieldInfo(String[], String) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
Create a XMLFieldInfo object from path and a specified attribute
XMLFILE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IMiscConstants
Data file in XML format
XMLFILE - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IMiscConstants
Data file in XML format
XMLFILE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
XMLFileQueryInfo - Class in quadbase.common.util.internal
XMLFileQueryInfo(String, XMLFieldInfo[], String, XMLFieldInfo[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
Create a XMLFileQueryInfo object from xml file
XMLFileQueryInfo(String, XMLFieldInfo[], String, XMLFieldInfo[], QueryInParamSet) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
XMLFileQueryInfo(String, XMLFieldInfo[], String, XMLFieldInfo[], String, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
for internal use only
XMLFileQueryInfo(String, XMLFieldInfo[], String, XMLFieldInfo[], String, boolean, QueryInParamSet) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
XMLFileQueryInfo(String, XMLFieldInfo[], String, XMLFieldInfo[], String, boolean, QueryInParamSet, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
XMLFileQueryInfo(ByteArrayInputStream, XMLFieldInfo[], String, XMLFieldInfo[]) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
Create a XMLFileQueryInfo object from input stream
XMLFileQueryInfo(ByteArrayInputStream, XMLFieldInfo[], String, XMLFieldInfo[], QueryInParamSet) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
XMLFileQueryInfo(ByteArrayInputStream, XMLFieldInfo[], String, XMLFieldInfo[], String, boolean) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
for internal use only
XMLFileQueryInfo(ByteArrayInputStream, XMLFieldInfo[], String, XMLFieldInfo[], String, boolean, QueryInParamSet) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
XMLFileQueryInfo(ByteArrayInputStream, XMLFieldInfo[], String, XMLFieldInfo[], String, boolean, QueryInParamSet, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
XMLFileQueryInfo(InputStream, XMLFieldInfo[], String, XMLFieldInfo[], InputStream, boolean, QueryInParamSet) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
XMLFileQueryInfo(InputStream, XMLFieldInfo[], String, XMLFieldInfo[], InputStream, boolean, QueryInParamSet, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
XMLFileQueryInfo(byte[], XMLFieldInfo[], String, XMLFieldInfo[], byte[], boolean, QueryInParamSet) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
XMLFileQueryInfo(byte[], XMLFieldInfo[], String, XMLFieldInfo[], byte[], boolean, QueryInParamSet, String) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
XMLFILEQUERYSOURCE - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportAPI.QbReport
One of the constants returned by the method getDataSourceType() that specifies a type of data source.
XMLFORMAT - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.IExportConstants
Data File Format
XMLFORMAT - Static variable in interface quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.IExportConstants
Data File Format
XMLQueryResultSet - Class in quadbase.common.util.internal
This class implements a result set on a file of type .xml
XMLQueryResultSet(XMLFileQueryInfo) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLQueryResultSet
Create a new XMLQueryResultSet using the specified XMLFileQueryInfo
XMLQueryResultSet(String, XMLFieldInfo[], String, XMLFieldInfo[], String, boolean, QueryInParamSet) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLQueryResultSet
for internal use only
XMLQueryResultSet(File, XMLFieldInfo[], String, XMLFieldInfo[], String, boolean, QueryInParamSet) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLQueryResultSet
for internal use only
XMLQueryResultSet(InputStream, XMLFieldInfo[], String, XMLFieldInfo[], String, boolean, QueryInParamSet) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLQueryResultSet
for internal use only
XMLQueryResultSet(InputStream, XMLFieldInfo[], String, XMLFieldInfo[], QueryInParamSet) - Constructor for class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLQueryResultSet
Create a new XMLQueryResultSet using the specified InputStream
XMLQueryResultSet - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
This class implements a result set on a file of type .xml
XMLQueryResultSet(XMLFileQueryInfo) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.XMLQueryResultSet
Create a new XMLQueryResultSet using the specified XMLFileQueryInfo
XMLQueryResultSet(String, XMLFieldInfo[], String, XMLFieldInfo[], String, boolean, QueryInParamSet) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.XMLQueryResultSet
for internal use only
XMLQueryResultSet(File, XMLFieldInfo[], String, XMLFieldInfo[], String, boolean, QueryInParamSet) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.XMLQueryResultSet
for internal use only
XMLQueryResultSet(InputStream, XMLFieldInfo[], String, XMLFieldInfo[], String, boolean, QueryInParamSet) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.XMLQueryResultSet
for internal use only
XMLQueryResultSet(InputStream, XMLFieldInfo[], String, XMLFieldInfo[], QueryInParamSet) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.XMLQueryResultSet
Create a new XMLQueryResultSet using the specified InputStream
XMLQueryResultSet - Class in quadbase.util
This class implements a result set on a file of type .xml
XMLQueryResultSet(XMLFileQueryInfo) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.XMLQueryResultSet
Create a new XMLQueryResultSet using the specified XMLFileQueryInfo
XMLQueryResultSet(String, XMLFieldInfo[], String, XMLFieldInfo[], String, boolean, QueryInParamSet) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.XMLQueryResultSet
for internal use only
XMLQueryResultSet(File, XMLFieldInfo[], String, XMLFieldInfo[], String, boolean, QueryInParamSet) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.XMLQueryResultSet
for internal use only
XMLQueryResultSet(InputStream, XMLFieldInfo[], String, XMLFieldInfo[], String, boolean, QueryInParamSet) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.XMLQueryResultSet
for internal use only
XMLQueryResultSet(InputStream, XMLFieldInfo[], String, XMLFieldInfo[], QueryInParamSet) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.XMLQueryResultSet
Create a new XMLQueryResultSet using the specified InputStream
XMLResultSet - Class in quadbase.reportdesigner.util
This class implements a result set on a file of type .xml
XMLResultSet(String) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.XMLResultSet
Create a new XMLResultSet using the specified string
XMLResultSet(File) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.XMLResultSet
Create a new XMLResultSet using the specified file
XMLResultSet(InputStream) - Constructor for class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.XMLResultSet
Create a new XMLResultSet using the specified InputStream
XMLResultSet - Class in quadbase.util
This class implements a result set on a file of type .xml
XMLResultSet(String) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.XMLResultSet
Create a new XMLResultSet using the specified string
XMLResultSet(File) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.XMLResultSet
Create a new XMLResultSet using the specified file
XMLResultSet(InputStream) - Constructor for class quadbase.util.XMLResultSet
Create a new XMLResultSet using the specified InputStream
XMLTAG - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFieldInfo
XMLTAG - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLFileQueryInfo
XMLTAG - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ColumnWrap
XMLTAG - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportCell
For internal use only
XMLTAG - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportChartObject
For internal use only
XMLTAG - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportColumn
For internal use only
XMLTAG - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportDocument
XMLTAG - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportGrid
XMLTAG - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportImage
XMLTAG - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportLine
XMLTAG - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportRTFObject
XMLTAG - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportSection
XMLTAG - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.ReportTable
XMLTAG - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportElements.SubReportObject
For internal use only
XMLTAG - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.ColInfo
xnor(BooleanObject, BooleanObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Does object a XNOR object b
XNOR - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
XNOR - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
xor(BooleanObject, BooleanObject) - Static method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.lang.BooleanObject
Does object a XOR object b
XOR - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
XOR - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
For internal use
xvalue - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.ColInfo
xvalue - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.ColInfo
xValue - Variable in class quadbase.util.HyperLink
Value of X axis for surface chart, a string "All" represent all X values
xvalue - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
x value for scatter chart
XYCHART - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IChartTypeConstants
XY (or scatter) chart


y - Variable in class quadbase.util.Point_2D
The x, y coordinates.
y - Variable in class quadbase.util.Point_3D
The x, y, z coordinates.
Y_N - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LogicalFormat
Y_N - Static variable in class quadbase.util.LogicalFormat
YEAR - Static variable in interface quadbase.reportdesigner.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating the year.
YEAR - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IDataPointSet
Constants for the Ticker/Date/Time units
YEAR - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IFunctionConstants
Calendar constant: Field number for get and set indicating the year.
YEAR - Static variable in interface quadbase.util.IZoomInfo
Constants for the Date/Time units
YEAR_1999 - Static variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
year format 1999
YEAR_99 - Static variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
year format 99
yearSymbol - Variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
year format, either YEAR_1999 or YEAR_99 (default)
YES_NO - Static variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.util.LogicalFormat
YES_NO - Static variable in class quadbase.util.LogicalFormat
YMD - Static variable in class quadbase.util.DateTimeFormat
date format yy/mm/dd
yvalue - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.ColInfo
yvalue - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.ColInfo
yvalue - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
y value for scatter chart
YY_MM_DD - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLDataTypeUtil
Date format "YY-MM-DD"
YYMMDD - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLDataTypeUtil
Date format "YY/MM/DD"
YYYY_MM_DD - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLDataTypeUtil
Date format "YYYY-MM-DD"
YYYYMMDD - Static variable in class quadbase.common.util.internal.XMLDataTypeUtil
Date format "YYYY/MM/DD"


z - Variable in class quadbase.util.Point_3D
The x, y, z coordinates.
zoom(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
for internal use only
zoom(double) - Method in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
for internal use only
zoomMenuItemVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.ReportCanvas
zoomMenuItemVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.PageViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
zoomMenuItemVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.ReportCanvas
zoomMenuItemVisible - Variable in class quadbase.reportdesigner.ReportViewer.swing.ReportCanvas
zvalue - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.ColInfo
zvalue - Variable in class quadbase.ChartAPI.swing.ColInfo
zValue - Variable in class quadbase.util.HyperLink
Value of Z axis for surface chart, a string "All" represent all Z values
zvalue - Variable in class quadbase.util.PickData
z value for scatter chart
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
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EspressReport 7.0