Interface | Description |
I3DControlPanel |
This interface is used to set properties of the navigation panel for a 3D chart.
I3DPropertySet |
This interface is used to set properties controlling the navigation, illumination model, etc.
IAggregationInfo | |
IAnnotation |
This interface defines the requirements of an annotation object.
IAnnotationSet |
This class contains all annotations of the chart object.
IAxis |
This interface is used to set/get different properties associated with a chart's axis.
IAxisRuler |
This class is used by users to configure the visibility of X, Y, and S axis rulers shown in a
QbChart object.
IBoxPropertySet |
This interface is used to modify the properties associated with a 2D box chart.
IBubblePropertySet |
This interface is used to modify the properties associated with a 2D Bubble chart.
ICanvas |
This interface is used to set/get properties associated with the main drawing canvas containing
the chart.
IChartGraphics |
This interface defines initializeGraphics and finalizeGraphics methods. These methods can
be used to add graphics before and after adding a chart to the canvas.
IChartTypeConstants |
This interface contains the constants denoted the various chart types, including single and
combination charts.
IColumnMap |
This interface implements a mapping from the chart categories/dimensions to the columns in the
input data set.
IControlLine |
This class is used to draw control lines in a chart You may call newControlLine(...) of
IDataLineSet interface to get a new object
For instance, QbChart chart = new QbChart(...); IControlLine line =
You may use setSeries(String series) method of IDataLine interface to set the corresponding
series of the control line
IControlRangeSet |
Returns a handle to the set of control range properties.
ICustomizeImageMapDataHintBox |
This interface is used to customize the data hint box value for image map.
ICustomParameterDateFormat |
A class implementing this interface should also implement
IQueryInParam . |
IDatabaseInfo |
This interface provides information about the database and query related to a chart.
IDataLabelInfo |
This interface defines a getDataLabel function
IDataLine | |
IDataLineSet |
This interface contains methods to add/remove data lines from the chart.
IDataPointSet |
Properties for chart data points can be directly changed by calling methods on this interface.
IDataSource |
This interface is used to read data into QbChart.
IDialPropertySet |
This interface is used to modify the properties associated with a 2D dial chart.
IDoughnutPropertySet |
This interface is used to modify the properties associated with a Doughnut chart.
IDrillDown | |
IDropBarSet |
This interface is used to modify the properties associated with a drop bar for 2D line Chart with
more than 1 series.
IFlashHintBoxPropertySet |
This interface is used to modify the properties associated with flash hint box output.
IFloatingLineSet |
This interface is used to add/remove poly-lines in the main chart window.
IFloatingTextSet |
This interface is used to add/remove text strings from the main chart window.
IFormat |
Tagging interface for data formats.
IFunction |
This interface defines a function y = f(x)
IFunctionConstants | |
IFunctionLine |
This class is used to draw function lines y = f(x) in a 2D scatter chart You may call
newFunctionLine(...) of IDataLineSet interface to get a new object
Note: (1) This class is only useful for 2D scatter charts.
IGanttPropertySet |
This interface is used to modify the properties associated with a 2D Gantt chart.
IGradientPropertySet | |
IGradientSupport | |
IHint |
This interface is used to set/get properties associated with hints displayed for data points and
IHintBoxInfo |
This interface defines a getHint function
IHistogramInfo |
This interface is used to set/get different properties associated with a histogram.
IHorzVertLine |
This class is used to draw horizontal/vertical lines in a chart.
IHyperLinkSet |
Returns a handle to the set of hyperlink properties.
IInputData |
This interface defines methods to modify the chart's input data properties, including file or
database information, and accessing individual records.
IJNDIDatabaseInfo |
This interface provides information about the database and query related to a chart.
ILabel |
This interface is used to set/get different properties associated with the labels drawn in a
ILegend |
This interface contains methods to modify properties associated with the primary and secondary
chart legends.
ILinePropertySet |
This interface is used to modify the properties associated with a 2D line chart.
IMapConstants |
This interface contains the constants for mapping data columns onto the various dimensions of a
IMouseEventSet |
This interface is used to customize modifiers and clicks for performing common mouse operations
like dragging and resizing of a chart, hyperlinks, zooming, etc.
INoDataToPlotMessage |
This interface is used to set/get different properties associated with the no data to plot
message drawn in a chart.
IOLAPResultSet |
This interface is used to read OLAP data.
IOverlayPropertySet |
This interface is used to modify the properties associated with a 2D overlay chart.
IParameterizedDataSource |
This interface allows user to define a Java class data source with parameters.
IPiePropertySet |
This interface is used to modify properties associated with a pie chart.
IPlot |
This interface defines methods to modify properties associated with the plot area for the main
chart as well as the legend.
IPolarPropertySet |
This interface is used to modify the properties associated with a 2D polar chart.
IPopupMenu |
This interface is used to set/get properties associated with the popup menu in chartviewer
A handle to an object that implements that interface can be obtained by calling the
gethPopupMenu method in QbChart.
IQbQueryFileInfo | |
IQueryFileInfo | |
IQueryInParam | |
IQueryMultiValueInParam |
This class is for parameters that may expand to multiple values.
IQueryParamValuesProvider |
A class implementing this interface should also implement
IQueryInParam . |
IRadarPropertySet |
This interface is used to modify the properties associated with a 2D radar chart.
IReferenceObj | |
IResultSet |
This interface is used to read data in a tabular form.
IRow |
This interface is use to read individual fields in one row of data.
IRSMetaData |
This interface describes the structure of a tabular data set represented by an IResultSet
ISecondaryChart |
Properties for the secondary data points can be changed using the methods in this interface.
ISpreadSheetModel | |
ISpreadSheetModelListener |
This defines an interface for an object that listens to changes in an ISpreadSheetModel.
IStringCustomizer |
This interface is used for displaying non-ASCII characters in EspressChart, e.g.
ISurfacePropertySet |
This interface is used to modify the properties associated with a 3D surface chart.
ITable |
This table feature allows users to optionally display the data used to plot the chart.
IText |
This interface is used to modify the font, color, and angle of text strings drawn in the chart.
ITextString |
This function is used to set/get the different properties associated with the text strings drawn
in a chart.
ITrendLine | |
ITrendLineSet |
This interface contains methods to add/remove trend lines from the chart.
IZoomInfo |
This interface is used to set/get different properties associated with doing time-series zooming.
Class | Description |
ColorSpectrum |
This class is used for defining the color of data based on the vertical value.
ControlRange |
This class is used to draw control range area for charts.
DateTimeFormat |
HyperLink |
LocaleDateTimeFormat |
This class formats and parses date and/or time values in a locale-specific way.
LocaleNumericFormat |
This class formats and parses numbers in a locale-specific way.
LogicalFormat |
NumericFormat |
PickData |
Point_2D |
This class contains methods to define and manipulate a 2D Point.
Point_3D |
This class contains methods to define and manipulate a 3D Point.
PolyLine |
This class contains methods for modifying the properties of a chart poly-line.
Position |
This class contains methods to define and manipulate a 2D point on the chart.
QueryResultSet |
A wrapper around java.sql.ResultSet/ResultSetMetaData to implement IResultSet and IRSMetaData
SalesForceResultSet | |
SimpleQueryFileInfo | |
SimpleQueryInParam | |
SimpleQueryMultiValueInParam | |
SimpleSpreadSheet |
This class provides a simple implementation for the ISpreadSheetModel interface.
SpreadSheetModelEvent |
This event specifies that a cell values in a SpreadSheetModel have been modified.
StreamResultSet |
This class implements a result set on a file of type .dat
XMLQueryResultSet |
This class implements a result set on a file of type .xml
XMLResultSet |
This class implements a result set on a file of type .xml
Enum | Description |
HyperLink.HintStyle |